After listening to Guan Hong's description of the dark cuisine world, Liu Yun also felt it was difficult, because this dark cuisine world was not the one he was familiar with.

And this dark cuisine world was more difficult than the original one. The original dark cuisine world could be said to be crazy, and people did not even hide their existence. People in the light cuisine world knew that the other party's base camp was in Liangshanpo.

But at that time, the light cuisine world had no way to deal with the dark cuisine world.

After all, the dark cuisine world at that time had the Five Tiger Stars, three supreme dragon chefs, two dragon chefs, and below them were 108 Lin chefs and a large number of special chefs.

The court at that time was very stupid, and Kaiyou was also very smart, and he didn't know how many people were planted in the court.

And the unscrupulous dirty things were all handed over to the dead men to do, telling you openly that this was done by my dark cuisine world, but you couldn't do anything to me.

Even at that time, the dark cuisine world blatantly cleared many villages around Liangshanpo, and took all the people back for experiments, and I don't know how many people were killed.

At that time, the dark cuisine world was extremely powerful, and the bright cuisine world could only be described as lingering in front of the dark cuisine world.

The person in charge of a region was arrested and could not do anything to the dark cuisine world.

If Liu Maoxing had not come into being, the dark cuisine world would probably have dominated the Chinese cuisine world for a long time.

If it was the one in the past, Liu Yun would not be very worried, because he was very capable, not only in cooking, but also in combat.

But now the dark cuisine world is more"surviving" than the previous one. For decades, the bright cuisine world has not found the other party's lair.

Knowing that the hidden dark cuisine world is the most terrifying, of course, Liu Yun can still protect himself.

With his current ability, it is impossible for the dark cuisine world to play dirty. The only way to target him is to compete with him in cooking, which Liu Yun is not very worried about.

After all, it is up to him to decide whether to compete or not, but the existence of such an organization is indeed very tricky.

Liu Yun also knew that it was only a matter of time before his talent was noticed. After all, his brilliance was too dazzling. If he became a Lin chef again, not to mention the international culinary world, the Chinese culinary world would probably be shaken.

After all, the number of Lin chefs in the Chinese culinary world has begun to decrease.

The reason for this situation is also because of the different times.

Because of the progress of the times, many young people are not interested in spiritual theory in their education. The most typical example is Alice Nakiri.

In her original work, she was dismissive of spiritual theory, so many chefs are now stuck on the road from special grade to Lin chef, because it requires understanding the meaning.

A group of people who are not interested in spiritual theory, even if they know that spiritual theory is indeed very important and is the key to becoming a Lin chef.

But knowing is knowing, and it is difficult to change the concept of decades, which also makes it more and more difficult to understand the meaning.

After discovering this, many culinary families in the Chinese culinary world have now instilled the importance of spiritual theory in their children since childhood. Otherwise, if they continue to leave it alone, in another 100 or 200 years, the Chinese culinary world will become the same as the international culinary world, and it will be difficult to find a chef like Lin by then.

"This dark cooking world is much more difficult than the late night cooking."

Nakiri Senzaemon sighed.

"That's natural. After all, the birth of late night cooks was due to the dark cooking world, and in the end they only learned a little bit and came up with a weird late night cook organization."

Guan Hong did not think that there was anything amazing about the late-night cooks. He simply regarded them as jumping clowns.

Back then, these late-night cooks also wanted to enter the Chinese culinary world, but what was the result? The entire Chinese culinary world was targeting them.

The gap was already ridiculously large, and they were targeted from all sides, causing them to disappear without even making a single wave.

This also led to the late-night cooks no longer daring to show up in the Chinese culinary world.

So Guan Hong did not care. After all, the strongest was only a special chef, and there was not even a single Lin chef. The chef organization was like a pile of loose sand, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

If such a chef organization still wanted to cause trouble in the Chinese culinary world, wouldn't that be pure gifting of heads?

After a while, Nakiri Senzaemon and Nakiri Managi went back, after all, they still had a lot of work to do.

As for Liu Yun, he stayed with Grandpa Guan Hong and had been learning from him during this period.

After all, he was a Lin chef, and an old man. There are many things worth learning from Pailin Chef.

Guan Hong was also happy to teach Liu Yun, because Liu Yun's talent was so terrifying that he was basically destined to become a dragon chef, or even a supreme dragon chef.

It was a very wise choice to build a good relationship with Liu Yun now, so he chose to teach Liu Yun everything he had mastered.

It would have been better if he hadn't taught him. After teaching him, Guan Hong truly realized how amazing Liu Yun was.

Those skills that would take others a long time to learn, Liu Yun could learn them in minutes. Not only did he learn them, but he could do better. This was a big blow to him. He taught everything he had learned in less than a week. This situation also made the old man begin to doubt his life. He kept repeating the sentence"The waves behind push the waves in front, and the waves in front die on the beach."

And what he cared about most was Liu Yun's intention. Liu Yun's intention was getting stronger almost every day, and this strengthening was very obvious and visible to the naked eye.

You know, after finding the intention, you have to let the intention���It takes a long time to reach the level of Linchu.

But what about Liu Yun? He is completely unreasonable. Common sense can no longer be applied to Liu Yun.

"Congratulations, your mind has reached the level of a Lin chef. From now on, you are a real Lin chef, and your basic skills in other aspects are also incredibly strong. As long as your mind is improved, your cooking skills will naturally improve as well."

One week, just one week, Liu Yun successfully became a Lin chef, which is the level of truly reaching the level of a Lin chef. And Guan Hong also discovered that Liu Yun's other basic skills are ridiculously strong, and he also has various supernatural powers. With the blessing of these things, plus his heaven-defying talent, Liu Yun became a Lin chef in just one week.

And what Guan Hong envied the most was that Liu Yun was different from other chefs. After other chefs reached a certain stage, they needed to improve themselves in all aspects.

But what about Liu Yun? Guan Hong couldn't understand the basic skills in all aspects. He felt that Liu Yun's basic skills were not weaker than those of a dragon chef.

The only thing that held him back was his intention, so he still underestimated Liu Yun. Liu Yun was indeed bound to become a dragon chef, and in his opinion, it shouldn't take long to become a dragon chef, unless his intention would hold Liu Yun back for a long time.

But after a week of contact, he felt that this possibility should be zero. With Liu Yun's improvement speed, he really didn't believe that he could be stuck in this aspect.

There was no way. Liu Yun left such a deep impression on him that he was sure that Liu Yun would not have any bottlenecks

"It's all thanks to you, old man. If it weren't for your teaching, I wouldn't have been able to reach this point so quickly."

Liu Yun's words were not a polite remark. He could feel that Guan Hong's teaching during this period was really dedicated. Even if the other party saw his potential and planned to make friends with him in advance.

But it must be said that he did pay a lot, and Liu Yun could naturally see his good points.

"Don't say that. Even without me, you would have become a chef in no time. I am just helping you save a little time."

Guan Hong shook his head. He knew Liu Yun's talent very well, so he knew that what he did was nothing to Liu Yun.

"Forget the polite words. You can't learn anything from me. I will use my connections to recommend you to a senior Dragon Chef. I think with your talent,…………"

Guan Hong planned to use his connections to recommend Liu Yun to a senior dragon chef. This was the last thing he could do.

But before he could finish, his phone rang. After seeing the incoming call, Guan Hong's face became a little serious.

He hung up the phone soon, but the expression on his face was a little strange, a little shocked, and a little confused. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

""What's wrong, old man?"

Liu Yun asked. A phone call turned the old man into this state. The person who called and the content of the call should not be simple.

"It's nothing, but the content of this call really surprised me. This call was actually from Senior Lan Xuan, the Dragon Master I wanted to recommend to you.........."

"But what puzzled me the most was the content of the phone call. Senior Lan Xuan already knew about your existence and asked me to invite you over."

Guan Hong said that he was really puzzled. Liu Yun was a member of the international culinary world before. Even if he broke the record of the top chef in the international culinary world, there was nothing worth paying attention to in the Chinese culinary world.

After all, top chefs do not need to comprehend the meaning, they only need to meet the basic skills in all aspects.

The inheritance of the Chinese culinary world is very comprehensive, so some major forces in the Guangming culinary world have been training their children since childhood.

After systematic training, there are naturally many geniuses.

Guan Hong is the only one who knows that Liu Yun has become a Lin chef, so he did not expect Liu Yun to be noticed by Lan Xuan, the Dragon Chef.

He didn't even have time to recommend Liu Yun, but he called to ask for him first.

"It's not hard to understand that you know me, but it's hard to understand why you invited me over!"

Liu Yun was also a little surprised, and the Lan Xuan mentioned by Guan Hong reminded Liu Yun of someone, Lan Feihong.

After all, Guan Hong in front of him is the descendant of Guan Qiulan, and maybe Lan Xuan is the descendant of Lan Feihong.

"I am also confused. After all, I am the only one who knows that you are a Lin Chef. In the eyes of the outside world, you have only broken the record of a top chef in the international culinary world. This is not worthy of the attention of a Dragon Chef."

"So what do you think? Go?"[]

Guan Hong asked. After all, Lan Xuan's call also asked him to invite Liu Yun to come over, rather than directly take Liu Yun there, so he needed to ask Liu Yun's opinion.

It was Liu Yun who had the final say whether to go or not.

"Since Senior Lan Xuan has invited me, I will naturally go and take a look. I am also very curious about why this senior invited me over."

Liu Yun was not worried whether this Dragon Chef would harm him. After all, in terms of force, Liu Yun was not afraid of anyone. Only hot weapons could pose some threat to him.

However, China in this world was similar to the China before Liu Yun crossed over. Even people in the dark cooking world could not take out hot weapons casually.

Moreover, although Liu Yun's body could not withstand ordinary bullets, he could dodge them. After all, his body was strengthened, and he also mastered the meaning of food. His sense of danger was not like Spider-Man's spider response.

He could even clearly sense who was sending malice and kindness to him.

"That's fine, let's pack up and go straight there!"

Guan Hong still respected Lan Xuan, the senior. After all, he had guided him before. It was from this senior that he felt the existence of 0.7 of the intention. It can be said that Lan Xuan helped him a lot.

After packing up what they should bring, Liu Yun and Guan Hong set off. It took more than a day for the two to reach their destination.

"I am still old. It has only been a little over a day, but my old bones can't take it anymore!"Although it was only a little over a day, it made Guan Hong feel uncomfortable. After all, not all chefs have the same physical fitness as Jie Lu and Ryan.

They are also special cases. The physical fitness of ordinary chefs is better than that of normal people, but not much better.

""You are still strong!"

Liu Yun said with a smile. He only needed to touch him once to know the physical condition of the old man.

It was true that the old man was not feeling well, but there was nothing wrong with his body.

Later, under the leadership of Guan Hong, the two came to a courtyard and met the old senior named Lan Xuan.

When he saw Lan Xuan, Liu Yun was stunned for a moment, because according to what Grandpa Guan Hong said, this person was older than him.

But now, except for his gray hair, he did not look like an old man, but like a middle-aged man.

However, after a moment of stunned, Liu Yun returned to normal.

After all, in the world of food, such means of preserving youth are not uncommon.

In the world of food wars, there is a Shiomi Jun who looks no different from a teenager in his thirties.

What's more, what about the world of Little Chef? The world of Little Chef is even more unreasonable.

After all, Song Wan, who has lived for hundreds of years, came out from behind, so it seems normal for Lan Xuan to have some means of preserving youth..

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