"Forget it, call me whatever you want, come with me, the Liu family's things should be handed over to you."

Lan Xuan shook his head and took the two of them to another room, where a lot of things were already placed on the table.

"These books record all kinds of skills and experiences summed up by your Liu family ancestors, and some are summed up by the powerful chefs who were related to Master Liu Maoxing."

"Because Master Liu Maoxing disappeared, many important inheritances were cut off. When Master Liu Yu grew up, he found many people to complete part of the inheritance."

After Lan Xuan's explanation, Liu Yun also understood that after Liu Yu grew up, he found people who had a relationship with Liu Maoxing in the past to continue learning, thus completing many things that Liu Maoxing did not leave behind.

For example, Liu Maoxing's master Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu was the person in charge of Yangquan Restaurant at that time, and he was also Liu Maoxing's master.

In the original book, Zhou Yu helped Liu Maoxing a lot, but Liu Maoxing and Zhou Meili disappeared later. After learning that Liu Yu was his grandson, Zhou Yu also helped Liu Yu with all his strength.

Therefore, among these inheritances, there is also the secret skill of firework mastered by Zhou Yu, which was a unique secret skill of Yangquan Restaurant at that time. It was passed on by Master Luo Yu to Master Zhou Yu, and then Master Zhou Yu passed it on to Liu Maoxing.

It is precisely because of this that Liu Maoxing was able to fight with Yakan, although it was at that time God helped him not to lose, but this secret skill is already powerful enough.

After all, Yakan's pyrotechnics are because he is born with the powerful ability of explosive flames, which has surpassed the pyrotechnics secret skills.

Although the essence of pyrotechnics is not very useful to Liu Yun, because he himself has the ability to control fire, but the skills in it can be learned.

And Liu Yun also learned from Lan Xuan that Yangquan Restaurant still exists. Although Zhou Yu has no other descendants due to Zhou Meili's disappearance, Yangquan Restaurant still accepts apprentices.

Therefore, Yangquan Restaurant has been well passed down to the present, and it is also a very famous restaurant, but the current Yangquan Restaurant no longer has a dragon chef, only an old-fashioned Lin chef.

As for the younger generation of apprentices, the strongest one is only at the special level.

"This kitchen knife is…………"

In addition to some books, there are also some kitchen utensils, most of which Liu Yun did not recognize, but he recognized a kitchen knife, which is much thinner than ordinary kitchen knives.

In addition to being relatively thin, it is also covered with densely packed small holes. Obviously, this is the Hundred Holes Kitchen Knife that appeared in the original book.

Liu Maoxing once made the kitchen knife left to him by his mother into a Hundred Holes Kitchen Knife, and used this Hundred Holes Kitchen Knife together with the Steel Wire Kitchen Knife to compete with Ryan's Seven Star Knife.

This Hundred Holes Kitchen Knife also came from the dark cuisine world. At that time, Liu Maoxing's mother, Master Abei, had been competing with the dark cuisine world, and recorded many of her experiences in the dark cuisine world.

Among them is this Hundred Holes Kitchen Knife.

"This knife is called Baixue Knife. It is a knife from the dark cooking world, but it was used by Master Liu Maoxing. However, this knife is not the one used by Master Liu Maoxing."

"This sword was reforged by Master Li Lu after Lord Liu Yu grew up. It was supposed to be in your Liu family, but after your Liu family suffered a disaster, our Lan family took the trouble to recover some of the Liu family's things."

"These things have been lying around like this, and now they finally have you as their master."

"By the way, this Hundred Holes Kitchen Knife and the Seven Star Knife on your back do have some origins. Both are from the dark cooking world. In addition, Lord Liu Maoxing, who holds the Hundred Holes Kitchen Knife, and Lord Ryan, who holds the Seven Star Knife, once had a duel."

"Lord Ryan did not leave any descendants. It is said that he found a place to live in seclusion, but he never told anyone where it was."

"This set of Seven Star Swords also lost its trace at that time. I didn't expect that it would return to the hands of you, the descendant of the Liu family. This can be regarded as God's will."

""By the way, can you let me take a look at the Seven Star Knife?"

Lan Xuan asked. His impression of the Seven Star Knife only remained in other people's mouths. After all, this set of Seven Star Knife had been with Ryan. After Ryan retired, this set of Seven Star Knife also lost its trace.

When Ryan died, this set of Seven Star Knife somehow spread abroad, and was finally obtained by Nakiri Managi and given to Liu Yun.

So Lan Xuan had never seen the Seven Star Knife with his own eyes, and now he was very curious.

After all, he had heard that the Seven Star Knife was said to be the second most powerful kitchen knife after the legendary kitchen utensils. You know, the legendary kitchen utensils all have incredible abilities.

Lan Feihong had wielded the Garuda Knife back then, but these kitchen utensils disappeared in the long river of history along with Liu Maoxing and Zhou Meili, becoming truly legendary kitchen utensils.

Those legendary kitchen utensils that have completely disappeared have been almost forgotten. , but this set of Seven Star Knives, which is second only to the legendary kitchen utensils, is still there.

Over the years, no one has been able to copy such a Seven Star Knife, not even Jie Lu.

You know, in addition to being a pastry chef, Jie Lu is also extremely talented in forging.

At that time, relying solely on some records brought by Liu Maoxing, he successfully created the Hundred Holes Kitchen Knife, which shows Jie Lu's talent in this area.

It's just that it's not so easy to create this Seven Star Knife.

After all, this is Luo Xie's pinnacle work. Luo Xie is already very old, and it took him his entire life to create such a work.

During the battle of the Loulin ship, he integrated the essence of the two sets of Seven Star Knives into one set, and used his soul to bring spirituality to this set of Seven Star Knife.

So after Luo Xie, even Jie Lu could not create such a set of kitchen knives, let alone surpass it.

"Of course, you can take a look!"

Liu Yun directly handed the box containing the Seven Star Knife to Lan Xuan. This Seven Star Knife belonged to him, and no one else could take it away. You know, this is a spiritual knife.

The Seven Star Knife recognized him, so it guided him to find the inheritance left by Ryan. Since he was not dead yet, the Seven Star Knife would naturally not recognize others again.

It can be said that this set of Seven Star Knife now has some of the characteristics of the legendary kitchen utensils, such as recognizing the master.

Moreover, Lan Xuan also brought him so many inheritances and good things. Although these are the things of the Liu family, they are now returned to the original owner, but these things can be taken away by others.

So Liu Yun did not hesitate to hand the Seven Star Knife directly to Lan Xuan.

After getting the Seven Star Knife, Lan Xuan also watched it on the table next to him. As for Liu Yun, he continued to look through these inheritances.

These inheritances not only record various skills, but also some secret skills and secret recipes.

In addition, Liu Yun also saw what he was more concerned about, that is, the method for the Dragon Chef to be promoted to the Supreme Dragon Chef.

But this method made Liu Yun a little confused, because the method recorded above for the Dragon Chef to be promoted to the Supreme Dragon Chef only had three words, Tongtianyi.

"Master Lan Xuan, do you know what the method of Dragon Chef being promoted to Supreme Dragon Chef means in this inheritance?"

Liu Yun couldn't help but ask. He felt that the realm of chefs in this world of Little Chef was really becoming more and more abstract.

The meaning of Special Grade being promoted to Lin Chef, the meaning of Lin Chef being promoted to Dragon Chef was materialized, and now the meaning of Dragon Chef being promoted to Supreme Dragon Chef even popped up a Tongtian meaning. It was really too abstract, wasn't it?

"It means literally. When I saw these contents, I was more puzzled than you. But after becoming a dragon chef, I have learned a little bit."

"This so-called"heavenly will" is literally"heavenly will", because at the level of the Supreme Dragon Chef, one can already listen to the will of heaven."

"Although it sounds incredible, becoming the Supreme Dragon Chef has to do with God."

Lan Xuan said with a smile

"Is it related to God? God really exists? How is this possible?!"

Before Liu Yun could speak, Guan Hong on the side exclaimed. There was no way. The amount of information was too much. You know, the world has developed to the modern era.

Young people nowadays find it difficult to accept even spiritual theories. If you suddenly say that there is a way of heaven and God in this world, you will be regarded as a lunatic.

"It's incredible, right? My reaction was similar to yours back then, but after becoming a dragon chef, I can indeed sense it."

"If you want to be promoted from Dragon Chef to Supreme Dragon Chef, you need to borrow the power of God."

"The strongest chef in the Chinese cuisine world is Dragon Chef, but that doesn't mean there is no Supreme Dragon Chef."

"The cooking skills of the Supreme Dragon Chef can be said to be beyond the concept of human beings. You all know the glowing dishes made by the Dragon Chef, right?"

After Lan Xuan finished speaking, Liu Yun and Guan Hong both nodded.

"The luminous food made by our Dragon Chef can illuminate a house at most. This is the effect after our intention is materialized."

"But the Supreme Dragon Chefs are different. They know how to borrow the power of heaven and earth, and the light that bursts out from the dishes they make is like a pillar of light that reaches the sky."

"I even heard from my elders that the light emitted from the dishes made by the powerful Supreme Dragon Chef can change into various forms, such as dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, mountains, rivers, etc."

"The food made by the Supreme Dragon Chef at this level, with the power of heaven and earth, can already interfere with nature."

"According to the legend of the Bai Luo family, the ancestors of the Bai Luo family once helped Zhuge Kongming use the Bai Luo family's supreme soul-soothing secret to calm the anger of the river."

"This is a legend, but it is also a reality. However, people from ancient times to the present have always thought that this is too unbelievable, so they have always regarded it as a legend."

"Only those who have truly become dragon chefs and supreme dragon chefs know that this is not a legend, but a fact."

After Lan Xuan finished speaking, Liu Yun's reaction was not very big, but Guan Hong was already stunned. He had never heard of these secrets before, and now he was really enlightened.

As for Liu Yun, he knew a lot, and knew that there was a God in this world, but he didn't expect that the key to becoming a supreme dragon chef was to use the power of heaven and earth, and that these dishes could also affect nature.

"Okay, I have said almost everything that needs to be said. What are your plans next?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After Lan Xuan finished saying everything that needed to be said, he also asked Liu Yun about his plans.

"Plan? Originally, I wanted to venture into the Chinese culinary world, but now that I have this inheritance, I plan to learn these things thoroughly first."

Liu Yun thought about it and said that he had already learned everything from Grandpa Guan Hong, and had almost learned all the secret skills in the inheritance left by Ryan.

It can only be said that Shi Yi is so unreasonable. Things that others need to spend more than ten years or even a lifetime to learn, he can master in a few days.

This is all thanks to Shi Yi. With Shi Yi's help, he completely mastered the secret skills such as the Fierce Bull and Blue Dragon Slash after practicing a few times.

"It's good to be like this. It is indeed a wise choice to learn these things thoroughly before going out to explore. After all, the dark cuisine world is still active in the Chinese cuisine world."

Lan Xuan nodded. He was really afraid that Liu Yun would become arrogant and go out to explore and then be targeted by the dark cuisine world.

He could find out that Liu Yun was a descendant of the Liu family, so the dark cuisine world (good for Li) could also do it. When the dark cuisine world appeared, it immediately targeted the Liu family.

Obviously, this was revenge. After all, the destruction of the dark cuisine world was due to Liu Maoxing.

So when the new dark cuisine world appeared, it immediately attacked the Liu family, without giving people the opportunity and time to react.

And this is also���It is clear that the new dark cuisine world has a lot to do with the original dark cuisine world. It is probably formed by the descendants of the remaining members of the dark cuisine world.

In Lan Xuan's opinion, Liu Yun has caught the attention of these guys. Liu Yun has good talent and is a descendant of the Liu family. It is impossible for him, Lan Xuan, to watch Liu Yun get into trouble.

"I am not really afraid of the people in the dark cuisine world. After all, they are just playing dirty tricks in this era, which is useless to me. I want to fight with Lin Chef from the dark cuisine world."

Liu Yun said. Strictly speaking, he and the new dark cuisine world are now mortal enemies.

After all, he is a descendant of the Liu family. The new dark cuisine world has destroyed the Liu family, and now he is the only one left.

Even if Liu Yun does not cause trouble for these guys, they will definitely target him.

"Fighting with Lin Chu?"

Lan Xuan was also a little confused when he heard this. He didn't know where Liu Yun got the confidence from.

"Master Lan Xuan, Liu Yun had already found the meaning when he was with me, and successfully upgraded his meaning to the level of Linchu, becoming a Linchu."

Only Guan Hong knows that Liu Yun became a Linchu, so Guan Hong also told Lan Xuan about Liu Yun becoming a Linchu.

If it were someone else, Guan Hong would never tell the story of Liu Yun becoming a Linchu, but he could tell it in front of Lan Xuan..

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