"Become a Lin Chef?!"

Lan Xuan couldn't hold it back any longer. He didn't have the dignity that an old senior should have. Even though he was a Dragon Chef at an old age, he couldn't help showing a stunned expression.

In fact, Liu Yun, who has reached the level of Lin Chef at this age, still can't compare with Liu Maoxing. After all, Liu Maoxing's four youngest achievements are not a joke.

And the most important thing is that Liu Maoxing achieved the level of Special Grade, Lin Chef, Dragon Chef and Supreme Dragon Chef at the age of thirteen. In other words, within one year, Liu Xing, an ordinary chef, jumped to the level of Supreme Dragon Chef.

This kind of thing is difficult to do even with cheats, but Liu Maoxing did it. But for Lan Xuan and others, this is a legend from a long time ago.

Hearing and seeing are two completely different things, and Liu Maoxing was also a special case back then. Although there are also young masters in the dark cooking world, such as Zhu Qi and Mira.

But they are only Dragon Chefs. Lan Xuan is a famous chef, but he is not a Supreme Dragon Chef, and he has been trained by Kaiyou since he was a child.

What about Liu Maoxing? It took him less than a year from start to finish to soar to the stage of Supreme Dragon Chef.

However, what Liu Yun has shown now is also quite explosive.

According to the information investigated by Lan Xuan, Liu Yun could only be considered to have good talent before, but after Liu Yun entered the Yuanyue Advanced Department, he began to get out of control.

From an intermediate chef to a senior chef, and then a special chef, it only took a few months in total.

Now that he has learned that Liu Yun has become a Lin chef, he thinks that Liu Yun may be able to tie Liu Maoxing's record, or even have a chance to surpass it.

You know, Liu Maoxing was a gap in the past, and that kind of record was only left by Liu Maoxing.

Such a thing really happened in front of him, so that even Lan Xuan couldn't help but be stunned.

"I also found it incredible at the time."

Guan Hong said that his worldview had been reshaped, and now seeing Lan Xuan, a senior, doing the same thing, he felt inexplicably refreshed. What was going on?

"I didn't expect that the last generation of the Liu family would reach the height of the Liu family's ancestors. It's really amazing, but it's better for everyone to keep this matter to themselves."

Lan Xuan's face also became a little serious. Although Liu Yun has become a Lin chef, the new dark cuisine world 990 almost defeated the bright cuisine world.

Although this is also because the bright cuisine world has become very lame, the bright cuisine world still has the foundation of several dragon chefs.

Among them, Lan Xuan is naturally included, but even so, he was beaten like this by the new dark cuisine world, which shows the strength of the new dark cuisine world.

"There were several dragon chefs who fought against us in the new dark cuisine world, and their cooking skills were very strong, but there was no doubt that these people were not the leaders."

"We guess that the leader of the new dark cuisine world is likely to be the Supreme Dragon Chef, who can suppress these Dragon Chefs. However, we are not sure about the details."

"Perhaps only the anti-dark cuisine community knows about this, but they rarely communicate with us."

"During this period, I even had the honor to visit Mr. Shui Jing from the senior high school, but the answer I got in the end was that the time was not right."

"So I don't want you to be exposed now, otherwise the dark cuisine world will be more afraid of you, and then they might do whatever it takes."

"With your talent, once you become a Dragon Chef, and with the help of the Light Cuisine World, you won’t have to worry about being targeted by the New Dark Cuisine World."

Lan Xuan said

"Senior? Mr. Shui Jing? What is that? Could it be the hidden Supreme Dragon Chef you mentioned before?!"

Guan Hong caught the names Senior and Mr. Shui Jing from Lan Xuan's mouth.

"This is also a secret of the Chinese culinary world, but there is one thing that is not very certain, that is, whether the existence of Da Si is the Supreme Dragon Chef."

Lan Xuan said and shook his head. This is something that he and the entire Guangming culinary world are not sure about.

"Not the Supreme Dragon Chef? Then why did you go to visit him?"

Guan Hong couldn't understand. You know, Lan Xuan is also a Dragon Chef. He used the word"fortunate" to describe it, which means that Mr. Shui Jing must have a higher status than Lan Xuan.

"You got it wrong. I said I'm not sure if he's the Supreme Dragon Chef because someone like Da Si is likely to have surpassed the level of the Supreme Dragon Chef."

Lan Xuan shook his head. He was not sure because he was too weak. On the contrary, he was (dafh) too strong to be sure.

"Surpassed the level of Supreme Dragon Chef? Isn't the level of Supreme Dragon Chef the pinnacle of chefs?"

Guan Hong was stunned. The amount of information he received today seemed to be too much. As for Liu Yun, although he was also surprised, his degree of surprise was not so exaggerated. After all, he also knew some information about the senior and the Eight Immortals.

"It is said that there is a realm above the Supreme Dragon Chef, but I am not sure what it is. Only seniors know this information."

"As for the seniors, their existence is a mystery even in the Chinese culinary world. No one can even trace the past of the seniors."

"The only senior I know of is the Yuxian teacher from the Bashu region. It is said that he is over 300 years old, but no one knows exactly how old he is."

Lan Xuan couldn't help but exclaim when he said this. 300 years old, that's really the age to watch the rise and fall of a dynasty.

"three…………Three hundred years? How is this possible? How can a person live that long?"

Guan Hong was stunned. Even Liu Yun was a little surprised this time.���It's not the number of three hundred, but how Master Yuxian lived for so long.

There are immortal people in the world of Little Chef, and Song Wan is one of them. However, Song Wan was born because he ate immortality food, and Song Wan needs to eat it every once in a while.

And the last time, because the immortality food was too perfect, it injected too much life energy at one time, causing the body to collapse.

Although he survived in the end, he has been living in endless pain.

However, now Master Yuxian has also lived for so long. Liu Yun guessed that it might be because of the Qi that Master Yuxian mastered.

After all, a being like Master Yuxian can use Qi to fly and change ingredients. The legendary kitchen utensils can make people immortal, perhaps because Xu Ling had a deep attainment in Qi back then, and integrated Qi into the kitchen utensils, so that the kitchen utensils have such characteristics.

After all, Xu Ling's own soul still remains in the kitchen utensils, and can even leave the kitchen utensils and temporarily possess others.

Therefore, the seniors like Yuxian teacher may have used qi to survive for such a long time. The world of Xiao Dajia has tended to be fantasy in the later period, so it is not difficult to understand this situation.

"Normal people naturally can't live so long, but you have to know that this world has never been simple. Before listening to me, do you think it's true that the Bai Luo family calmed Jiang He's anger?"

Lan Xuan asked with a smile. In fact, he himself is also a typical example. After all, he is older than Guan Hong, but now except for this white hair, you can't tell at all.

Now Lan Xuan just needs to dye his hair and make it black, then in the eyes of others, this is a middle-aged man.

Under Lan Xuan's question, Guan Hong stopped talking. Indeed, before Lan Xuan said this kind of thing, he would definitely treat it as a legend and would not take it seriously.

"Over the years, there are people in the Guangming cuisine community who have tried to explore the secret of Da Si's longevity, but in the end they either came back empty-handed or never came back."

"Especially those who went to look for Master Yuxian, very few came back alive."

"I once went to Bashu to visit Master Yuxian, but I returned empty-handed because the place where Master Yuxian was was too special."

"That place is called Qingzhao Mountain, and its geographical location is very special. Even with today's technological level, it is impossible to directly explore the situation of Qingzhao Mountain."

"There is a guide in Qingzhao Mountain. Only when the guide receives the order from Master Yuxian will he lead people in."

"Without a guide, it would be impossible for humans to survive in Qingzhao Mountain, where there are too many strange and ferocious beasts."

"When I first went there, I was warned by the guide. He said he had not received any orders, so it meant that Master Yuxian did not want to see me, and he would not take me in."

"Moreover, all those who went to Qingzhao Mountain and did not return died because of forcing their way into Qingzhao Mountain."

"Seniors like us, we only have the chance to see them when they want to see us"

"This was the case when I first visited Mr. Shuijing. There was nothing on the West Lake, but suddenly there was fog and mist. When I came to my senses, I was in front of a cave."

"In this cave, I met Mr. Shuijing, but he didn't tell me much. He just told me that the time hadn't come yet. As for what the time was, I had no idea."

"When I tried to find Mr. Shuijing again, I found that no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find the entrance to the cave, just like in the Peach Blossom Spring."

Lan Xuan now thinks it's incredible. The existence of Da Si has already possessed inhuman means.

It can be said that they have already broken away from the concept of human beings, at least in his opinion. After all, humans don't have such magical means, and they can't live so long.

"I have said almost everything I need to say. I told you about Da Si because you will meet him sooner or later. As for Guan Hong, just listen to his story."

In Lan Xuan's opinion, Liu Yun was destined to meet Da Si, so he explained the news about Da Si in such detail.

As for Guan Hong, Guan Hong would never meet Da Si in his lifetime unless something unexpected happened. After all, he was just a Lin chef.

You know, it is very difficult for even a Dragon chef to meet Da Si. He was like this at the beginning, not to mention���It's Lin Chu.

Of course, there may be special circumstances, but Lan Xuan thinks that this special situation is impossible to happen to Guan Hong.

After hearing what Lan Xuan said, Guan Hong could only silently complain in his heart. Although what he said was true, it was a bit hurtful.

But these words were said by Lan Xuan, an old senior, so he had no choice but to hold it in. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I will definitely visit him in my senior year. After all, I am very interested in the realm above the Supreme Dragon Chef!"

Liu Yun said with a smile. He did not think that the so-called Qingzhao Mountain and West Lake could stop him.

The methods of the seniors were indeed very special. This was related to the Qi they mastered, but Liu Yun was not an ordinary person. He was a member of the Shilin Temple.

Others could not do it, but it did not mean that he could not do it.

After that, Guan Hong stayed at Lan Xuan's place for one night and left. As for Liu Yun, he stayed at Lan Xuan to learn.

After all, Lan Xuan was a real dragon chef, and Liu Yun could learn a lot from this dragon chef.

What Liu Yun did not know was that his news was soon found out and spread.

You know, as one of the foundations of the bright cooking world, Lan Xuan has a very high status.

At the same time, Lan Xuan was also watched by various people. Liu Yun's appearance here would naturally be known by these people.

Liu Yun made a lot of noise in the international cooking world, so he had a certain reputation even in the Chinese cooking world.

So soon Liu Yun's background was turned over. Once the identity of the heir of the Liu family came out, it was like throwing a huge rock into a calm lake in the Chinese cooking world, which immediately caused a lot of waves.

"I didn't expect that someone from the Liu family survived. It turned out that they had been staying outside. No wonder no one noticed them for so many years."

"Lord Lan Xuan is also very powerful. He found out the details of this descendant of the Liu family so quickly. However, now that the descendant of the Liu family has appeared, those guys in the dark cuisine world will be restless again!"Everyone in the bright cuisine world knows very well how the dark cuisine world killed the Liu family back then. The dark cuisine world and the Liu family are like fire and water.

After all, the Liu family was destroyed by the dark cuisine world back then. If this descendant of the Liu family appears, he will definitely target the dark cuisine world.

"Even if they can't sit still, what can they do? They also have to face the targeting of the anti-dark cuisine world. In addition, Liu Jia's descendants are hiding in the Lan family, and they are under the care of Lord Lan Xuan. People in the dark cuisine world have to weigh their own weight if they want to make trouble."Although the light cuisine world suffered heavy losses that year, after decades of recuperation and reform, it has not only recovered, but also become much stronger.

With the restraint of the anti-dark cuisine, the dark cuisine world can't spare much energy to deal with Liu Yun. As long as Liu Yun doesn't come out to make trouble, under the protection of Lan Xuan, the dark cuisine world can't do anything to Liu Yun now..

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