Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 999 The Most Advanced Pastry Art

Fu Yu is very satisfied with the support of the system!


He didn't expect that the system could do better!

In the process of kneading lotus dough, Fu Yu discovered a very interesting thing.

He encountered a cooking operation reminder similar to the green line prompt box.

He was surprised to find that during the kneading process, whether it was bending up the thin dough sheet or making it thinner, he could actually feel a slight resistance.

After Fu Yu began to use advanced skills in painting techniques.

Constantly adjust the kneading of lotus dough, from shape to size, from angle to overall shape

The entire operation was perfectly controlled by Fu Yu, and the shape of the lotus flower that was kneaded was also very precise.

This also means that when the final steaming is done, it will be a success!

After the noodles were put on the steamer, Fu Yu didn't instruct Tian Lei again, and cut the slaughtered silver carp into two pieces from the tail along the spine, removed the fish head, chopped off the spine and crotch, and washed the fish meat .

The Maxima Restaurant itself specializes in seafood. Fu Yu has been working on fresh fish for nearly a year since he entered the restaurant, and he is very professional in both technique and technique.

He skillfully fixed the fish on the chopping board with chopsticks at the end of the fish, and scraped the fish paste with a knife.

This step of scraping the fish mud is the usual method of the kitchen of Qianlima. Originally, the fish tail was firmly fixed with nails.

However, ever since Fu Yu got the universal chopsticks, he used them to fix fish tails.

He has the blessing of the system himself, his hand strength is far superior to that of ordinary people, and he has the special skill blessing of universal chopsticks, which can be used to fix the fish tail stably without damaging the fish too much.

And scraping fish slime is also a technical task. From what angle to start it can be scraped quickly and well, which is full of knowledge.

Fu Yu's experience of cooking fresh fish was accumulated in the teaching practice class when he was learning the whole fish feast. For him, it is not difficult to scrape the fish paste with a knife.

Quickly scrape the fish paste, place it on the fresh meat skin, and then chop the fish paste until it becomes sticky.

It was a very simple one-step operation, but Li He was dumbfounded.

He clearly watched that when Fu Yu was chopping fish meat with a kitchen knife, the surface of the knife was not stained with fish meat scraps at all. is this possible!

But when he wanted to take a closer look, Fu Yu had already finished chopping quickly, and even rinsed the kitchen knife casually.

Maybe it's dazzled?

Or maybe Fu Yu has some tricks, such as smearing something on the kitchen knife in advance to prevent sticking.

Just when Li He was secretly guessing, Fu Yu put the fish paste into the bowl, added water to loosen it, added refined salt, and handed it over to Tian Lei.

Fu Yu urged: "Stir clockwise, if it becomes sticky, tell me to add water!"

Tian Lei hurriedly responded and worked on it.

Fu Yu started cooking three non-stick dishes.

Speaking of this dish, Fu Yu actually studied it in the culinary school.

Instead of studying under the guidance of the teacher, there is a classmate in their class from Anyang who wants to do three non-sticks on a temporary basis.

Because they usually have a good relationship, Fu Yu also got a share. Sanbuzhan is a snack made of eggs and starch. It tastes very fragrant, oily but not greasy, and slightly sweet.

Girls prefer to eat.

Fu Yu deliberately chose this staple food as a medicinal dish. On the one hand, he considered that it is really unique and tastes good. On the other hand, eggs are very effective in regulating endocrine disorders, and this cooking method is easier to absorb.

After the cooking is finished, you only need to change the shape of the plate a little, and it looks like a very exquisite medicinal meal.

Fu Yu added sugar and mung bean juice to the egg yolk and began to stir.

Taking advantage of this time, he looked through the special family dinner recipes again.

There are many types of dishes in the special family banquet recipes, and the presentation of the dishes is very particular.

The same staple food is mainly based on cooking techniques in classic old-style recipes, while in special family banquet recipes, it also takes into account the aesthetics of the presentation.

In fact, Fu Yu had already chosen the shape of the plate before, but considering the design of the lotus blood duck, he finally changed his mind temporarily.

When the egg yolk is well stirred, Fu Yu puts the lard into the frying pan and heats it to 40% hot, then pours the egg yolk starch slurry, stirs constantly with a hand spoon while frying, and continuously pours lard into the wok .

This step seems to be simple, but in fact, the requirements for the control of the heat are very high. If you are not careful, the color of the egg liquid will become darker, and the golden yellow and bright effect will not be achieved when the dish is finally cooked.

Fu Yu was very careful when cooking.

The characteristics of the three non-stick dishes are the "four nos" and "three looks", which emphasizes smoothness and tenderness.

Cooked three non-stick, not tight, not sticky, not oily, not watery, golden and bright in color, uniform in fire color, not raw or sticky, full and tense in shape, no lumps, no lumps.

Scoop it with a spoon, it doesn't flow or disperse, it tastes strong and sweet, oily but not greasy, the taste is smooth and tender, with a slight bite. After eating, there is only an empty plate and a mouth full of sweetness, which is a good craft.

To meet these requirements at the same time, when cooking, all the details must be handled well.

Fu Yu continued to stir-fry until the egg yolk starch slurry changed from thin to thick, and when the lard and egg yolk were integrated, drizzled with sesame oil.

He is very attentive when cooking, and his attention is on the heat of the ingredients in the pot.

He didn't notice the eyes of Li He and Yao Shi looking over at this time.

Not only them, even Tian Lei, who was helping the cook at the side, had a dumbfounded expression on his face.

Stir-frying is the most common action, and it is also an operational skill that will be used at any time in the back kitchen.

However, like Fu Yu, it is really impossible for ordinary people to maintain the same posture, the same speed, and the same technique for more than ten minutes in a row.

Not to mention the weight of the wrist, the control alone is already amazing.

Without waiting for everyone present to finish their emotions, Fu Yu directly took the chopsticks and began to press and move the shape on the hot dim sum that was gradually forming.

The authentic Sanbuzhang is made into a round cake, which will be decorated with hawthorn diced, raisins, jujube and other ingredients.

But Fu Yu is obviously going to knead Sanbuzhan into other shapes right now.

The dim sum in the pot is very hot and cannot be touched directly, so Fu Yu cleverly used the universal chopsticks to poke a little bit, and with the help of his advanced painting skills and improved art aesthetics, he made a piece of ordinary three non-stick, It is directly made into a very delicate bunny-shaped pastry.

Standing in front of the kitchen counter, Li He was dumbfounded.

He watched helplessly as Fu Yu didn't directly start the whole process, just poked with chopsticks like this, and the cute and delicate rabbit was ready!

What is it called?

In Li He's opinion, this is simply the most advanced pastry art!

If it is said that seeing Fu Yu cook three non-stick dishes, he was amazed again and again, then after everyone present saw Fu Yu finish drawing silk roses with their own eyes, they would have no words to describe their inner feelings at this time.

Shredded dishes are a very common cooking method. Sugar is boiled into a sugar liquid that can be shredded and wrapped on fried food.

The key to cooking is the boiling of syrup. The best operation is to pull out fine sugar strands when picking food, which looks shiny.

Wire drawing is a technical task, without many years of cooking experience, it is difficult to make the brilliant effect of gold wire winding.

Under normal circumstances, it is already very difficult to cook even with the most common ingredients such as apples, sweet potatoes, yams, and golden dates that can be oiled.

But Fu Yu is now planning to use fresh roses to make shredded silk, which makes people unable to figure out how to cook them.

Rose petals are too delicate to be oiled.

Especially when making shredded food, such water-rich ingredients often need to be coated with a layer of flour and then a layer of egg white before frying, otherwise the water will easily stick.

But the rose petals have distinct layers, how to hang this paste?

If the whole rose is dipped in paste, and the petals stick together to form a tuo, what beauty is there?

And it will definitely not have the crispy outside and tender inside.

It is precisely because it is impossible to imagine the cooking method of this medicinal meal, so when other people observe it, they can't help but look forward to it.

And Fu Yu did not disappoint them.

He took all the roses, removed the stamens and calyxes, and began to prepare the syrup.

The most common way to make candied syrup is to fry sugar in water and fry sugar in oil.

Because flowers are cooked and have a light taste, Fu Yu specially chose fried sugar in water to make the shredded silk of this medicinal meal.

However, before making the syrup, Fu Yu deliberately melted a few pieces of rock sugar.

After the syrup has melted, use a toothpick to stick it to the calyx, and stick all the petals together to fix it.

The syrup made of rock sugar is crystal clear, wrapped under the roses, as long as the angle is right, it is not easy to detect.

Fu Yu only applied a thin layer of syrup lightly, which is beautiful and at the same time will not affect the taste experience of the finished dish.

This step of operation can only be regarded as relatively ingenious, not creative, and not difficult.

Fu Yu carefully placed all the fixed roses on the tray, and then began to boil the syrup.

Heat the dry pot directly and add sugar. Fu Yu chooses soft white sugar with the best effect. When frying, he precisely controls the temperature of the pot. If it is too hot, it will fail.

When the sugar is almost red, add a little water. Fu Yu firmly controls the temperature of the fire so that the temperature is not too high, and then starts to continue frying.

In the process of frying, Fu Yu quickly added a little white vinegar into the pot, because the speed of his hands was too fast, in the eyes of others, he only saw that his movements suddenly widened, as if he had made an addition to the pot. The movement of the thing seems to be just a random adjustment of the arc of the arm.

Because it was not a critical operation, it did not attract the attention of others at all.

And the operation of adding white vinegar in this step is actually a cooking trick that Fu Yu saw in the classic old-flavored recipes before.

When frying sugar, add a little white vinegar to the pot. The syrup will not change color and blacken easily, and it can also make the wire drawing faster.

Stir until the sugar and water dissolve and become thick before turning off the heat.

When the sugar solution turns from light yellow to the point of vesicles like this, it is considered to have reached the standard of silk production.

When Fu Yu was frying the candy, the few people who were observing beside him didn't make a sound, but just watched him operate silently.

When frying sugar, you must master the heat. If the fire is too high, the color of the sugar will change quickly and it will not be fried well.

But Fu Yu did a particularly good job in this aspect, and accurately grasped all the details that are prone to problems.

In fact, compared to water-fried sugar, oil-fried sugar is more stable during cooking, and it will not turn sand when the color is achieved.

In addition, the oil-fried sugar can be produced faster and the color is easier to control.

Fu Yu's strength lies in the fact that he used fried sugar in water, but the color that came out was the same beautiful apricot yellow as fried sugar in oil.

After frying the syrup, Fu Yu took out some syrup and put it in the basin.

When it is ready, it is not in a hurry to use it, but wait for the syrup to cool naturally.

Taking advantage of this time, Fu Yu stood up all the roses very steadily one by one using the syrup calyx glued before as the base.

Until this time, the few people around were surprised to find that when Fu Yu applied the syrup before, he did not apply it randomly, but calculated the angle accurately to ensure that the syrup could be firmly supported after it cooled and hardened. The whole rose stood up.

This is really ingenious!

And it's incredible!

How did Fu Yu do it?

How to accurately judge the shaping angle of the syrup, and how to ensure that each flower can stand perfectly?

The idea just came up, and before everyone could think about it, he saw Fu Yu standing all the roses on the white shallow disc that he had chosen in advance, and then dipped his chopsticks in the cooler syrup basin, Make sure you can pull out the filament, then lift the pot up.

He aimed at the roses on the plate, turned the syrup basin upside down, raised his arms high, and began to shake the silk evenly with both hands.

The shredded sugar glistened under the light, like golden beads wrapped in silk, falling down layer by layer, wrapping around the roses.

And Fu Yu's throwing method is also very particular. He first circles around each rose with a thin layer of sugar shreds, and then shakes it horizontally without turning in circles again.

Finally, fold the sugar shreds and look carefully, and you will find that the sugar shreds wrap each rose petal precisely, and all the corners are covered.

Layer after layer, the whole rose is completely wrapped in the fine sugar silk.

The attention to detail is simply astonishing!

The entire plate of roses, blossoming out of silk, is full of brilliance!

This medicated meal is really beautiful!

It is both beautiful and appetizing, even if you don’t taste it yourself, just looking at the shape of the whole plate, you can still imagine the sweet taste with a strong rose fragrance in the mouth.

It is sweet but not greasy, delicious, and besides being delicious, it also makes this herbal diet more interesting. (end of this chapter)

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