Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1000 It's really too super-classical

After the operation of throwing sugar shreds is completed, it comes to a more troublesome cooking step.

That is, the sugar threads of each rose fall from top to bottom, so the petals are completely covered in the sugar threads, but near the bottom of the calyx, they are left empty and cannot be wrapped with sugar threads. This silk rose is so beautiful.

But as wire drawing cooking, apart from being beautiful, the details of this medicinal meal are not perfect.

After all, for authentic shredded dishes, the ingredients are oiled and then rolled in syrup to ensure that all the corners are covered with sugar.

Only in this way, it will taste sweet and crisp, the taste is particularly thick, and the taste is very good.

Of course, this was just a minor fault that would be picked out by Fu Yu's relatively superb cooking skills.

Not a big deal.

Yao Shi saw it, and felt that Fu Yu should first shake the sugar silk from the calyx before turning it over, so as to ensure that the whole flower can be covered with sugar silk and handle the details in place.

But this also has certain disadvantages. The petals are easily deformed by pressure, and they will not be as complete and beautiful as they are now.

Li He didn't notice this problem.

His focus was originally on Fu Yu's technique of throwing sugar. When he saw Fu Yu put down the basin, took a spoon, dipped it in and began to draw, he asked curiously: "Xiao Fu, didn't you shake all the sugar well?" Yet?"

Fu Yu explained: "There is no sugar sticking near the calyx. When you taste it later, it will affect the taste. I plan to cover the whole flower with sugar."

In a word, the few people watching around focused on his operation in unison.

Hard goods are coming!

Absolute classic operation!

At least, according to the current situation, it is very difficult to wrap the sugar around the calyx.

Because the sugar thread has covered all the roses from top to bottom, like a net.

Now Fu Yu wants to start from the bottom of the net and fill up all the places that are not covered with sugar.

How can this be done?

Yao Shi stared at the sugar-coated roses, but he didn't have a clue.

If he were to operate it, there would be no way to wrap the sugar around the calyx without damaging the shape of the flower.

Could it be

Does Fu Yu really have any particularly good operation methods?

Fu Yu answered casually, without stopping at all.

He filled the syrup with a spoon and stretched the silk directly.

It's not that he deliberately showed off his skills, using a spoon to do this step, it's really that the special nature of the universal chopsticks can't be counted on at this time.

However, using a spoon to shake the sugar also has certain advantages, that is, the pulled sugar strands are obviously thicker.

The thicker the sugar, the greater the pulling force. Although there is only a slight difference, it is enough for Fu Yu.

Fu Yu quickly began to shake the sugar silk. This time, he used the horizontal swing back and forth to press the sugar silk against the solidified fine sugar silk in front. Because of the force, the fine sugar silk was obviously dislocated inward. Move it closer to the petals, exposing a small gap at the bottom.

The freshly fluffed candy fits tightly and wraps tightly around the calyx, filling in the last vacancy.

When Fu Yu answered just now, he didn't go into details.

Because of this method of operation, it is very troublesome to explain, it is better to demonstrate directly.

As long as they see the specific operation clearly, they will naturally understand how he wants to do it.

At first, everyone was a little puzzled when they saw Fu Yu's operation, but when Fu Yu demonstrated his operation, he covered all the roses with sugar silk!

Everyone was surprised to find that after this treatment, all the roses not only ensured the integrity of the petals, but also all the corners and crevices were entwined with sugar silk.

The details are handled perfectly, and the cooking of the whole medicinal meal is considered to be truly completed at this time.

Seeing the silk roses that had been officially placed on the plate, everyone was completely stunned!

This is too amazing, right?

Obviously this scene looked very intuitive, but everyone felt that they didn't understand it at all.

How did Fu Yu do it?

How can the freshly pulled sugar shreds be thrown from the previous batch of sugar shreds that have been cooled and formed to the calyx of roses?

Fu Yu didn't specifically explain, and everyone didn't ask any more questions.

After all, all the people sitting here are people with status, and the lowest level is also a chef.

Right now, this is a close-up observation, but in the end, I don't even understand how to operate it.

It's really hard to ask this question.

Next, Fu Yu checked the stewing of the duck, put ginger and garlic into the pot, and added duck blood before cooking. After lightly stirring the stewed duck and duck blood Serve on top of the steamed lotus flower noodles.

When this lotus flower noodle was kneaded at the beginning, I felt that the shape design was very good. After it was actually steamed, I realized that no matter the size of the flower or the position reserved for the dish, it was very precise.

The whole blooming lotus will fully display the cooked blood duck, which is beautiful and delicate.

The Lotus Blood Duck finished arranging the dishes and was sent to the front hall by the waiter.

Fu Yu glanced at the fish paste Tian Lei was stirring, and after adding an appropriate amount of water, asked Tian Lei to continue stirring.

He took advantage of this time to finish cooking the braised beef.

After the fish paste was stirred to form small bubbles, it needed to stand for a while, and Fu Yu took advantage of this time to pick some pea sprouts.

He arranged all the pea sprouts neatly, paying attention to the equality of the top and bottom, and the rules and order.

After the pea shoots were ready, Fu Yu added some water to the fish paste. This time, he stirred it himself and added monosodium glutamate and ginger juice.

While stirring, he ordered Tian Lei to scoop cold water into the pot, while he himself stood by the pot and squeezed the fish paste into big walnut-like fish balls.

Boiling fish balls is a cooking operation that the chefs of Maxima often do.

During the process, the fish balls should be put in a pot under cold water, and the medium and small fires should be "raised" to mature. The water in the pot should be kept in a state of boiling but not boiling, otherwise the fish balls will be easily aged and broken.

Fu Yu is very experienced in this area, and he handles the details very well in operation.

The fish balls are very easy to cook. After the water boils, you only need to turn the fish balls halfway through, so that the whole fish balls can be cooked consistently.

To cook this medicinal meal, Fu Yu directly used the clear soup that was ready in the back kitchen.

The music restaurant prepares a large amount of clear soup every day, which is specially used for cooking dishes.

And their clear soup here is also very authentic and authentic.

Old hens are used, simmered on low heat, and the chicken breast and chicken legs are cleaned of oil, then smashed into minced chicken, and water, salt and other ingredients are added.

Then filter the boiled chicken broth and mince the bone meat, skim off the slick oil and bring to a boil.

Pour the prepared minced chicken into the soup and stir well. After the turbid suspension in the soup is absorbed by the minced chicken, take out the minced chicken, and then skim off impurities such as oil foam after boiling.

The hanging soup made through such an exquisite process is the top grade in the soup. It looks like white water but is clear and fragrant.

Fu Yu put clear soup into the frying pan, and brought it to a boil on high heat.

Then gently put the fish balls into the pot, add refined salt, monosodium glutamate, and washed pea shoots, and then put them into the pot.

Place the cooked ham slices and bean sprouts on top of the fish balls, cross them to form a triangle, put a cooked shiitake mushroom in the middle, and drizzle with cooked chicken oil.

Putting on a plate, Fu Yu's movements became faster and faster!

This was already the last dish for the entire table of herbal cuisine. Fu Yu, who was already proficient in cooking herbal cuisine, was completely relaxed at this moment.

The operation of arranging the plate is to directly hold the bean sprouts and cooked ham slices with chopsticks. It seems random, but it is placed very skillfully.

From the beginning of cooking to the end of cooking, his one after another showmanship techniques made the scalps of the onlookers go numb.

Especially Yao Shi, watching Fu Yu cook the whole table of herbal meals, inexplicably, he suddenly had a feeling of going back to the apprenticeship period when he devoted himself to cooking.

Watching my chef easily cook all kinds of exquisite dishes, but I can only watch with a blank face. After observing the whole dish, my mind is blank, and I have to show that I am serious about it and understand everything. expression.

At this moment, how similar!

This kind of complicated mood is exactly the same!

Li He also has some experience in cooking. Although he is far from Yao Shi, who stays in the back kitchen every day and cooks, and has never left his old job, he still can't fail to see Fu Yu's skill. How exquisite is the cooking technique of medicated food.

Yao Shi's attitude just now shows that Fu Yu's current cooking skills are very good.

Thinking about it, they can all be invited to serve as consultants of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association. How can this skill be worse?

However, even though he was prepared in his heart, Li He really did not expect that Fu Yu would be so powerful now!

Fu Yu's operation again and again before opened his eyes, and at the same time, he was suddenly a little confused.

Is such a powerful and outstanding talent really cultivated by his own school?

After careful calculation, Fu Yuman has only graduated less than two years after all his calculations.

In such a short period of time, how can ordinary people progress to such a level?

The flawless cooking operation step by step, and the perfect handling of details, made Li He admired again and again.

No wonder he quickly became the chef of Maxima!

No wonder he won the championship of the National Chef Competition!

If this level can't become famous in the gourmet circle, it's really unreasonable!

Zhang Zhen watched Fu Yu finish cooking, and subconsciously closed his eyes, as if this would prevent the newly acquired knowledge from overflowing.

It's really too super-class!

Today's medicated food cooking is really wonderful, if you don't understand it, you really don't understand it.

Obviously, they are all operations that can be understood at a glance, but there is a sense of loss that I can't grasp at all.

Forget it, wait a while when Fu Yu is free, and he has to find an opportunity to exchange cooking experience with Fu Yu.

At this time, among the few people watching, Tian Lei was the most relaxed.

His eyes are shining, the cooking operation just now is really wonderful!

Really great!

He's full of that thought now.

However, if he had to be asked to list what is so powerful?

He really couldn't say it for a while.

Anyway, I feel that it is not easy anywhere, and there are skills everywhere.

However, if you want to say what you have learned, it may be the creative presentation of two of the dishes.

Good-looking, beautiful, just appreciate it, but it is impossible to reproduce it.

At least in a short period of time, with his own level, he will definitely not be able to reach this level.

It is precisely because he has a very clear self-knowledge that Tian Lei just observes the entire cooking operation of medicinal food with an attitude of appreciation.

This is what the saying goes, ignorance and fearlessness!

After the medicinal food was cooked, Fu Yu changed out of his apron, finished the finishing work himself, turned around and began to wash his hands.

He also needs to go to the front hall to understand the customer's dining experience, and also needs to customize the dishes for the next medicated banquet according to the effect of this time.

Li He was full of praise for Fu Yu's cooking operations, and Yao Shi was even more pleased and proud.

Fu Yu looked at them and couldn't help but smile.

Today's medicated meal was indeed done very smoothly, even the most difficult to cook silk rose was done very well.

Seeing the finished product at that time, he himself felt that this opportunity to teach and practice the classroom was very worthwhile.

Li He said sincerely: "Xiao Fu, you are really good at cooking this medicinal food!"

Fu Yu hurriedly said humbly: "Principal Li, I mainly lay a solid foundation in school. Thanks to the serious and responsible teachers, our school's teaching management is serious and strict."


Hearing these words, Li He was refreshed.

Zhang Zhen and the others couldn't help turning their heads to look at Li He. After all, it was a formal chef school, and it was indeed very good at teaching and educating people!

Fu Yu still had to go to the front hall, so after saying hello, he left the back kitchen first.

Behind him, Zhang Zhen couldn't help but asked curiously: "Principal Li, who was Fu Yu's teacher when he was in school? He must be a famous chef, right?"

Zhang Zhen naturally knows what kind of teachers are in his school.

There are indeed many excellent teachers, but no matter how excellent they are, they are nothing more than ordinary chefs.

Like those really powerful chefs in the circle, it is impossible to serve as teachers in their chef school.

Therefore, Li He said with a smile: "No matter how good the teacher is, it mainly depends on the students. In the final analysis, Xiao Fu is really talented, and he is really hardworking. When I was in school, I always heard their teachers praise me , I know this kid is very hardworking, but I didn't expect his progress to be even greater in such a short period of time!"

Hearing Li He's words, Zhang Zhen and others immediately took it seriously.

Compared with the rigid teaching of the chef school, how could it be possible to have more experience than apprentices like them who are in charge of cooking in the shop every day?

The same is to lay the foundation and start a little bit.

What was Fu Yu like when he first came to the music restaurant, and what is he like now?

Small workers like the back kitchen, even Tian Lei, who is more talented, are hard to match.

What is truly gifted?

This is true talent!

Fu Yu belongs to the typical type of God rewarding food. He likes to cook and is very talented. Along the way, he meets many noble people who support and promote him.

How could such a person not progress! (end of this chapter)

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