Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1002 Hotel Love Meal Service

After seeing the content of the mission, Fu Yu began to think carefully.

How can we better promote the hotel?

This is definitely not something that can be achieved immediately in a short time!

Because publicity first needs channels, there is no doubt about it. Now that the network information is so developed, whether it is to visit the store or directly record the promotional video on the official account, it is a very good channel.

And these promotions have already been implemented in the store.

The nature of the Maxima Hotel is different from those emerging Internet celebrity shops. It is a century-old shop, and its business is authentic taste, a kind of local time-honored feeling.

Such a reputation is actually not suitable for store visit promotion, and there are not many bright spots.

Unlike those Internet celebrity stores, you can attract people's attention in a short time and attract customers to check in at the store.

If you don’t go directly through online promotion channels, are there any other effective promotion methods?

Fu Yu thought about the publicity operations at the music restaurant.

After thinking about it, I turned to the mission rewards.

This time the reward for the promotional mission is a random reward.

You must know that random rewards are always very surprising, and I don’t know what they will be this time.

Speaking of which, the mission rewards issued by the system this time are quite rich.

Just like last time.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu suddenly remembered something!


He still has an unfinished task of stabilizing his position as chef!

If you combine the two tasks into one and complete the guide simultaneously, can you get double the rewards?

What are some good ways to promote it?

It is best to arrange and mobilize the staff to cooperate independently to fully complete the kitchen processing and production work.

Fu Yu is about to go to South Korea to attend an exchange meeting. How can he complete it in such a short time?

The previous mission had a time limit, and if you counted the time I spent on the road to participate in the exchange meeting, basically coming back and forth, the mission was already due!

Thinking of this, Fu Yu felt an indescribable helplessness.


Others in the kitchen were also silent for a while.

Chollima's publicity activities have always been customized by the leadership and implemented by everyone below.

Moreover, this kind of thing cannot be achieved in a day or two, and it is not a task that can be completed by the chefs themselves.

After all, if there was a good way to increase publicity, the store would have implemented it long ago.

The more prosperous the store's business is, the higher their salary will be.

After a long time, Gu Yunwu suddenly came over and interjected: "Old Zhao, let me tell you, can we re-do the love meal service that was implemented before?"

Gu Yunwu also attended the meeting yesterday. When he came back, he called several people around him to brainstorm ideas.

There were many propaganda ideas, but none of them were actually implemented.

Now Zhao Meng is also having a small meeting here. Gu Yunwu doesn't talk about martial arts and just comes over to listen.

Anyway, the things promoted in the store were unanimously requested by the boss at the meeting. This is a collective task, and the competitiveness is not that strong.

However, although Gu Yunwu had quick reactions and many ideas, he was not very confident after proposing this idea.

In fact, this idea came up when he held a small meeting with several people under him yesterday.

It’s just that this charity meal service activity has long been in vain.

A few years ago, Yao Shi had proposed this event to benefit the people and show love. It can not only help those in need, but also use this event to carry out a wave of powerful publicity.

However, Dong Juntian, who was the boss at the time, was not very interested in this promotional activity and his support was not high.

Especially at that time, the reputation of the hotel was not what it is now, and the store's turnover was far from reaching today's standards.

So the event was held because of Yao Shi's strong recommendation, but in the end it didn't stick to it.

After all, you have to have time to do it when you show love!

Moreover, the publicity was not enough, and no one came to accept this love meal.

This also led to the fact that no one took notice of the activity within a short period of time.

So much so that Fu Yu and the other newcomers didn't even know that the hotel had such an activity as a love meal service.

The original design plan for the event has long been gone, and now if it is to be implemented, it means that it needs to be re-planned.

When Zhao Meng heard Gu Yunwu's words, he frowned and said, "The original event was organized by Chef Yao. I just obeyed and didn't participate much."

After Gu Yunwu heard this, he also smiled awkwardly: "At that time, we were all busy taking orders and contacting old customers to send warmth. How could we have time to care about this?"

Everyone understands it as soon as they hear it.

At that time, in order to increase the store's turnover, the boss once asked the kitchen staff to find various opportunities to contact old customers.

And the more orders you take, the more commission you will get. For this matter, everyone in the kitchen is very happy to implement it.

At that time, whenever Yao Shi made a fuss about implementing the love meal service, Dong Juntian was always perfunctory, focusing on maintaining old customers and finding ways to increase the rate of regular customers visiting the store.

Thinking of the past, Zhao Meng sighed.

Gu Yunwu couldn't help but said: "Although Yao Chu is no longer leading the team, I still remember some of the specific execution procedures."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Meng immediately felt that his fist became hard!

The two have been fighting openly and secretly for many years, and Yao Shi has always been suppressing them before, so they can live in harmony.

Now that Yao Shi is gone, Gu Yunwu is stunned!

Zhao Meng couldn't get used to his way of rubbing in secret the most, and said without thinking: "Chef Gu, don't think my words are ugly, I, I feel that this love meal event, even if it is really going to be held, You can’t lead the team, otherwise this event will be aborted again!”

"Really, Chef Yao is really powerful and has a high level. But the plan he set up was implemented in the market environment a few years ago. How many years have passed. If you still want to change the soup? If those who change dressings continue to do this, they will definitely not achieve the expected results.”

"And the most difficult part of the love meal service itself is the arrangement of the implementation staff in the kitchen."

"I think it's better to customize the shift service of love meals first. After all, our kitchen staff is still quite tight."

After chatting for a long time, we returned to personnel allocation.

At first, Zhao Meng just reflexively wanted to refute Gu Yunwu's proposal, but later on, he became a little overconfident.

The current manpower in the kitchen is actually only barely enough.

After all, after Yao Yihang resigned, Gu Yunwu's only successful partner was Zhang Jiaxin. Qi Shun was barely able to take charge, but he was not yet able to take orders independently.

Zhao Meng's staff is sufficient, but Fu Yu will soon take leave to go to South Korea to attend an exchange meeting, and there may not be any activities that need to be attended in the future.

To be honest, only Sun Qingning can help him.

If they really want to do charity meal service activities, both of them need to send people to complete this matter.

Although it is a love meal, there must be no ambiguity in the ingredients and cooking skills.

After all, this is an event mainly focused on publicity, so it is impossible to ruin your own brand.

After Zhao Meng looked around, he glanced at Gu Yunwu, who was also full of embarrassment, and suddenly turned his head to look at Fu Yu, and asked, "Well, Xiao Fu, you have just been promoted to a chef, or you should take charge of it." How about a charity meal service activity?"

Zhao Meng was thinking about Fu Yu's participation in activities every three days. Originally, he couldn't stay in the back kitchen every day, and let him be in charge of the love meal service activities, so he would be regarded as a floating staff.

Moreover, Zhao Meng actually didn't think that this activity could be truly carried out, he just listened to it symbolically.

After all, back then Yao Shi made a bold plan to launch a restaurant charity meal service activity, but the result was nothing.

Later, this activity was mentioned every year, but it was never really done well.

Let Fu Yu do it just because Fu Yu has just been appointed as the chef, there is no one on hand, and he always has something to do, so I can arrange some work and have an excuse to ask for leave in the future.

Whether it's a customized flyer or something else, the reasons are ready in time.

That's what Zhao Meng meant.

As for actually getting the event going?

Zhao Meng didn't think about it at all.

Because he himself has participated in activities before, the results were average.

But when Fu Yu heard this suggestion, he immediately cheered up.


Hotel love meal service?

It's indeed a great idea!

If it really succeeds, it will definitely have a positive impact on the hotel's publicity.

The most important thing is that it can accomplish multiple things with one stone.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu nodded: "Well, Chef Zhao, I will try my best to do this event well!"

Zhao Meng was startled. I'm afraid this guy didn't understand what I meant. I just meant to name him casually.

Such charity and love activities are not as simple as you think.

But Sun Qingning and others couldn't stand it anymore.

"Fu Chu, this won't be that easy once you hear it. Don't take it too seriously."

Zhang Jinyu even more straightforwardly agreed: "Indeed, it's almost enough. Besides, there are so many of us, and three cobblers are supporting one Zhuge Liang. Maybe we will be able to come up with some other good ideas in two days!"

The two people did deliberately lower their voices when speaking, but the problem was that Gu Yunwu was standing next to them.

This activity was proposed by Chef Gu, how could he make such a fuss in front of me!

Fu Yu smiled awkwardly at Gu Yunwu.

Gu Yunwu didn't say anything, but smiled back at Fu Yu quite understandably.

After the impromptu kitchen meeting was held, Zhao Meng quickly called Fu Yu and gave him a knowing look: Come with me!

The two of them avoided the others and went to the storage room.

After closing the door, Zhao Meng said in a low voice: "Let me tell you, you don't need to take this love meal service too seriously. When the time comes, whether it's taking orders for cooking or delivering meals to your door, just do whatever you want! "

"The most important thing for you now is to prepare to go to South Korea to attend an exchange meeting!"

Fu Yu felt warm in his heart, knowing that Zhao Meng was really doing it for his own good.

After Zhao Meng finished his instructions, he felt relieved and reached out to pat Fu Yu on the shoulder: "Let's go. If you stay here for a long time, that fox in Lao Gu may have more to think about!"

After saying that, Zhao Meng took the lead and walked out.

He quickly forgot about the publicity activities requested by his boss.

after all

Ideas are not something you can come up with casually.

Take your time, because no matter what happens, the boss will still be there to take care of you.

Gu Yunwu has always had a lively mind, and when it comes to cheating and cheating, no one in the entire kitchen can match him.

In the past, it was because Zhao Meng and I were in conflict, wishing we could stumble each other at any time and take pleasure in others' misfortunes.

It's different now.

The boss's death order directly tied everyone in the kitchen together.

Especially after Yao Shi resigned, Gu Yunwu's whole aura changed.

He is quite a bit high-spirited like a monkey being a king, and he puts on a look that includes the entire back kitchen under his banner all day long, and he no longer deliberately confronts Zhao Meng.

Now, in order to cope with the task assigned by the boss to the chef, he took the initiative to tie up with Zhao Meng, putting the interests of both parties in the same boat.

Taking advantage of the fact that the customers hadn't entered the store, Gu Yunwu came over to Fu Yu and explained, "Xiao Fu, I can't think of any good publicity methods for the time being, so let's deal with it first and start a wave of love meal service. What Chef Zhao said There’s nothing wrong with that, but you have to put your actions on the table first, doesn’t it look good this way?”

"If I remember correctly, when I held the event back then, I still promoted a wave in the circle of friends. I will find it later and look at the event planning at that time. We can refer to the above content to improve it a little bit, and forward it in the circle of friends The publicity effect will definitely be better than in previous years.”

Gu Yunwu said as he thought.

"Of course, whether it is the requirements setting of the love meal or the service group, it can be readjusted. As for the content of the love meal, it should be closer to the current restaurant promotion cuisine."

After Zhao Meng stood by and listened, it was rare that he did not choke with Gu Yunwu, but agreed: "That's right, since we are going to promote and publicize, when the content is edited, everyone in the back kitchen will post a wave of Moments."

Gu Yunwu nodded: "This is a good thing, but there is no need to specifically block relatives and friends."

Fu Yu couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

It's amazing that these two people even deliberately blocked their close relatives when they were doing activities in the store.

After all, when the store holds events during festivals and festivals, they will be asked to repost it to Moments, and the post will be posted once a day to refresh the screen.

This is too cunning!

When it comes to cheating and cheating, Gu Yunwu ranks second in the entire store, and no one can rank first.

But this person was quite reliable at critical moments. After chatting with Fu Yu, he immediately started looking through his circle of friends from previous years.

I was stunned to find those few forwarded love event promotions.

Not only the promotional text content edited by the editor at that time, but also the number of comments and likes from customers at that time.

It can also be regarded as a very valuable promotional template.

Gu Yunwu flipped through it carefully, and said pleasantly, "Hey, there were quite a few likes back then, but my first activity circle of friends ended up being liked by more than ten people!"

Fu Yu: "."

Only a dozen people liked it, which is too little publicity! (end of this chapter)

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