Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1003 What is going on?

Gu Yunwu is well versed in the publicity of Moments.

After a brief edit, he sent it directly to Moments, and then turned around and told Fu Yu: "The customer is about to arrive at the store, please forward my message first."

After saying that, he turned to Zhao Meng and said, "Old Zhao, you guys should also forward this. We have to take action today after yesterday's meeting."

Fu Yu nodded and reposted this post on Moments along with everyone else.

When he clicked send, he thought, the publicity effect of this kind of Moments reposting would definitely not be significant, and he would think about it when he went back tonight to see if there was any better planning and a good idea.

Not long after, the front desk began to send food orders one after another, and Fu Yu and Zhang Jinyu started a new round of taking orders and cooking.

In the morning, Liu Yici made a special call to Chu Xiang to ask how Chu Anan was doing today.

After taking the medicated meal yesterday, I don't know if it was due to psychological effects, but after Chu Anan returned, his stomach pain was obviously less painful.

After a good night's sleep, my overall condition improved significantly.

This made Chu Xiang very happy. Because he was in a good mood, he received a call from Liu Yici and his attitude was particularly enthusiastic.

Liu Yici was very excited about the conversation. As soon as she hung up the phone, she received a call from her brother Liu Yiming.

Liu Yiming: "Sister, the manufacturer's father mailed me a lot of trial packs. When will you have time to come and pick them up?"

"Fresh shrimp, braised duck, potato chips, energy drinks, ski clothes, cosmetics and various facial masks. I'll keep some here for the live broadcast, and you can take the rest."

Liu Yici drove to Liu Yiming's studio, and when she came back she brought a trunk full of various trial products.

There is a younger brother who is a live-streaming salesman. The food and clothing at home are almost all the latest models of various brands, and he doesn’t have to spend a penny.

If you can’t use it all yourself, you can also give it to relatives and friends everywhere as a favor.

Cosmetics, clothing, and daily necessities are relatively easy to handle, at least with a long shelf life, so they are not afraid of being damaged.

But commodities like fresh food, especially fruits and seafood, can’t be eaten up, at all!

Friends and relatives gave them around, but in the end there were still many that could not be given away, and they were all piled up at home.

It's a pity to throw it away, but my family can't eat it at all.

Liu Yici returned home and arranged the various trial products brought back this time by category.

While figuring out which ones to give away and which ones to use for myself.

As a result, after tossing for a long time, there are still many redundant products.

That's not to mention, the refrigerator in her house is still full of all kinds of meat, seafood, and fruits in the fresh-keeping layer have shrunk, and there is no time to eat them.

I just packed it up and threw away a lot.

Although I didn’t spend any money, I felt quite distressed. They were all good things and the market prices were not cheap.

Tired of cleaning up, Liu Yici lay down on the sofa to rest. She sighed and started scrolling with her phone.

Immediately I saw the charity meal service activity forwarded by Fu Yu.

Liu Yici suddenly had an idea!


You can show love!

It's better than throwing it away if it breaks.

Thinking of this, Liu Yici sat upright and stopped lying down to rest.

While dialing the phone, she was thinking that Fu Yu was really in tune with her.

Whatever worries you have, he can help solve it!

What a noble person!

After the call was connected, Liu Yici said directly: "Yiming, is there no place to deal with the leftover fresh food after your live broadcast? Let me tell you, you will send someone directly to the Maxima Hotel tomorrow! No, it's not for them To do the processing on their behalf, they have now launched a restaurant charity meal service activity.

We should all show love, you can't just know how to make money, you also have to learn to engage in charity, do some good deeds, and help those in need as much as you can! "

"By the way, the person in charge of this event is Fu Yu, the chef of their restaurant. Then you can get a high-end pennant and give it to Fu Fu. He is the chef of the Maxima Hotel!"

Liu Yici suddenly realized that Fu Yu was now a chef.

I remember that when the two first met, Fu Yu was just a chef!

How long has it been? This kid is indeed quite capable.

After Liu Yici finished explaining, she couldn't help but smile and said: "Just in time, I will reorganize the refrigerator at home and deliver it in person tomorrow!"

Not only Liu Yici, but also Pang Bowen's life during this period of time was extremely fruitful.

The dessert shop business is getting more and more prosperous, and the relationship between him and his ex-wife Wu Fan has obviously eased.

During the Chinese New Year, he also received an order for New Year pastry gift boxes from Jingangwan Real Estate.

At that time, in order to express his gratitude, he specially used this incident to invite his ex-wife out and they had a meal.

Pang Bowen's divorce from his ex-wife did not involve emotional betrayal. It was nothing more than two people who were busy fighting their own businesses. They broke up peacefully because of disagreement in family philosophy.

But now, both of them are getting older, and neither of them has found anyone else to start a family with.

After my career became stable, I began to miss the warmth of married life.

Both parties obviously wanted to restore their relationship, so they contacted each other more and more frequently, which seemed to be a smooth process.

The two met just the day before yesterday because of their children.

Pang Bowen thought about it, what excuse could he find to ask someone out?

He fiddled with his phone, trying to see what the latest news was from his ex-wife.

As a result, I opened Moments and within two pages, I saw the promotional message forwarded by Fu Yu.

After reading it, Pang Bowen rolled his eyes and suddenly had an idea.

Pang Bowen first called his ex-wife to make sure she was at the company, and then went directly to her.

The two of them sat down in the office. Wu Fan couldn't help but laugh and said, "Is there something wrong with you suddenly running over to me?"

Seeing that it was almost noon, Wu Fan thought that Pang Bowen was planning to treat him to a meal, and he felt quite satisfied with his approach.

Pang Bowen nodded: "There is indeed something. Hey, I remember you said last time that there will be a charity art exhibition in the next year, and you will be invited to participate? At that time, you took a painting back and spent tens of thousands."

Wu Fan nodded: "Yes, it was a charity donation event for poverty alleviation and left-behind children. What happened?"

Pang Bowen quickly said: "What kind of charity art exhibition do you participate in, and the donated money is also taken care of by others. I have a ready-made activity dedicated to donating love, and it is actually helping people who really need help!"

Wu Fan was stunned: "What activity?"

Pang Bowen found the Moments message and handed it to Wu Fan.

Wu Fan took it over and took a look, and was taken aback for a moment: "Restaurant? Love meal service, it seems like a good idea! But... is this kind of reliable? Many charity activities nowadays are fraudulent for the sake of gimmicks. of."

Pang Bowen immediately said: "This is absolutely reliable. The person in charge of the event is Fu Yu. He is now the chef of the Maxima Hotel. This person is very down-to-earth and capable, and he also won the championship in this year's National Chef Cooking Competition."

When Wu Fan heard this, he was a little surprised: "Really? He is actually the champion? That's really impressive. However, the charity meal event held by Qianlima this time is mainly to create a wave of publicity, right?"

Pang Bowen said: "No matter what their starting point is, if this thing can really be done, it can be regarded as charity."

"I think there is no harm in participating in this kind of thing. Since you have this ability, you should still show more love!"

When Wu Fan heard this, he couldn't help but take a deep look at Pang Bowen.

She fell in love with Pang Bowen at the beginning, on the one hand, it was a close affinity, and on the other hand, she also admired Pang Bowen's diligence and innate kindness.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Pang Bowen's original intention has not changed at all.

Wu Fan smiled slightly, picked up his phone and took a closer look at the specific interactive content about the hotel's love meal service.

"It looks pretty good. Let's see. I happen to have time tomorrow. If you are free too, let's go over to Qianlima to learn about the specific arrangements for this event. Since you believe in this chef, he must be very good. Ability, if the event is really good, I can donate some materials such as ingredients and seasonings!"

Pang Bowen was happy when he heard this, and immediately said: "I have time, so I will treat you to Chollima for dinner tomorrow. I remember that you especially like their pot-baked fish fillet and seafood porridge."

The smile on Wu Fan's face grew a little thicker, and he said with a smile: "Okay, since you are treating me tomorrow, let me treat you to lunch later? It seems that the time is almost up, what do you want to eat?"

Just as Pang Bowen was about to speak, his secretary knocked on the door and walked in.

Pang Bowen said quickly: "You go ahead and I'll wait outside."

Wu Fan nodded, watched Pang Bowen go out, and then told his secretary: "Notify the finance department that I am going to donate 200,000 in cash to the Chollima Hotel. Tomorrow our Golden Harbor Real Estate Company will officially launch a targeted donation!"

At this time, in the front hall of the Maxima Hotel, the front office manager Gao Wenjing was taking advantage of his lunch break to eat and chat with the waiter Dai Li at the same table in the cafeteria.

"Xiaodai, have you seen the Moments posted by the people in the kitchen?"

"Oh, you're talking about the love meal service event, right?"

"Yes, I saw that everyone in the kitchen retweeted it, but the content of the event seems to have been changed a bit, and the person in charge is Fu Yu."

"Sister Gao, can this event be held? With the nature of our hotel, can anyone come to receive a love meal?"

"To be honest, this love meal service activity is really useless. I have been tinkering with it for a while in the past few years. Chef Yao tried it hard several times at that time, but he never saw any real success in implementing it!"

"Huh? So that's the case, so I guess it's going to be a big deal this time too."

"That's not necessarily true. Fu Yu is now a chef, so he might have more connections."

Gao Wenjing was talking when his cell phone rang suddenly. It was the call from the front desk clerk.

Gao Wenjing's heart skipped a beat when he saw the caller ID.

The front desk knew that she would come to the cafeteria to eat at this time, so they would not disturb her easily.

If you call me suddenly now, there is a high probability that something happened again.

Gao Wenjing didn't dare to delay and quickly answered the phone.

The excited voice of the front desk clerk came from the microphone: "Sister Gao, Bu Ming's assistant called just now and said that their company is preparing to donate a batch of charity materials to our store, including ingredients, seasonings, and kitchen utensils!"

Gao Wenjing was stunned!

what's the situation?

"I gave them your phone number, and I should contact you shortly!" The front desk relayed the matter exactly as it was.

Gao Wenjing's eyes widened and he asked in disbelief: "Someone wants to donate charity materials to our store!"

The front desk clerk replied: "Yes, and it was Bu Ming's assistant who called!"

Gao Wenjing couldn't believe his ears for the first time: "Are you talking about the Bu Ming I know?"

The front desk clerk said excitedly: "Yes! That's right! It's him, the country's chief delivery master, Bu Ming!"

Dai Li opened her mouth in surprise and turned to look at Gao Wenjing. No matter how big her eyes were, they would have popped out of their sockets!

real or fake?

Isn't this too unbelievable?

Especially the person who donated charity materials is Bu Ming!

That's Bu Ming!

As the short video platform is becoming more and more popular now, Bu Ming, who is the number one figure in live broadcasting on the platform, is almost a household name.

Such a famous person actually wants to donate materials to the charity meal event organized by Chollima Hotel!

This is like a pie falling from the sky, taking a photo directly at the entrance of the Chollima Hotel, there is no difference!

It’s really surprising, isn’t it?

The publicity from the chef started to be forwarded to WeChat Moments, and the giant Buddha Bu Ming was immediately attracted.

Who is Bu Ming here for?

At this moment, Xin Li, an accountant sitting at the next table, heard them talking about the promotion of the back kitchen, and turned her head curiously, only to see Gao Wenjing and Dai Li with stunned expressions.

Xin Li couldn't help but smile: "Manager Gao, what's going on? Someone donated charity materials? What was donated?"

Gao Wenjing murmured: "Ingredients."

Hearing Gao Wenjing's words, everyone around couldn't help laughing!

Isn't it just donating some food?

As for being so excited

Xin Li couldn't help but said: "Isn't it just a donation of some food? What's so exciting? I thought it was really a donation of something useful!"

Xin Li is also an old man in the store. When Yao Shi organized this event, he also asked the purchaser to go to the merchants who usually purchase goods to solicit sponsorship.

The suppliers just donated some vegetables and miscellaneous seafood, a total of about 100 yuan, just to give face and join in the fun.

Gao Wenjing shook her head: "No! Oh! It's not a simple donation of ingredients, but including seasonings, kitchen utensils, and most importantly, the person in the store is Bu Ming's assistant!"

All of a sudden, the people at the two nearby tables were instantly quiet!

No one spoke!

Several people looked at each other and couldn't believe their ears!

Bu Ming wants to donate charity materials?

Didn't Gao Wenjing mishear the name?

Xin Li and cashier Su Hong, who was sitting next to her, immediately gathered around and asked, "No, who are you talking about?!"

Gao Wenjing repeated again: "Bu Ming, the live broadcast leader of that short video platform!"

Everyone was stunned! (end of this chapter)

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