Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1009 A random copy of the cooking skill book

Without the control of plug-ins, it is actually impossible to learn the operations explained by the other party just by relying on the content you will hear during the current communication.

Because Avger obviously deliberately avoided many key steps during his speech, just like an article, directly throwing away the central idea, but the actual content details were not mentioned at all.

However, if you think about it from his perspective, you can somewhat understand Afjie’s approach.

After all, they are all my own unique skills. I have gradually accumulated a little bit of experience and studied a lot of knowledge points!

How can it be so easily taken out and shared casually?

Soon, Fu Yu clearly felt that he had made significant progress in the amount of ingredients and medicinal materials used in medicated cooking, and quickly mastered Afjie's personal skills in this area.

In the next moment, Fu Yu got rid of the state of nervousness and fear of misunderstanding and missing knowledge points, and became obviously relaxed and cheerful.

Liu Shaoxian, who was sitting next to him, was very excited when he heard expert Pu Wenjie, the third generation descendant of Shuanghe Tea who opened a medicated teahouse in South Korea, give his experience in cooking medicated tea soup.

This is a very valuable cooking experience!

Liu Shaoxian couldn't help but remind Fu Yu: "Xiao Fu, this Shuanghe tea is one of the very famous medicated foods in Korea, and this expert Park is also the third generation descendant of Shuanghe tea, and he is particularly interested in the cooking of medicated tea soup. Are you serious? Listen, don’t be so lax, if you miss such a rare opportunity, you won’t be able to study in the future!”

It turns out that this special guest is good at cooking medicinal tea soups.

Fu Yu has really never been exposed to this aspect before.

Fu Yu nodded seriously!

The next second, the electronic prompt sounded again in his ears:

【Ding! Medicinal Diet Personal Skill: Medicinal Diet Tea Soup Cooking. To obtain this skill, 30 skill points need to be deducted. 】

[Whether you choose to study: Yes/No? 】

Fu Yu almost choked on his own saliva!

People call it "metaphysics", and whatever you say can be transformed into reality.

Is this a slap in the face?

One second ago, he was boasting that he was a rich man with 30 skill points. Now, as long as he nods his head, he will immediately return to "before liberation"!

Fu Yu swallowed his saliva!

This is too expensive!

Skill points are not the same as money.

It’s hard-earned, and it can be used to upgrade or directly improve skill levels. Isn’t it delicious?

Medicinal tea soup sounds good, but now if you want to learn it, you have to just "gadouer"!

The most important thing is that he doesn't have 30 skill points now!

It is better to learn slowly later.

Anyway, with the operation of the system, I estimate that I will be able to come into contact with this aspect sooner or later.

Hesitating, Fu Yu did not make an exchange choice immediately.

On the one hand, it was because it was really expensive, and on the other hand, Fu Yu was a little undecided for a while.

However, Fu Yu soon realized the value of being expensive!

The scope of medicinal tea soup is really too wide.

In addition to various health-preserving teas, it also includes all medicinal soups.

It’s definitely not just one type of tea or one type of soup!

For example, Expert Park shared their ancestral medicinal tea soup Shuanghe Tea, which is a health-preserving tea soup that uses Chinese medicinal materials added to tea.

The aroma of the medicinal food enters the tea, and the tea soup tastes sweet and has a very wonderful taste!

And this Shuanghe tea is just one of the more well-known tea soups.

Expert Park spoke eloquently for a long time, introducing the medicinal materials and tea leaves used in the tea soup, and explaining in detail the specific treatment conditions. Then he focused on promoting the fact that their family developed this tea soup, which has been carefully improved by three generations. Very vivid, but none of the crucial details are revealed.

Fu Yu sat down and listened very carefully, but he didn't understand the specific cooking method of this medicinal tea soup at all.

If the effect of this tea soup is really so good, it can be improved appropriately to expand the scope of treatment.

Moreover, this combination of medicinal materials and vegetable leaves can also be applied to other medicinal cooking operations.

Fu Yu originally had very little knowledge in this area.

Now I am completely excited all of a sudden!

However, he had already spent his skill points just now, and now he did not have 30 skill points at all.

Suddenly, Fu Yu remembered that there was a cooking skill book in his inventory!

I don’t know if the content of this cooking skill book is pre-ordered, or if you can choose it by yourself.

Block it?

You have to get it sooner or later anyway, what if you can choose the content at will?

Thinking of this, Fu Yu no longer hesitated and directly chose to use it.

[Cooking Skill Book: Blank file, you can copy one of other people's cooking dishes to fill in the content. 】

Fu Yu was suddenly pleasantly surprised!

It turns out that the content is really chosen at random.

He hurriedly marked on the content filling column: Medicinal Diet Tea Soup

He also filled in the name of Expert Park in the column of replicator.

【Ding! You can choose this content to copy and fill in. The opponent's medicinal tea soup cooking skills are intermediate and have not reached the full level. Do you want to copy? 】

Fu Yu was stunned!

The medicated tea soup method passed down by expert Gan Qingpu can only be regarded as average and excellent!

None of them are at full level. If this were to be reproduced, I would be at a bit of a disadvantage!

But then I thought about it, anyway, I would copy an intermediate level first, and at worst, I could use skill points to directly upgrade to the full level later.

In this way, the few skill points I have left will definitely be enough.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu directly chose to copy.

Fu Yu's operational skills in cooking medicated tea soups directly opened the door to one of the major categories of medicated meals.

For him, this is not just a classification of medicinal tea soups, but will be helpful in the future classification operations of other medicinal meals, and even in the improvement of red-pan cooking dishes.

In addition, the dosage ratio of medicinal materials and ingredients that I just learned from Afjie

This is simply starting from the basics and leaping directly to the intermediate level.

And these two skills are a perfect match.

It is important to know that when cooking medicinal tea soup, the most important thing is to control the proportion of medicinal materials and ingredients within a precise range.

【Ding! Copy successfully and obtain expert Pu Wenjie’s medicinal tea soup cooking skills (intermediate level)]

Fu Yu chose to directly use skill points to upgrade his level to the full level.

【Ding! Skill points have been used to complete the upgrade of the personal skill Medicinal Tea Soup: Medicinal Tea Soup (Advanced)]

Fu Yu suddenly squinted his eyes and smiled.


Fu Yu really didn't expect that skill points could be used in this way!

During this period, Fu Yu had many opportunities to participate in competitions and exchange meetings, but why had the conditions for use not been triggered before?

It may be that the skill points have not been accumulated to the specified amount.

Or maybe it can only be applied to a completely new cooking field.

After all, before this, his understanding and mastery of medicinal cooking could not reach the level of accumulation now.

At that time, even if he directly exchanged skill points for cooking skills, he would not be able to learn them well.

Realizing this, although Fu Yu was very excited at this time, he couldn't help but start to worry when he thought about the twenty or so skill points he had left!

How should these skill points be allocated?

After all, learning opportunities are rare right now.

But I can’t put all my skill points into learning medicinal foods!

Skill points are limited, and it’s not easy to accumulate them.

In the future, when you encounter a critical moment at work or in other situations, you can also use it for emergency use.

After thinking for a moment, Fu Yu decided to take a look at the situation before talking.

If you really have a very rare cooking skill, you must still use it when it’s time to use the skill points!

After listening to this exchange meeting, Fu Yu really felt that he had benefited a lot.

The personal skills of the guests are very good. Although the content of what they said is hidden, for Fu Yu, listening to their stories after replicating each other's cooking skills is still very helpful for his own understanding. of.

In particular, several of the guests introduced some of their country's special cooking methods in medicated food. Fu Yu was eye-opening after hearing this.

It really enriched his original stereotype of medicinal cooking.

Medicinal diet is definitely not only a means of health preservation, but also a very good means of conditioning and treatment.

Especially for those who are weak and have serious loss of Qi and blood after illness, it also has a very significant effect.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu couldn't help but be a little excited!

Because he realized that he would have to work hard to save skill points in the future.

Not only should you save more, but you should also participate in more similar cooking exchange activities and learn the skills and experiences of other cooking experts.

Of course, before that, you still need to do more cooking, cook more, and improve your personal cooking level. Otherwise, there will be no way to trigger skill point learning.

In the final analysis, herbal cooking is the same as Hong An. It requires communication and learning from each other. After all, one person's energy is limited.

Although he thought clearly, during the internship, Fu Yu still managed to hit 15 skill points in one breath without even realizing it.

When it comes to flowers, I just care about being happy.

After the meeting ended, he began to feel distressed!

What a waste!

However, he was more excited than distressed.

He really benefited a lot from this exchange meeting. It would be great if he could attend more times.

After the day's exchange meeting, Fu Yu followed Liu Shaoxian and Li Zongming out.

Fu Yu really felt that he still had more to say.

Liu Shaoxian, on the other hand, saw that he was not tired at all, but rather excited, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

No matter how steady he looked, he was still young after all. During the meeting just now, he discovered that Fu Yu seemed to be listening attentively, but in fact he was distracted.

He stared directly at the guests on the stage, and he didn't look like he was studying carefully.

In the evening, the activity group booked a Korean restaurant.

Each person has a set meal of ginseng chicken soup, which is relatively energy-consuming to study. I didn't realize it at the exchange meeting. Now facing a full portion of fragrant ginseng chicken soup, Fu Yu's appetite suddenly increased.

The chicken is stewed very soft, the soup is light and delicious, and the taste is rich.

However, Fu Yu is not very used to eating the kimchi that goes with it.

Chollima's homemade side dishes taste better.

After a day-long exchange meeting, all colleagues in the industry had excited expressions on their faces. Everyone chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Fu Yu finished chewing half of the chicken, then slowed down and began to pay attention to the exchanges of other people around him.

Liu Shaoxian always paid attention to health. He simply tasted a chicken drumstick and drank two mouthfuls of soup, then stopped using chopsticks.

He turned to look at Fu Yu and saw that Fu Yu was doing two things while eating, listening to others chatting.

Liu Shaoxian shook his head helplessly and reminded: "Xiao Fu, your concentration is not good, just eat well. It was the same in the previous exchange meeting. I think you didn't listen carefully. What a good lecture! The content is really good. It’s quite rich, and it’s very eye-opening.”

When mentioning the exchange meeting, Liu Shaoxian couldn't help but talk a few more words.

The other colleagues sitting next to him heard it and nodded one after another.

They all felt that today's trip was really worthwhile, and they really had many aspects that needed to be improved and strengthened.

When an expert who was close to Liu Shaoxian heard Liu Shaoxian educating Fu Yu, he quickly smiled and said, "Hey! Mr. Liu, young people are actually like this!"

After saying that, he looked at Fu Yu again: "But, Xiao Fu, what your teacher Liu said is still very reasonable. Have you found out? The people on stage today are all experts in the medicinal diet circle in various countries, and they are all experts in the field. They are old masters. In fact, they are relatively stubborn in their views on many things and are not very receptive to new things."

"Our circle should have more new blood and train new people in order to truly develop."

"We old guys come here every day to participate in exchange meetings, mainly to study. We think that when we go back, we can teach you young people something. Otherwise, what are we doing?"

"This kind of opportunity is still very rare. Now that it's here, you must cherish it!"

"Although medicated diet originated from our country, other countries are definitely far behind us in terms of history and breadth and depth. However, their country's entry point for research on this is quite special, and there are indeed some skills. Better than what we have to do.”

"We have to talk about it. We can't be biased just because we are more powerful. We have to learn what we need to learn, you know?"

Fu Yu couldn't help but nodded and smiled: "Yes, what the teachers said is right!"

After eating and chatting for a while, Liu Shaoxian took Fu Yu and Li Zongming back to the hotel.

On the way back, Liu Shaoxian turned to look at Fu Yu and asked, "Xiao Fu, you participated in the exchange meeting for the first time today. Did you gain anything?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Yes, I have gained a lot and broadened my horizons."

Liu Shaoxian had a look of disbelief on his face: "Come on, I saw it. You were staring at the guests in a daze. Did the language barrier affect your concentration in study?"

Fu Yu hurriedly explained: "No, although I don't understand the language, there is a translator. I understand everything and listen to it!"

As for being dazed, it was because he exchanged skill points and copied the opponent's skills. It was a crazy integration of knowledge points.

Of course, there is definitely no way to explain this to Liu Shaoxian truthfully. (End of chapter)

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