Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1010 Differential treatment based on appearance

Fu Yu's explanation was particularly sincere.

Liu Shaoxian didn't believe it at all, he just thought Fu Yu was making excuses.

He rolled his eyes: "I believe you!"

Fu Yu said helplessly: "Really, I learned it all!"

When Liu Shaoxian heard this, he couldn't help but sneered: "You have really learned it all, you kid, you are still too naive!"

"What can you learn just from a speech at such an exchange meeting? Let me tell you, do the things they talk about sound noble? They seem to be very detailed and very learning points? But in fact, these are all It’s the central idea after they cut it out and summarized it. Can anyone tell you the detailed cooking operation details?”

"The most critical operation links have been hidden. It is impossible for outsiders to learn it easily!"

"However, even so, they also mentioned a good development direction in herbal cooking during their speech, which inspired me a lot. After I go back this time, I must focus on researching it."

With that said, Liu Shao first put his hand on Fu Yu's shoulder and patted him: "Xiao Fu, you are very talented in medicinal food cooking. Unlike us, although we have a heart that wants to continue to contribute, no matter in terms of thoughts or Both understanding and memory abilities have begun to deteriorate significantly."

"The development of our industry in the future will still depend on you young people. You must learn these cooking techniques quickly, think about them more, and communicate more."

Listening to Liu Shaoxian's words, Fu Yu knew that he had also seen the hidden operations of the special guests during their speeches, so he didn't say anything more.

However, Fu Yu still understood Liu Shaoxian's kindness, and he nodded cooperatively: "Teacher Liu, don't worry, I understand all this. Really, I learned a lot from today's exchange meeting. When we get back, we will Let’s have a good conversation.”

Liu Shao couldn't hold it back and rolled his eyes again: "Come on! Okay, have a good rest tonight. You have a competition tomorrow. Lao Li, come on tomorrow!"

Li Zongming is usually a taciturn character. He listened to them with a smile just now, but now he nodded: "Okay!"

Liu Shaoxian looked at Fu Yu again: "You too, boy, I'll see you on the field tomorrow! If you really have the ability, come back with a grand prize and show those old guys a good look!"

With the National Chef Competition as their front line, Fu Yu and Li Zongming felt particularly stable when they drew lots at the competition site.

At yesterday's exchange meeting, I didn't feel that there were so many participants in this event. Now when I arrived at the competition site, it was really crowded.

The game content is set up very concisely and clearly.

The contestants were divided into ten groups by drawing lots, with five people in each group.

During the official competition, each team will arrange a pre-ordered customer.

Before cooking the medicinal meal, each contestant needs to complete the customization of the medicinal meal based on the actual situation of the customer.

Because there was only one customer, only one portion of the medicinal meal banquet customized by the five contestants could be cooked.

The other four people were directly eliminated and had no chance to show off their herbal cooking skills!

This is actually a very comprehensive and demanding test!

With the participation of customers, the judging panel needs to score the customization of the medicated meal seats.

This kind of arrangement can greatly improve the joint participation of the judging panel and the customers themselves, and can also give a comprehensive consideration to the contestants' customization plan for herbal meals.

When Fu Yu drew lots, he was not drawn into the same group as Li Zongming.

He followed four other players from different countries into the competition room.

They have a total of half an hour to analyze the customer's situation and customize the medicinal meal.

In the room, there are at least twenty cameras recording every word and deed of the contestants from the moment they enter the room, including every minute movement, including analysis and design of the medicinal meal seats.

This hasn't been officially cooked yet, it's just a matter of prior communication and customization of the medicinal meal banquet, and that's it for now.

You can imagine what an airtight filming and recording scene it will be like when it comes time to actually cook!

A team of five people must design a medicinal meal that not only satisfies the judges but also satisfies the customers.

It seems that it is a very simple design that can be customized based on the actual situation of the customer and the medicinal dishes that he is best at.

But in fact, it is a comprehensive medicated meal customization that requires many aspects to be considered.

Because the medicinal meal banquet is indeed customized for customers, there are many design options for the selection of ingredients and medicinal materials, and you can choose at will.

But while serving customers, we must also consider the final review by review experts.

After all, what experts mainly consider is the efficacy, safety and feasibility of the medicated meal, as well as the taste and shape of the medicated meal. It even includes the level of cooking skills and the perfection of details handled by the medicated chef in the entire cooking operation. Degree, as well as the technical content of operating techniques, etc., are assessed and scored in various aspects.

In this way, the pressure on the contestants will be increased invisibly.

Each group has half an hour to prepare, including communicating with customers, and finally customizing the menu for the medicated banquet.

Customers will also make their selections for each group of medicated meals, and finally provide a preference score.

Therefore, in the first round alone, the difficulty of the game has already become apparent.

The player at the front of the queue gets priority to communicate with customers.

When it was Fu Yu's turn, he hurriedly followed the staff to the room where the customer was.

The moment he saw the customer, Fu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Where did this person come from?

Just looking at the appearance of the customers, Fu Yu suddenly understood why the few players outside looked gloomy!

The female customer looked to be in her early fifties, obese, with a dark complexion and obvious signs of chloasma and acne on her face.

Because of his complexion, he looked particularly haggard and dull, but when he looked at people, his eyes looked very fierce and impatient.

Fu Yu walked inside while observing the appearance of the customers.

He doesn't know how to practice medicine, so he can't judge the customer's illness by looking at his face.

But if the female customer in front of me wants to undergo medicinal dietary conditioning, she must first adjust her complexion.

Secondly, the chloasma on this face is a bit serious!

Among the custom-made medicated meal mats that Fu Yu is currently taking over are customers who treat chloasma, and he has some knowledge about this aspect.

If the customer in front of him does not have a congenital hereditary disease, nor does he have any typical liver and kidney dysfunction, gynecological diseases or other diseases, it can only be caused by endocrine disorders or external chemical stimulation.

Fu Yu thought about it and walked straight to the customer and sat down.

While Fu Yu looked at the female customer, the female customer also looked over.

The moment the two people's eyes met, Fu Yu smiled subconsciously.

The female customer was stunned for a moment, then nodded, her originally gloomy expression visibly softened a bit.

Outside the camera, the judges who had been paying attention to him were obviously stunned for a moment!

Is this customer's attitude changing a little too quickly?

Obviously, when facing other contestants before, they always looked cold and cold.

The female customer looked at Fu Yu in surprise. She really didn't expect that the herbal chef was such a young and energetic young man.

Fu Yu nodded to the female customer: "Hello, let's start now."

The female customer responded: "Okay."

Fu Yu is used to using words to communicate with customers. Since he has acquired basic writing skills and language expression skills, he can unconsciously speak eloquently when talking to others.

In particular, he also has rhythm control skills, so when communicating, he can easily grasp the topic and guide the other party to communicate according to his own intentions.

Fu Yu was not in a hurry to ask about the female customer's condition. He took the opportunity to say hello just now and took a closer look at the female customer's skin condition. He immediately found that the female customer's beard was obviously a bit heavy, and because the air conditioning was on at the competition venue, Therefore, the temperature control is very comfortable, but the female customer is obviously a little sweaty, and sweat stains can be clearly seen between the hair on her forehead and temples.

This complexion and appearance look a bit like symptoms of endocrine disorders!

Endocrine diseases are not like other diseases. Recovery is slow after treatment, and the patient's own mood is particularly susceptible to being affected.

The mood changes greatly, the mind is sensitive, and it is very easy to be irritable.

Faced with such a customer, if you want to customize a herbal meal that satisfies her, you must not only cater to the symptoms, but also satisfy the customer's tastes and preferences.

Even when communicating, you need to be more careful and careful than with other ordinary customers.

However, this is only Fu Yu's guess. The specific situation must be carefully communicated with the female customer before he can make a judgment.

Because of his prejudgment, Fu Yu had a particularly kind and gentle attitude when speaking, and used words carefully for fear of accidentally angering the other party.

Fu Yu looked at the female customer with a sincere face and asked seriously: "Have you ever been exposed to medicated dietary therapy before?"

The female customer was stunned and answered honestly: "No, I always go directly to the hospital for diagnosis, and then go home and take Chinese medicine for conditioning."

Fu Yu nodded: "Since you can take Chinese medicine, there shouldn't be any big taboos when it comes to medicinal materials when cooking medicinal meals. Do you usually like sweets?"

The female customer immediately said: "I used to like it very much, but since my health has not been good, I rarely eat it."

Fu Yu took a pen and wrote it down carefully.

Love sweets.

Fu Yu finished writing carefully and continued to ask: "It seems that you are usually a very self-disciplined person, so do you have any special preferences in food preferences? Or food taboos?"

The female customer was suddenly praised and looked at Fu Yu with some surprise. Then she heard his question clearly and said naturally: "Oh, I'm not that self-disciplined. The main reason is that I have a problem with my health. That's when I started to worry about my diet." Control it. As for my dietary preferences, I’m not too picky and can eat both meat and vegetables. However, I don’t like meat that is too fatty. As for vegetables, I don’t like vegetables that are cooked and soft like eggplant and watermelon.”

Fu Yu listened carefully and took notes.

He is very good at talking, giving compliments without leaving any trace, and looking with sincere eyes. He does not deliberately ask about the other party's illness in his words. Instead, he first talks about some similar customer experiences that he knows to attract the other party's attention.

The experiences of these customers that Fu Yu mentioned were not fabricated out of thin air, but were very inspiring and instructive. They not only made the other party resonate with his story, but also gave him a correct guide, guiding him to follow his own instructions. It requires a careful and complete explanation of all physical symptoms and some dietary preferences.

After he understood everything clearly, Fu Yu looked at the time and saw that twenty minutes had passed.

"Okay, then I will start customizing the medicinal meal banquet now!"

The female customer was stunned for a moment when she heard this?

Is this enough?

But you haven’t asked her about her illness yet?

Moreover, I didn’t look at the examination report she had prepared, the traditional Chinese medicine she had taken before, and the diagnosis and treatment she had received.

How come you can directly customize the medicinal meal banquet without asking carefully?

However, when she thought of the two rich women Fu Yu mentioned when they were chatting just now, and the change in the official's wife's physical condition after customizing the medicinal meal, she inexplicably developed an indescribable sense of trust in Fu Yu.

To be honest, after she saw Fu Yu, her first impression was that besides thinking that Fu Yu was handsome, she felt that he was a bit unreliable.

The main reason is that I am too young and I feel that my level is not necessarily good enough.

But after chatting for a long time, the previous impression suddenly changed drastically.

Although this contestant is young, he is indeed very good at medicinal food cooking.

At least, he was able to accurately tell some of his problems without even asking about his symptoms. Moreover, he had not noticed it when they were chatting before. Only now did he realize that the customers Fu Yu mentioned during the chat just now As an example, the illness situation is almost exactly the same as my own.

Thinking of this, the female customer suddenly felt a sense of expectation.

Maybe this player can really customize a medicinal meal with good effects.

What interested her the most was what Fu Yu just mentioned, the special medicinal dishes specially designed to treat chloasma.

She subconsciously reached out and touched her face.

When she was young, she didn't have so many spots on her face. They started to appear when she was pregnant. Later, as she got older and her health began to get worse, the spots on her face unknowingly increased.

However, this kind of chloasma is very stubborn. No matter whether it is skin care or some secret dietary treatments, there is no significant effect.

If the medicated meal Fu Yu mentioned could really cure the chloasma on her face, then today would be a worthwhile trip!

They communicated very smoothly.

Outside the venue, everyone on the judges' bench was dumbfounded!

So smooth?

Just now, the female customer looked like she was owed money by everyone, speaking perfunctorily and impatiently. Why did she completely change when she faced Fu Yu?

Isn’t this differential treatment based on appearance a bit too obvious? ! (End of chapter)

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