Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1011 Who do you look down on?

To be honest, when all the judges saw the customers, they secretly complained, should the organizer set the difficulty level so high?

After all, the customization of medicated meal mats is unlike other customizations. It really requires good communication with customers in order to predict the symptoms.

However, the situation of this female customer is indeed a bit embarrassing.

The players who entered the venue just now basically entered the venue with full confidence and left the venue frustrated.

This is not only an embarrassment for the contestants, but also a test for the judges!

After all, if they don’t have a good understanding of the customer’s situation, they may not be able to focus on the key points when rating the customer. Then there will be a serious polarization between the customer and the customer, which won’t look good!

"Since you are only one person, I will tentatively decide on three dishes, one soup and one staple food!"

After Fu Yu finished speaking, he lowered his head and began to list suitable medicinal dishes on the paper.

While he was thinking about it, he recalled the various preferences and specific illnesses mentioned by the female customer just now, and the corresponding medicinal dishes with very good effects.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to think, he quickly flipped through the [Endocrine Diet Therapy Recipe] that he had obtained during the mission.

Fortunately, he happened to have a recipe for the disease in hand, and Fu Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was originally worried about encountering any difficult and complicated diseases, but he didn't have any relevant recipes at hand.

It seems there is no big problem.

But how to customize the medicinal dishes next?

At this moment, Fu Yu began to think continuously.

He held the pen and kept listing the names of various medicinal dishes on the paper, and then added or deleted them.

This is really a very difficult decision-making process.

It is necessary to ensure that the medicinal dishes are symptomatic, but also to consider the personal tastes of female customers. In addition, when cooking the dishes, you can excellently demonstrate your cooking skills, as well as the aesthetics of the dishes during the cooking process, and finally put them on the plate. A stunning feeling when served to the table.

All these must be taken into consideration and the details must be handled well.

It is not easy to make up your mind to make a choice right away.

Fu Yu concentrated on thinking that female customers like to eat sweets, which can be taken advantage of.

In addition to this, medicinal dishes that are very effective in treating chloasma can also be used.

In terms of medicinal materials

Fu Yu felt that there was no need to worry too much. After all, the female customer had a long-term experience of taking Chinese medicine and had a certain degree of adaptability to the taste of the medicinal materials. However, she still had to do a little processing when cooking to better integrate the taste of the medicinal materials. Bring in ingredients.

However, if you want to win the recognition of female customers, you must do something with the name of the dish. At least it can make the function of the medicinal dish clear at a glance.

In response to the situation of the female customer, Fu Yu quickly started to list the dishes for the medicated banquet, and then sorted it out through various related recipes on hand to study the feasibility.

During the whole process, he was very focused, and more and more dish names were written on the paper.

Seeing her medicinal banquet dishes being made from scratch, and filling everything from dish names to ingredients and herbs, the female customer felt a wave of excitement in her heart that she hadn't seen for a long time.

Seeing how handsome Fu Yu was and how he spoke very pleasantly, she wanted to give Fu Yu high marks.

After all, among the contestants she had just come into contact with, Fu Yu was the one who suited her best. She thought it was particularly good in every aspect, and she was particularly eye-catching!

However, the rules of the competition are very clear. The first step in the competition requires contestants to design a medicinal meal banquet. Whoever designs a recipe that is selected by customers and approved by the judges will be qualified to cook.

This requires that the customized plan for the medicated meal is not enough to convince customers. You must convince the judges and prove that you have the ability to cook medicated meals.

You can't just talk about it, the customized medicinal meal mat is full of color, fragrance and fragrance. Tell everyone verbally that this is your plan!

This simply won't work!

Customers may not understand the industry and may be fooled.

When it comes to the judges, they need to clearly explain the specific preparation plan for customizing the medicated banquet, including all the cooking details and the operation design of each step.

To put it bluntly, you must prove the true value of the medicated meal you customized, and gain everyone’s approval and convince them!

Soon, Fu Yu drew up the menu for the medicinal meal banquet.

Three dishes, one soup and one staple food.

He first handed the recipe to the female customer and introduced: "This is my preliminary custom-made medicated meal banquet. It can only be regarded as a trial dish. If you want to make systematic adjustments, you need to make it based on your experience after each meal and your symptoms." The level of relief is customized to the treatment.”

Then, he began to face the judges and introduce the medicated meal banquet he had customized. From the symptomatic effects of the dishes, to the specific curative effects, to the cooking methods, as well as the taste and presentation design of the dishes, he was very detailed and extremely detailed. Explained.

As soon as he finished speaking, before the judges could speak, the female customer suddenly asked excitedly: "Is the effect of this spot-clearing therapeutic soup you mentioned really that significant?"

Fu Yu nodded calmly, with a firm and confident tone: "Yes, this spot-clearing dietary soup can effectively treat and relieve the symptoms of chloasma. In fact, traditional Chinese medicine has proven that if there are plaques on the face and blood clots in the body, there will be There must be blood stasis in spots, but skin beautification and freckle removal cannot be separated from blood.

Therefore, I specially chose this spot-clearing dietary soup for your situation. In fact, you can see the foundation of your skin. It was originally quite good, but it was just that you did not receive better care during pregnancy and did not receive proper care after delivery. of care.

If you want to treat your condition, you should not only focus on endocrine regulation, but also focus on complexion and freckle removal simultaneously.

This spot-clearing dietary soup is a particularly symptomatic medicated diet. As I just introduced, it has the functions of dispelling wind and reducing phlegm, cooling blood and detoxifying, dredging the meridians, and promoting blood circulation. When combined with several other medicated meals, , can better reduce pigmentation.

On the one hand, your illness is indeed a physical problem, but in addition, it is also due to too much psychological pressure.

Therefore, the medicinal diet I customize not only targets your symptoms, but also adjusts your complexion and skin condition."

Fu Yu talked eloquently for a long time.

The female customer's eyes lit up when she heard this. As soon as he finished speaking, she couldn't help but said excitedly: "Okay! Great! This is the medicinal diet I want to customize!"

The judges who were conducting comprehensive scoring based on Fu Yu's customized medicinal diet menu were all stunned!


Isn't this a bit too exaggerated?

If we want to talk about the authentic dietary soup for clearing spots, it must be black bean and snow pear soup. This is the authentic medicinal soup. It can indeed treat chloasma and improve dull complexion, spots, dark circles, oily face, flushing, and acne. and other skin problems.

But the cooking method Fu Yu mentioned is actually a kind of therapeutic soup.

In terms of effect, the therapeutic soup is definitely better, because in addition to the effect of removing freckles, the therapeutic soup also has a very significant effect on endocrine disorders.

Comparing the two, the therapeutic soup customized by Fu Yu is better.

However, just because the effect is good doesn’t mean you can brag about it!

When people heard this, they felt it was extremely exaggerated.

However, when they really wanted to find fault, all the judges suddenly fell silent.

"He was so full of words when he said it, and it felt like there was something wrong with him everywhere. But do you really want to say that he deceived customers? It seems like he didn't?"

"Yes, this therapeutic soup does have this effect. Obviously what he said is true, but why does it sound so exaggerated?"

"It's nothing to be exaggerated. It's just that these medicated dishes he customized. Please taste them carefully. They include ingredients like shrimps and soft-fried and fried cooking methods. Such medicated dishes can really improve the customer's health. Is it a physical illness? I don’t think it’s feasible!”


"I think so!"

The female customer was now filled with thoughts about Fu Yu's custom-made medicated meal mat, and was excited by the stories about its curative effects.

Now that she heard the words of several experts, she was not shaken at all. On the contrary, she frowned with dissatisfaction.

What do these old guys want to do?

In order to suppress the performance of the contestants, why don’t you behave like a human being?

Although Fu Yu is young, he is very powerful. Whether it is his appearance or his cooking skills, he is quite powerful!

Who do you look down on?

Fu Yu was questioned, but he didn't get angry. He smiled and explained seriously: "I will now give you experts a detailed introduction to the purpose of selecting specific medicinal dishes."

"First of all, based on the actual situation of the customer, I chose to customize the cooking goal of this medicated banquet, which is mainly to effectively regulate endocrine!"

"First, increase the intake of unsaturated fatty acids. The peach blossom pig's trotter porridge and fried cucumber with shrimps are light and delicious, but also contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids. Pair them with cyperus tangerine tangerine chicken and soft fried white pigeon. It can effectively delay the decline of ovarian function and regulate endocrine disorders.

Endocrine disorders themselves can lead to the growth of chloasma, and complexion and appearance have a great impact on women’s psychological state. In this way, it is very necessary to achieve a better conditioning

And here, I decided to choose the Qingban therapeutic soup for freckle removal.

Research shows that endocrine diseases such as chloasma have an important relationship with mentality. Therefore, keeping a happy and positive mood is of great significance to maintaining women's health and regulating endocrine disorders.

As for the soft-fried white pigeon, when cooking, I will use a cooking method based on vegetable oil and supplemented by animal oil. The main purpose is as mentioned before, to obtain a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids.

Moreover, eating some fried foods in moderation will not have any special impact on treating symptoms.

In fact, as long as you know a little bit about it, you will know that this soft fried white pigeon is also a sample medicinal diet from the Chinese Health Dictionary."

After everyone heard this, they were stunned!

One of the judges couldn't help but said: "Young man, your original intention of customizing the medicated diet is very good. However, although these medicated diets of yours are symptomatic and should have good conditioning effects, the operational requirements during cooking are relatively difficult.

Especially the peach blossom pig trotters porridge, which is a beauty porridge handed down from ancient medicinal books, and the soft fried white pigeon, since it comes from the Chinese health dictionary, both in terms of curative effect and cooking operation requirements, It must be a very high and difficult medicinal diet!

And the whole process of cooking has to be done by your own hands. Can you do it without a helper? "

"Yes, these medicated meals are quite difficult to cook. Are you sure you want to cook this set of medicated meals?"

Fu Yu smiled slightly: "Of course!"

At this time, the female customer said excitedly: "I choose him! I give him full marks! I will eat the medicinal meal made by him!"

This is a completely brainwashed attitude!

The judges looked at the scene in front of them and fell into collective silence.

The contestants were busy designing herbal meals in the competition area.

Inside the venue, the atmosphere was warm and jubilant.

In addition to a few people who participated in the competition, there were many people who did not participate.

Everyone was sitting in the stands, listening to the leader and deputy leader of the judging panel who were left at the judges' table discussing today's competition.

In addition to them, the remaining fifty judges and experts, including Zhou Li, have already gone to the competition area in person to conduct on-site observation and evaluation.

Although the competition did not clearly distinguish between sessions, the original plan in the morning was to eliminate most of the players.

It is also commonly known as the audition and elimination round.

The leader of the judging panel is Gao Xianxi. He looked at everyone present and said, "You may not know much about it, but we specially invited ten volunteer customers for today's competition!"

"These ten volunteer customers are all carefully selected by us and are very representative special cases. Each of these ten customers can provide a very comprehensive and comprehensive assessment of the level and strength of the contestants!"

This competition has been prepared for nearly a year.

All the preparations are very sufficient and complete, especially the people responsible for planning the event are well-known experts in the circle, so they also go all out and strive for perfection in the selection of volunteer customers!

Go Hyun-seok motioned to the host to play on the big screen.

The screen quickly displayed the detailed personal information of the ten volunteer customers, as well as the diseases they suffered from and the diagnosis and treatment they had received.

I have to say that every audience present here is an "expert" in the industry!

When everyone looks at the personal situation of volunteer customers, their judgments are very professional, and their entry points are also unique.

Is the disease serious? What kind of medicinal and dietary treatments are needed?

The most important thing is that the customization of the medicinal meal banquet must be designed completely according to the customer's dietary preferences!

Can the efficacy and taste of medicated diet be guaranteed at the same time?

Therefore, when all the information of the ten volunteer customers appeared on the big screen, everyone present immediately started a heated discussion and research.

"This is a very typical symptom of weak spleen. You can see that his symptoms are very clear: fatigue, weakness, and insufficient stomach yin."

"The liver stores blood. This is chronic hepatitis. Symptoms of blood stasis and dampness and heat have already appeared."

"Endocrine disorders are a bit serious. I have been taking traditional Chinese medicine for many years, but the effect is average!"

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