Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1012 The table looks a bit chaotic

Everyone in the audience is a well-known herbal diet expert in the circle.

When talking about related topics, they are all very professional expressions.

The judges listened to their discussion and exchanges and felt extremely happy!

This kind of scene should be the unique atmosphere of their medicinal diet circle.

And professionalism like this is what their herbalists should strive for.

The criteria for volunteer customers do not require how serious the disease is, because what they value is the prediction of the disease and the specific customization of dietary therapy.

Gao Xianxi glanced at the information about the volunteer customers played on the big screen, and faced the audience and said: "Now, please be quiet. While the contestants are communicating with the volunteer customers, let's first talk about the ten volunteers. From our professional point of view, based on the symptoms of customers, we can determine what kind of medicated meals are more suitable for them. We can also give everyone an inspiration by brainstorming."

Everyone present was immediately eager to give it a try. They began to evaluate the symptoms of the ten customers on the big screen and started a discussion on customizing the medicated meal table.

After all, they were all outstanding representatives from each country, not to mention the fact that there were high-level figures such as the panel leader and deputy panel leader to provide guidance. Everyone quickly listed the corresponding customized dishes for the medicated banquet.

We also discussed some different methods and creative ideas for cooking the same medicinal materials and ingredients.

This method of communication not only brought everyone present to join in, effectively stimulating the atmosphere on the field, but also provided an opportunity for everyone to communicate and learn from each other.

Soon, after the first few volunteer customers had finished discussing the customization of herbal meals, they arrived at the last one, the female volunteer customer assigned by Fu Yu's team.

Seeing the situation of the female customer, even the experts on the judging panel fell silent.

Gao Xianxi was speechless for a long time.


The situation of this volunteer customer is quite special. The difficulty of booking the medicinal meal is obviously much more complicated than that of other groups.

The symptoms themselves are serious, but the cooperation of volunteer customers is not high.

This also makes the customization of the entire medicated meal mat more difficult to operate.

Even the people in the audience looked at the detailed personal situation of this volunteer customer and sincerely felt that the choice of this volunteer customer was somewhat difficult for the contestants.

"This female customer's situation is not easy to handle!"


"This tests not only the mastery of the medicated diet profession, but also communication with customers is very important. After all, customizing medicated diet requires an accurate understanding of the customer's specific physical condition and dietary preferences."

Listening to everyone's discussion, Gao Xianxi said with a smile: "In fact, this can more intuitively understand the various problems and difficulties that our medicinal diet industry will encounter in daily work. The customer originally had a physical illness and the treatment effect was not satisfactory. In this case, choose medicated food for conditioning.”

“Everyone has the right to pursue health, beauty, and longevity. Many of their conditions cannot be diagnosed and treated, but they do have some physical symptoms, and we can help them with effective conditioning and maintenance. "

At this point, Gao Xianxi looked around and said solemnly: "Faced with such special customers, we should be more patient. You can carefully consider the conditions of the volunteer customers and divide them into several treatment areas for setting. First of all It’s hormone balance!”

"Expert Han Junlai should have very good suggestions in this regard!"

Han Junlai was suddenly called upon. He quickly stood up and gestured to everyone before saying with a smile: "I can give it a try."

His best specialty is the cooking of hormone-modulating medicinal foods.

For this female customer's condition, if only a single hormone-modulating medicinal diet is customized, he should have no problem.

After Han Jun came to signal, he sat down again, picked up the pen, and began to customize the dishes for the medicinal meal banquet.

A staff member brought a microphone.

So Han Jun came to communicate with everyone while customizing.

"The situation of this female customer is very typical of hormonal instability caused by severe endocrine disorders. Therefore, during conditioning, I will choose to perform some treatments such as beef liver, white silkworms, artemisia, and old hens, which can be very good. Foods and Chinese medicinal materials that replenish estrogen in the body are the main ingredients of the medicated meal.

At the same time, in terms of choice of cooking dishes, light steamed dishes will also be the first choice.”

I have to say that Han Junlai’s medicinal cooking skills are still very high!

As he talked, he customized the dishes. As expected, many Chinese medicinal materials and ingredients that were not commonly used in daily life were combined together, which actually played a very effective conditioning role.

As Han Junlai's custom-made medicinal banquet dishes were completed, everyone present was shocked.

Indeed, if you follow these two medicinal diets, the disease will definitely be cured very well!

Then, without Gao Xianxi calling her by name, someone else stood up and said proactively: "Actually, her obesity can be well controlled through medicinal diet. For example, Qingtong Yin and Qingjiang Yin are very suitable."

One after another, several more experts stood up and began to customize the medicinal diet according to the situation of the female customers.

Everyone is good at treating different diseases. Although the main symptom of the female customer is a very serious endocrine disorder, in fact, this disease has led to many other clinical diseases.

These conditions can all be treated with effective medicinal and dietary treatments.

Everyone present followed suit and offered suggestions.

One after another, herbal dishes that were both symptomatic and delicious were quickly customized.

After watching the whole process, Gao Xianxi concluded: "Yes, the most important disease of this volunteer customer is severe endocrine disorder. Without hormone adjustment, it is difficult to make a big improvement in the entire disease.

Medicinal food conditioning itself is a treatment method that requires long-term persistence. While treating diseases and conditioning, the customer's mentality and positive attitude also have a very important impact on the effect of conditioning. "

"This is also the most difficult point that the contestants have to face when choosing the customized medicinal meal seats in this exam!"

"You see, when it comes to customizing medicated meals, the first step is to treat the main symptoms. Then there is the dietary therapy for various symptoms, the selection and matching of ingredients and medicinal materials, not only in terms of curative effect, but also the fusion of flavors during cooking is also very important. !”

At this time, the modern side of the organizer was highlighted.

The medicated meal mats that have just been researched and customized only need to be input into the mini program, and the specific shape, efficacy and taste of several medicated dishes after cooking can be directly displayed.

Gao Xianxi said with a smile: "I would like to thank our country's pharmaceutical industry for supporting this event. This small program was invented and created by our country's very advanced technology group and our country's most famous pharmaceutical department. A digital analog medicated food instrument.

The main thing is to input the customer's personal situation and specific disease details, and then through our operation, the customized medicated meal mat will be directly displayed with a pattern and therapeutic effect analysis that is closest to the cooking effect.

This can better meet the needs of customers and achieve the purpose of assisting us in communicating with customers. After all, the customization of medicated meal mats mainly depends on the higher the cooperation between customers and us, the better the final conditioning effect will be! "

After Liu Shaoxian heard this, he subconsciously turned to look at the judges' seat where Zhou Li was sitting. Zhou Li was on the left side of Gao Xianxi. He was one of the leaders of today's judging panel and did not go to the competition area.

He and Liu Shaoxian looked at each other, both unable to conceal their surprise.

He never expected that this technology would actually be developed here.


It seems that this digital analog herbal food instrument is still in its infancy. In the future, it is still unclear which country will be more advanced!

Seoul had proposed developing this technology at exchange meetings two years ago, but it was not favored at the time.

On the one hand, medicated diet is difficult to define directly, unlike others. If you want to directly express the conditioning effect and taste of medicated diet through images and words, it is easy to make mistakes and fail to achieve the precise purpose.

Just like the current small scale, Liu Shaoxian looked at the evaluation of the medicated meal mat above and knew that this was only preliminary research and development, and there should be further research and improvement in the future.

After Liu Shaoxian participated in the exchange meeting that year, he felt that the research and development of this technology was very feasible.

After Zhou Li reported it, Zhou Li approved the project and sent someone to contact the expert technology company for joint research and development.

Now they have made very significant research and development progress here, but according to the actual situation in Seoul, they also need to make appropriate improvements in their own research.

Soon, a staff member entered the medicinal dishes customized by several experts present into the program, and the signal synthesis screen soon appeared on the big screen.

Everyone here immediately began to look forward to it!

Several experts are very confident in their customized medicated dishes. A perfect medicated banquet will surely appear soon, right?

Medicinal cooking is inherently full of creativity and imagination.

Precisely because they are very confident in their professionalism, everyone feels that with such a lineup of experts from all the circles gathered together, what difficult diseases of customers cannot be customized with medicinal diet?


After all the medicinal dishes and specific cooking methods have been entered, a synthesis waiting circle progress prompt appears on the big screen.

Gao Xianxi and the deputy team leader on the stage are also looking forward to it. After all, this can be regarded as a very rare strong alliance.

Everyone was breathing rapidly and stared at the changing progress prompts on the big screen!

Soon, the progress is completed!

Immediately, a picture of a table of finished medicated meals appeared on the big screen, and next to it were very clear ratings, as well as the specific conditioning effects of the medicated meals and the taste of the dishes.

Suddenly, everyone was stunned!

The infield, which was originally a little noisy due to excitement, fell silent almost instantly.

Everyone gasped!

“This table doesn’t look very suitable!”

"Did you only score 40 points? The conditioning effect is so poor?"

"It shouldn't be!"

There was noisy discussion in the venue.

No one expected such a result.

It seems that this lineup of experts cannot be seen alone, but needs to work together.

Several experts who participated in the customization of the medicinal meal banquet were also dumbfounded.

The dishes I customized are obviously perfect in terms of curative effect, taste and shape after cooking, but why do they look nondescript when combined with the medicinal dishes cooked by others?

Gao Xianxi suddenly realized when he looked at the medicated meal table with neither matching shapes nor fusion of flavors.

No wonder this happens because they ignore the overall picture.

Everyone is too focused on their area of ​​expertise, focusing on a single disease treatment, while ignoring the overall therapeutic effect, resulting in each dish being very different in taste from other dishes.

Liu Shaoxian looked at the chaotically arranged table of medicinal meals on the big screen and reacted similarly.

This result is actually because they lack a God's perspective.

The importance of looking at the big picture is ignored.

This is an approach that Fu Yu had advocated in previous communications.

But at this time, everyone in the audience was sighing.

Han Junlai and the others stared at the generated image of the medicated meal mat, frowned, and began to think!

Everyone around him said everything at once.

"This medicinal meal banquet, if you don't look at the overall effect, just look at a certain dish, it is actually quite good. Look at the dish on the left, how beautifully presented it is. It doesn't look like a medicinal meal. It can be said to be a work of art! It's also! I have actually eaten the medicated meal on the right before, and it was particularly delicious.

Every menu of herbal dishes is obviously very well-made, so why does this herbal banquet look so out of place after being put together? "

"That's right! It seems that in terms of cooking customization for medicated meals, the most important thing is to consider the overall effect, otherwise this situation will happen!"

Gao Xianxi synthesized the efficacy and taste of several medicinal dishes, and suddenly fell into deep thought!


40 points is quite reasonable, right?

Thinking of this, Gao Xianxi sighed: "It seems that our idea just now was a bit too hasty. When customizing the medicinal meal banquet, we also need to consider the combination and fusion of all the dishes in terms of efficacy and taste.

Well, let's first take a look at how the contestants in this group communicate with customers and how they customize the medicinal meal seats. "

At this time, the backstage received the news and began to play the scene of the game.

At this time, Fu Yu was persuading a group of expert judges, and his customized recipe for the medicinal meal was directly presented to everyone in front of everyone.

When Liu Shaoxian saw that the player in the picture was Fu Yu, his heart suddenly rose to his throat.

I'll be a good boy!

There are ten volunteer customers in total, why did Fu Yu have to catch up with the most difficult one?

However, Fu Yu is still relatively strong, but I don’t know how he will respond!

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