Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1013 Scare you to death

Suddenly, Liu Shaoxian became energetic, sat up straight and stared at the big screen.

If it were Fu Yu, he might actually be able to come up with a very good custom recipe for the medicinal meal banquet.

Sure enough, after seeing Fu Yu's customized medicated banquet recipe and specific cooking methods, everyone was stunned!

"No, wait a minute! Why does his appearance look familiar?"

"Pig's trotters? Old hens? Shrimps? Aren't these all the medicinal food recipes we customized just now?"

"Yes! It's just that the name of the dish and the cooking method are different."

"Then it is estimated that the customization of this medicinal meal banquet will not work. After all, the combination of these ingredients and medicinal materials is obviously not suitable."

"Hey! This soft-fried white pigeon is cooked using the deep-frying method!"

Someone with a keen eye quickly noticed that the cooking method of medicated dishes was not in line with traditional medicated dishes.

Being reminded like this, other people's attention also shifted from the customization of ingredients and medicinal materials to the selection of cooking methods for dishes.

Everyone in the audience was talking a lot. At this time, the judges at the competition obviously did not agree with this medicated banquet recipe.

Some judges suggested that the soft-fried white pigeon is a medicinal dish from the Chinese Health Dictionary, and there is another peach blossom pig trotter porridge, which is a beauty porridge handed down from ancient medicinal books.

The two medicinal dishes are very demanding both in terms of curative effect and cooking operation requirements, and are also particularly difficult!

At this time, Fu Yu began to explain: "I can perfectly cook this table of medicated dishes. If you don't believe it, I can also explain in detail the cooking methods and steps of each medicated dish, as well as the steps for each dish. The other dishes complement each other therapeutically, and the flavors blend perfectly.”

Looking at the big screen, Fu Yu was about to explain the cooking steps of medicinal dishes. Gao Xianxi reacted quickly and hurriedly asked the staff of the working group: "Quick, open the digital simulator and input it as he said!"

Almost as soon as Gao Xianxi finished speaking, someone quickly lowered his head and opened the small program in his hand.

What a great idea!

On the staff side, professionals immediately took over the matter.

On the big screen, Fu Yu's voice came: "When cooking peach blossom pig's trotters porridge, you must choose peach blossoms that are roasted and ground into powder, then wash the japonica rice, remove the hair from the pig's trotters, wash and cut them into pieces."

Han Junlai was stunned: "This is the method of peach blossom porridge to remove freckles!"

Another expert beside him shook his head with a serious expression: "No! It should be the way to make pig's trotters and angelica porridge! What I am best at is this porridge. I cook the porridge with angelica and pig's trotters together. The source of the medicinal diet recipe is [Qi Huang Zhi Shu] ]."

Gao Xianxi: "He combined the cooking methods of these two medicated meals. He replaced angelica root with peach blossom powder. There was no change in the preparation of medicinal effects, but the whole medicated meal was not affected by the cooking method or the taste of the medicated meal. There is a clear difference between the presentation and the presentation. He has such great ideas!"

There was a highly respected herbal diet expert in the audience who said, "I just thought it was because I was old and had misremembered the herbal dishes. This peach blossom anti-freckle porridge is the beauty porridge handed down from ancient books, and this contestant cooked it." The peach blossom pig’s trotters porridge is obviously an improved porridge!”

Suddenly, Gao Xianxi and Han Junlai looked at each other and nodded!

If the peach blossom freckle removal porridge that you are good at can be combined with the cooking method of pig trotters and angelica porridge, and the medicinal materials and ingredients are replaced, while ensuring the same medicinal effect, it can also effectively improve the taste and presentation effect of the medicinal food. This is simply a solution. Genius idea!

Thinking of this, Han Junlai's eyes lit up!

At this time, the staff had also entered all the medicinal food cooking steps and operations dictated by Fu Yu.

Gao Xianxi looked at Fu Yu's explanation on the big screen and sighed sincerely: "This player is really amazing. He is so young and has such ideas. However, the idea is indeed very good, but he can really put this into practice." Can two very classic medicinal dishes be combined to create a perfect medicinal meal?"

Immediately, everyone in the audience sighed in unison: "Yes, it is indeed good to say, but the actual cooking operation is too difficult.

But this idea is really good!

Peach pollen has milder medicinal effects and better taste than Angelica sinensis. It can also effectively regulate the symptoms of endocrine disorders, warm blood and ventilate the air. However, unlike other medicinal foods, if you want to innovate a dish, you need to After thousands of cooking attempts, the ingredients and herbs must be very precise in terms of proportion and dosage.

It’s really too difficult! It’s amazing to think of this idea!

such a pity! It really may not be possible! "

Zhou Li has always been very optimistic about Fu Yu. Seeing Fu Yu's talkative posture at this time showed that he was full of confidence, and his confidence also doubled.

Moreover, looking back now, the fact that he came up with this wonderful improvement idea shows that Fu Yu is indeed very accomplished in medicinal diet!

Since Fu Yu thinks he can do it, he also believes that since Fu Yu can figure it out, he can do it well!

Zhou Li glanced at Gao Xianxi who was sitting in front of him, turned to the translator beside him and said, "Let's take a look at the effect of procedural synthesis first!"

The interpreter conveyed the message simultaneously.

Gao Xianxi turned to look at Zhou Li and nodded.

The staff focused on accurately entering every sentence of data into the program.

Soon, Fu Yu began to dictate the cooking method of soft-fried white pigeon.

Gao Xianxi suddenly said: "He didn't seem to mention the cutting of pigeons, right?"

Everyone frowned, indeed, not a word was mentioned!

When cooking this soft-fried white pigeon, the handling of the pigeon is definitely very critical. If the cutting shape is not designed well, the presentation effect after frying will also be affected.

At this time, some judges at the competition also raised this objection.

Fu Yu heard this and explained with a smile: "Because what I want to do is to fry the whole pigeon. When cooking, I only remove the bones, and the pigeon will remain intact for frying."

Gao Xianxi, who was staring at the big screen, suddenly fell into silence after hearing this.

The entire pigeon is dismantled and its original appearance is not destroyed?

How can this be?

If we only remove the big bones of the legs and wings, it might be possible, but how can we perfectly remove the fine bones and cartilage in the pigeon's body?

Thinking of this, Gao Xianxi shook his head and said politely without approval: "This player is quite thoughtful, and his creativity is indeed very good, but his vision is really difficult to realize!"

"I have cooked a lot of pigeons, and I have also tried to dismantle the bones, but at most I only removed the leg bones and the big skeletons in the wings. This is the first time I have heard that someone is going to do the deboning of pigeons. Son, it’s too difficult!”

After speaking, he glanced at the camera facing him, changed his voice, and said: "However, it is undeniable that this contestant's design and creativity of the medicinal meal table is very novel. All the data will be entered in a while. That’s it, let’s take a look at the final rendering!”

After Fu Yu finished dictating the cooking operations of all the medicinal dishes, all the data was entered into the program.

Soon, the countdown to synthesis began.

Everyone in the field looked at the progress prompts on the big screen, but in fact they didn't have high expectations at this time.

After all, they, who are the outstanding experts in the circle, finally customized the medicinal food banquets in a nondescript manner.

Now they are asked to set high standards and impose strict requirements on the contestants, which is a bit embarrassing.

Under such difficult conditions, don’t place too high demands on the players!

At this time, Liu Shaoxian and the members of the same group looked at Fu Yu on the big screen, and they couldn't help but feel a little sorry for each other.

A member of the same group next to him couldn't help but sigh: "What a shame, how could we meet such a super customer!"

Liu Shao nodded first, agreeing with what the other party said.

With Fu Yu's level, it's really a pity that he got off to a bad start!

Soon, the progress bar ran out, and everyone looked at the big screen expectantly.

Everyone is very curious about what kind of effect the whole set of medicated meal banquet will have after Fu Yu's improvement!

At this time, the picture on the big screen changes instantly!

Everyone just glanced at the image on the screen and were all stunned!

The whole table of medicated banquet dishes, both in terms of presentation and color matching, are all very high-quality!

We Chinese people often say that good dishes and noodles should have all the "color, aroma and taste".

It is not difficult to understand the requirements for "smell" and "taste". These are the core and essential parts of food, but the "color" at the top is actually the first impression that customers have of the entire table. The key!

Everyone at the scene looked at the composite picture on the big screen in surprise, dumbfounded!

After Gao Xianxi finished speaking, he was looking in the direction of the auditorium when he suddenly saw everyone looking at the big screen with surprised expressions.

A sentence flashed into his mind almost instantly: History is always surprisingly similar!

Everyone’s expressions were exactly the same as when they saw the first version of the medicated meal banquet designed by the experts!

Gao Xianxi sighed inwardly.

The customization of this customer’s medicated meal mat was really a big difficulty!

Don’t blame the players for not performing well.

Gao Xianxi thought to himself, while turning to look at the big screen, he was thinking about how to evaluate it, so that he could objectively point out the problems of the contestants in customizing the medicinal meal seats without damaging the face of the previous experts.

However, when he saw the picture on the big screen, he found that his heartbeat suddenly accelerated!

This banquet.

It looks so brilliant!

The combination of meat and vegetables is just right, the colors are in order, and the presentation is generous and beautiful. At first glance, the dishes are very rich.

how so?

Several experts were dumbfounded!

It's obviously the same ingredients and herbs, but they just improved the cooking method, so why does the final picture look so good?

Including Zhou Li, everyone looked at the picture in great surprise, with a lot of emotions in their hearts.

This guy's medicinal skills are clearly getting better!

While feeling emotional, Zhou Li suddenly remembered the exchange meeting yesterday.

At that time, Han Junlai did share content about Peach Blossom Anti-freckle Porridge.

Could it be

Fu Yu learned these operations of medicated cooking through the sharing of several experts, and then made innovations and improvements on his own, and finally customized the current medicated table?

Thinking of this, Zhou Li was dumbfounded.

If that's the case, then that's too much talent, right?

The scene in front of me was a result that no one had expected!

Suddenly, the entire venue was boiling.

This is really amazing!

This improvement of medicinal cuisine is simply re-creating the cuisine.

Just when everyone was amazed, Gao Xianxi suddenly said: "This customized recipe for the medicinal banquet looks really good!"

"But it is precisely because the dishes are really excellent that I worry, can a table of medicinal dishes like this really produce the effect of a composite picture? At least, some of my individual operations cannot be so perfect. To be honest , I may not be able to do this just by dismantling the entire pigeon!”

At the same moment, on the big screen, the judges also asked Fu Yu almost the same question!

"Can you really make such a difficult-to-cook medicinal meal?"

Fu Yu smiled confidently and explained a few words very seriously. The judges on the big screen clearly showed surprised expressions.

However, the faces of several experts in the audience and judges' seats all changed!

Others subconsciously looked at the experts who were sharing guests yesterday, their eyes flickering!

This guy really dares to say it!


Fu Yu's explanation was originally meant to be explained in disguise to the experts who served as speakers at the exchange meeting yesterday and became judges today.

Because what he was talking about was exactly the details and steps they deliberately concealed in their speech yesterday.

He wanted to show these people that he could do it!

However, although Fu Yu deliberately wanted to prove himself, Fu Yu still knew the ins and outs, and some things just needed to be settled.

See through everything without telling it.

And just the two sentences he hinted at were enough to make these experts tremble.

This is their unique skill to look after their family’s wealth!

How could Fu Yu be made public like this!

Even if he stole the teacher, it would be fine if he knew it quietly.

Therefore, several experts stood ready and stared nervously at the big screen.

Fortunately, Fu Yu only mentioned a little bit of the content casually and did not explain it completely.

Several experts couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.


At this time, Zhou Li was sitting at the judging table and heard the deputy team leader say anxiously to Gao Xianxi: "He is very good, not only in the customization of the medicinal meal banquet, but also in the arrangement of the medicinal meal dishes. This group, let him pass! We all agree to let him pass!"

Gao Xianxi also nodded: "Yes, I agree. Let's inform them over there now. We have already obtained the results here!"

Others breathed a sigh of relief and watched as the staff began to make intercom calls and notifications began.

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