Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1014 A brand new cooking method

There was a commotion at the judges' table.

Many people in the audience haven't realized what's going on!

They watched in surprise as several judges team leaders called the staff and asked them to contact Fu Yu immediately. They had no idea what happened.

Zhou Li, however, glanced at the judges area that was in a state of confusion with interest, then turned to look at Fu Yu who was calmly and confidently smiling calmly at the judges on the big screen, and couldn't help but smile too.

What a boy!


When Liu Shaoxian saw Li Zongming coming out of the competition, he quickly stood up and stepped forward to greet him.

Although Li Zongming was eliminated, the expression on his face was not depressed at all.

He originally knew that with his half-experience, he would definitely not be able to compete with other professional herbalists.

This time he had the opportunity to participate in the competition and be present in person, which already made him feel very satisfied and benefited a lot.

Li Zongming followed Liu Shao to the auditorium. After sitting down, he looked around and realized that Fu Yu had not returned yet.

Li Zongming asked curiously: "Teacher Liu, Xiao Fu hasn't come out yet?"

Before Liu Shaoxian could answer, the people in the same group next to him said excitedly: "Fu Chu has been promoted!"

Li Zongming was immediately surprised and said: "Really? Fu Yu has been promoted?"

The other party said excitedly: "Chef Fu is so awesome! I just played his customized recipe for the medicated banquet, and the judges used data to synthesize the image, and the effect was particularly good!"

Li Zongming suddenly became happy and asked excitedly: "Really! That's great!"

Members of the activity team who came with the National Medicinal Diet Research Association had just carefully checked Fu Yu's information, and then they realized that Fu Yu was actually the champion of the National Chef Competition!

And he’s also the chef of Bei’an Maxima Hotel!

At the same time, he is also the herbal chef of Bei'an Music Restaurant!

I am only in my early twenties this year, but I have received so many honors!

This is the best proof of personal ability!


This is not only ability, but also God’s gift of food!

In the food circle, how many people in this industry can achieve such achievements at such an age?

Leader Liu of the activity group joked: "Teacher Liu, no wonder you recommended him to our group as a consultant. Chef Fu is really strong!"

Liu Shaoxian smiled and said: "Actually, I didn't expect Xiao Fu to be so strong. I actually just wanted to bring him here to see the world this time."

Team leader Liu smiled and said: "How can I ask Fu Chu to come over to see the world? In this competition, it is clearly Fu Chu who is letting everyone here see the world!"

While the two were joking, they talked about the situation during Fu Yu's game just now.

After listening to what they said, Li Zongming was stunned!

"No. Teacher Liu, do you mean to say that Fu Yu has learned the hidden operating techniques of yesterday's guests?"

The experts who can participate in the exchange meeting are all leaders in their circles. How can you not see the tricky behavior of the guests during their speeches?

It's just that because their cooking skills are very special, even if they just mention a few general procedures about the operation, other people can benefit, so they are willing to come and participate in the event.

Liu Shaoxian nodded firmly: "Well, I just noticed the expressions of the judges. It's obvious that what Fu Yu said before is to show this!"

"When these guests gave speeches, they always talked about the big picture without missing any key details. But through their introduction, Fu Yu directly understood the hidden operations and even mastered them all. personal cooking skills!”

Li Zongming looked in disbelief!

Other members of the activity group also sighed: "I really didn't realize that Consultant Fu is so good! Teacher Liu, you have such a unique eye for people!"

Liu Shaoxian was also full of emotion and said leisurely: "Don't talk about you guys, actually I didn't expect it! After all, it has only been less than a year since Xiaofu started making medicinal dishes at Bei'an Music Restaurant."

Everyone present was stunned!

If you say this one day in advance, they won't believe even a word!

how can that be possible!

But now it really makes people believe it!

After the knockout rounds in the morning, when the ten contestants who advanced in the afternoon re-entered the stage, they could officially start cooking the medicinal food banquet.

At noon, none of the ten contestants could leave the venue. In addition to familiarizing themselves with the afternoon competition, they also had to select the ingredients and herbs needed for cooking.

The working team members purchased all the ingredients and medicinal materials within the specified time for the competition, and the contestants inspected and confirmed them.

After all preparations were completed, all contestants, led by the staff, went to their own exclusive kitchen stations and began to cook herbal meals.

In front of each separated kitchen counter, there are more than twenty high-definition cameras with no blind spots in all directions to observe the entire cooking operation!

The players must all be nervous, and every move they make will directly affect the final tie.

As for the judges who were supposed to be observing calmly and calmly, many of them looked calm on the outside, but actually felt uneasy in their hearts!

In the round of elimination and scoring, Fu Yu's performance really shocked them.

Those ambiguous and vague words made them a little unsure for a moment whether this boy had really mastered their personal skills in medicinal cooking.

Several judges who had been sent to the competition site before and learned the news after returning were absently watching the contestants they were responsible for cooking. All they could think about was what they had heard.

Among the judges who were guest speakers at yesterday's exchange meeting, only Zhou Li was sitting very casually, seemingly not worried at all.

Compared to others who were restless, he was looking forward to watching!

What Zhou Li is looking forward to is Fu Yu's medicinal cooking operation, which is a unique skill that combines the personal cooking skills of many experts. After watching the whole show, he might also be able to learn the essence of other experts' operations!

But other experts no longer care about this. They are full of worries, especially worried that Fu Yu will accidentally show off his core operations.

The contestants had already started cooking the medicinal meal, and at the same time, the scene of the competition appeared on the big screen.

Almost as soon as the screen appeared, Gao Xianxi immediately signaled to the staff and directly switched the big screen to Fu Yu's group screen.

When Fu Yu's figure appeared on the big screen, the whole audience was excited!

Right now, this is the medicinal cooking operation that everyone is most looking forward to observing!

On the big screen, Fu Yu was very calmly starting to cook the medicinal dishes.

His mentality is particularly stable, but Liu Shaoxian and Li Zongming sitting in the audience are feeling high-spirited and stressed!

It was obviously a very good opportunity to show off oneself, but in the end, I encountered such an over-the-top exam question!

After all, these experts had already customized simulated medicinal meal mats for volunteer customers before, and the result was a mess.

Fu Yu is indeed very strong, but no matter how powerful he is, he is still the first to come into contact with the personal skills and expertise of several experts. No matter how talented he is, he cannot master it in depth.

A table like this is a test of the chef's cooking skills. It is very difficult to make it perfect.

In their view, although Fu Yu was lucky enough to advance and get the opportunity to show off his cooking skills, the possibility of actually winning was not high.

On the contrary, the female customer looked at Fu Yu with trust and expectation in her eyes!

Fu Yu smiled at the female customer and began to focus on the cooking operation.

Making porridge is a delicate job and very time-consuming.

The first medicinal meal Fu Yu chose to cook was a homemade peach blossom and pig's trotters porridge that combined Han Junlai's peach blossom freckle removal porridge and the pig's trotters and angelica porridge on the medicinal diet recipe.

Peach blossom freckle removal porridge is Han Junlai's specialty. It was also a medicinal diet that he highlighted in his speech yesterday with remarkable effects and very good taste.

However, when Fu Yu was cooking, he deliberately chose to combine peach blossom freckle removal porridge with pig trotters and angelica porridge.

The purpose of this is not only to avoid directly copying Han Junlai's cooking operations, but also to improve the taste of the medicinal food and the final effect of the finished dish.

Peach blossoms dried and ground into fine powder are very high-quality medicinal materials.

Fu Yu carefully washed the japonica rice, separated the skin, meat and bones of the pig's trotters, and put the ingredients into the pot.

This set of dosage of pig's trotters and pig's trotters, as well as the processing method of pig's trotters, are the core operational details of Han Junlai's cooking of medicinal meals. He skillfully controlled the use of pig's trotters and pig's trotters within the most appropriate dosage range. It perfectly solves the problem of rice being difficult to be cooked and rotten when boiled, and pig trotters being too soft and shapeless when stewed!

Fu Yu was cooking at the competition site. At this time, many experts in front of the big screen were stunned!

"Peach blossom freckle removal porridge! This is the herbal cooking that expert Han Junlai is best at, and it is also an improved method!"

“Such a detailed live cooking demonstration, it’s really worthwhile to come and participate in this event!”

Han Junlai was restless and panicked inside!

His unique skills were suddenly displayed in a disguised form, which made him particularly insecure.

But in this situation, it is definitely not possible to switch the live broadcast screen.

After all, I participated in the exchange meeting under the guise of sharing, but ended up retaining my core cooking skills in disguise. Everyone knew that such a cunning and selfish approach was one thing.

It would be so detrimental to one’s reputation to truly put it on the table!

Moreover, the most important thing is that other experts will soon demonstrate their unique cooking techniques for medicated meals.

Han Junlai was shocked yesterday when he watched Fu Yu use his and another expert's personal skills to make innovative medicinal diets!

He knew very well that the upcoming cooking demonstration would be a rare opportunity to observe.

The situation on my side is now a foregone conclusion and I can’t take care of it anymore!

He could only demolish the east wall to make up for the west wall, and first learn the cooking skills of other experts to see if he could use them for his own use.

However, if you want to learn, you must carefully observe Fu Yu's next cooking operation, how he will demonstrate the operation of another expert's specialty, pig's trotters and angelica.

Outside the stadium, the audience was completely silent. Everyone was staring at the big screen attentively, for fear that they would miss key details.

And when everyone saw Fu Yu's specific operations when cooking medicinal dishes, they were suddenly enlightened. The key point that had been puzzling after studying at the exchange meeting suddenly became clear.

Whenever Fu Yu performs a detailed operation, everyone present can't help but secretly sigh, "That's right!"

It turns out that this is the cooking skill that the guests deliberately concealed during their speeches?

Everyone present was very happy!

Lu Ziming was so excited that he took out his phone and started recording!

Even the judges and experts at the judges' table were all staring at the big screen, observing very intently.

Soon, Fu Yu started to stew pig's trotters and ground rice!

This step may seem simple, but it is actually very demanding when it comes to cooking!

Normally, when stewing pig's trotters, add water to the pot, put the pig's trotters first, then turn to high heat and boil, skim off the foam, and simmer over slow fire.

But when Fu Yu was cooking, he waited for the water to boil, took out the pig's trotters, rinsed them with hot water, and then put the pig's trotters into the newly boiled water and continued to simmer over low heat.

In order to maintain the taste of the pig's trotters, Han Junlai controlled the amount of water and heat to a set standard. Fu Yu was very good at it!

Then, wait until the pig's trotters are stewed until they are half-cooked, and then put the pig's trotters directly in boiling water to peel off the bones. The whole process, the pig's trotters are soaked in boiling water to complete.

At this time, everyone was staring at the big screen intently, watching Fu Yu's next operation!

The judges and experts Gao Xianxi and Zhou Li were also attentive and did not dare to relax at all!

This is Fu Yu’s self-made bone removal operation!

Integrating the skills and operational advantages of Go Hyun-seok and another expert to complement each other!

This process is extremely delicate, but also very clever. The pig's trotters become very soft and smooth when boiled in boiling water.

I saw Fu Yu holding the chopsticks in one hand, firmly fixing the pig's trotters, and directly holding the kitchen knife in the other hand, using only the tip of the knife to flexibly perform the deboning operation.

Under the control of the all-purpose chopsticks, the pig's trotters seemed to be stuck, no matter how the kitchen knife cut them, they would not move at all.

And the kitchen knife, which can cut iron like clay, was used to the extreme at this time.

After all the pork bones were removed, Fu Yu quickly added rice and peach blossom powder to the pot.

Everyone immediately understood that if there were pig bones blocking the way at this time, it would affect the aroma of stem rice and peach blossom powder from invading the pig's trotters. Now that the entire pig's trotters are immersed inside and outside the rice soup, they can be cooked better. Made to taste.

The unique flavors of stem rice and peach blossoms can perfectly blend with the unique fishy smell of pig's trotters themselves, and the stewed pig's trotters will be more fragrant, tender and tasty, fresh but not greasy.

This kind of stewing method is much more precise than what Han Junlai did at the beginning!

At this time, Han Junlai in the audience clasped his hands unconsciously, his palms stained with sweat, and his expression was extremely excited!

Fu Yu's medicated food cooking operation is completely a new personal skill concept. It is really too strong!

This is a whole new way to cook!

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