Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1015 What is a genius herbalist?

All the ingredients were put into the pot, and Fu Yu casually arranged the removed pork bones on a tray aside.

The camera shows a close-up of a pork bone.

Different from deboning raw pig trotters, at this time, the surface of the entire pig bone is extremely smooth, and the bones and joints are completely removed together with the tendons.

The pig's trotters stewed in the rice porridge pot are directly cut into thin slices of consistent thickness, with connected meat tendons, and arranged neatly together.

At first glance, it looks a bit like meat, but it is dotted with fresh peach blossom foam and mixed with the unique thick color of ground rice porridge. It looks particularly sweet and refreshing, and is appetizing!

Looking at the cooking scenes on the big screen, the scene was filled with unspeakable excitement and silence.

Under the witness of everyone, Fu Yu completed an innovative cooking improvement of medicated food, creating a new and higher level of cooking operation skills!

"This is true genius!"

Just when everyone was immersed in the emotion after being shocked, Gao Xianxi suddenly praised him.

As soon as these words came out, there was a chorus of agreement.


This is a rare genius!

Just by studying at yesterday's exchange meeting, I immediately understood the essence of the personal operations of several speakers, and then I was able to immediately learn and apply them this year. I even directly made innovations and improvements based on the original ones, integrating the skills of the two experts. His unique skill has become his new cooking skill.

This is not genius, what is this?

Gao Xianxi praised it, but couldn't help but sigh: "This idea of ​​combining two medicinal dishes together, while maintaining the same curative effect, cleverly improves the taste and presentation, can actually win the love of customers better , and the fresh flavor of the ingredients itself is better preserved!”

"The replacement of medicinal materials was also very good. The efficacy has not changed, but the taste is fresher!"

"That's wonderful!"

Just when everyone was full of praise, the deputy leader of the judging panel suddenly said: "The operation of this medicinal diet seems to be quite simple, but I personally feel that it is not very practical! I thought about it seriously and changed it to It’s me, I definitely can’t do such a perfect operation, can you do it?”

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became quiet again.

Even Gao Xianxi, Han Junrae and others recovered from their surprise.


Every step Fu Yu makes when cooking herbal meals is as if he has calculated it, and he handles the ingredients and herbs just right, especially in controlling the heat and the amount of ingredients.

Can they operate at such a level and with such personal skills?

Zhou Li couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.

Both proud and amazed!

This is Fu Yu!

A true genius, a true strong man, does not need to go to great lengths to hide any operational details.

He can show all the detailed operations in front of others very calmly, and disclose the cooking skills to the public without reservation. He even dares to explain all the steps in detail, clearly and clearly.

There is no fear of being stolen!

Why can he have such confidence?

Because others simply can’t do it!

All his unique tricks, all detailed operations, and all means can only be accomplished by himself!

This is a genius, a strong person that once people get to know him, they will be completely convinced!

After everyone present heard these words, they remained silent for a long time.


No matter how clearly I see it, what can I do?

Who can have such superb cooking skills?

The eyes understand, but the hands cannot achieve such precise and delicate dexterity operations, it is useless at all!

It's not just bragging, the skill Fu Yu showed just now is enough for them to practice for a lifetime!

Gao Xianxi accidentally expressed his true thoughts. While he was sighing, he suddenly saw the staff gesturing to him, and then he realized that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit too depressing.

He hurriedly said: "However, if you think about it, there is actually no need for everyone to set too high requirements for themselves, and Fu Yu's cooking operation has actually brought us a brand new idea, and we can definitely follow this idea. Go study and research.”

"Many masters of herbal cooking and even red table cooking cannot be imitated. There is no need for us to worry about these."

"Fu Yu's operation is too difficult and we can't learn it, but we can learn the medicated cooking methods of expert Han Junlai and other experts, we can learn the proportion control of ingredients and medicinal materials, and we can even learn other medicated diet matching methods that we have never been exposed to."

After being reminded like this, everyone reacted belatedly.


Why do you have to compare yourself with someone who is unattainable?

There are many people who are better than me. You can completely lower your standards and learn the medicinal cooking knowledge that you have the opportunity to learn!

A group of three must have my teacher, but if my teacher's level is too high, then you can also turn to your fellow seniors to learn!

After figuring this out, everyone felt relieved, and the approval on their faces became more sincere.

Among the crowd, only a few speakers at yesterday's exchange meeting could hardly keep their smiles on their faces.

They almost looked at Gao Xianxi in unison, saying "Yes, yes, yes!" and secretly cursing in their hearts: This bitch!

However, no matter whether everyone here has different opinions or what they think, we can only let things continue to develop and take it one step at a time.

At this time, in the auditorium, Liu Shaoxian and Li Zongming stared at Fu Yu's cooking scene on the big screen, speechless for a long time.

This kid!

I actually learned the essence of operations from several experts.

And he actually still doubts this?

What exactly are you thinking?

Do you still dare to use your own IQ to figure out Fu Yu?

It seems that I am really old and a little swollen!

Although they didn't say anything, Liu Shaoxian and Li Zongming fell into introspection almost at the same time.

While the peach blossom and pig's trotters porridge was simmering, Fu Yuteng started to make cyperus tangerine tangerine chicken and clear spot therapeutic soup.

Cyperus tangerine and tangerine chicken is a steamed medicinal dish. Fill the belly of the chicken with cyperus and other Chinese medicinal materials, and then steam it in a steamer over water.

The difficulty in cooking lies in filling the herbs and controlling the heat during steaming.

Fu Yu had cooked this medicated meal for customers in a music restaurant before, and now he was able to make it again with practice.

The cooking operation of Qingban therapeutic soup is to decoct the soup. How to space out the cooking time of several medicinal materials and ingredients, and how to optimize the efficacy of the medicine and ingredients, this is a great test of the chef's cooking skills, and Fu Yu was already very proficient in this operation, and now he used his skill points to directly obtain Afjie's advanced skills in the dosage ratio of medicinal materials and ingredients. When cooking, he could easily master it.

Three stoves are turned on at the same time, stewing, steaming, and frying.

Next, Fu Yu showed off his unique skills, truly explaining what it means to be a genius herbalist!

Soft-fried white pigeon is a medicinal diet made with pigeon meat as the main ingredient.

Fu Yu prepared the seasoning for pickling, but instead of soaking the prepared pigeons in it, he suddenly started to debone the pigeons.

This process is very delicate!



Separation of flesh and blood

Under the restriction that there was only a small gap in the pigeon's abdomen, Fu Yu fully utilized his absolute hand feel and advanced knife skills to the extreme!

The subtle seams between the knife tip and the bone were slightly processed, the joints were brittle and the bone was turned, and the knife was cut close to the big bone. A sharp knife was used by Fu Yu with great flexibility. It was like the knife was peeling off the bone, shining brightly!

After all the big bones on the leg bones and wings were removed, Fu Yu did not stop his movements, but used the gap in the big bones to remove the flesh and tendons on the small joints next to them!

At this time, Han Junlai was breathing heavily and had completely forgotten the embarrassing situation he had faced before. Instead, he concentrated on looking at the big screen, his eyes full of yearning!

Perhaps this is the highest level of culinary knife skills?

Maybe this is the direction I need to work on next, right?

Lu Ziming suddenly asked in confusion: "Why didn't Chef Fu first process the finer details of the ribs along the gap in the abdomen, and then remove the wings and leg bones in sequence?"

Everyone around me nodded!

Yes, if you think about it carefully, this is really the case!

However, before everyone could think about it, Gao Xianxi and Zhou Li suddenly came from the judges' table and spoke different languages, but they had the same tone of exclamation.

"Because he has seen the final effect of deboning in advance!"

"Because he made the best prediction long ago!"

The translator's voice sounded at the same time.

Zhou Li and Gao Xianxi couldn't help but look at each other.

Gao Xianxi nodded in agreement and continued: "Yes, he will cut the bones like this now because he has a very familiar understanding of the distribution of the pigeon bones, which is a God-like prediction when performing operations. When doing it, every move was carefully chosen, and I believe he will use more powerful knife skills for the final finishing touches!"

Time passes by minute by minute!

The cooking of the medicinal meal banquets for other groups of contestants has been completed one after another.

But none of the experts present paid attention to this.

Because even before the evaluation started, they already knew that this year's champion must be Fu Yu!

From the customization of medicinal food seats at the beginning to the current cooking operation competition.

All the detailed cooking operations were captured directly by dozens of cameras, magnified infinitely, and observed and evaluated by so many experts on site!

It can be said that no matter who it is under such a subtle observation, there will definitely be certain problems and minor mistakes.

However, Fu Yu's operation was really too precise and perfect.

The entire operation is as stable as a precise machine setting, meticulous and perfect!

When the final bone removal operation was completed, Fu Yu smiled with satisfaction.

At this time, Fu Yu started pickling.

The deboned whole pigeon was soaked in a mixing bowl, and Fu Yu quickly cooked shrimps and fried cucumbers.

This very homely dish is actually a medicinal food with particularly significant curative effects.

How to turn ordinary ingredients into exquisite dishes is the real test of a chef's skills.

In fact, how can food be distinguished between high and low?

As long as you put enough effort into it, ordinary ingredients can be made into famous dishes handed down from generation to generation.

When it comes to stir-frying cucumbers with shrimps, how do you make the cucumbers soft and tender and taste delicious and appetizing? How do you stir-fry the shrimps so that they are brightly colored and delicious?

When a herbal dish is placed on the table, customers can take a bite and directly experience the satisfying feeling of the collision of two tastes. That is amazing!

Fu Yu simply showed off his special skill of slipping and frying!

He stood in a relaxed posture, his body remained motionless when his arms moved, and he relied solely on the strength of his wrists to move the entire wok.

Viewed from the big screen, the whole picture looks as beautiful as a kitchenware advertisement.

Because the speed was so fast and the whole medicinal meal was completed so smoothly, everyone here barely had time to dig out any very delicate details before Fu Yu had already started the final operation of putting out the pot and putting it on the plate.

Obviously I watched it from beginning to end, but at this moment, many people here felt inexplicably very sorry.

It is said that food and sex are also related!

I was completely dazzled by the male sex just now, and I actually ignored the key details of cooking.

Many people have made the following self-judgments regarding their feeling of being dazed.

But several people on the judges' bench, as well as several experts with excellent cooking skills in the audience, had expressions of amazement on their faces at this time.

I have always known that Fu Yu's knife skills are very good, but I didn't expect that his frying skills are also so good!

After finishing the dishes of fried shrimps and cucumbers, Fu Yu turned around to check the marinating condition of the pigeons.

It doesn’t take too long. The medicated food is mainly light, just a little bit tasty.

Fu Yu mixed egg whites with yam powder and bean flour to make a paste, then put the marinated pigeons into the paste and mixed well.

After the oil is hot, remove from the heat, then use chopsticks to support the pigeon and lower it into the oil pan for frying.

At this time, Fu Yu not only did not use the fence, but directly used chopsticks to perform a very quick stretching operation after the pigeon entered the oil pan!

This operation!

Everyone present was stunned instantly!

Because the pigeon has been completely deboned just now, and now it is a soft and hollow pigeon meat.

But Fu Yu only relied on a pair of chopsticks, and took advantage of the few seconds before the pigeon was fried in hot oil to set its shape. He propped up the gap in the pigeon's belly and turned it around in the oil pan, so that the hot oil could be poured directly into the pigeon. The abdomen, the pigeon without a skeleton was forcibly propped up and reshaped!

It seems that this step is very easy!

Is it really that simple?

At least it's really easy to watch Fu Yu cook when he doesn't actually reach out to operate.

The effect at this time is actually not the most amazing time.

Fu Yu holds the chopsticks and rolls the pigeon back and forth in the hot oil to ensure that all positions are heated evenly. Then he puts the wok back on the fire. After the oil temperature rises, he puts the pigeon in the pan again. fry.

This time, fry the pigeon until it is golden brown, then remove it, drain the oil and put it on a plate.

If he had been in such an environment before, Fu Yu would have definitely asked the chef to come over and do the work of draining oil, but it was different now.

He had all-purpose chopsticks in hand, so he directly used the chopsticks to pick up the fried pigeon and drain the oil.

He did it easily and casually, and the experts on the sidelines were stunned!

Can chopsticks still be used like this? !

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