Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1017 Top Hot Searches

Just as Fu Yu was about to end the exchange and explanation, an electronic prompt suddenly sounded in his ears:

【Ding! Congratulations on triggering the short-term cycle task: share your cooking experience and get the recognition of 100 peers. The reward for completing the task: skill point +1]

Fu Yu had already taken a step back and was about to step down. After hearing the system's mission prompt, he abruptly changed his direction and stood back up again.

He glanced at Han Junlai and other speakers who had ugly expressions on their faces, took a deep breath, and said into the microphone: "I don't know what you think about what I just shared. If you think it's okay, then we can do it again." Let’s continue to communicate about this aspect. I personally have some improvement ideas and innovations in operation, which I can just talk to you about again!”

After hearing this, everyone wanted to continue sharing, and they suddenly became excited and shouted: "That's great! Teacher Fu, please talk more!"

For a time, Fu Yu's image in everyone's hearts became taller and taller!

You really deserve to be from a country that is famous for etiquette. You are generous and generous, so willing to help others, and so righteous!

When everyone looked at Fu Yu, in addition to their original envy and appreciation, there was also a hint of respect!

When Fu Yu explained the exchange this time, he was more serious and detailed, fearing that he would not be recognized by everyone present.

He slowed down his speaking speed and continued: "Because this competition involves the cooking restrictions of the customized medicated banquet, I just integrated the cooking skills of the two experts and made improvements and innovations.

But in fact, at the exchange meeting yesterday, the content of the speeches given by several other experts was also very good. It just so happens that I would like to take this opportunity to summarize the core technologies and operational details of the other experts and share them with you. Just give it a try.

Of course, these are my personal understanding and feelings. I believe that after listening to it, everyone will definitely think more comprehensively and carefully than I thought, and they will definitely be able to improve and benefit from herbal cooking! "

Everyone here is elated, great!

After all, they were all contents that I didn’t understand at the exchange meeting. Now that Fu Yu is willing to explain and communicate in detail, this is a good thing that you can’t even ask for!

And those experts who originally thought they had escaped by chance were now completely ashen-faced!

It's over, it's really over now!

The house was completely robbed!

Fu Yu was very detailed in his explanation, and tried to explain all the operation steps clearly to everyone.

But those experts were angry and regretful!

If they had known that this would be the case now, they might as well have announced these tricks in person at yesterday's exchange meeting.

At least you can show off your magnanimity.

Now, let’s let people use their own wealth to give to others!

And the more they listened, the more angrily these experts became!

It's too much!

It’s okay for this kid to show off his secret skills, but he understands them more deeply than he does. The improvements and innovations in these operating methods are simply better than what he masters!

Even though several experts were about to vomit to death, they still had to pretend to be extremely generous on the outside. After all, there were several cameras in front of them!

The following time became a special session for Fu Yu to teach and solve doubts.

All the experts present unanimously agreed that this year’s exchange meeting was really a worthwhile trip!

However, apart from that, I have more gratitude and respect for Yu!

And Fu Yu was indeed very focused and serious in his explanation.

He listened to the electronic prompts that sounded in his ears from time to time:

【Ding! You shared your cooking experience and have been recognized by 100 peers, and received the task reward: skill point +1]

The more I talk, the more energetic and excited I become!

And when he finished speaking, the whole audience burst into extremely warm applause!

"Mr. Fu Yu is so generous!"

"What is the Chinese saying?"

"A gentleman! Teacher Fu is a true gentleman!"

Fu Yu was on the stage and could not hear the emotions of the people in the audience, but Liu Shaoxian and Li Zongming were sitting among the experts. Listening to their heartfelt praise for Fu Yu, they felt very proud. It seemed that other countries were very proud of China. Medicinal cooking research is still very recognized!

Fu Yu, with his mouth dry as he was reminded of the task rewards one after another, shared all the knowledge he had learned and mastered through this exchange meeting, and then ended the exchange speech with more than enough content.

Everyone present sat in their seats for several hours, but no one felt tired. On the contrary, they were all in high spirits and enjoyed the music. The more they listened, the more excited they became, and the more they listened, the more passionate they became!

No one felt that the time was too long. Instead, they felt that time passed so quickly. It would be nice if they could communicate for a while longer.

However, the guest speakers all looked downcast and secretly swore in their hearts that from today on, whether it is next year's event or any future occasion, they will definitely stay away from Fu Yu as long as he attends it!

This guy is awesome at what he does!

There is no such thing!

It doesn't matter if you completely rob someone's house, but you also package it for delivery. It's simply too bullying!

When leaving the meeting, Fu Yu was warmly treated by everyone. After seeing Fu Yu, almost everyone would come forward excitedly, nod, or take the initiative to say hello to show respect.

Such an outstanding person deserves to be respected and loved by everyone.

Without comparison, there would be no such clear understanding.

There are really very few people like this who are selfless and willing to truly share their skills with others without hiding anything private!

Such a person deserves to be so good like you!

In order to participate in the event, Fu Yu was busy for two days after arriving in Seoul.

The last day's itinerary is a Seoul sightseeing activity arranged by the activity team.

It was Fu Yu's first time going abroad. He was looking forward to walking around and experiencing the customs and customs of a foreign country.

The activity team sent a special car, as well as specialized tour guides and staff to arrange the itinerary for the experts.

We visited Gyeongbokgung Palace, which is quite large.

Look at the Hanok, a very unique and picturesque village.

After reaching the top of Nanshan Tower, Fu Yu missed Liu Yuqing a little when looking at the locks full of wishes. If the two of them could come together, they would definitely buy a lock now and write a sweet declaration of love on it.

We ate local barbecue and fried chicken, and drank military hot pot and sake.

Finally, we visited Myeongdong. Fu Yu followed the list and made a lot of purchases accompanied by the tour guide.

Experts from various countries would take group photos at almost every scenic spot, and someone would definitely come over and drag Fu Yu to participate every time.

And when taking photos, Fu Yu would always stand next to Gao Xianxi, surrounded by some of the most respected experts in the circle.

When they returned the next day, many experts specially sent commemorative gifts to Fu Yu and personally sent Fu Yu and his party to the airport.

This honor made Fu Yu feel the enthusiasm of his peers!

However, Liu Shaoxian, Li Zongming and others were flattered and at the same time felt an unprecedented sense of pride!

When attending conferences in previous years, where could there be such a lively tour lineup?

Local experts in South Korea have never participated in tourist activities. After all, this is a place where they have lived, and there is nothing new about it.

The experts who often participate in the event have come many times and do not find it strange.

Those who will actively participate in tourism activities are newcomers who come here for the first time.

There has never been a time when everyone participated like today.

Just relying on Liu Shaoxian himself, every time he attended a meeting, he stayed with the people in his own activity group. He had no way to get to know the people on the judging panel. What now?

Liu Shao first glanced at the members of the judging panel who were chatting enthusiastically with Fu Yu and had an eager and kind attitude, and sighed silently.


Entering the waiting hall, Fu Yuzheng and Liu Yuqing sent messages explaining their itineraries, when suddenly a call came in!

Fu Yu took a look and saw that it was Liu Yunong?

"Master, what's wrong?"

Liu Yunong's tone sounded very excited: "Xiao Fu, have you watched the news?"

Fu Yu was stunned: "Huh? I didn't look at it. I was waiting to board the plane at the airport. What happened to the news? Did something happen?"

Liu Yunong said quickly: "No, no, no, nothing happened! Let me tell you, it was you who was on the hot search!"

Fu Yu was surprised: "What? Hot search?"

Liu Yunong explained: "Congratulations, you won this year's International Best Herbalist! This good news has now spread to the country. This is the first time our country has won this international honor. Now many domestic media are paying attention to it." Your award this time was publicly praised!

And I heard that after you won the award, you generously taught and guided cooking methods and techniques on-site?

Now all the major media are promoting your selfless behavior of giving everything without reservation, which is worthy of learning from the industry!

Even the official media has spoken, saying that you have very well demonstrated the spirit of our country's young group of herbalists and promoted the overall atmosphere of the country's herbal industry! "

After saying so much in one breath, Liu Yunong was obviously very excited, and finally said very happily: "Even several foreign media have reported on this matter, saying that you are the most professional ethical and role model. A very noble herbalist!

This time you are really famous and have made a name for yourself in the circle! "

Fu Yu was stunned when he heard Liu Yunong's words.

He really didn't expect that his actions to get rewards for completing tasks would unintentionally make him famous in the circle!

Fu Yu felt a little carried away after listening to Liu Yunong's praise for a long time.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Shaoxian couldn't help but asked curiously: "What's wrong? It sounds like it's your master calling?"

Fu Yu smiled awkwardly and said, "Oh, nothing happened. I just won the prize in this competition and made the news."

When Liu Shaoxian heard this, he immediately smiled and said: "It turns out that it was in the news. The medicated diet industry is really getting better and better year by year. I also participated in competitions a few years ago. Although I didn't win the prize at that time, I was also in the competition. News. They have appeared in provincial newspapers and city newspapers. By the way, I was also invited to participate in a promotional TV event for the medicinal diet column. At that time, it was about medicinal dietary conditioning for body deficiency and coldness. "

When Liu Shaoxian said this, his tone could not hide his pride.

"By the way, what news are you on?"

Just as Fu Yu was about to speak, his phone rang again, and there was news coming in.

While checking, he said, "I don't know. My master said to send me a link. Oh, he sent it to me. It's [CCTV Daily], [Youth Daily], [Capital News], and [China Net]!"

"However, these news simply mentioned that I won the award, and there was no detailed report. It is definitely not as good as Teacher Liu!"

The smile on Liu Shaoxian's face could no longer be maintained. He looked at Fu Yu in disbelief: "What?!"

Even though he knew how powerful Fu Yu was, these official news still surprised Liu Shaoxian!

These are all very famous top news officials in China!

If it can be broadcast by them, it is equivalent to being recognized by the national mainstream!

Could this be the same as the provincial and municipal news he had been on?

Liu Shaoxian said excitedly: "Where can I see these news?"

Fu Yu handed over his mobile phone: "Just the hot search, I saw it was ranked 12th just now."

Liu Shaoxian quickly took the phone, his eyes widened, and he didn't know what to say for a moment!

It’s even trending nationwide!

This is awesome!

After seeing clearly what was reported on the news, Liu Shaoxian couldn't calm down for a long time.

Several official news mentioned Fu Yu. In addition to praising his victory in the International Medicinal Cooking Competition, the focus was on Fu Yu himself, who was virtuous, selfless, upright and upright, demonstrating the demeanor of a great nation. This international medicated diet exchange conference has shown great virtue and integrity, allowing the world to understand the excellent character of our people and witness with their own eyes what it means to be a country of etiquette!

Although it is only a few simple words mentioned, the praise contained in it cannot be compared with ordinary lengthy documents!

To put it bluntly, this is a signal issued by the country to the mainstream of the food circle!

Liu Shao first flipped through the news one by one until the plane took off, then he had to turn off his mobile phone.

He stopped watching the news, but he still couldn't calm down. He was so envious that he cried!

Waiting for the plane to take off and listening to the electronic notification sound ringing in his ears, Fu Yu quickly forgot about the fact that he had been on the hot search list.

【Ding! Trigger the challenge task: Successfully win the Best Herbal Chef of the Year in the International Herbal Chef Cooking Competition. The task has been completed and you will receive the reward: a lucky wheel]

Fu Yu immediately rubbed his hands!


The long-awaited Lucky Wheel is finally here!

Fu Yu chose to draw.

【Ding! Congratulations on getting an advanced nutrition knowledge and skills package】

Fu Yu looked at the reward and was stunned!

Advanced nutrition knowledge skill package reward?

Is this a skill pack?

Much more powerful than individual personal skills!

The rewards given by the Lucky Wheel every time are still very generous! (End of chapter)

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