Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1018 Advanced Nutrition Knowledge and Skills Package

Nutritional knowledge is a very important ability in medicinal food cooking operations!

Mastering this skill can help him make better cooking choices in the process of customizing herbal meals.

This is a very useful skill for him.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu chose to view the [Advanced Nutrition Knowledge Skills Package]

The skill package is not a single skill. Once obtained, it belongs directly to you.

Rather, it takes learning to truly master the entire skill package.

Almost the next second Fu Yu chose to check, his eyes suddenly went dark. When it turned bright again, he was already in the simulation classroom.

Looking around and seeing the very familiar venue in front of him, Fu Yu was amazed and couldn't help but sigh: What a guy!

The system is now giving him a small prescription, even omitting the formality.

In the past, he was allowed to complete the teaching practice class and let him take the key to find the entrance. Now, he was simply dragged into the class without even doing the face-saving work.

This time, the simulated classroom environment was the stage for yesterday's competition award ceremony, except that the people standing on the stage turned into human figures, and Fu Yu sat on the judges' seat closest to the stage.

The knowledge of medicated diet nutrition is mainly to understand what nutritional functional substances are in the food, how much is the content, how much the human body can absorb, what are the rejected nutrients, etc.

This is a basic skill that any herbalist should master and possess.

There are also the effects and benefits of nutrition on health!

For example, the same nutrient can have multiple physiological functions, and different nutrients can also have the same physiological function. This series of knowledge points!

These seemingly basic knowledge are actually the most difficult to master.

This is a skill that a herbalist needs to study and study throughout his life.

This is why many well-known medicated dietitians can quickly customize medicated diets that are symptomatic and effective simply based on the symptoms of patients.

Even relying solely on medical records and the customer's verbal response, we can make very accurate judgments.

If you want to make progress as a herbalist, you need to constantly explore and enrich your cooking experience.

Fu Yu followed the figure and began to study systematic nutrition knowledge.

This is the basic skill he lacks most.

This kind of immersive learning makes the mastery of knowledge easier and more solid.

Liu Shaoxian sat next to Fu Yu and couldn't help but look at Fu Yu.

As soon as the plane took off, Fu Yu began to close his eyes to rest. He didn't seem to be asleep, but he didn't open his eyes either.

He was just resting quietly, seemingly unfazed.

Liu Shaoxian looked at Fu Yu's unmoving and calm expression and felt infinite emotion in his heart.

I used to think that Fu Yu was young, had little experience in many things, and lacked the accumulation of experience.

Now it seems that I am clearly blind and did not see how powerful Fu Yu was!

Not to mention anything else, this mentality alone is difficult for others to surpass.

Although he had just received such a great honor, there was no fluctuation at all.

This kind of calm energy is really what young people nowadays lack most.

Not to mention being a young man, even he himself has not practiced enough. He has lived to this age and still acts as he pleases, unable to hide anything on his face.


Before Fu Yu even got off the plane, the food circle in China had already become a sensation.

The Chollima Hotel and Music Restaurant in Bei'an have already welcomed several waves of leaders and reporters.

Mainly the leaders of the Municipal Propaganda Department and experts from the Provincial Medicinal Diet Research Association.

Fu Yu won such an international and important award, which is a huge progress for Bei'an City and even the province in the medicated diet industry.

Especially after Fu Yu won the award, he held a unique exchange class on herbal cooking skills.

This made both foreign media and domestic official media highly praise Fu Yu, and unanimously praised Fu Yu for his excellent qualities and good professional ethics, which demonstrated the appearance of my country as a great country with etiquette!

This made the music restaurant take advantage of it, and even the members of the Provincial Medicinal Diet Research Association also received widespread attention.

The news was publicized nationwide, and even Maxima learned the news early in the morning.

Although Fu Yu works part-time as a medicinal chef at a music restaurant, he is currently the chef of the Chollima Hotel.

As a result, Chollima followed and gained the attention and attention of leaders at all levels above.

However, this time, because Fu Yu, as the chief herbalist of the music restaurant, went to South Korea to participate in the exchange meeting with the members of the activity group of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association, the main interviews in the capital were gathered at the Medicinal Diet Research Association. internal.

As for Bei'an, reporters from provincial and municipal TV stations and major media rushed to the music restaurant and interviewed the owner Yao Shi.

The leaders in the city even spoke highly of Yao Shi, praising him for his discerning eye. As the first restaurant in the city to focus on promoting medicinal meals, the selection of the target market was very accurate and extremely successful!

The most important thing is that it has made outstanding contributions to promoting my country's medicated diet industry and discovering outstanding talents.

This makes people in the food circle almost cry with envy.

What is the fate of this kid Yao Shi?

He had just left his job at Maxima to focus on running his own business, and he immediately received a wave of nationwide publicity.

The medicinal food banquet became popular, and other business aspects of the music restaurant were naturally followed!

When it came to Chollima, everyone in the kitchen except Zhao Meng was extremely excited.

Everyone on Gu Yunwu’s side was shocked!

what's the situation?

Why did Fu Yu go to the music restaurant to get a medicinal meal?

You obviously work in the kitchen every day?

Dong Juntian was sitting in the office, looking at the relevant news content about the International Medicinal Cooking Competition on the computer. He finally realized belatedly that although he promoted Fu Yu as a chef, the contract was still customized according to the old rules. .

Employees who resign need to report half a month in advance, otherwise the entire salary of the previous month will be deducted.

This is also the reason why Chollima’s monthly funding is delayed by half a month.

Because the design of this contract is quite reasonable, even if employees leave, the store will have half a month to find someone to fill the position, so it will not be too passive.

So it has never been changed since it was customized.

Even Yao Shi's resignation was actually in accordance with the above regulations. It was very easy to leave at that time.

Mainly because Dong Juntian knew that it was useless to stop him.

He also thought at the time that it might be safer if he changed the terms of the contract and signed it directly on an annual basis.

But this idea had just arisen, and before it could be put into action, Fu Yu won the National Chef Cooking Competition, prompting him to quickly promote him to the position of chef.

Before he could recover from this joy, Fu Yu turned around and won the championship of the National Medicinal Diet Cooking Competition.

He didn't even have a chance to breathe.

But it's too late to regret now.

The contracts are all signed.

If he could go back in time, he would rather give Fu Yu a salary increase and better benefits, but also change the contract for two more years.

Then it won't be as passive as it is now.

What if Fu Yuti resigns?

He can only keep the other party for half a month at most.

Thinking of this, Dong Juntian really wanted to cry without tears.

Liu Yunong listened to the compliment on the phone and answered with a smile, while secretly sighing: The most proud thing in life, besides being the boss of a catering company, is having a good apprentice!

Fu Yu's return this time can be regarded as a true homecoming!

The National Medicinal Diet Research Association held a very grand celebration banquet. Fu Yu met several superior leaders and exchanged contact information with many experts in the association.

The original schedule was delayed by another day. Fu Yu and Li Zongming attended the celebration banquet in the capital. After staying one night, they took a plane back to Bei'an the next day.

After the plane landed and the two said goodbye to each other, Li Zongming went back to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, while Fu Yu was picked up by Yao Shi himself and driven to the music restaurant.

Fu Yu originally thought that he would go to the dormitory to rest for a while before getting back from the store, but Yao Shi suddenly came to pick him up, so he had to go along.

Yao Shi was also helpless, mainly because there were a group of people waiting eagerly in the store!

Fu Yu won the championship in the International Medicinal Cooking Competition this time. The happiest customers were the customers who customized herbal meals at the music restaurant.

As soon as the news was announced, it spread among the small circle of customer groups.

Especially those rich women who were not short of money or errands, they just wanted to celebrate Fu Yu with loud gongs and drums and blasting firecrackers.

On the day Fu Yu arrived in Bei'an, Liu Yici led a group of sisters to the music restaurant early, holding flowers in each hand, ready to greet Fu Yu.

You know, Fu Yu is now the world's top herbalist, an expert who has won the title of Best Herbalist of the Year.

At this time, if you don't quickly flatter the person, you may not have the chance to get close to him in the future!

After all, when he didn't win an international award, he was just a small-scale herbalist in Bei'an, and he couldn't even get a place in the queue if he wanted to customize a herbal meal!

Regardless of whether the price will increase or not, the key point is that Fu Yu's reputation has been completely boosted.

By then everyone across the country knows that there is such a powerful herbalist in Bei'an, won't they have no chance to customize it?


People like them, who are powerful in their families, are usually very well-informed.

The wind direction up there is particularly good now, and there is definitely no harm in taking this opportunity to get closer to Fu Yu and build a good relationship.

After all, he is an elite in the food industry who has been named and praised by several major official media.

Although their purpose is no longer simple at this time, the medicinal meal is indeed very beneficial to the body. The key is that Fu Yu is indeed a superb cook.

As a result, they were all more willing to flatter Fu Yu from the bottom of their hearts and wanted to make friends with him.

Yao Shi also knew that Fu Yu had just returned from the competition and must be very tired, especially since the situation was so sensitive now. Fu Yu should be asked to go to Qianlima first to sell the fake.

No matter what he thinks in his heart, Fu Yu has not formally submitted his resignation application yet, so he should still do what he should do on the surface.

But this group of custom-made customers for medicinal meal banquets came to the store early in the morning to wait. These are their own parents, and no one can afford to offend them.

Especially since Zhao Meng had already greeted him in advance, this group of customers had even rushed to Fu Yu to donate money and materials to Qianlima's charity meal event.

Although the horse was donated, it was Fu Yu's face that mattered.

So we can only take Fu Yu over first and then talk!

On the way to the music restaurant, Yao Shi told Fu Yu about the donations made by several customers of the medicinal meal banquet.

When mentioning this matter, Yao Shi was actually quite emotional. He always prided himself on being able to see everything clearly.

Looking back now, I still feel a little too indecisive.

I was tied down by the old love of Chollima, and I couldn't leave him heartily.

it's good now.

These achievements are all Chollima's. If he leaves immediately after the new year, whether it is Zhao Meng or Fu Yu, they will definitely be poached to work in the music restaurant early in the morning.

Some things are really one step wrong, one step wrong!

After listening to Yao Shi's words, Fu Yu realized that many people had donated to the charity meal event in the past few days since he had been gone.

Moreover, these people are here for their own relationships. Understanding this, Fu Yu actually feels a little burdened in his heart.

These are all favors, and when it comes time to repay them, I will definitely not be able to refuse them.

Returning to the music restaurant, Fu Yu immediately received a particularly warm welcome and congratulations from Liu Yici and others.

There were hugs full of flowers alone, and a photographer was specially invited to take photos for them.

Several customers at the medicinal meal table were extremely friendly and warm when they saw Fu Yu.

Yao Shi specially arranged a small banquet room, and everyone happily held a reception banquet for Fu Yu.

By the time Fu Yu returned to Qianlima, it was already night.

He was also welcomed in the store!

However, while everyone was expressing their congratulations, they were also asking privately, when did he start making medicated banquets?

In fact, everyone asked just to confirm the authenticity of their thoughts.

After all, you don't need to inquire carefully about this matter, you can just guess it. It was so tightly concealed before, Yao Shi must be helping to operate it.

Because of this level of relationship, the congratulations seemed much more low-key.

They are all people with relatively good relationships, so they expressed their congratulations very happily.

Zhao Meng was also very excited. He really didn't expect Fu Yu to be so successful.

Taking some time out of his busy schedule, he took Fu Yu and asked him about the game in detail.

Fu Yu said briefly, and couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Chef Zhao, Chef Yao said that many people have donated money and materials? Are the lists and funds out now?"

Zhao Meng nodded. He and the finance department are now following up on this matter.

He directly pulled up the statistical table on his mobile phone and handed it to Fu Yu: "Look, Accountant Xin is very good at organizing it. During the meeting this morning, he even said that our store is going to make a public charity list. Write all these things down and make them public.”

Fu Yu took the phone and took a closer look.

He just glanced through it briefly, and was immediately shocked by the final total amount: 880,000! (End of chapter)

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