Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1020 So that’s it

Fu Yu came to the kitchen, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw accountant Xin Li talking to Gu Yunwu.

When I got closer, I heard Gu Yunwu yelling about double standards, and I was just about to watch the excitement, when suddenly the ordering waiter came over to deliver a message.

Seeing Fu Yu's presence, the ordering clerk hurried forward to greet him and reported: "Fu Chef, I just received an order for door-to-door service. The customer specified that he wants you to take the order for door-to-door cooking service. We have already placed an order. Yes, the reservation is for dinner.”

Fu Yu was stunned for a moment: "What's the order for door-to-door service? What's the specific situation of the customer?"

The ordering clerk said: "The customer lives in the first phase of Yunfeng Community and is planning to hold a birthday banquet. He wants to customize a banquet.

The dishes ordered are all the specialties of the store, but the ingredients are provided by them themselves. They say that they have a garden at home and grow a lot of vegetables themselves, so there is no need for us to prepare them. Originally, the family planned to come to the store to celebrate, but one of the elderly people suddenly became ill, so they decided to ask a chef to come to serve at the last minute. "

After listening, Fu Yu nodded.

Since the ingredients are provided by customers, the cooking of the dishes on the order list will definitely be modified to some extent.

After all, not all the ingredients can be prepared. Since he needs to bring seasonings, it is better to prepare more.

If you don't have enough ingredients, you can also temporarily change the cooking method. If you don't have enough seasonings, it will really be difficult for a skilled woman to cook without rice.

Fortunately, you can also communicate with the customer in advance about the food preparation situation.

Door-to-door service actually tests the chef's on-the-spot response ability.

Although customers will order in advance, when they actually arrive at the place, they will often express a lot of opinions on what to cook and how to cook it.

And since it is door-to-door service, the customer's wishes must prevail.

Temporary changes to recipes are common.

How to satisfy customers and successfully complete this order? In fact, it is not easy to make money.

This kind of door-to-door service is like taking orders. Every time, you have to adapt to the situation and try to meet all the customer's requirements. Fu Yu takes two orders every month.

Moreover, every time I go there I will encounter some problems of one kind or another.

Xin Li couldn't help but said: "Yunfeng Community? Isn't that in the east of the city? It has to go to the suburbs, right?"

Fu Yu nodded: "It shouldn't be close, so hurry up. I'll call Jin Yu. You give me the order. I'll contact the customer later. Since it's a birthday banquet in the evening, we have to prepare the dishes now. .”

After finishing speaking, Fu Yu went to the dining room, first said hello to Zhao Meng, and then called Zhang Jinyu: "Jinyu, let's go, come with me to do door-to-door service."

Fu Yu liked Zhang Jinyu very much as a cook. He didn't talk much and was very dedicated to his work. He was a bit boring compared to Sun Qingning, but he was very good at his work.

The two have a very good understanding now.

Before departure, Fu Yu contacted the customer in advance.

After confirming the food preparation situation, because the customer requested that only their own ingredients be used, Fu Yu and Zhang Jinyu only brought seasonings this time, so they traveled light.

Purchaser Sun Wei is a local in Bei'an and is very familiar with all parts of the city.

I heard that the customer's home address was in Yunfeng Community, so I deliberately chose a shortcut to get Fu Yu there as soon as possible.

The customer placed the order a little late, so Fu Yu and the others prepared their things and actually drove on the road, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

The car drove out of the city and turned directly onto the outer ring road.

Sun Wei took a look at the road conditions and smiled: "Everywhere in Bei'an is good, but this road is repaired every year, and it remains like this every year. It's either potholes or slopes, and it's particularly difficult to walk on!"

"A little further east from Yunfeng Community, you will see the boundary of Bei'an. That area is well built now. There is an ecological park, right? It seems that it started to be built last year. It should be almost completed by now. Let's go there for a walk then. , is a good choice!”

Zhang Jinyu didn't talk much, but Sun Wei was eloquent. He was there to talk about whatever he saw along the way, and the atmosphere was always very relaxed.

An hour later, the car successfully drove into Yunfeng Community.

When we arrived, we realized that this community had been relocated a few years ago and was originally a circle of alleys, with every family having a garden and land.

After the relocation, all those who wanted money moved away, and there were still those who wanted houses. Even with the shops and houses, one family could get at least three or four houses.

The customer who customized the door-to-door cooking service was named Liu. He had a son and a daughter who were married.

Today is the old lady's birthday. The children wanted to celebrate her birthday. They originally planned to go to Chollima to have a family dinner to celebrate the old lady in the evening. However, at noon, the old lady suddenly didn't want to go out and mess around anymore.

Originally, it was the old lady's birthday, and the children must follow the old lady's wishes.

So I specially spent money to invite the chef to my home and wanted to celebrate it well.

As soon as Fu Yu and the others arrived at the community, they called Mr. Liu who provided customized services and asked for the specific location, and then drove directly to the customer's home.

Mr. Liu had been waiting in front of his small courtyard early. When he saw Fu Yu and others getting out of the car, his face suddenly lit up and he greeted them warmly.

"Fu Chu! Hello!"

Fu Yu hurriedly said a few polite words to the other party.

Zhang Jinyu carried the things he brought, and the two of them followed Mr. Liu through the door, while Sun Wei stayed in the car and waited.

Mr. Liu's house is a small duplex, with the first and second floors reserved for his own residence, while the four households upstairs are rented out.

There is a south balcony on the first floor. The yard is quite large. When entering, you need to walk through the yard and you can see the green vegetables and various potted fruits grown on both sides.

It can be seen that this family loves life very much and the garden is well maintained.

Entering the door on the first floor is the living room. The old lady is sitting on the sofa. Next to her, her daughter, her family and her daughter-in-law are chatting and laughing with her.

Fu Yu followed Mr. Liu into the living room, and then he saw the old lady clearly.

Although her children and grandchildren were with her, the old lady didn't look very happy, and the smile on her face was very weak.

However, even if she was in a bad mood, the old lady still greeted Fu Yu politely and discussed the cooking of the banquet dishes in detail.

Because the fruits and vegetables at home are limited, others are prepared separately, and some side dishes are not fully prepared, so Fu Yu will make some changes in cooking operations.

The old lady is still very easy to talk to. It was originally their request, but now that Fu Yu is willing to cooperate, they naturally have nothing to choose from.

Mr. Liu was very talkative and introduced to Fu Yu with a smile: "The vegetables are all freshly picked in my own garden, the seafood is sent by friends, and there are also live fish. They were just caught from the reservoir at noon, and they are all fresh." .”

Fu Yu nodded, confirmed that Mr. Liu's family had no objection to the cooking changes of the dishes, and went directly to the kitchen.

The Liu family is very considerate, and all the vegetables have been picked and washed.

It saves you the trouble of preparing food.

The birthday banquet consists of ten dishes, one soup and one staple food.

Stir-fried mixed seafood, braised fresh squid rings, sweet and sour fish, first-class seafood cup, fisherman’s harvest celebration, classic pot-roasted meat, egg yolk whitebait roll, seafood soup, aloe vera frog fish roll, leek-flavored sea egg yolk crab, old vinegar family portrait, Seafood congee.

All I ordered were Chollima’s specialties.

And there are two dishes among them that the store no longer makes.

Stir-fried seafood is a classic old-style dish and a very unique seafood dish. However, because of the complicated preparation and the large number of ingredients used, the price could not be raised, so it was gradually removed from the shelves.

There is also a fisherman's harvest dish. Because the ingredients are abundant and the price is expensive, customers often choose the classic harvest dish when ordering. This dish is not ordered very often, so it has not been taken off the shelves, but the chef's side It's been a long time since I took an order.

When Fu Yu came, Zhao Meng saw the recipe and specifically explained to him the specific methods and precautions when cooking these two dishes.

In fact, Zhao Meng prefers to discuss directly with customers to replace these two dishes.

First, although this dish is very classic, there are similar dishes that can be substituted.

Second, these two dishes are more time-consuming to cook and the price is also very expensive. If you don’t particularly want to taste them, there is really no need to order these two dishes.

Mr. Liu carefully introduced all the preparations to Fu Yu.

Fu Yu smiled and praised: "You are so attentive. You helped wash and handle the dishes."

Mr. Liu looked very good-tempered and said cheerfully: "They are all vegetables grown in my own garden. There is no chemical fertilizer. Just rinse them with water and it doesn't take anything. In fact, we had already agreed to eat them directly in the store." As a result, the old lady suddenly wanted to celebrate at home again."

Fu Yu smiled and had a very good impression of the Liu family.

The children are filial and the old man looks very kind.

In their opinion, Chollima's chef is an expert in cooking, and his advice on cooking dishes must be correct, so don't be too smart.

On the contrary, those who are picky, want to do everything according to their own ideas, and treat chefs with a bossy attitude are even more troublesome!

Fu Yu carefully checked all the ingredients and found that sea cucumbers and some dried ingredients had been soaked.

Fu Yu breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart!

Fortunately, all the main ingredients can be used directly, which makes cooking the entire table a lot easier.

It's already a bit late.

Fu Yu said directly: "Let's start preparing the dishes first?"

Zhang Jinyu had a tacit understanding and started processing it immediately after Fu Yu listed all the food preparation requirements.

Fu Yu was not idle either. According to his usual cooking habits, he first got familiar with the layout of the kitchen utensils and then arranged the seasonings neatly.

The Liu family usually cooks by themselves, and the kitchen utensils are very complete. For today's door-to-door service, they even prepared three large sets of dishes, and they are very versatile in color and style.

Fu Yu selected the dishes that needed to be cooked, and already had the order in mind when the dishes were finally put on the plate!

But Fu Yu didn't cook directly and needed to learn more about the customers' dietary preferences.

This is also a habit I developed after customizing the medicated meal mat.

If he was taking orders in the store, he would definitely start the operation directly according to his usual cooking habits.

But now that we have arrived at the customer's house, the birthday girl seems to be in a bad mood. In order to avoid trouble, she still needs to further determine the cooking taste of the dishes.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu quickly asked: "Do the elderly at home have any dietary taboos? Or are there any ingredients that the family does not eat?"

Mr. Liu did not expect Fu Yu's service to be so attentive, and said quickly: "No, my mother is not picky about food, and there are no food allergies in the family."

Fu Yu nodded: "Then I will cook normally."

After saying that, he complimented casually: "The dishes on this table are really good. They are all specialties of our store. You should go to the store to eat often, right?"

These dishes include classic dishes that have been discontinued in the store for a long time, as well as dishes that have only become popular in the past two years.

Regular customers who don't often go to the restaurant to dine would not be able to order a table like this.

Mr. Liu explained: "That's not true. Because I live far away, I don't go there often. However, when my father was alive, he liked to eat the food in your store. At that time, my mother would often accompany him. He went there together. Later, my father passed away and my mother seldom went there.

Today is my mother's birthday. Two days ago, she suddenly mentioned that she wanted to go to Chollima for a meal, so we made the impromptu idea. "

So that's it.

Since it was the old lady who started it, she probably misses this old taste.

At this time, Fu Yu was actually not so entangled.

Since the customer's original intention is to try the authentic specialties in the store, he can just follow the classic cooking methods.

None of the dishes are considered slow-cooking, and the only one that is more time-consuming is cooking seafood porridge.

The Liu family prepares rice from their own land, and the main focus is green and natural.

Chollima's seafood porridge is its signature dish, and it pays attention to the word "fresh". The cooked porridge is fragrant, thick and tasty, nutritious and delicious, and is particularly popular with customers.

After Zhang Jinyu had prepared all the ingredients, Fu Yu started cooking seafood porridge.

This is a staple dish that he usually makes in the kitchen. He quickly boils the rice and pickles the seafood.

With your hands free, start cooking other dishes.

Sweet and sour fish and pot-roasted pork are both dishes that require oil, so Zhang Jinyu can help.

After Fu Yu finished his work, he picked up the pork belly that Zhang Jinyu had cleaned and put it into the pressure cooker for pressing.

While they were cooking, people from the Liu family came over from time to time.

Today is the birthday of the old lady, and the family originally planned to celebrate it well. Now that they have decided to celebrate it at home, the atmosphere should not be left behind.

The eldest daughter-in-law and sister-in-law came to the kitchen one after another and discussed with Fu Yu that they wanted to cook a bowl of longevity noodles for the old lady.

The aunt and sister-in-law get along very well with each other, and they talk in a warm and affectionate manner.

Fu Yu looked at this scene and couldn't help but sigh. This family is really harmonious. It can be seen that they live a very harmonious life.

The water is boiling and the noodles are being cooked.

The sister-in-law suddenly said something, which made Fu Yu stop cooking!

"My mother has been a little angry these past two days. During lunch, she said her teeth were a bit sore and she couldn't chew hard things. Why don't we cook the noodles for a while?"

Fu Yu frowned. He had bad teeth. Some of the dishes on this table were difficult to eat! (End of chapter)

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