Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1021 Big Project’s Three Prawn Noodles

Bad teeth?

This is something that the elderly must experience. Many elderly people wear dentures in their lives.

In daily life, the appearance is not affected, but when dining, it is often very inconvenient.

Harder ingredients, especially meals that are a little chewy, will make your teeth unable to use your teeth when you eat them, which will affect your normal meal and the customer's mood when tasting the food.

If it were in the past, Fu Yu might not have considered it so much.

After all, the customer has already determined the ordering recipe, and he only needs to follow the normal cooking methods.

But now, he will be more clear about the responsibilities and obligations of a chef.

The greatest skill of a chef is to process the ingredients perfectly, and then use his own skills to cook the ingredients into delicious dishes and deliver them to the customers' tables.

If the dishes on the table want to satisfy customers, the chef needs to have sufficient cooking skills and professional ethics, as well as care and good qualities to handle all kinds of things that come with it.

This also includes customers’ dietary preferences.

The word "perfect" is what Fu Yu is working towards now. No detail that will affect the customer's dining experience can be ignored.

Fu Yu glanced at the food preparations in front of the kitchen counter, turned around and asked, "Jin Yu, what did you do with the rapeseed?"

Zhang Jinyu said: "Seafood! I'm going all over it!"

Fu Yu walked over and took a closer look: "The meat slices haven't been fried yet?"

Zhang Jinyu shook his head: "No, didn't you ask for the oily pork slices last?"

When Fu Yu heard this, he said directly: "Okay, let's not make the meat slices over-oiled first."

Zhang Jinyu nodded and didn't ask any more questions. He had been helping Fu Yu in the kitchen for a long time, and he had developed a habit without realizing it. As long as Fu Yu told him, he would just follow it.

After Fu Yu finished his instructions, he turned around and ran towards his aunt and sister-in-law who were busy preparing a surprise.

Seeing Fu Yu coming, the eldest daughter-in-law hurriedly greeted: "Fu Chu, what's wrong? Do you need anything?"

Fu Yu smiled and explained: "No, I have something to ask your opinion on."

When the aunt and sister-in-law heard this, they both looked at Fu Yu.

Fu Yu said: "I just heard you say that the old man's teeth have not been very good these past two days. I thought that there are several dishes in the banquet I ordered today. If they are cooked according to normal cooking methods, they may be chewier. No. Very suitable for the elderly.

If you agree, I can make a slight improvement in the cooking process, and like the classic pot-roasted pork, I can also replace it with the classic pot-roasted fish fillet, which has a similar taste and a softer texture. "

When the eldest daughter-in-law heard this, she immediately smiled and said, "Okay, that's great! Thank you, Fu Chu!"

Fu Yu smiled and didn't care to chat with them. He turned to Zhang Jinyu and said: "Stop frying the meat slices. Prepare fish fillets. Instead of wrapping meat in a pot, make fish fillets wrapped in a pot!"

"I just saw it. There is dragon fish. Let's make it with this one. The meat will be more tender."

Fu Yu’s whole purpose is to make customers more satisfied when dining!

While ensuring the taste of the dishes, make appropriate adjustments to the cooking methods.

It would be great if the old lady could enjoy the food and the rest of the family would also find the food delicious.

Of course, even if you want to adjust the taste of the dish, you can't over-stew it, because seafood dishes need to be cooked at a good temperature.

Fu Yu's cooking has always been very precise about time arrangements.

He took a look at Zhang Jinyu's oiliness and started cooking the first-grade seafood cup.

Otherwise, the Liu family knows how to order.

This first-class seafood dish is especially suitable for this season.

The ingredients and ingredients are all fresh, and the taste after cooking is simply amazing!

Fu Yu cut the prawns, sea cucumber and conch meat into thin slices.

Considering the old lady's teeth, he cut the sea cucumber and conch meat into cicada-wing shapes, stacking the pieces on top of each other so thin that they were almost transparent.

If the sea sausage is cut too finely, the taste will be bad, so Fu Yu just slightly adjusts the length of the cuts. Anyway, this dish is mainly about soup. I can taste these ingredients by the way. Occasionally, there are some that are not chewy. It does not affect the overall tasting experience.

When cutting the crab sticks, Fu Yu directly cut the rhombus-shaped knife, and also cut the carrots and celery into rhombus-shaped slices.

While cutting, he had already planned the specific plating operation in his mind.

Originally, this dish was supposed to be cooked with pigeon eggs, but the Liu family did not prepare it.

Fu Yu chose to use quail eggs instead.

In fact, the half-urban, half-rural life like the Liu family's is really pretty good.

They grow vegetables and fruits in the front yard, and the backyard is small, and they raise a small amount of poultry such as quails, chickens, and ducks.

I am busy every day and have a busy life. What I eat is indeed green, healthy and good for the body.

These are all good things that cannot be bought with money on the market.

While Fu Yu was cooking, the younger members of the Liu family were also coming in and out from time to time. It was obvious that they all attached great importance to the old lady's birthday and the preparation of surprises.

Zhang Jinyu was a little nervous. On the one hand, it was his first time doing door-to-door service. On the other hand, there were always people coming over to take a look at his preparations.

Being watched while working made him feel more alert, fearing that something might go wrong.

After all the food preparation was finally done, Zhang Jinyu went to follow Fu Yu, ready to strike at any time.

On the kitchen table, two stoves were turned on at the same time, and the stew was already cooking.

Other vegetables should be marinated and chopped.

Door-to-door service is not good at all. The customer's home is not like the kitchen of a restaurant, and there are usually only two stoves at most.

If you want to cook, you can only cook one dish after another.

Zhang Jinyu glanced at Fu Yu and asked in a low voice: "Is it too late?"

It's past five o'clock now, and the food is still not served after six o'clock, which makes customers easily anxious.

Fu Yu nodded: "There's enough time."

Zhang Jinyu immediately felt at ease.

The difficulty of cooking today's dishes, for them, the complexity of the operation is secondary, the key is that time is too tight.

From taking orders in the afternoon to now starting to cook, the two of them have been extremely busy.

When Zhang Jinyu started, he had a good habit of asking Fu Yu in advance whenever he needed to start. He was never good at making suggestions.

Once the two stoves were occupied, Fu Yu and Zhang Jinyu could only wait patiently for the pots to be turned on.

Taking advantage of this time, Fu Yu simply worked hard on arranging the dishes.

A few small patterns were carefully carved for decoration during the final presentation.

The old lady is celebrating her birthday today, so she carves a birthday peach and makes some vegetable flowers with the word "longevity" on them. When they are finally served, they look more festive.

After everything was done, the seafood porridge in the pot was still a little warm, but the pot of seafood soup was free.

After Fu Yu finished serving the seafood soup and arranged it on the plate, he handed it over to Zhang Jinyu to take it out while he started cooking to celebrate the harvest.

This dish is considered a hard dish, and it can directly occupy the middle position of the main course when presented on the plate.

After the rapeseed hearts and corn shoots are drained, add seasonings and stir to combine.

Fu Yu did not leave Feishui's operations to Zhang Jinyu, but did it himself.

This dish is characterized by its beautiful shape and contrasting colors.

Whether it is rapeseed hearts or corn shoots, when frying in water, the time and heat must be accurately grasped, otherwise the color of the ingredients will not be kept at its most tender state.

When taking it out, Fu Yu didn't need to give instructions. He raised his hand and Zhang Jinyu immediately stepped forward to perform the draining operation.

The two of them cooperated really well. Fu Yu waited for the ingredients to drain, then inserted the corn shoots into the middle of the rapeseed heart one by one to make a corn shape, and placed them on the four sides of the large disc for later use.

The other ingredients that have been processed before are first boiled with water, then oiled, sauteed until fragrant, and then mixed with fresh soup.

After a series of operations, put it directly in the pot in the middle of the shaped corn.

This dish looks very domineering at first glance. The plate is large, the ingredients are generous, the color is very fresh, and the shape is very beautiful.

A fisherman's harvest celebration dish was served, and the completion level of this meal immediately jumped up a lot!

Egg yolk whitebait roll and aloe vera frog fish roll have similar names, but the two dishes are completely different.

The egg yolk whitebait roll is a thick roll with golden color and three strands. It comes with a plate of eight pieces and comes with a salt and pepper flavored plate. It tastes fresh and crispy.

The aloe frog fish roll is a stew. The fish meat is soft and tender, and the macaroni-like roll has a sweet and sour taste.

Dishes began to arrive on the table one after another, and Fu Yu's cooking speed finally slowed down.

While he was busy cooking the old vinegar family portrait, Mr. Liu suddenly came to the kitchen.

"Chef Fu, I have something to trouble you about." Mr. Liu spoke very politely and looked at Fu Yu with embarrassment.

Fu Yu was stunned by his attitude and asked curiously, "What's wrong? Tell me if you have anything to say."

Mr. Liu sighed: "My old lady was in a bit of a bad mood today. In fact, we noticed it during the day. At that time, we were only thinking about whether we didn't have a good rest last night or some other reason.

As a result, just now, when the food was on the table, the old lady took a bite and suddenly mentioned that when the old man was alive, every time it was her birthday, he would go to Chollima to eat and order a bowl of three shrimp noodles.

I was just thinking, could you please add another three-prawn noodles? I can add money, no matter how much!

In fact, I also know that we have already booked a table, so it is not good to suddenly make this request now, but as a child, the old lady is celebrating her birthday today, so I want to try my best to meet her request. "

Mr. Liu's parents have always had a very harmonious relationship. The two old men have good personalities and always consider their children in everything.

In the past, when the family's conditions were average, the father was kind and the son was filial. Now that they have money, the family has no worries about food and clothing, the relationship is deep, and the life is even more harmonious and beautiful.

Later, the old man passed away due to illness, and Mr. Liu and his sister stayed close to the old lady, coming back every once in a while to keep her company.

The old lady has always been very free and easy, smiling all day long, and she is not the kind of elder who kills everyone.

But in the past two days, the old lady has obviously been abnormal. On the surface, she looks the same as before, but if you look closely, you will find that the old lady is actually in a low mood.

The family was a little worried when suddenly the old lady took the initiative to go to Chollima for a meal on her birthday.

As a result, when her birthday came, the old lady refused to go again.

Mr. Liu and his sister discussed it. Since the old lady wanted to eat Chollima's food but didn't want to go through the trouble, they could simply invite the chef home and make a good table of noodles for the old lady.

Unexpectedly, the chef came to the door, but the old lady's mood did not improve at all.

Just now, the eldest daughter-in-law and sister-in-law came over to prepare a surprise.

My sister-in-law said to my sister-in-law: "Actually, I felt something was wrong with our mother early on. She seemed to have something on her mind."

Eldest daughter-in-law: "Then you never said anything?"

My sister-in-law lowered her head and thought for a moment: "After my father passed away, my mother seemed quite considerate, but she suddenly proposed to go eat Chollima on her birthday. This was something our father often did when he was still alive. .

I was thinking, does our mother miss our father? "

As soon as the aunt and sister-in-law came together, they called Mr. Liu and expressed their thoughts.

When Mr. Liu heard this, he felt a little guilty. Since the old man passed away, they, the children, had to take care of their own small families, so they still paid less attention to the old lady.

The old lady will definitely feel lonely when she is alone.

The sister-in-law also blames herself for not being able to take good care of the old man's emotions as her daughter.

Together, the brother and sister decided to accompany the old lady and show their filial piety in the future.

But no matter how clearly I thought about it, when the food was on the table, I looked at the old lady picking up a dish with chopsticks, and said with great nostalgia that on her birthday back then, she would always have a bowl of Chollima's three-fresh noodles.

Just such a sigh made the brother and sister completely break their defenses.

At this moment, the guilt in my heart reached its peak.

Let alone a bowl of three-fresh noodles, even if the old lady wants the moon, the brother and sister can't wait to pick it with their own hands.

Mr. Liu explained what happened and at the end, this steady and kind middle-aged man couldn't help but sigh deeply.

The education he received since he was a child is not to cause trouble to others, but his parents are very kind to him.

Moreover, the old lady just wants to eat a bowl of seafood noodles. Since it is something that can be done with money, she will definitely try her best to get it.

"So, I was wondering if I could trouble you to help me make a bowl of three-fresh noodles. Since it's an extra dish, it doesn't matter how much you spend. You can use whatever you want! The ingredients are here, including prawns and river prawns. You can use them as you like!"

"Anyway, I hope you can help me!"

Zhang Jinyu was a little moved when he heard this, and couldn't help but said: "Mr. Liu, don't worry, Chef Fu is very good at cooking, isn't it three fresh noodles? He will definitely be able to cook it!"

Zhang Jinyu is good at everything, but his personality is a bit silly.

He agreed happily, without even thinking about why Fu Yu hesitated before agreeing to this matter immediately.

When Mr. Liu heard Zhang Jinyu's words, he immediately looked at Fu Yu expectantly.

Fu Yu hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

However, we can agree to do this, but the question is what to do about time?

It's almost six o'clock now. If I really want to make this bowl of three-fresh noodles, whether I can let the old lady eat it tonight is a question!

Sanxian noodles were Chollima's staple food in the past, and are as famous as seafood porridge. However, these noodles are only available for half a month a year, and it's not the time to eat them yet. (End of chapter)

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