Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1022 The money is really worth it

In this country, if there is any city that can interpret the concept of "not eating from time to time" to the extreme, it must be Bei'an.

In March and April, the river feast is held, and the food is fresh Jiang products. In early summer, the shrimps in the rivers and lakes quietly become fatter, especially in the yellow plum season. When the female shrimps mature, their bodies will breed full shrimp seeds. , a crystal clear shrimp brain also grew on its head.

At this time, Chollima will introduce a very classic noodle dish, three shrimp noodles.

Take fresh river shrimp, remove the shrimp meat, shrimp roe and brains, fry a bowl of toppings, and make a bowl of extremely tender noodles.

This noodle is actually not difficult to make. The trouble is that peeling the shrimp and reserving the ingredients is very time-consuming.

And the most important thing is that it is not yet the yellow plum season, the river shrimp has not yet carried seeds, and the shrimp brain has not grown yet.

The name Three Prawn Noodles refers to the three treasures in the shrimp: shrimp roe, shrimp brain and shrimp meat.

If you don’t have all three treasures, how can you make noodles?

Moreover, when Chollima sells noodles every year, the chefs in the back kitchen separate the necessary parts of the river prawns one by one.

There is not an unlimited supply of noodles. There are 66 bowls of noodles per day, and the supply lasts until supplies last.

A bowl of noodles costs 88 yuan, and demand still exceeds supply.

In fact, there used to be several time-honored restaurants specializing in three-prawn noodles in Bei'an. However, due to hygiene issues, one of them was exposed and the other restaurants were implicated.

They were checked here and there every now and then, and gradually the restaurant closed down one after another.

Now to break it down, Bei'an local, that is, Chollima still retains the tradition of selling three shrimp noodles in Huangmeiji.

Fu Yu nodded and said to Mr. Liu: "I can make three shrimp noodles, but the current river shrimps don't have seeds, and the shrimp brains are not fat, so the taste will definitely not be that authentic."

Mr. Liu immediately said: "It doesn't matter, as long as it's that bowl of noodles. What my mother misses is that bowl of noodles. It doesn't matter if it tastes a little bit different."

Fu Yu added: "This three-prawn noodle is not like other noodles. It is very troublesome to prepare the ingredients. The river shrimp itself is small, and the shrimp brains and shrimp meat must be removed. The ingredients for a bowl of noodles require at least two kilograms of river shrimp." , otherwise you won’t be able to taste the flavor of shrimp oil.”

River shrimps are not like large shrimps. They are small in size, and the shrimp meat and brains are not large, so it is particularly troublesome to dismantle them.

Mr. Liu understood it as soon as he thought about it, and asked hurriedly: "How long does it take to make this side?"

Fu Yu made an estimate: "The store used to send three workers to prepare ingredients at the same time. Now we have only two people here. There are still a few dishes that have not been cooked. Only one person has to open the shrimps, not two I won’t be able to finish it in a few hours.”

Zhang Jinyu was confused and spoke quickly at the time and said one more sentence, but now he realized it later.

He immediately said anxiously: "That's right! It may not take two hours just to prepare the ingredients. If we start cooking again, we will definitely have to work until midnight."

When Mr. Liu heard this, he blurted out without thinking: "We can also do the job of tearing open shrimps!"

When Fu Yu heard this, he couldn't help but look at Mr. Liu.

Mr. Liu hurriedly said: "There is strength in numbers. I will call all my family members over and we will help open the shrimps together. This will save some time."

My mother is getting older and rarely makes requests from us children. Today is her birthday and she just wants to have a bite of noodles. We especially hope that this wish can be fulfilled for her. "

Fu Yu has already agreed to help make noodles. Since Mr. Liu and his family are willing to help open the shrimps, that would be great.

Moreover, Fu Yu was originally a very filial person and could understand Mr. Liu's mood at this time.

Mr. Liu was now focused on fulfilling his filial piety. After deciding to make this bowl of three-prawn noodles, he went out immediately and told his family about the matter.

The other family members immediately agreed to help open the shrimps without hesitation, but the old lady repeatedly stopped after hearing the news.

I haven’t even taken two bites of the hot dish that was served. Now, in order to eat the noodles, the whole family has to open the shrimps.

By the time the work is done, the food will be cold. How can we eat it then?

Mr. Liu glanced at the dishes on the table and said with a smile: "Then let's take a few bites first and tell the chef to cook the other dishes later."

The other family members immediately agreed, and only three dishes were served in total. The whole family ate together, and they were all finished in a few minutes.

The kitchen was small, so Mr. Liu moved the river shrimp directly to the restaurant. The family sat together and followed Fu Yu's instructions. Others picked the shrimp heads. The eldest daughter-in-law and Zhang Jinyu, who are good at cooking, were responsible for peeling the shrimps.

Because the season is wrong, the river shrimps have no seeds, which saves the operation of digging out the shrimp seeds and drying them.

Picking the shrimp heads was very fast. Adults and children all got involved and it was all done in a short time.

Fu Yu put down his work of peeling shrimps, turned around and told others to peel the shrimps together, while he started cooking the shrimp heads.

Boil a pot of water, put the shrimp heads into the pot, and wait until the shrimp heads are cooked before digging out the brains. During processing, white impurities must be removed, leaving the red translucent part.

Fu Yu gave a demonstration himself. This operation requires patience. The two sisters followed Fu Yu and were responsible for digging out the shrimp brains.

Everyone sat around the dining table, a little reserved at first. Later, as they worked and chatted, the atmosphere gradually became harmonious.

Mr. Liu said: "I didn't expect that these three shrimp noodles would be so troublesome to make. When my dad was still alive, our family would go to Chollima for dinner every year. We also ordered this noodles at that time, and they tasted very delicious. But when ordering, You may still think that the price is a bit expensive, but now it seems that it is really worth the money!”

A bowl of three shrimp noodles requires two pounds of river shrimp.

The river shrimps are indeed delicious, but they are also very small. Two kilograms of shrimps are nearly the size of a small pot. One by one, the brains of the shrimps are picked and then peeled. Several people process them at the same time. It takes a long time to collect the bright red shrimp brains. Put a thin layer on the bottom of the dish.

Fu Yu said with a smile: "This saves the work of digging out shrimp roe. The shrimp roe is more troublesome to handle, but it tastes really fresh! The best time to eat these three shrimp noodles is in early June. At that time, the supply time was not long, only about a month.

In addition to the fact that the river prawns are the fattest and most tender at that time, and the female prawns all have seeds, it is also because the production process is complicated. The back kitchen sells bowls of noodles for a day, and the workers can't stand up straight from morning to night. "

When selling three-prawn noodles, the workers in the kitchen who are responsible for handling river shrimps can receive double wages.

This provision was also the welfare that Yao Shi fought for for the small workers back then.

The main reason is that the work is too hard.

The old lady saw the whole family busy working for her birthday. She didn't say anything, but she was actually very moved in her heart. Seeing her little granddaughter clumsily following the work, she couldn't help but reach out to help.

Zhang Jinyu was very good at preparing these dishes, and he taught others how to handle the river shrimps step by step with great care.

The shrimp heads have been removed. When peeling the shrimp, just press the shrimp tail lightly and the shrimp will pop out directly.

At the beginning, the Liu family worked very slowly, but as time went by, their techniques became more and more skillful and their processing movements became faster and faster.

It took them less than an hour to process most of the two kilograms of river shrimp.

Fu Yu looked at the progress, handed over the rest of the work to others, and started cooking the remaining dishes.

Sweet and sour fish, classic pot fish fillet, leek-flavored sea egg yolk crab, these are Chollima's specialties, and Fu Yu quickly cooked them.

While others were busy, he was not in a hurry to serve the food. Instead, he put it on the kitchen table next to him and continued cooking the stir-fried seafood.

Unless the Liu family knows how to order, this stir-fried seafood dish is actually not a traditional dish from Chollima, but a secret dish that Zhao Meng learned from his master.

Stir-fried sea mixed with mixed seafood is an old dish from Master Zhao Meng's hometown, and it is a relatively common dish in the local area.

However, Zhao Meng's chef upgraded this old dish.

The current cooking method is not considered a modern innovative dish, nor does it refer to the cooking methods of foreign dishes. Instead, it is a result of repeated attempts to use cooking techniques to improve the ingredients and improve the quality of an ordinary "fried seafood dish". It became the current stir-fried seafood.

In fact, at the very beginning, Zhao Meng’s chef named this dish Seafood Family Portrait.

Because this dish is based on the "sea mixed", chicken breast and cooked pork knuckle are added, so this dish is immediately promoted to a "big" main dish.

Originally, sea cucumbers, shrimps, fish and other ingredients are already included in the seafood mix. Locals are also used to adding conches, mullet slabs, red clams, and fish skins. The number of varieties is variable and can be more or less.

When Zhao Meng's chef made the seafood family portrait, he directly specified the specifications of the dish when cooking and preparing it.

There are eight main ingredients, plus magnolia slices and mushrooms, a total of ten kinds.

The ingredients are shrimp, fish fillets, abalone, scallops, fish maw, fish lips, fish bones and sea cucumbers.

Fu Yu took a look at Zhang Jinyu's preparations. All the shrimps had been processed, leaving only some shrimp brains. With a few people working together, it would be almost done in a few minutes.

After appraising the time in his mind, Fu Yu accelerated his cooking speed.

Cut the sea cucumber into slices with the blade, and cut the fresh scallops and shrimp into slices with the blade.

Cut the fish maw into small pieces of even size and cut the razor clams in half.

Fresh mullet meat should be cut into strips with a wheat knife.

All seafood ingredients have their own cutting methods.

Fu Yu picked it up completely at his fingertips, handling one thing after another quickly and deftly.

His cooking here was flawless. The eldest daughter-in-law brought the prepared shrimp meat. She originally wanted to put it on the kitchen table, but when she saw Fu Yu's knife skills, she was stunned!

Good guy!

It is obviously a kitchen knife that is commonly used at home, and it is quite sharp for cutting meat and vegetables, but I can't use such a neat technique.

Cutting ingredients requires knife skills, which is a process worth doing.

The fine art of knife craftsmanship can only be achieved through practice.

The emotions and even personality revealed in each person's swordsmanship are especially distinguishable.

The eldest daughter-in-law can cook, but she is not proficient in it and does not understand the importance of these skills in cooking.

She looked at Fu Yu cutting vegetables and felt that the knife was moving very fast. She didn't see clearly how his hand moved or how the knife fell. With just a touch, there was a pile of chopped ingredients.

This kind of scene was really a pleasure to watch. She stared at Fu Yu motionlessly, only turning his wrist slightly, and quickly processed all the ingredients.

At the end of the day, there was only one thought left in my mind, it was really worth the money!

When I tasted those dishes before, I thought they were particularly delicious.

Now it seems that the chef’s skills are really amazing!

Fu Yu quickly finished cooking the stir-fried seafood and prepared all the river shrimps.

Fu Yu checked the preparation of the ingredients, carefully processed the uncleaned shrimp brains and shrimp meat, and then started cooking.

Put the shrimps in the basin, add egg white, refined salt, and dry starch, mix well and sizing.

Add cooked lard to the wok.

This step is also a very important tip for making toppings.

Cooked lard stir-fries are particularly fragrant.

When making three-prawn noodles, cooked lard is used to add the aroma of oil and shrimp meat, which directly enhances the taste to the extreme!

When the lard is 70% hot, add the shrimps, break them up with an iron spoon and take them out of the pot.

Fu Yu turned his head and glanced at Zhang Jinyu who was standing next to him. Zhang Jinyu quickly stepped forward with a colander to drain the oil without asking.

After Zhang Jinyu scooped out all the shrimps, Fu Yu used the oil in the pot to add minced green onions and shrimp brains and stir-fry.

The moment the shrimp brains are put into the pot, the unique and delicious flavor immediately overflows.

The whole kitchen is filled with a rich and delicious aroma!

Pour cooking wine and a little ginger juice into the pot, add water, refined salt, sugar and MSG and bring to a boil.

Thicken the soup with wet starch, pour in the shrimp, drizzle with sesame oil, and take it out of the pan directly.

Zhang Jinyu stood nearby and his eyes widened.

It’s almost 7:30 in the evening, and I’m still wet after lunch. I’m really hungry when I smell the refreshing fragrance!

Fu Yu put noodles into the half-boiled pot of water.

This noodle is made from dragon whisker noodles. The finer it is cooked, the more flavorful it will be.

When the noodles are cooked, take a bowl and add lard, shrimp roe soy sauce and fresh soup directly, then add noodles and cover with shrimp and shrimp brain toppings.

When peeling shrimps before, the old lady said that a small bowl is enough.

So Fu Yu's portion of three shrimp noodles was divided into six small bowls.

The noodles were on the table, and other dishes were also brought out one after another.

Mr. Liu's family made a fuss and asked the old lady to taste the noodles first.

The old lady picked up her chopsticks and didn't rush to eat. Instead, she carefully looked at the bowl of noodles in front of her.

The three shrimp noodles are brightly colored and the noodles are neatly plated.

It looked almost exactly like what she remembered.

Pick up a pair of chopsticks and taste it. The noodles are soft and smooth, the soup is thick and delicious, the shrimps are especially tender, and the shrimp brains are very fragrant!

Although it lacks the soy sauce aroma of shrimp roe, it still tastes so delicious.

The old lady was eating noodles, looking at the juniors looking forward to her, with a sincere smile on her face.

It is said that having children at their knees is what the elderly look forward to most and brings the greatest sense of happiness.

The old lady actually knew it very well.

But they all say that the old man, the little child, the old man who usually relies on each other at home has left, and she is the only one left. This occasionally makes her miss her very much.

I thought too hard and unknowingly got into trouble and felt that I was dragging down the children.

When celebrating a birthday, the family members have to worry about it.

This man, as he gets older, really only causes trouble for others.

The more I think about this, the more distorted it becomes.

Emotions come up, and sometimes I can’t hold them down.

Now that she sees her children going to such lengths to please herself, the old lady's mood has completely improved.

Seeing that the old lady was in a better mood, Mr. Liu's family was relieved.

My heart felt relaxed and my appetite improved.

The family enjoyed the delicious food happily, and the atmosphere was harmonious and warm for a while. (End of chapter)

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