Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1027 The matter of further study is coming to an end

This dish is so beautifully done!

The whole dish is particularly elegant, from the color of the main ingredients to the shape of the side dishes, and finally the beauty of the overall integration. It is like a picture scroll that spreads out from the inside to the outside, as if the chef's skillful hands are carefully detailing it in front of the customer. fiddle.

This was the first time for my aunt to taste this dish. She heard that this dish was very unique.

The most bizarre and rare thing about the soup-filled yellow croaker is that it contains everything in its belly but is watertight all over. Therefore, this technique of removing the intestines and removing the bones without breaking the belly became the foundation of the establishment.

The secret to removing bones from raw fish is to make a small opening at the mouth and gills of the fish to take out the contents, then clean and remove the fishy smell, fill the fish with soup, and then seal it for cooking.

This large yellow croaker looked extremely plump. I heard that there were other ingredients in the belly of the fish. Auntie curiously took a chopstick and looked around the body of the fish.

The belly of this fish looks very flat. How are the ingredients stuffed into the belly of the fish?

After looking through it carefully, I discovered that there were two stitches on the fish. The design was so clever that you couldn't see the cuts unless you looked carefully.

After satisfying her curiosity, Auntie began to taste the fish.

The dish of yellow croaker in soup, in addition to the difficult cooking skills, its freshness and deliciousness has also pushed it to the top of the famous dish.

The soup here is made from eight kinds of precious seafood such as scallops, bird's nests, shark's fins, skirts, abalone, sea cucumbers, etc., plus clear chicken soup.

The finished soup is as clear as light tea, and the pattern on the bottom of the soup bowl can be seen at a glance, but the taste is delicious and mellow.

The fungi are diced and simmered in the soup to add flavor, then poured into the belly of the fish together with the soup, and then sealed and fried. When served, all the soup is sealed in the fish body.

Use chopsticks to pick up a piece of tender, snow-white fish meat. The soup in the belly is filled with heat and fragrance and slowly flows out. The dynamic and quiet delicacy is like a splash-ink landscape painting in the dim light. It is an elegant and exquisite Chinese cuisine. The fun is fully revealed in this gurgling flow.

Seeing the exquisiteness of the yellow croaker in soup in front of me, my aunt was shocked!

It turns out that dishes can be so unique!

It's amazing.

Take a mouthful of fish meat, chew it quietly, and savor it gently, with an extraordinary charm.

The scallops are very delicious, the abalone is even more plump, the sea cucumber is tender and smooth, and mixed with the rich and fragrant fish meat, this delicious taste can really be said to leave a fragrance in the teeth and cheeks.

Auntie tasted every ingredient carefully.

This dish is really beautiful and delicious.

The food was so delicious that during the meal, the aunt fell silent without realizing it and ate quietly.

I was halfway through my meal when I remembered to take a photo.

So I quickly picked the angle and took a few photos.

He picked out two and gave them to his students, praising Chef Maxima for his skill and that the dishes were indeed very delicious.

Then I couldn't help but post these two photos on WeChat Moments with the text: Chollima's special dish, yellow croaker in soup. It can be said that the fresh fish is eaten with silk noodles, the pearls are shining in the soup; the soup is incomparably thicker, and the yellow croaker is as delicious as you can ask for.

After all, he is the head teacher of the key class of the best high school in the city. This post was posted in a circle of friends, and in a short period of time, it received countless likes and comments.

Some friends and relatives asked about the name and price of the dishes.

There are also students whose parents politely praise them for knowing how to eat and understanding how to eat.

There are also some people who are regular customers of Chollima. When they saw the name of the dish in the reply, they were stunned for a moment. Is there such a dish in Chollima?

Yellow croaker in soup?

Never heard of it!

It looks really good. I'll try it when I get the chance.

Little did he know that many people had heard about the dish of yellow croaker in soup for the first time because of a WeChat post with 3,000 likes.

Fu Yu finished taking orders one after another and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

While changing clothes, Fu Yu summarized his performance today.

First of all, I am still lacking in bone removal.

This deboning of fresh fish is different from deboning whole birds. Because I am not skilled, the fish belly is damaged enough. Sometimes I have to find opportunities to practice more.

Secondly, Classic Old Taste Recipes is really a treasure-level textbook. You must read it frequently when you have time in the future.

Finally, if you encounter such a situation of issuing coupons in the future, you must make timely statistics on the verification status of the issuing personnel.

Don't meet this kind of customer who has been there for three years. If you leave by then, others will have to help deal with the remaining mess.

Fu Yu just cursed, and suddenly an electronic prompt sounded in his ears:

【Ding! Chef's task: Complete 66 orders independently. The mission has been completed, and you have received the reward: skill point +1]

After hearing the mission rewards, Fu Yu suddenly felt that this customer who had been saving coupons for three years was no longer so annoying.

After all, it not only helped him complete the task requirements, but also taught him a brand new dish.

Thinking about it this way, it becomes acceptable.

He was so busy today that Fu Yu couldn't even take a look at his phone.

Now that I'm finally off work, I remember.

When I opened the results, I found that Liu Yuqing had sent a message to report that she had an early shift today and had already gone home.

There is also a message from the person in charge of the decoration team we hired earlier, asking him if he can come over tomorrow to inspect and accept the house. The house has been decorated according to the previous design.

Fu Yu looked at the time, it was already half past nine in the evening.

At this moment, I don’t know if the other party has rested.

Fu Yu replied with a message explaining that he would not have time tomorrow.

The other party responded quickly.

The person in charge of the decoration team is named Gao Jinbo. As soon as the call was connected, the other party hurriedly said: "Mr. Fu, if you can't come tomorrow, do you have time the day after tomorrow?"

Gao Jinbo is the head of the construction team affiliated to a decoration design company. This season is the peak period for decoration.

If Fu Yu can inspect and accept the house in time, he can immediately arrange the decoration work for the next customer.

The earlier you work, the earlier you earn.

Fu Yu responded readily: "Okay, I'm really busy tomorrow, so let's do it in the morning the day after tomorrow."

When Gao Jinbo heard this, he was happy. He said a few polite words and was about to hang up the phone. Suddenly he remembered something and asked quickly: "By the way, Mr. Fu, the decoration and layout of your house have been completed, but there are no electrical appliances." I want to know if you have any intention to buy it. If so, I can help arrange it, no matter what brand it is."

Fu Yu was very happy when he thought that he would be able to inspect and accept the house the day after tomorrow. He smiled and said, "Let me see the house first the day after tomorrow. Let's meet and talk then."

Gao Jinbo's voice sounded obviously amusing, and he became more enthusiastic: "Okay, Mr. Fu, I'll be available here at any time. If you want to go, just let me know in advance."

After hanging up the phone, Fu Yu couldn't help but feel excited when he thought that his house was decorated.

When he returned to the dormitory, he immediately called his parents to tell them about the house.

His parents were also very excited. Their son was finally settled in Bei'an this time.

While they were chatting enthusiastically, a call came in from Fu Yu's side. It was Liu Yuqing.

Fu Yu didn't answer, thinking of waiting for his parents to chat before calling Liu Yuqing back.

As a result, after Liu Yuqing was hung up, she immediately called again.

This is obviously something urgent!

Fu Yu didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly explained the situation to his parents, and then transferred Liu Yuqing's call.

"Fu Yu, I won't study in the UK this year. My sister helped me get in touch and apply for the Capital Agricultural University graduate examination next year."

When Fu Yu heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. Are you not going to England?

For a moment, Fu Yu became even more happy: "Really? You want to stay in China to study?"

Although he made his own decision and had already thought about it, when he heard that Fu Yu was so happy because he could stay in the country, Liu Yuqing suddenly felt that his decision could not be wiser.

Compared with spending time with Fu Yu, the gold-plated attraction of studying abroad has long been crushed into slag.

And her sister also helped with a careful analysis. Since she plans to develop in the country in the future, it is more practical to learn and understand the domestic food circle culture than to go abroad to learn knowledge from other countries.

Liu Yuqing laughed and said: "Really! I have already signed up for the exam preparation class. My sister helped me find the connections. In addition to studying in class, I also signed up for online courses. The teacher who taught me was a teacher from the Agricultural University. My sister said , as long as you sign up for this class, you can successfully pass the postgraduate entrance examination."

With Liu Yunong helping Zhang Luo, if nothing unexpected happens, Liu Yuqing's graduate studies should not be a big problem.

Fu Yu was so happy. He was worried before that if Liu Yuqing really went to England, what would happen to the two of them who were in love in a foreign country.

it's good now!

I just went to the capital for a walk. Taking the high-speed rail is quite convenient. With his current income, going once a month is not a problem.

When I thought about it, my heart immediately became much brighter.

He and Liu Yuqing chatted sweetly for a long time before hanging up the phone.

They say good things come in pairs. Fu Yu hung up the phone, packed his things and went to wash up.

When I returned to the room, I heard my cell phone ringing.

He hurried over and took his cell phone while thinking about who would call him so late.

When I looked at the caller ID, it turned out to be Yao Shi.

It's already this time, and Yao Shi suddenly called him. Could it be that he knew about the customer's coupon?

Fu Yu quickly answered the phone.

Although Yao Shi resigned, he still treated Fu Yu as kindly as before.

He asked with concern: "Xiao Fu, have you rested? I'm making a call at this hour. You shouldn't have rested yet, right?"

Fu Yu said hurriedly: "I haven't rested yet. Does Chef Yao have something to do with me?"

Yao Shi smiled and said: "Xiao Fu, didn't I say that I would help you apply for further education before? After mentioning it at that time, Dong Juntian agreed, but there has been no other action. I asked Xin Li from the finance side for details. There is no plan for further study benefits, and since I left suddenly, this matter has been put on hold."

Further education?

As soon as Fu Yu heard Yao Shi talk about this matter, he immediately became energetic!

Before Yao Shi left his job, he proposed to his boss Dong Juntian to send him to study abroad.

At that time, the boss had already nodded, but before the matter was finalized, Yao Shi suddenly resigned.

Unexpectedly, all Yao Shiren have left, and now they are still thinking about him.

Fu Yu was very moved.

Yao Shi continued: "Actually, I originally planned to send you to the Fuchengchun flagship store in the capital for further study, and Liu Yongping had already contacted me. But in the afternoon, he suddenly contacted me and said that it was a restaurant owned by his friend, Wang Kui. Both Laohao and Tonghe Tower can also choose to further their studies.

In this way, we have two more places to choose from. "

When Yao Shigang received the call from Liu Yongping, he was also very surprised, but after chatting for a few words, he slowly came to his senses.

The current Fu Yu is still the little transparent he was back then.

Through this national chef competition, he has already shined in the food circle, and the International Medicinal Food Cooking Exchange Conference he participated in two days ago has made Fu Yu almost a hot topic on the lips of his colleagues in the circle.

After finishing chatting with Liu Yongping, Yao Shi immediately contacted his friends in the capital and inquired about the situation of these two hotels.

Because he was worried, he went online to search for relevant reviews in the circle.

Wang Kui Lao Hao follows the essence of traditional Chinese catering culture of "hundred-year-old charcoal fire, clear soup and shabu-shabu meat". It integrates "explosion, grilling, stir-frying and shabu-shabu", with a total of more than a hundred delicacies.

It has a history of more than 100 years since its establishment. The copper hot pot, red and white mutton slices, and fragrant mushroom soup, combined with unique preparations, constitute an unforgettable and delicious hotpot.

In addition to shabu-shabu dishes, other local delicacies such as it is dense, charred fish fillet, grilled mutton strips, braised oxtail, and fried mutton with green onions are all famous in the local area.

Tonghelou is a time-honored restaurant famous for its halal flavor, with branches in Beijing and Tianjin.

Although he cooks halal dishes, the owner Xing Zhaokang is not Hui, and the staff in the restaurant are not restricted to ethnic groups.

It can be regarded as a very successful hotel for Han people to operate halal catering.

These three hotels are all good!

But relatively speaking, Fu Chengchun was more suitable for Fu Yu to study.

But I can’t bear to say that the other two old stores have a very strong overall strength.

Where should Fu Yu go to study?

Chef training is different from general industry training. You usually find a restaurant with a good reputation or unique skills to learn cooking methods.

However, ordinary large hotels do not accept such trainees at all, and they all need to go through relationship management to get what they want.

Yao Shi actually had not made up his mind as to where to send Fu Yu to study.

I called tonight because I just wanted to tell Fu Yu that the matter of further study was already in progress, so that he could be more or less prepared.

Fu Yu was happy and moved. He chatted with Yao Shi for a long time before hanging up the phone.

Yao Shi has already said that even if he wants to study further, he will have to wait until at least next year.

This year, Fu Yu needs to make new plans for his career.

Yao Shi obviously had something to say, but it was not convenient to talk on the phone, so he agreed to have a good time with him after a while when he had time.

After hanging up the phone, Fu Yu really couldn't sleep.

Before going to bed, I deliberately looked through the classic old recipes for a while.

He must seize all the time to read this cookbook, so that he can avoid many detours.

It is said that you have something to think about every day and something to dream about at night.

Fu Yu was a little greedy for reading the recipe last night, and after falling asleep, he had a dream all night.

In the dream, he repeatedly practiced deboning fresh fish, trying almost all seafood from large yellow croaker to small crucian carp.

When I got up, I couldn't remember the specific details, but I don't know if it was a psychological effect. I always felt that my arms were sore and numb. (End of chapter)

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