Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1026 This dish is really wonderful

The two were talking when their cell phone suddenly rang.

The aunt looked at the caller ID and immediately became happy: "It's really about Cao Cao. Cao Cao is here. My student called me. I just sent a message and chatted. I'm going to eat here."

The aunt answered the phone and started chatting with a smile: "Here we are, I've already finished ordering. I ordered a yellow croaker soup and a seafood porridge. They were all recommended by you. Yes, I can use the coupon."

I don’t know what was said over there, but the aunt said happily: “Well, the service attitude is very good. I heard that I ordered this yellow croaker soup, and the chef came over to explain to me that this dish is more time-consuming to make. , and even persuaded me to order two more dishes.”

When she said this, the smile on Auntie's face became obviously brighter.

The two chatted for a while, and after hanging up the phone, the aunt said with a smile: "My student said that this yellow croaker in soup tastes very elegant, so I must try it. This kid, I will definitely taste it carefully. , after all, this is his whole heart!”

At this point in the conversation, Fu Yu could no longer offer any words of persuasion.

It can be seen that this aunt is a conscientious teacher, otherwise she would not be so popular. The students she has taught want to come back to see her, give her free meal coupons, and often call her to greet her.

Fu Yu said: "Okay, I'll go back first and get busy in the kitchen. Please wait patiently."

Auntie smiled and nodded.

Fu Yu turned around and went back to the kitchen.

While walking back, Fu Yu quickly looked through the classic recipes.

I must take this order today.

As for the yellow croaker in soup, if Yao Shi was still here, he would have called directly to ask for specific cooking methods.

But Yao Shi has resigned now, and Zhao Meng specifically told him just now not to mention Yao Shi's matter.

It would be even worse for him to call Yao Shi.

Fortunately, this aunt has never eaten this soup-filled yellow croaker dish, and she has never had the opportunity to see the original version cooked by Yao Shi.

Since you want to take an order, why not cook the most authentic and classic yellow croaker in soup.

If you cook according to the recipe, it will definitely be more authentic than what Yao Shi cooks.

Fu Yu is still very confident about this.

He decided to cook this yellow croaker soup according to the classic old recipe.

On the way from the front hall to the kitchen, Fu Yu read the classic recipes twice and memorized all the above operating steps and details.

At this time, in the back kitchen, Zhao Meng glanced at the door from time to time while cooking. Fu Yu had been gone for a while and he hadn't come back yet. He didn't know how the communication with the customers was going smoothly or not.

With this in mind, Zhao Meng couldn't help but multitask.

When he looked up at the entrance to the kitchen again, he suddenly found that Fu Yu had just walked in, and Zhao Meng suddenly looked happy!

Fu Yu walked to the kitchen counter and reported to Zhao Meng: "Cook Zhao, the customer is in a special situation and this dish cannot be replaced."

Zhao Meng was stunned: "Really? What's going on?"

Fu Yu told the truth.

Zhao Meng suddenly looked embarrassed: "So that's it. If it doesn't work out, I'll call Chef Yao and ask him to find a way. Anyway, the customer also said that he is willing to wait a little longer."

There is really no other way.

Let's not talk about where Yao Shiren is. The key is that he has resigned and it is hard to come to Qianlima to cook again.

The only solution that Zhao Meng can think of now is for Yao Shi to come over and take the person to the music restaurant, or to confirm the customer's identity and see if they can change the dish.

When Fu Yu heard this, he hurriedly said: "No, Chef Zhao, I can make this yellow croaker soup!"

Zhao Meng was stunned: "Can you do it?"

Fu Yu made nonsense: "My master taught me, but the technique is a bit lacking, and it may not be up to Chef Yao's level. Before, I thought it would be best if I could change the dishes, but I was worried that my skills were not good enough. As a result, I just chatted with the customer. Well, she has never eaten this yellow croaker in soup before, so she may not be able to taste the dishes I cook, even if they are slightly different."

"I want to give it a try. Even if it can't be as authentic as Yao's chef, the yellow croaker itself is delicious and the ingredients are so good. No matter how you cook this dish, the taste will definitely be the same."

Zhao Meng hesitated: "Are you sure?"

If this matter really comes to Yao Shi, it will definitely not be easy to deal with. After all, from Yao Shi's standpoint, this matter should not be dealt with.

Fu Yu knew Zhao Meng's concerns, so he said: "Don't worry, I tried this dish over there. Although the effect is not as perfect as Chef Yao's cooking, there should be no problem in supporting the scene. My master also He said that what I did was pretty passable.

And you better not contact Chef Yao about this matter. He has resigned and cannot come back to take charge. The customer used the coupon here. If he actually takes people to the music restaurant, the impact will not be good if word spreads. "

Zhao Meng fell silent after hearing Fu Yu's words.

Who knew that someone could save up a free meal coupon for three years before using it.

And it just so happened that after Yao Shi resigned, if he had come half a month earlier, this matter would have been resolved satisfactorily.

Zhao Meng thought for a moment and nodded: "Okay, then you can try it."

Since Fu Yu said he could do it, there shouldn't be any big problem.

And it's good luck.

It's really hard to deal with if the customer has tried this dish before.

There are large yellow croakers in the Qianlima store. Since there are not many people ordering, they are kept directly in the ordering area. If you can sell one fish in ten and a half months, it is good.

After Fu Yu finished explaining to Zhao Meng, he went to his kitchen counter and turned to Zhang Jinyu to catch a fresher, larger yellow croaker, at least 5 kilograms or more.

It has to be deboned and filled with soup to seal the fish. It is difficult to operate the fish when it is small.

After all, it was his first time making this dish, so he felt a little unsure.

When the chef was cooking this dish, he didn't have the chance to get up close and observe it, he only saw the finished presentation.

The whole fat yellow croaker, with a bulging belly, makes the meat more plump and tender. The light-colored fish plate is decorated with unique flower carvings of fruits and vegetables, which looks particularly elegant.

The price of large yellow croaker itself is relatively expensive, coupled with the various high-end side dishes used in cooking, it is not only recorded in modern but also classic old-style recipes. This yellow croaker soup was originally the top dish in the Manchu and Han banquets in the Qing Dynasty.

Even in modern times, there are only a few places where you can eat this dish.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu's admiration for Yao Shi is really like a surging river, continuous, and like the Yellow River overflowing, which can be out of control.

Yao Shi is indeed a great person. He can cook such a difficult dish to his specialty.

Even the classic old-flavor recipe mentioned that the reason why this dish has a very strong mystery is because it is difficult to access.

Even if ordinary people want to learn, they cannot find a master to teach them.

In addition, this dish is also very difficult to cook.

Not to mention how difficult it is to debone the whole fish, just cooking the chicken soup for filling the belly of the fish is not easy.

According to the requirements of the classic old-flavor recipe, when making chicken soup, eight kinds of precious seafood such as bird's nest, shark's fin, scallops, abalone, sea cucumber and skirt must be added.

The color of the cooked chicken soup should be light, like tea and water. The pattern on the bottom of the bowl is clearly visible at a glance, but the taste is rich and mellow.

The chicken soup brewed in this way is perfect for enhancing the umami flavor of the ingredients. When cooking, the hot oil will increase the temperature, and the delicious chicken soup will flow gurglingly, as classical and elegant as a splash-ink landscape painting.

Just looking at the description of the classic old-flavor recipe, Fu Yu couldn't help but praise it, this dish is really amazing!

However, this dish is indeed delicious, and it is also really tedious to cook.

When the big yellow croaker was brought in, Fu Yu went over to handle the live fish himself without passing through the hands of the workers.

First remove the fish scales and gills, peel off the skin of the fish head to prevent the fishy smell from spreading, make a small opening in the tail of the fish near the abdomen, and take out all the internal organs.

Then the whole fish is deboned.

To remove the bone, you need to remove all the large thorns as well as the fine small thorns.

Fu Yu carefully followed the instructions in the dialog box and green line to remove the bones, while silently sighing in his heart.

Yao Shi is really awesome!

As the chef of Chollima and the owner of a music restaurant, he is busy at both ends. You can imagine how many things he has to deal with every day and how heavy his work tasks are.

But even with such busyness, he can still maintain his cooking skills.

Maybe this is the spirit that a good chef and a capable manager really need to possess?

It is not only the cultivation of personal abilities, but also the persistence to hone one's cooking skills.

Pour the good Liang wine and pour it in through the mouth.

Then hang the fish and drain the water and put it in a cool place for later use.

Fu Yu took advantage of this time to start making chicken soup.

The thick chicken soup that Chollima always kept on hand in the kitchen was not good enough and had to be re-cooked.

I have to say that this time, Fu Yu also learned a brand-new method of making chicken soup by cooking this yellow croaker soup based on the classic old-flavor recipe.

In the past, he actually preferred to use old chicken to make soup.

But this time, there is a section on the operational requirements for making chicken soup in the classic old-taste recipe.

If you want the chicken soup to be light in color, you must use baby chicken to make the soup.

The meat of broiler chickens contains more protein and contains very little malleable hooves, making it easy to be digested and absorbed by the body.

And the color of the soup is very beautiful.

In addition to this, Fu Yu also learned two ways to handle chicken.

Fresh chicken is a must for cooking to ensure a delicious umami flavor.

After the fresh chicken is processed, it should be immediately placed in the refrigerator for freezing, and then taken out to slowly freeze and make soup.

When Fu Yu suddenly saw such a strange cooking method, he felt very incredible.

But after reading the comments at the end, I realized that the basic principle of doing this is the same as that of cold fresh meat. The texture of the chicken breast meat after this treatment is the best, and the soup tastes more delicious. .

What surprised Fu Yu the most was that if he wanted the chicken soup to be delicious, he could soak the washed chicken in the rice-rinsing water before making the chicken soup.

This can remove the odor from the chicken skin and make the chicken breast more tender, making the soup clear and not turbid, delicious and smellless.

It only uses very simple materials, but it can achieve extraordinary results.

After the chicken is cooked, season the marinated fish lips, shark fins, and snow clam oil, along with the ham and pearl soup balls with thick chicken soup, and simmer for about half an hour.

Not to mention that this dish is expensive, not only the large yellow croaker itself is expensive, but also these side dishes are all top quality ingredients.

With so many delicacies cooked together, how can this soup still be fresh?

When Yao Shi made this dish, Fu Yu didn't know exactly how it was done.

But the operation on the classic old-flavor recipe made Fu Yu's eyes shine.

I have to say, this step is really clever.

If the soup is poured directly, the fish body has already been deboned, and it will definitely be very difficult to stuff ingredients into the fish belly.

But following the instructions in the recipe is much simpler and more sophisticated.

After the chicken soup and various ingredients are boiled, they need to be placed in a rectangular vessel and then frozen.

The frozen chicken soup is cut directly into segments and stuffed into the belly of the fish.

In this case, directly seal the small opening on the belly of the fish with a rope, put it in an oil pan and fry until golden brown.

The huge and complete large yellow croaker is tumbling in golden oil. The ingredients tightly wrapped in the fish's belly are heated and dissolved, releasing the incomparable deliciousness.

When Fu Yu completed the last step of cooking, he felt a particularly shocking visual impact when he looked at the large yellow croaker in front of him.

This dish is so wonderful!

Even if you can't actually taste it, you can still imagine how delicious this fish will taste!

Fu Yu completely followed the cooking operations of the classic old-flavor recipes.

The cooked large yellow croaker was placed on a large plate and carefully carved.

While Zhao Meng was cooking, he was always thinking about the situation on Fu Yu's side.

As long as you can free your hands, come over and take a look.

When Fu Yu cooked chicken soup before, Zhao Meng thought that this method was very special.

Now I saw that the entire belly of the large yellow croaker in the pot was extremely round, and I knew that there must be a lot of stuff stuffed inside.

However, the hot oil in the pot was cooking steadily, and it could be seen that not a bit of chicken soup leaked out of the belly of the fish.

"You boy, you're good!" Zhao Meng looked at the dish in front of him and couldn't help but praise: "This dish is so well done!"

Fu Yu couldn't help but smile. He himself didn't expect the cooking effect to be so good.

He personally placed the dish on the serving table. When the waiter came, Fu Yu specifically told the waiter to help pay attention to the customers' reactions during the meal.

After all, he didn't try the taste of this dish himself, and he didn't know what the customers thought.

The waiter agreed with a smile, took the plate and left.

After a while, when the waiter came to the back kitchen and continued to serve the dishes, he thought of Fu Yu's instructions, so he came here to deliver the message.

"Fu Chu, that customer didn't say anything, but the food looked delicious!"

Fu Yu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Just listening to the waiter's words, Fu Yu felt that this was going very smoothly.

What he didn't know was that when this dish was placed in front of the customer, the aunt was simply shocked! (End of chapter)

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