Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1025: Yellow croaker in soup for royal meal

Several reservation orders came in one after another in the afternoon.

An old customer happened to customize a dinner table.

There are locals from Bei'an who came here after reading the hot search.

Some Internet celebrities are taking advantage of the popularity and want to record eating and broadcasting videos to gain popularity.

There was also a very courageous young girl who came here after Fu Yu's appearance and wanted to meet and make friends.

Fu Yu discovered for the first time that his independent position as a chef was completely different from his previous role as a chef under Zhao Meng.

Seeing that the backlog of ordering orders on my hand was finally sorted out, it was no longer so busy.

The order clerk came to deliver the order again.

However, this time the situation is somewhat special.

The orderer directly handed the chef a free meal coupon.

"Chef Zhao, can we still accept this free meal coupon?"

Zhao Meng took it and took a look. The free meal coupons were well preserved, but the problem was that three years had passed since the coupons were given.

At that time, the store was holding an event and gave out a total of thirty free meal coupons. Yao Shi, Zhao Meng, and Gu Yunwu each had ten coupons, specifically to thank old customers.

Zhao Meng had already taken back the ten pieces he gave away. After all, he said they were used to thank old customers, but in fact, only four or five were actually given to customers, and the rest were used to express gratitude for the favor. .

Usually they are given away, and within a month, all the relatives and friends who received the coupons come to dine and experience it.

I have never used the coupon to dine here every three years.

Zhao Meng took the free meal coupon and looked carefully at the last signature spot, which had Yao Shi's autograph.

No wonder the ordering clerk immediately came to the kitchen to confirm taking the order after receiving the coupon.

Yao Shi has resigned, and the chef can only ask Zhao Meng to help resolve his matters.

Gu Yunwu definitely can't count on him.

"I can take it. Since it's a free meal coupon from Chef Yao, let me take this order." Zhao Meng handed the free meal coupon back: "Since you have the coupon, you can order whatever dishes you want to eat later, and you can do as usual. Just place an order.”

The ordering clerk got the message and turned back to the front hall.

Within a few minutes, the order clerk came to deliver the order again.

"Chef Zhao, the customer has finished ordering."

Zhao Meng reached for the list and took a look, feeling a little surprised.

It's a small banquet menu, with only one dish and one staple.

The dish is yellow croaker in soup, and the staple food is seafood porridge.

Zhao Meng looked up at the order clerk and asked, "Is the customer here alone?"

When dining at Chollima, the smallest banquet is usually for two people, and they order four dishes and one soup.

It is basically rare to encounter this kind of ordering situation of one dish and one staple food.

This seems to be the way to order when dining alone.

And this dish is also quite good.

Yellow croaker in soup is not on the menu at all, and the chef never takes orders.

Occasionally, when I order food once or twice, I always go directly to Yao Shi. But this time, the customer ordered this yellow croaker soup. He must not have known that Yao Shi had resigned.

Zhao Meng looked at the order form and was confused for a moment.

Seafood porridge is a specialty staple food in the store, and it is not difficult to cook.

The key lies in this yellow croaker soup.

When Zhao Meng himself saw Yao Shi cooking this dish for the first time, he was simply amazed!

This cooking method perfectly interprets the style of soup-filled yellow croaker.

The huge and complete large yellow croaker is tumbling in golden oil. The ingredients tightly wrapped in the fish's belly are heated and dissolved, releasing the incomparable deliciousness.

Use chopsticks to gently pierce the fish maw, and the fish maw will flow out with a nectar-like soup. White pearl-like balls and various ingredients will slowly pour out. The lights are like a painting of elegant and exquisite Chinese dishes. The picture scroll slowly unfolds, giving a great visual impact.

There are many special seafood dishes in Chollima, and there are countless expensive dishes, but one of them can be called a boutique dish, such as this yellow croaker in soup.

One dish costs 888 yuan, but no one thinks it is expensive.

On the one hand, the ingredients are really expensive, on the other hand, the cooking operation is extremely difficult, and ordinary people cannot cook this dish at all.

When Zhao Meng watched it, he felt that this dish was exquisitely cooked. He also tried to use other ordinary fish instead of cooking, but he never succeeded.

Zhao Meng really didn't dare to accept this dish and couldn't accept it.

Large yellow croaker itself is expensive, so it is not a fish that can be practiced.

Secondly, there are three most difficult parts of cooking the yellow croaker in soup: first, removing the bones from the whole fish, second, cooking the chicken soup, and third, filling it with soup and frying.

The most important of the three places is to hide rich ingredients in the belly of the fish without leaking any trace. This requires the chef to have the skills to remove the intestines and remove the bones without breaking the belly.

Since this dish is very difficult to make, only experienced chefs can master it.

Zhao Meng thought that his cooking skills were good, but he was not confident that he could take the order to cook this dish.

He asked the orderer: "Can't the customer order other dishes for this yellow croaker soup?"

The orderer shook his head: "What's wrong? Chef Zhao, is there anything wrong with this dish?"

Although the yellow croaker in soup is not marked on the menu, when placing the order, this dish is named, indicating that this dish can be cooked in the store.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to print it on the list.

Zhao Meng looked at the orderer, but he couldn't say that he couldn't cook this dish. He paused and said, "Well, since I'm a customer of Chef Yao, I'll go out and say hello."

The ordering clerk naturally had no objection.

Zhao Meng happened to have some food here and was in a hurry to make stir-fry. He couldn't take his hands off for a while. He turned his head and glanced at Sun Qingning. The boy was busy stirring the spoon and couldn't get rid of it for three to five minutes depending on the heat.

He stretched his head to look at Fu Yu again.

Fu Yu had just finished setting the dishes and was instructing Zhang Jinyu to get the dishes.

Zhao Meng then shouted: "Xiao Fu, come here!"

Fu Yu heard the sound and rushed over: "What's wrong?"

Zhao Meng explained: "There are customers from Yao Kitchen. Everyone has arrived at the store, and I am ready to take the order. You help me cook this hotpot, and I will go meet the customers."

Fu Yu nodded: "Okay!"

After agreeing, he asked casually: "Why do you still have to meet the customer? Do you know him?"

Zhao Meng glanced at the waiter waiting next to order, and explained in a low voice: "The customer ordered a yellow croaker soup. Do you know this dish?"

Fu Yu nodded: "I know! Chef Yao's specialty."

Zhao Meng sighed: "Today's customer also ordered this dish. I would like to help take the order. The problem is that I can't cook this dish! I want to go over and see someone and ask if I can change the dish."

It turned out that I planned to persuade customers to change dishes.

Fu Yu said without thinking: "You haven't finished cooking the food here, how about I go meet the customers for you?"

Zhao Meng is good at everything, but he is not good at dealing with others. He is straightforward and stupid. In the past, any problems in the kitchen were handled by Yao Shi.

Later, when it became clear that Yao Shi wasn't too interested in Chollima, Zhao Meng took the opportunity to deal with it once in a while.

Although he can handle it, Zhao Meng usually avoids it whenever he can.

Fu Yu had stayed under Zhao Meng for so long, so he knew this matter very well.

When Zhao Meng heard this, he immediately responded: "Okay, then go ahead and try your best to persuade the customers to change dishes. By the way, the customers may not know about Chef Yao's resignation. If they ask you, then don't mention it." ”

The news of Yao Shi's resignation has basically spread in the circle.

However, some friends who are not particularly close friends may not be aware of this matter yet.

There must be some other reason why Yao Shi didn't say hello to customers like this.

Zhao Meng was an upright man, but he kept his mouth shut about these matters of human relations, keeping his mind clear.

Now that Fu Yu was willing to help communicate with customers, Zhao Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

He is quite optimistic about Fu Yu's ability.

This guy is very eloquent, good-looking and energetic, and always makes a very good first impression on people. He has a unique advantage in communicating with others.

Zhao Meng was very relieved to send Fu Yu.

Fu Yu nodded and followed the orderer to the front hall.

As the two were walking, Fu Yu asked curiously: "Is the customer a friend of Chef Yao?"

Yao Shi has resigned. During this period, if occasionally a customer comes to the store to dine and places an order from Yao Shi, the front office will directly inform the customer that Yao Shi has resigned and will not take orders at all.

Since it is not an old customer ordering food, then the front office will take the order, so it must be that the customer has some special relationship with Yao Shi.

Otherwise, Zhao Meng would not take the initiative to help take orders.

The ordering clerk shook his head: "I'm not sure. The customer took the free meal coupon given by Chef Yao to dine in the store."

Fu Yu was stunned and said in surprise: "Free meal coupons? Has our store ever held such an event?"

The ordering clerk is an old person in the store, and she also participated in this event when it was held.

"Three years ago, during the store's celebration, the store gave away 100 free meal coupons, and the kitchen was allocated 30 coupons to thank old customers. It was given out at that time, but I didn't expect that it would have been three years. , customers come to the store to use it.”

So that's it.

However, it is quite strange that this person has been able to hold the free meal coupon in his hand for three years and has just come to cancel it now.

The two of them talked and passed the front hall.

Because the customer did not have a reservation and it was the peak dining period, he was placed near the corner of the hall.

The hall on the Chollima side is newly renovated, and the environment is very good. Even in the corner, it is still very delicately decorated. Not only does it have a separate barrier decoration, but it is also very convenient to enter and exit.

Fu Yu followed the orderer and walked over. When he saw the customer in person, Fu Yu was stunned for a moment.

The visitor was an aunt who looked to be nearly sixty years old.

And I went to the restaurant to eat alone.

I heard that the chef came over, and Auntie was quite embarrassed!

"Chef, look, I came here to use this coupon after three years, and it caused you trouble!"

Fu Yu smiled: "It's okay. This free meal coupon will be valid as long as the store is still open. I came here mainly to ask for your opinion. I saw that you ordered a yellow croaker soup, so that's it Yes, this dish is more time-consuming to cook because all the ingredients need to be handled carefully during the stewing process. As a result, the serving time may be delayed.

It's not too early now. If you can't wait, you can also switch to other dishes. There are many special dishes with high-end ingredients and delicious taste, which are all worth trying. And I see that you only ordered one dish and one porridge. In fact, we can add two more dishes. In the past two years, the store has introduced a lot of innovative dishes, and the reviews are very good! "

After hearing this, the aunt hurriedly said: "Oh, I'm not in a hurry, you can just take your time. And I came here alone, so ordering these two is enough. I usually have a bad stomach, and I can't eat too much." , this time it’s rare that I have time, so I thought of coming over to have a taste.”

Fu Yu nodded: "If you have a bad stomach, it will be better to eat some seafood porridge. Moreover, yellow croaker has high medical value and the taste is indeed delicious. You are still very good at ordering. We have all these dishes and porridge." The restaurant has very unique dishes.”

The aunt actually looked quite serious, but she was very polite when she spoke. When she heard Fu Yu's words, she couldn't help but smile: "Really? I don't really know much about this, but some students came to see me back then. , I was given this free meal coupon and said that the yellow croaker in soup made in the store was worth trying, so I ordered one. I have a bad stomach, and I usually eat porridge and pasta as my staple food, so I happened to see something in the store. , I asked for one by the way.”

It turned out that this dish was introduced to me by someone.

When Fu Yu heard this, he immediately became energetic. Since he didn't have to eat, it shouldn't be a big problem to change the dishes.

He felt relieved and his tone couldn't help but become more relaxed: "So you are a teacher?"

The aunt smiled and said: "Oh, I am a class teacher in No. 1 Middle School, and I have always taught key classes. I am usually very busy with work. When I first received the coupon, I wanted to take the time to come over and taste it, but it was delayed for a few days. Just forget about it.

This time I received a farewell call from the student who sent the coupons, and then I remembered it. "

Fu Yu asked curiously: "Has your student gone to other places?"

The aunt looked proud: "Well, this child was good at studying when he was in school. Now he has been sent abroad to study by their research institute. He has been away for eight years. Didn't he call me to say goodbye before leaving and just chat with me? this matter.

After graduation, he went to another place to study and work in the capital and never came back.

I kept talking on the phone about how I missed the soup-filled yellow croaker in your store. I heard that I hadn’t come to try it yet, so I kept urging me to try it. Is this yellow croaker in soup your restaurant’s signature dish? After a while, the food was served, so I had to take a photo and send it to him. "

Mentioning her proud student, the aunt beamed with joy. She was more promising than her own children, and even more proud of him!

"Actually, if I, a student, hadn't been thinking about missing this dish, I wouldn't have even thought of coming over to eat it. There happened to be a power outage in the school today and evening self-study was cancelled, so I had time to come over."

After hearing this, Fu Yu nodded. He originally planned to persuade the other party to change dishes, but couldn't.

The aunt said that she came here just to fulfill the student's wish, and the picture in the store was this yellow croaker in soup.

In this situation, there is really no way to say this. (End of chapter)

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