Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1024 Study yourself

While the two sisters were talking, Liu Yunong's cell phone rang.

It was Gao Chao, the old master of the main store, who called me.

During this time, Liu Yunong has become a celebrity in the circle, and everyone who meets him must greet Chef Liu warmly.

no way!

Ever since she and Fu Yu announced their master-apprentice relationship in public during the last national chef competition, everyone in the circle knew about it.

At that time, many people lamented that her vision was really unique. She had found such an outstanding talent for her first apprenticeship.

Several well-respected masters at the main store called her one after another and asked her when she planned to bring her apprentice back to the master's door to meet her.

Liu Yunong really likes Fu Yu as his apprentice, especially now that he has a relationship with Liu Yuqing, and he hopes that Fu Yu can develop better and better.

Their family is indeed doing well in the catering industry, but because their main business is private dining, the business is too limited and not suitable for Fu Yu's development.

Liu Yunong has worked in the food circle for so many years and has gained a lot of experience.

Because she took over the family business, even if she stayed in the private kitchen business for a lifetime, she would still be very motivated. But for Fu Yu, she should have a completely new development intention.

Before participating in the national competition, Liu Yunong actually had the same idea as several old masters.

After all, Liu's cuisine is their private secret that has been passed down from generation to generation. She has worked hard for this ancestral business for so many years, and has long had a very deep relationship with her.

It's just that she is a woman after all, and she will not be able to continue cooking when she gets older. She feels that she should cultivate an excellent successor, sum up her life's experience and lessons in the future, and continue to pass it on.

But now it seems that with Fu Yu's talent and ability, he will definitely not be limited to family-heirloom skills like Liu Jiacai's, but will have a broader space for development.

Therefore, Liu Yunong began to reflect that his previous ideas were somewhat too narrow.

Fu Yu is obviously more suitable for starting his own business and developing his own business.

Especially the charity meal event that Fu Yu launched a few days ago raised an astonishing amount of money in a short period of time.

This further proves Fu Yu's ability in disguise!

What is capability?

Cooking level is one thing, and personal connections are the main condition for development.

Not to mention the grand prize Fu Yu won in South Korea this time. He was directly on the hot search and was named and praised by the official media. It was said that Fu Yu's outstanding performance this time directly presented an authentic Chinese taste overseas and became more and more popular. , paying attention to the culture behind the food, and the popularity of medicinal food.

In the past few days, several senior chefs in the store have been unable to sit still. From time to time, they will call Liu Yunong to talk to Liu Yunong about the plans for cultivating new chefs and the company's future development goals.

After all, she had been refusing to accept a disciple since she became famous, and now she finally made an exception and accepted Fu Yu.

In the eyes of outsiders, it was Fu Yu who she single-handedly trained and promoted, but in everyone's mind, Liu Yunong was the kind of bole who had a sharp eye and could discern pearls.

However, no matter what others think or say, this guy Fu Yu is indeed very good!

Now that I am being cared about by several senior chefs in the store, it proves that I really have a good vision.

Thinking of this, Liu Yunong listened to Master Gao's concern about Du Yu's future plans on the phone and couldn't help but said: "I guess he won't be able to work at Chollima for long. It's just that he has to make his own decision about leaving his job. When the time comes, Let me see what his specific plans are. This guy has always had good ideas. He might have already made plans in this regard."

Master Gao couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Excellent people are often very independent. Since Liu Yunong said this, it seems that Fu Yu has already planned his future.

Moreover, in the eyes of several masters, Fu Yu must be the better. After all, he is not only Liu Yunong's apprentice, but also Liu Yuqing's boyfriend. He will definitely be one of his family members in the future, and his wealth will never go to outsiders.

"Yunong, I think you should meet Fu Yu's family as soon as possible. Do you have any plans for this?"

Gao Miao is Liu's father's younger brother. He has watched the Liu sisters grow up and treats them as his own daughters.

Gao Ming was very optimistic about the relationship between Liu Yuqing and Fu Yu. On the one hand, Fu Yu was indeed excellent, and on the other hand, he heard that Liu Yuqing liked Fu Yu very much and the two were very happy together.

Knowing that Liu Yuqing was happy, he was also happy.

Gao Chao said thoughtfully: "You often meet Xiao Fu, go back and check his voice. After all, next year our Xiao Qing will have to go to school, and the two of us will be separated by then. Don't bring this matter up to us anymore." Delayed."

Liu Yunong's heart warmed up and she couldn't help but smile and said: "How could the woman speak first about this matter? Besides, Xiaoqing went to Fu Yu's house before and Fu Yu's parents liked her very much. I guess she should take the initiative to bring it up after a while. ”

Gao Chao couldn't help but laugh: "That's true. Our Xiaoqing is such a good girl. She has to have good looks, a good personality, and good family conditions. Where can I find a girl as good as her now? But, Xiao Qing Fu Ye is indeed very good. For everything, do it sooner rather than later. Make the decision as soon as possible so that both parties can feel at ease!"

Liu Yunong responded: "Okay, I'll find a chance to talk to Xiao Fu about this later."

"Ah sneeze!"

Liu Yuqing saw Fu Yu sneezing and quickly asked with concern: "What's wrong? Did you catch a cold?"

Just as Fu Yu was about to speak, he sneezed twice in a row. After he regained his composure, he couldn't help but smile: "I thought about it, scolded me for a second, and muttered for a third time. I guess it's because my parents missed me, right?"

When he returned to China this time, he brought a lot of gifts. In addition to the cosmetics Liu Yunong asked him to bring, he also bought a lot of facial masks and perfumes for Liu Yuqing, as well as Korea's very popular red ginseng oral liquid and various Specialty Food.

Liu Yuqing was so pleasantly surprised that she looked through them one by one, then turned around and gave Fu Yu a warm hug: "I really like these many gifts. Thank you!"

Fu Yu had a soft fragrance in his arms and was smiling from ear to ear. Just when he was about to lower his head and enjoy the fragrance, Liu Yuqing suddenly took a step back and looked Fu Yu up and down.

Fu Yu was wearing the clothes he bought when he went to South Korea this time, a light gray jacket and black casual pants. His temperament was obviously different, sunny and fashionable.

Fu Yu took Liu Yuqing's hand and wanted to pull her into his arms. He continued to hug her for a while. Liu Yuqing rolled her eyes and said, "Hey, you know how to dress up? When did you buy this dress? It looks so good?"

Fu Yu said: "This time I went to South Korea to participate in an event. The last day was spent walking around. I picked it myself. It looks really good?"

"They said this brand's clothes are of good style and everyone bought them. I also chose one myself."

Liu Yuqing said: "It's okay, but you haven't worn the clothes I bought for you?"

Fu Yu said: "The ones you bought look good on me when I participate in competitions. I'm afraid they will get dirty when I go shopping."

Satisfied, Liu Yuqing pursed her lips happily and lifted her fingers, causing her long hair to flutter in the wind.

Both of them are in love for the first time, and their relationship is beautiful and sweet.

After seeing the gifts, the two stood chatting under the street lamp.

Fu Yu talked about his trip to South Korea to participate in an exchange meeting. Special guests from various countries introduced the medicinal foods they are good at, told them about their country's unique medicinal materials and cooking methods, and analyzed the efficacy of the medicines.

After Fu Yu talked about it, he got excited about the conversation and explained the new medicinal cooking skills he had learned during this event.

Liu Yuqing actually didn't know much about these, but seeing Fu Yu's interested face, he listened carefully and cooperatively.

It is said that serious men are the most attractive. After Fu Yu finished his words, when he came to his senses, he saw Liu Yuqing looking at him intently. Her concentration was particularly cute.

Fu Yu's heart moved and he suddenly said: "The guest speaker also said at the time that falling in love is actually the best secret to beauty and skin care. Especially when kissing, hormones in the body are secreted rapidly, which can better promote cell renewal."

Liu Yuqing was stunned and said in surprise: "Really? Is there such a thing?"

"The guest speaker said that if you have a girlfriend, you can go back and try it, and the effect is still very significant. I don't quite believe what he said, so it would be better to try it myself."

Under the street lamp, Fu Yu hugged Liu Yuqing in the street, tilted his head, and covered her tightly with his lips.

Whether kissing can beautify your skin requires long-term practice to get the exact answer.

But falling in love can indeed improve happiness and put people in a very pleasant state anytime and anywhere.

Fu Yu has been in a very happy state since he arrived in the kitchen in the morning.

After he punched in his card, he made a special trip to the finance department to settle the door-to-door service charges for the order he received yesterday.

After Xin Li collected the money and kept the accounts, she formally informed Fu Yu that in accordance with the boss's regulations, starting from today, he would calculate his salary commission based on taking orders alone.

It wasn't until this moment that Fu Yu truly felt like a chef.

I remember when he first came to the kitchen, all he wanted to do was to be a chef one day, have his own independent kitchen, earn the highest salary as a kitchen, and have someone to help him cook.

Now that I think about it, I feel a little excited inside.

Returning to the kitchen, Fu Yu arranged for Zhang Jinyu to prepare the dishes, while he carefully checked the condiments.

Everything was ready. When the first order form was posted on the kitchen wall, an electronic prompt sounded in Fu Yu's ears:

【Ding! Chef's task: Complete 66 orders independently. Mission completion reward: random. 】

After hearing the mission content, Fu Yu couldn't believe his ears. Did he think too highly of him?

66 orders?

To complete 10 orders in one hour, it takes nearly 7 hours of continuous cooking!

The requirements of this task are really too challenging, and the kitchen has always taken turns to take orders. No matter how good he is, he can't affect the customer flow in the store.

At the best time in the store, there are only more than 100 orders. If he were to follow his workload, he would have to receive at least 200 tables of customers today to complete it.

Isn't this too unrealistic?

However, at 10:30 in the morning, orders were handed over from the front hall. In the kitchen, Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu took orders step by step. Only Fu Yu's side was crowded!

Never imagined!

People are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong. This time, Fu Yu's popularity skyrocketed after being praised by the official media as a hot search.

As a result, Chollima became a holy place to check in overnight.

Many people come to the store not only to eat, but mainly to express their love and support for Fu Yu, a famous chef who promotes the country's spirit of benevolence and righteousness.

Therefore, except for a few normal dining customers, the orders received in the kitchen were all regular customers who placed orders directly, specifying that they should be served by Fu Yu, the cooking chef.

have no choice!

Both happy and tired!

Fu Yu had just arranged the order of cooking for the several orders in hand, when another order was handed over.

I'm so busy, I really am so busy.

He had been cooking for nearly four hours at noon. It was almost three o'clock, and he had just finished taking orders.

Just when Fu Yu was relieved and ready to have a good meal and take a rest.

Suddenly an orderer came in, and Fu Yu was stunned!

Here we go again, isn’t it time for dinner yet?

Fu Yu took the list and glanced at it: "No, this list."

The orderer explained: "Fu Chu, this is a temporary reservation. The customer will dine at 8:30 tonight."

The pre-orders start at noon and make appointments at night?

He was just about to have a meal and come back early to prepare food, but another leaflet came over from the front desk.

Fu Yu ate this lunch as if he were having a fight, just filling it with rice.

Not only did he hit the back of his head with his busy foot, but Zhang Jinyu was so tired that he couldn't even straighten up.

Zhang Jinyu was busy doing the greasy work for the first time, with half a piece of the steamed dumpling given to him at the white table in his mouth.

He said vaguely: "Fu Chu, all our old customers here have appointments today, right? Why did we arrive at the store at the same time? I'm really exhausted."

Fu Yu held the bowl and put rice into his mouth. Hearing this, he sighed: "I don't know, I'm quite busy. I think it will be better at night."

Zhang Jinyu swallowed the steamed dumplings in his mouth and said with a naive smile: "It's best not to have so many customers at noon. You said that if these customers want to come, don't rush them all together. It would be better if they come in batches. If they are more evenly distributed, we can relax." few."

As a result, at night, Fu Yu found that his thoughts were a little too good.

He hadn't even finished preparing the dishes here, but at 4:20 p.m., orders began to arrive.

And the regular customers ordered by name.

Fu Yu's hands softened when he took the order.

Is this poking fun at an old customer?

They all came here to support me today. Although I earned a lot of commissions, I was still really tired!

While cooking one plate after another, Fu Yu felt that he couldn't go on like this!

While the body is tired, the mind is also quite depressed!

Since you are making money, you should be happy. Complaining is still work, and being happy is still work.

Fu Yu, who was tired and confused, began to find another way, hypnotized himself, and regarded all the orders in front of him as a simulated training room for teaching practice classes.

In this way, he began to rate himself as a dish was being cooked.


The angle of the spoon is wrong, 2 points will be deducted!

I'll take a look at my mastery of seasoning ratios.

Exhausted physically and mentally, Fu Yu began to have fun and study his spoon-making skills. (End of Chapter)

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