Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1034 Special requirements for dessert reservations

In order to complete this task, Fu Yu was really attentive.

Whether it is a casserole for holding soup or a matching dish for dipping water, they are all carefully selected before they are officially used.

After the ingredients in the lychee meat soup settle, the soup becomes clear, and the meat and lychees blend into the soup, making it look particularly cool and refreshing.

Fu Yu looked at the cooked lychee broth with satisfaction. This response should really touch Director Zhao's heart, right?

Box 101.

The waiter came in with the dishes, and the waiter followed him and announced the name of the dish: "The lychee broth is ready! Your table has been filled with dishes."

As soon as the waiter walked in, the agent's heart immediately lifted.

He knew very well that the last dish that was served just now was the last dish.

What is being served now must be the dish made with lychees and meat.

I just don’t know if this dish is what Director Zhao really wants to eat.

However, after Zhao Qinghua heard clearly the name of the dish reported by the waiter, his face clearly showed a look of surprise.

The manager immediately transferred the dish to Zhao Qinghua with a particularly discerning eye, and said with an earnest smile: "Director Zhao, because I just heard you say that you really miss the dishes made with lychees and meat, so I asked the chef to help. I have made two dishes. We have tasted the lychee meat dish before. You can try this soup again, lychee meat soup, and see if it is authentic!"

Zhao Qinghua was really surprised this time.

He originally thought that the lychee meat served before was just what An Qi wanted, but he didn't expect the other party to do things so flawlessly.

Just because I heard that he wanted to eat dishes made with lychees and meat, I asked the chef to weigh the dishes and make a soup directly, which was considered a fulfillment of his wish.

This attitude alone is a great indication of sincerity.

And just this dish and soup really hit his heart.

Zhao Qinghua looked at the lychee broth in front of him, and something in his heart suddenly trembled.

This time, he didn't rush to taste it, but slowly got closer and smelled the soup.

The soup is very clear, not turbid at all, and with the addition of lychees, it smells rich and fruity.

Zhao Qinghua looked at the bubbling sea pepper oil in the water-soaked dish and swallowed subconsciously.

This is the taste of hot pepper!

I really miss it so much!

Zhao Qinghua grew up in Guizhou. After finishing elementary school, he moved to the capital.

In my memory, I can always smell the fragrant spicy paste in the streets and alleys of my hometown.

Once I get to the capital, I won’t be interested in eating this food anymore.

As the years went by, he unknowingly forgot about this.

It wasn't until I graduated from college that I went to Fuzhou with my friends. At that time, I randomly ordered a lychee broth soup, but the dish that came with it turned out to be spicy paste.

That meal completely brought back Zhao Qinghua's childhood memories.

Although the spicy paste made in Fuzhou is different from the one made in his hometown, and it is not as fragrant as the one made in his hometown, the special aroma of the spicy paste is still very strong.

This time, Zhao Qinghua took the initiative to pick up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of lychee meat and ate it.

The texture of cooked lychees is no longer crisp and soft, but has a hint of glutinous texture, blending with the aroma of the broth. You can still taste the strong sweet taste when chewing.

After eating the lychees, Zhao Qinghua took another piece of meat with chopsticks, carefully dipped it in water, and then put it in his mouth.

The entrance is the authentic spicy spicy taste.

The spiciness of the paste is very special.

When people smell this spicy aroma, they begin to feel impatient to taste it.

The moment you enter the mouth, the spicy and explosive feeling will follow the temperature of your mouth and produce a strong and rich spicy aroma. It is not too spicy and is very palatable. The spicy aroma will come from it. The nasal cavity slowly came out.

The smooth pork is also made very authentic, with a smooth, soft and mellow taste. It is covered with spicy dipping water. Once you take it into your stomach, the hot and spicy taste will radiate from every pore of your body and become a whole body. The fine beads of sweat give people a particularly strong sense of satisfaction.

After Zhao Qinghua tasted it in one bite, the expression on his face changed.

Zhao Qinghua lost his composure for the first time since he entered the table. He said very happily and excitedly: "This is the taste! Hey, you guys should also try it. This dish is so authentic and tastes exactly the same as the one in Fuzhou!" "

When the agent heard this, he was very happy: "Director Zhao, is this lychee broth really so authentic? Then we have to give it a try!"

The corners of Zhao Qinghua's mouth curved in an arc, showing genuine joy.

He glanced at An Qi, who was sitting next to him and was always very observant, and his manager who was accompanying him and was good at dancing.

I thought to myself, with An Qi's appearance and figure, and having such a meticulous and thoughtful manager to protect her, it would probably be just an opportunity to become successful in the industry in the future.

In the film Zhao Qinghua was filming, the supporting actress had to withdraw from the filming midway due to personal reasons.

This implicated the entire filming crew.

The scenes that have been shot need to be reshot. The most important thing is that the replacement personnel have not been finalized.

On the one hand, it is blocked by capital, and on the other hand, Zhao Qinghua himself has very high requirements for the role.

In his opinion, the most important factor in choosing a suitable actor is talent, followed by eye-catching.

If he can't even look down on this person, it will definitely be difficult for him to be satisfied when filming.

His first impression of An Qi was okay. Regardless of whether it was just a pretense when they first met, he was indeed very pleasing to the eye.

But before coming, he also learned a little bit about An Qi's personal information. She was an idol who was born in the talent show. She was somewhat famous, but she had never made a movie.

The most critical point is that she has not even been exposed to film and television shooting, let alone experience.

Rather than personally training newcomers, a famous director like him prefers to use experienced and capable actors.

The authentic lychee broth circulated around the room, and everyone carefully tasted this dish that Zhao Qinghua had never forgotten.

It's really delicious and very unique.

But in fact, this dish can only be regarded as a very good dish for those of you who live a prosperous life, are used to various occasions, and have tasted all kinds of delicious food.

It's not really amazing.

However, no matter how ordinary this dish is, it just has the old taste that Zhao Qinghua misses.

That's enough!

The manager also tasted the dish carefully, and then chatted with Zhao Qinghua with a smile: "Director Zhao, this chili oil tastes very special. It tastes a bit mushy when eaten, but it is still very fragrant!"

While talking, the casserole was turned to Zhao Qinghua again.

Zhao Qinghua said while eating the slippery pork: "This is a specialty of Guizhou, called spicy food. My hometown is Guizhou."

When the economist heard this, he immediately cheered up. This topic was obviously about to open up!

He quickly followed the words and asked: "So this is spicy spicy food. I've heard of it. It seems that Henan people like to eat this."

Zhao Qinghua laughed when he heard this and explained: "Oh, the spiciness of the paste over there is different from that in Henan. Theirs is spicy, and what they eat is peppery, while ours is spicy. Spicy, it’s completely different in terms of spiciness and taste.”

While the two were talking, she quickly lowered her head and looked at her phone. At this time, An Qi suddenly interrupted and said, "I heard that the spicy paste made in Guizhou is very authentic, and the cooking method is very advanced.

The method is to use the residual heat of the plant ashes to remove the aroma from the dried chili peppers, then wipe off the plant ashes. While the chili peppers are still crispy, rub them into pieces with your hands, then add salt and set aside. "

When Zhao Qinghua heard this, he couldn't help turning his head to look at An Qi, and was stunned.

When An Qi came here before, her hair was hanging down, and she looked quiet and delicate.

But now, in order to make it easier to eat, she tied her hair up casually, revealing her delicate face, and the outline of her face that was originally blocked by her hair was completely exposed.

When speaking, he looked sideways, with a slight smile on his lips, and mentioned something he knew, which seemed to be quite high-spirited.

Looking at it like this, don't say it, it really fits the image of the supporting actress in the drama that Zhao Qinghua is filming.

It's because the director has a very poisonous eye and sees people very accurately.

Zhao Qinghua looked at An Qi at this time, and his mind had already quickly made a makeup design and scene change for her.

Even in a very short period of time, the scene at this time was compared with a certain scene in the play.

Well enough!

Acting skills can be learned, but the temperament and appearance are innate and difficult to imitate.

An Qi looked at Zhao Qinghua with a smile. She seemed calm and natural, but in fact, her hands hanging down under the table were clenched into fists. Her fingertips were obviously white because of excessive exertion.

She tried hard to control her emotions and tone, and continued slowly: "However, it is said that when you eat it that way, you can taste a wonderful spicy aroma, but it doesn't taste like this.

It is estimated that it is usually stir-fried, or roasted to get the aroma and then crushed into minced chili peppers.

However, this soup is really delicious. I just ate a lot of seafood, and now I have a bowl of soup. It feels very refreshing. The meat is very tender and has a fruity aroma. It is really refreshing. "

Zhao Qinghua looked at An Qi, his eyes lighting up little by little.

I didn't notice it before, but her sense of lines is very good, her pronunciation is clear, and her voice is very soft.

Zhao Qinghua made a professional mistake and stared at An Qi carefully, then suddenly asked: "How is your singing?"

An Qi was stunned and immediately said: "Director Zhao, I was selected from a singing competition. I can sing and dance!"

Zhao Qinghua smiled and nodded.

Just now I was only thinking about the compatibility of the character, but I forgot that An Qi was selected from the draft.

No wonder the words are clear and the sound quality is good.

Zhao Qinghua had already made up his mind, but he did not say anything. Instead, he changed the topic and asked: "You know a lot about spicy food. Yes, when we were in our hometown, we specially burned the ashes of plants and trees. The taste of hot pepper is more special and more fragrant.

But the chefs at this restaurant are also very good, and the dishes are very authentic. Today I really tasted the nostalgic old taste.

After being away from home for so many years, sometimes I really miss this.

Today, thanks to you, I can finally satisfy my craving. "

When An Qi heard this, she felt relieved. This was the first time that Zhao Qinghua had said so many words to her since she sat down.

The economist sitting next to him was even more excited!

The flattery is finally in the right position!

He was thinking about how he could bring the topic back to recommending An Qi to participate in the filming of the film.

Just listen to Zhao Qinghua ask: "Miss An, if you have time tomorrow morning, you can go to the Sifengshan Reservoir. Then I will call the screenwriter together. No matter whether it works or not, let's try out a scene first.

Of course, we are public and private, and I will not show mercy to you just because of a meal.

If you want to get a role, you have to fight for it with your own strength. "

An Qi was trying hard to maintain the angle she was looking at Zhao Qinghua. When she heard this, she almost forgot to manage her expression.

The economic man even swallowed his words.

Is this what happened? !

This was Zhao Qinghua's personal invitation, and there was basically a 50% chance of winning the role.

What you plan for is determined by God, and the rest depends on An Qi's own efforts.

And An Qi was even more excited.

She finally got a chance to audition!

As long as she can participate in this film, she will officially enter the film and television industry!

An Qi first looked at Zhao Qinghua in disbelief, then turned to look at her agent.

The manager happened to look over and the two of them looked at each other with excitement and surprise in their eyes!

At the same time, Fu Yu, the back cook of Qianlima, was busy taking orders, when an electronic prompt suddenly sounded in his ears:

【Ding! NPC star An Qi’s series of tasks: cook a table of dishes that satisfy director Zhao Qinghua and help An Qi get a role contract.

The current task progress is 55%.

Hidden serial mission: The classic old taste that Zhao Qinghua really misses, the mission has been completed.

Trigger the next round of tasks.]

Before Fu Yu could finish hearing the system announce the next task, his phone suddenly rang.

He quickly picked up the call and was a little surprised. It was Pang Bowen, the owner of the dessert shop, calling.

"Boss Pang, do you have a problem with me?"

Pang Bowen suddenly smiled and said: "Fu Chu, I received a large dessert order here, but the customer's request is quite special. I wanted to ask you for help to see if you have any good ideas."

Pang Bowen's words immediately stunned Fu Yu!

Do customers have special requirements for dessert reservations?

Ask him for help with ideas?

The fact that Pang Bowen suddenly came to him was already very surprising.

But after Fu Yu listened to the content of the second ring of the system's tasks at the same time, he became very interested.

Just as Pang Bowen was explaining his purpose, the system tone beside Fu Yu's ears also sounded simultaneously:

[Hidden chain mission: The second link, assist the dessert shop owner Pang Bowen to complete the baking of a dessert!

Tip: Dessert shop owner Pang Bowen received a large dessert delivery order. Please follow Pang Bowen's request to help bake desserts that satisfy customers. 】

Fu Yu was full of curiosity and responded quickly: "Okay, I'm about to take a lunch break here. If you're not in a hurry, I'll rush over as soon as I'm done."

Pang Bowen said immediately: "I'm driving to Chollima. I'll be there in more than ten minutes!"

When Fu Yu heard this, he hurriedly said: "Okay, let's see you later." (End of Chapter)

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