Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1033. Who is he?

While Fu Yu was busy cooking and completing the task, the leader of the Commerce Bureau suddenly came to the front office.

Dong Juntian was making an appointment with his friends to have tea at the teahouse. He received a call halfway and hurriedly turned back.

When they arrived at the place, the leaders of the Commerce Bureau had been arranged to the special box 101 specially reserved for receiving distinguished guests.

Hearing that people were sent to 101, Dong Juntian hurriedly called Gao Wenjing and asked, "What's going on? Why were people sent to 101?"

Maxima originally had a reserved box 104 specifically for receiving VIPs. Both the environment and the furnishings in the box looked very high-end.

Last year, after Dong Juntian took the initiative to acquire and merge the Daewoo shopping mall next door, he specially reserved a slightly smaller private room, namely 101.

Box 101 is definitely not as good as 104 in terms of quality due to its limited area.

Several leaders of the Commerce Bureau are considered regular customers of the store. They will definitely notice it as soon as they enter the door, and they will not know what they will think when the time comes.

Gao Wenjing hurriedly explained in a low voice: "Boss, 104 has a customer, and it's a celebrity."


Dong Juntian was stunned, but he wasn't too surprised. After all, their store had received many internet celebrities and people from the entertainment industry before.

Because of the special status of the other party, they were all specially arranged to go to the box.

And if it is a slightly famous one, it will be specially arranged to be received in 101 or 104. These two private rooms are very close to the side door, making it easier for customers to leave quietly.

Dong Juntian was just curious to ask who the person was when his cell phone suddenly rang. It was a leader from the Commerce Bureau with whom he had dealt with twice before.

Seeing the caller ID, Dong Juntian immediately ignored the inquiry and told Gao Wenjing. While answering the phone, he quickly rushed to the 101 box.

Several leaders of the Commerce Bureau gathered in Chollima this time.

Many local tycoons in Bei'an have publicly participated in the charity meal event held by the Chollima Hotel and made donations.

The total amount is nearly one million yuan!

And because the music restaurant launched another wave of media promotion during this period, this matter has now spread.

This incident also alarmed the leaders of the Commerce Bureau. Deputy Director Hou Yuyang received the assignment and specially brought his people to Qianlima.

What the leaders of the Commerce Bureau mean is that the bureau should help supervise and manage the use of this money to ensure that every penny is used truthfully for activities and that every expenditure is open and transparent.

The bureau made such a decision because the donations from the Chollima Love Meal event have reached more than 800,000 yuan, and this event may continue to be held in the future, so the donations will only increase.

The impact of this activity has now begun to spread in a small area. When it truly becomes a household name, they must be able to respond promptly and reasonably.

However, when Hou Yuyang said firmly: "Our Commerce Bureau will definitely cooperate with your store to do a good job in supervision and management."

When he thought Dong Juntian would express his gratitude immediately and be proud of it, he saw a complicated expression on Dong Juntian's face.

Dong Juntian explained awkwardly: "Director Hou, the chef of our store, Fu Yu, is fully responsible for this love meal event. He also raised the money personally, and the caring people who donated have already discussed and decided After that, they have to hand over the use of the money to Fu Yu, who has the final say.

I'm not involved here, I'm just cooperating. "

Hou Yuyang looked at Dong Juntian in surprise.

The personal relationship between them is not close, after all, they have the responsibilities of the higher-level supervisory department, but they are occasionally invited to attend a few dinners.

Whether it was what he saw or heard from others, Hou Yuyang still knew something about Dong Juntian.

Dong Juntian's ability to say such a thing shows that those donors indeed said so and had this intention.

This is nearly a million dollars in charity. What do these people think?

There was no one else in the box, so Hou Yuyang asked in a deep voice: "How can such a big matter be left to only one chef?"

Dong Juntian hurriedly said: "Director Hou, it's like this. When these people who donated money came over, they made it clear directly that the money was donated to Fu Yu as a charity fund for the love meal. If this activity is solely responsible for him , then the money is considered a donation, and if someone else is responsible, then we will not participate in this event."

Hou Yuyang listened to Dong Juntian's words with a look of disbelief on his face, and was immediately dumbfounded.

This is equivalent to these people just paying Fu Yu to support them. As for activities and other activities, Fu Yu can do whatever he says. If Fu Yu doesn't do anything, they won't participate.

Hou Yuyang brought people to the store, and Dong Juntian finally set up a table to entertain them.

After returning to the bureau, Hou Yuyang reported the whole matter to the director.

After hearing the report, the director did not appear surprised. Instead, he seriously warned: "Since this is the case, let's just supervise and pay attention to the progress of the activity. Everyone has said that donations are coming to Fu Yu. , our Commerce Bureau originally only intended to play a supervisory role. Since this is the situation now, let them deal with other matters on their own."

When Hou Yuyang heard this, his heart suddenly trembled.

The two have worked together for many years, and the director's abnormal attitude must have gotten the news from somewhere.

Thinking again of Dong Juntian's helpless look at the Maxima Hotel just now.

It seems that this chef is not a simple person!

In the store before, because he was too shocked and there were other people around him, he couldn't find a chance to meet this person.

If I have a chance in the future, I'll have to see what kind of person this chef is.

Fu Yu decided on the dishes and hurriedly took advantage of the gap between the cooking of the two tables of noodle dishes on hand to order Zhang Jinyu to prepare the dishes.

He himself was doing two things at once, cooking the dishes on the stove while carefully looking through the classic recipes.

After looking at it, I realized that it turns out that lychee-sliced ​​pork is a home-cooked dish in Fuzhou.

Because the taste is very delicious, when the lychee season comes on the market, it is basically a must-order for every table in restaurants of all sizes in this city.

Especially the elderly and children like this dish.

It is precisely because this dish is so common that it is ranked very low in the classic old-flavor recipes.

No wonder Fu Yu couldn't find this soup even after looking through it for a long time.

After carefully looking through the cooking methods of this soup, Zhang Jinyu sent over the prepared ingredients one after another.

It's not yet time for lychees to go on the market, so Chollima's spare ones are specially bought for use in fruit bowls.

The price of lychees here in Bei'an is still very high, and chefs basically don't use lychees for cooking.

Fu Yu looked at the peeled lychees and was very satisfied, then turned around and started cutting the pork.

To make this dish, according to the requirements of the recipe, be sure to use sandwiched lean meat, and carefully remove all the fascia and cut the meat into uniformly thick and sized slices.

After cutting, add the base flavor first, making sure to remove the fishy smell of the pork itself.

When battering, the recipe indicates that sweet potato starch is used.

Sweet potato starch is different from ordinary starch.

Sweet potato starch is smoother and more tender.

When Chollima’s kitchen cooks smooth pork, sweet potato starch is also specially used.

The smooth meat produced in this way is transparent and shiny.

When mixing the flour, the recipe also mentions a trick, which is to use half cooked gordon and half raw gordon.

Adding cooked gorgon to raw gorgon mainly makes the color of the smooth meat brighter.

When Fu Yu saw this step, he immediately felt an indescribable sense of intimacy.

I think back then, when he was following Zhao Meng to help, when Zhao Meng asked him to heat the water into the cornstarch powder, he still didn't react. After all, when the cornstarch powder is used, it is usually stirred with cold water, and the cornstarch powder is mixed with hot water. When it's cooked, it can't be stirred at all.

Especially when using sweet potato starch, it is best to soak it first, which is also called wet starch, and stir it simply when using it.

These are all the basic cooking knowledge taught by the teacher in the class when I was studying in chef school.

As a result, Zhao Meng ordered him to stir the cornstarch powder with hot water. Fu Yu thought for a moment that he had misjudged the instructions, or that Zhao Meng had made a mistake, so he asked a question.

At this time, Zhao Meng casually taught him a trick for making smooth meat, which is to mix both raw and cooked rice noodles.

Fu Yu was particularly surprised at that time. He didn't expect that Zhao Meng would actually teach him the secret of cooking.

It was also from that moment that he really felt that Zhao Meng, a chef who always had a straight face, had a particularly bad temper, and seemed very difficult to get along with, was actually quite a good person in private.

The cooking method of pork in the recipe is not much different from Fu Yu's usual cooking method. Fu Yu followed the instructions in the recipe for all the details.

Fu Yu usually left Zhang Jinyu to do the cooking operation of meat slices.

Now he cooked it himself.

When I usually take orders, the cooking temperature is slightly higher or lower. In fact, as long as the customer is not picky or ignorant, as long as the taste is delicious, he can't taste it at all.

However, there were tasks following him right now, and Fu Yu was afraid that he would make some mistakes in some detailed operations.

The progress bar is now halfway through. If he fails at this time, he will be so embarrassed!

In the past, when cooking, Fu Yu relied on his absolute handle and skill in controlling the heat, and operated completely by feel.

But this time, the classic old-flavor recipe clearly states that when cooking, the water temperature should be controlled at 90 degrees. Only then will the cooked meat have the most perfect texture.

Fu Yu stepped back and let Zhang Jinyu quickly step forward to do the draining operation. He thought in his heart that the hot water was in the state of just 90 degrees.

This feeling of turning the ethereal touch into a digital one inexplicably gave him a very professional idea.

Fu Yu couldn't help but smile, turned around and saw Zhang Jinyu who was working hard on draining water, and casually gave some guidance: "When cooking meat slices like this, remember that you can't stir it at all before the powder solidifies. When shaking the pot, it’s best to shake it back and forth.”

Zhang Jinyu's eyes suddenly lit up and he nodded seriously.

Fu Yu was talking about his usual operating habits that were unconsciously ignored when shaking the pot.

He also knows that when cooking, he cannot stir the powder before it solidifies, but when shaking the pot, he always likes to turn the pot.

However, isn’t the purpose of rocking the pan back and forth and turning the pan all to prevent the meat slices from sticking to the pan?

What are the special differences?

Zhang Jinyu and Fu Yu have been getting along for so long and have become very familiar with each other. He thought in his mind and asked naturally.

Fu Yu raised his head and glanced at Zhang Jinyu.

Zhang Jinyu suddenly fell silent!

Although this kind of speechless look was not as sharp as Zhao Meng's usual glare, it always made people feel stupid.

Fu Yu said: "In our profession, we have to stand in front of the kitchen table for most of our lives. If you want to work for a longer time, you should pay attention to protecting your body. Turning the pot will damage your wrists, and shaking the pot back and forth will damage your wrists." It takes much less effort.”

Zhang Jinyu suddenly understood!

It turned out to be to protect the wrist.

After all, one of the most common occupational diseases that chefs suffer from is tenosynovitis.

After understanding this, Zhang Jinyu was immediately moved.

Unexpectedly, Fu Yu was so kind to him. Not only did he guide him in cooking, but he also cared about his health so much.

Zhang Jinyu looked at Fu Yu, who was lowering his head to cook, with more admiration and respect in his eyes.

He carefully poured the drained meat slices into cold water and then drained them in an empty basin.

Cooking the cooked meat slices directly will not affect the taste, but the color of the soup will not look good.

Fu Yu was simmering in the stir-fry of chili peppers, because the recipe indicated that this dish should be paired with a saucer of battered sea peppers.

This way of eating is quite special. Fu Yu smelled the burnt smell of sea pepper, then added a precise amount of Sichuan peppercorns to the pot and stir-fried over low heat.

Just the aroma is not enough, the color must be baked into a brown color before it can be cooked.

Fu Yu took out the fried sea pepper and handed it to Zhang Jinyu to chop it into pieces.

I took the exquisite bowl for serving and filled it with chopped green onion and minced garlic. After the paste sea pepper was chopped, I sprinkled it with salt and drizzled it with hot oil.

The moment the hot oil enters the bowl, the aroma of sea pepper, chopped green onion and garlic is immediately revealed.

This is really the first time Fu Yu has tried this method of mashing sea peppers. This way of eating is not popular in Bei'an.

But when I smelled the aroma of the dipping sauce, I felt that the burnt aroma was very strong and rich.

After frying the spicy peppers, Fu Yu put lard into the pot and sauteed until fragrant. Different from usual, this dish only added onions, garlic and Sichuan peppercorns when sauteing.

After sautéing until fragrant, add water to the pot.

When making soup normally, the ingredients are stewed and then seasoned.

But the order of operations for this dish is exactly the opposite.

After adding water to the pot, season it first.

After the water boils, remove all seasoning ingredients.

While Zhang Jinyu was cooking, he glanced at the ingredients on the side and couldn't help but said: "Fu Chu, this is both lychee and tomato. Is this dish delicious?"

This taste is a bit confusing!

But after waiting for the smooth pork, the ingredients in the pot looked obviously richer.

When it comes out of the pot, garnish some green vegetable leaves on the soup surface, and the color of the originally slightly bland soup will immediately become brighter. (End of chapter)

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