Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1032 Lychee Smooth Meat Soup

Fuzhou is a city of gourmet food.

Some well-known dishes, such as Buddha Jumping over the Wall, Eight-treasure Rice with Lotus Leaves, Drunken Chicken, etc., are all local specialties of Fuzhou.

It is not an easy task to cook dishes that Zhao Qinghua really misses.

At this time, Zhang Jinyu just came back with a pot of prepared prawns from the waiter, put the pot down, and saw the remaining water chestnuts next to him, so he turned to Sun Qingning and asked: "Brother Sun, didn't you just say you want Do you want to use water chestnuts? There are some left over here, how about some?"

Sun Qingning finished cooking a dish and turned around when he heard the sound: "Do you still have any left of the water chestnuts you just took? I think you took away the small pot?"

Zhang Jinyu nodded: "Yes!"

Zhang Jinyu agreed and sent the water chestnuts over.

Sun Qingning asked casually: "What Chef Fu cooked just now were also water chestnuts and shrimps?"

Zhang Jinyu said: "No, it's lychee meat."

Sun Qingning was stunned: "Lychee meat? Is it a dish made with lychees?"

Upon hearing the news, Fu Yu's eyes suddenly lit up!


Fu Yu vaguely found a clue.

Yes, why did Zhao Qinghua suddenly want to eat this dish?

Is it because I heard someone else mention some topic and suddenly thought about it, or is it because I have been thinking about this topic in my heart?

But why is the cooked lychee meat not a classic old-fashioned dish that he really misses deeply?

I'm just wondering here, and there's no solution at all!

Thinking of this, Fu Yu quickly took out his mobile phone.

He felt that the only people who could help now were An Qi and her agent.

After all, although their purposes are different, what they hope to achieve most now is to satisfy Zhao Qinghua.

At this time in Box 104, everyone was eating and chatting, and the atmosphere was very harmonious for a while.

The agent winked at An Qi and was about to try to bring up the script again when suddenly the phone rang.

At first glance, it was Fu Yu.

The agent hesitated for a moment, then greeted Director Zhao: "I'm going to take a call."

After leaving the box, the manager answered the phone: "Fu Chu? What's the matter?"

Fu Yu suddenly asked: "I would like to ask why Director Zhao Qinghua suddenly wanted to eat lychee meat. What was the situation that triggered his idea at that time."

The agent's face suddenly darkened.

This chef suddenly asked about Director Zhao. What did he want to do?

As soon as the idea came up, I heard Fu Yu continue: "Director Zhao Qinghua is my idol. It is rare for him to come to our restaurant to dine. I hope that he can eat delicious food and have a very pleasant dining experience.

Just now you said that he misses the dish of lychee meat, so I was wondering if I could help cook two more of Director Zhao's favorite dishes as a tribute to my idol as a fan. Of course, the additional dishes will be Counted as complimentary dishes. "

The manager was stunned. He didn't expect that the chef was actually a fan of Director Zhao.

He is a member of the industry himself, so he naturally knows what a magical group fans are.

If the call had been made five minutes earlier, the agent would not have responded to the request.

After all, the lychee meat that was served just now has been approved by Director Zhao. However, just now, when they took advantage of Director Zhao's good mood, they proposed to recommend An Qi to join the new movie that Director Zhao was filming, but they were declined. .

They rushed all the way to the small town of Bei'an, heading for Director Zhao's filming crew. There was accurate news that the supporting actress in the film that Director Zhao was filming temporarily interrupted the filming process due to personal reasons. Director Zhao Currently, we are quietly looking for a female celebrity in the circle to take over the rescue.

This is a good opportunity, especially for An Qi, who entered the entertainment industry because of the talent show, but other than participating in various variety shows, she has never had the opportunity to contact the film and television industry.

If you can participate in the filming of Director Zhao's movie, it will be equivalent to officially entering the film and television industry.

In this regard, both An Qi and her manager attached great importance to this dinner party with Director Zhao.

Opportunities are hard to come by, and you can’t let them go no matter what.

After listening to Fu Yu's words, the agent was somewhat moved.

This is a mutually beneficial thing.

Fu Yu is a fan of Director Zhao and hopes to do something for his idol so that he can have a perfect dining experience.

And they also hope to please Director Zhao and get this opportunity to participate in the show.

No matter what, their original intention is the same.

Moreover, since Fu Yu is the chef in the store, no matter what his purpose is, there is no need to worry about him causing harm.

After all, a monk who can run away cannot run away from the temple.

Even if something happens, they can quickly clear up the relationship.

Thinking of this, the manager really started to think about it. During the meal, Director Zhao suddenly mentioned that he missed the dish of lychee meat.

After a while, the economist suddenly looked enlightened and said, "By the way, I remembered that we had already started dinner and were eating when your store sent us a fruit plate.

The assistant who came with Director Zhao took a look at the fruit and casually mentioned that the lychees currently on the market were not too sweet and they would have to wait for another two months.

Director Zhao suddenly said at this time that the lychees here in Bei'an are all drugged and not delicious. They must be grown by someone in Fuzhou to taste mellow.

Then the dish of lychee meat was mentioned. "

After listening, Fu Yu frowned slightly and found that the progress bar had not changed at all.

The agent was interested in cooperating with Fu Yu, so after he finished speaking, he helped analyze it together: "Could it be related to Fuzhou?"

Fu Yu was noncommittal, but just knowing this was of no use.

While talking about this, Fu Yu suddenly asked, "Did he talk about this dish when he was eating lychee meat just now?"

The agent thought about it and suddenly said: "Oh, he mentioned that when he was filming on the set, it was difficult to buy fresh fruits because the place was very remote and the season was wrong. So when his friends came to visit him, they often brought some canned fruits and some There are dishes cooked with fruits.”

"By the way, when he was eating this lychee meat dish, his friend who came with him said that the dish looked very real. When I first saw it, I thought it was a dish made from real lychees, but cooking with lychees is probably not good. It will be delicious. After all, the taste is too sweet. No matter how you make it, it is definitely not as delicious as eating it directly.

At that time, Director Zhao casually said that lychees are not good for cooking, but they are still very delicious when made into soup.

Other than that, nothing more was said about the dishes. "

Fu Yu's eyes suddenly lit up!

He quickly said: "Excuse me, I will cook a soup made of lychees and give it to Director Zhao to try."

The agent quickly responded: "Okay, that's great. Director Zhao will definitely be very happy when he finds out."

Fu Yu shook his head: "No, it's better not to mention me. I'm willing to do something for the idol."

The manager couldn't help but show a surprised expression at this time. This young chef was quite energetic, and he didn't expect that he was quite fan-conscious.

He immediately nodded in understanding: "In that case, you should include this soup in our additional dishes."

In this way, if they can win the favor of Director Zhao, then they can also get a good deal here.

Even if it's not possible, at most it's a pre-ordered dish, so there's nothing wrong with it.

Fu Yu naturally had no objection.

After hanging up the phone, he was surprised to find that the task progress bar had reached 40%!

Fu Yu suddenly looked happy!

Finally touched the door.

Fu Yu put his cell phone away and quickly looked through the classic old recipes, searching for Fuzhou soup made with lychee as an ingredient.

Seeing this, I was immediately dumbfounded.

Good guy, there are quite a lot of soups you can make with lychees.

Lychee red date soup, lychee ribs and corn soup, lychee lotus seed soup, lychee salted egg and zucchini soup

There are several pages of soups, how do you decide which one is the most unforgettable in Director Zhao's heart?

Fu Yu glanced at it briefly, and his mind suddenly wandered to the progress bar he had just checked, which was still at 40%.


Previously, when An Qi's agent asked for additional dishes, the progress bar on his side moved.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu suddenly became energetic!

He had a feeling that as long as he followed the recipe and followed the recipe one by one, he would quickly find the soup made with lychees that Director Zhao mentioned.

If this matter can be figured out, then the progress bar should be able to move forward again, and the next step of the task can be triggered!

However, now we need to figure out which soup this is.

Fu Yu stared at the progress bar from dish to dish.

The ideal is plump, but the reality is often too skinny.

The dishes in the classic old-flavor recipes are really comprehensive.

He hadn't flipped through it carefully before, but he only felt that there were several pages. Now that he flipped through it, he realized that he had thought of things too simply.

According to the number of pages in the recipe, he might have to flip through it for half an hour, and he might not even be able to check out all the dishes.

Now is the peak period for taking orders. After he was wasted for a while, a lot of orders were already sent to him from the front hall.

Just when Fu Yu was secretly looking through the classic recipes, his phone suddenly rang.

It was a call from Angel's agent.

"Chef Fu, I ordered the wrong lychee meat before!"


Wrong order?

No, the task progress was moved forward at that time.

An Qi agent explained: "I just realized that the lychee meat that Director Zhao mentioned before did not refer to this dish. When we ate it just now, he was taking our face into consideration, so he agreed." He said The dishes are probably made of lychees and meat, oh, look at this, if you hadn’t called me before, I wouldn’t have thought about it at all.”

The agent was really upset.

The reason why Director Zhao was invited here today was because of Director Zhao's good friend who came with him.

I originally thought that today's reception was okay, but I thought that while Director Zhao was going to the bathroom, the mutual friend secretly passed on the news.

Director Zhao may think this dish is okay, but he definitely doesn’t like it.

During the meal, the manager's attention was focused on how to talk to Director Zhao, and he didn't pay attention to the details at all.

The mutual friend reminded that Director Zhao only tasted two pieces of lychee meat meaningfully when the dish was served, and then stopped eating the dish.

Others started to eat from dish to dish unknowingly, and did not notice that the dish of lychee meat seemed to have been eaten a lot, but in fact Director Zhao did not move his chopsticks at all.

The agent was secretly shocked. Fortunately, he always boasted that he was good at observing people's emotions, but he ended up flattering the horse in the belly.

All the fuss.

Director Zhao had a gentle attitude towards them just now, probably because of his kindness, but after all, it didn't really touch his heart, so he was very decisive in rejecting it.

In the private room where the air conditioning was on, the agent was suddenly covered in hot sweat.

So panicked!

He was halfway through the meal, and he still couldn't figure out what Director Zhao liked, so this matter was irrelevant!

An agent can reach this position in the circle, and it is not an ordinary person.

He carefully recalled Director Zhao's words and deeds when he mentioned this lychee meat.

After thinking about it carefully, it really reminded him of a special place.

At that time, Director Zhao did say that he had eaten a dish of lychee meat before, and it was quite nostalgic to think about it.

But at that time, there was still a common friend between where he was sitting and Director Zhao, and Director Zhao just said something casually and his voice was not loud.

It is possible that he missed something, or even misheard it.

What Director Zhao probably said was that he had eaten a dish made of lychees and meat before.

Thinking about it this way, it can be explained clearly why the dish of lychee meat, which Director Zhao himself mentioned personally, turned out not to be a particular favorite.

Thinking of this, the manager hurriedly called Fu Yu while Director Zhao was not back.

He is completely ill and needs medical treatment now!

There is really no other way, this banquet of noodles is almost finished, and once we walk out of the door of Chollima Hotel, this opportunity will be completely ruined.

Right now, the only person he can count on besides himself is Fu Yu.

As soon as these words came out, Fu Yu suddenly became enlightened!

If Director Zhao is really talking about dishes made of lychees and meat, then the range will be reduced by more than half.

While the agent was talking, Director Zhao came back. He hurriedly confessed to Fu Yu and hung up the phone.

Now, there are basically very clear clues about the classic old-flavor dishes that Director Zhao really misses.

And if you can quickly find this dish through the combination of these two ingredients, you can directly cook it to trigger the next serial task.

Fu Yu quickly searched for dishes based on lychees and meat on the classic old recipes.

This time, there were less than three pages left of the dish containing these two ingredients.

After Fu Yu tried lychee fried pork, lychee shrimp balls, lychee mushroom pork rib soup, etc. for nearly two pages, when he turned to the lychee smooth meat soup, the progress bar finally moved, and directly Reached 50%!

Fu Yu was immediately overjoyed!


It's already 50%, but you still haven't reached the requirements to trigger the next chain of tasks?

At this time, Zhang Jinyu came over with the prepared ingredients.

Fu Yu looked at the basin full of prawns, and his eyes suddenly lit up!

After a while, he finishes cooking this lychee-sliced ​​pork dish and is sent to box 104 by the waiter. Then we will know whether the classic old taste that Director Zhao has been thinking about is this dish! (End of chapter)

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