Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1031 Luo Die’s Plating Skills

Zhao Meng knew that Fu Yu was excellent, but before he realized it, he had unknowingly given all his trust to Fu Yu.

And this kind of trust is no longer the reassurance of the opponent's subordinates, but the sense of security that when encountering any cooking problem, as long as Fu Yu says he can do it, then there will be no problem.

Zhao Meng looked at Fu Yu and found that he was no longer able to make any assessment of Yu's cooking skills.

Fu Yu was afraid that Zhao Meng would be worried, so he specifically promised: "Don't worry, Chef Zhao, I can do it!"

Zhao Meng sighed, then nodded, and warned: "Okay, then you give it a try. Since they have something to say first whether it will work or not, let's just do our best here!"

Zhang Jinyu was stunned when he heard this!

Why were you objecting to this just now? Just because Fu Yu could do it, he immediately agreed?

This is a dish that has never been cooked before. What if I mess it up?

Zhang Jinyu has never seen a real star in his entire life!

When he heard that it was An Qi, he immediately felt that the other person was not of the same class as himself.

Can a celebrity like that be easy to answer correctly?

Thinking of this, Zhang Jinyu couldn't help but feel his heart twitch for Fu Yu!

Zhao Meng warned: "You should hurry up here. There are a lot of orders in your hand. It will be time for the customer to remind you soon."

Fu Yu nodded: "Don't worry, after I take this order, the rest can be cooked normally."

After making a list of the preparations for cooking lychee meat, Fu Yu handed the list to Zhang Jinyu and asked him to prepare it.

At this time, he hurriedly looked through the classic old-flavor recipes again for the cooking method of this dish.

After Zhang Jinyu had prepared the dishes, Fu Yu started cooking.

He cooks it exactly according to the steps of the classic old-fashioned recipe.

Wash the lean pork, cut it into standard slices, and make a diagonal cross knife on the surface of each slice.

Then cut the sliced ​​meat into diagonal pieces.

Cut the water chestnuts into thick slices, mix them with the meat and mix them with red yeast powder and wet starch.

Cut the green onion into inch-inch sections and the garlic into rice.

Fu Yu performed the operation calmly step by step.

While Zhao Meng was holding the spoon, he paid attention to Fu Yu's situation from time to time. When he saw the end, he couldn't help but nod with satisfaction.

He found that Fu Yu was really capable!

Not to mention that this dish has never been cooked before, even if it has been done before, Fu Yu is already very powerful for being able to reach the current level of cooking.

Zhao Meng had never heard of the lychee meat dish, but just looking at Fu Yu's cutting operation, he knew that he already had a very systematic cooking concept for this dish.

This kind of cooking operation based only on impressions is actually quite difficult.

Moreover, since the cooking methods of lychee meat and cherry meat are similar, they have completely different requirements in terms of knife modification and taste.

This places extremely high demands on chefs in terms of knife skills and sauce preparation.

The proportion of sweet and sour flavors in cooking is very high, and almost every dish has certain precise requirements.

When chefs are cooking, they often need to go through repeated trials, slowly explore and sum up their experience, and finally master the precise proportion of ingredients and sauces for a certain sweet and sour dish.

It's already very good to be able to do this.

Fu Yu's cooking operations all rely on his own accumulation and impression of the dish.

You can imagine how difficult this would be.

Moreover, even if he knew the specific cooking steps of this dish, how much did Fu Yu know about the preparation of sweet and sour sauce?

Cooking seems simple, but it’s actually very difficult!

Every cooking operation has its own unique skills, which are not static.

Fu Yu put the wok on a high fire, added lard and when it was 80% hot, put the meat slices and water chestnuts evenly coated with wet starch into the pan and fried them.

Looking at the gradually changing color of the ingredients in the pot, Zhang Jinyu pursed his lips.

Frying at this time is the most test of the chef’s skills!

Pork slices and water chestnuts, one is quickly shaped when exposed to heat, and the other changes color quickly. If you are not careful during frying, and the pork slices cannot be shaped with chopsticks before they are about to harden, the shape of the lychee meat will be Less than expected requirements.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jinyu took a deep breath!

When the meat slices took on the shape of lychees, Fu Yu habitually took a step back. Zhang Jinyu's attention was all on Fu Yu. Seeing his action, he quickly stepped forward and picked up the colander, took out all the ingredients and drained the oil. .

When Fu Yu was cooking, he couldn't use a colander in public, which made him somewhat embarrassed.

With Zhang Jinyu standing by to help, it is particularly important at times like this.

Zhang Jinyu's reaction ability and hand speed are directly related to the success of cooking.

Fu Yu saw that the frying was almost done, so Zhang Jinyu could take over quickly without frying the ingredients for too long.

This kind of tacit understanding makes Fu Yu particularly satisfied.

This is one of the reasons why he attaches great importance to Zhang Jinyu, is willing to teach him some cooking skills, and wants to support him.

It was also because of Fu Yu's attitude that even though Zhang Jinyu was just a small worker in the kitchen, everyone else had to greet him with a smile.

Especially since Fu Yu's current worth has soared, Zhang Jinyu has also benefited from it.

Everyone knows that Fu Yu is now leading the team, and Zhang Jinyu is definitely the future chef.

With Fu Yu's level, he will basically take over Yao Shi as the chef. Even if he doesn't get promoted in the past two years, it will be a matter of time.

This also means that Zhang Jinyu has the opportunity to be promoted to chef.

Because of this, although Zhang Jinyu was working as a cook, in the eyes of everyone, he and Sun Qingning were already on the same level.

The person Zhang Jinyu admires and respects the most is Fu Yu. Whenever Fu Yu cooks, he will always follow him conscientiously and obey orders without complaint.

Zhang Jinyu was responsible for draining the oil. Fu Yu left the remaining oil in the wok and put it on a high fire. He first added garlic and stir-fried, then added scallions, sugar and other seasonings and wet starch to thin and thicken it.

Then pour in the lychee meat and water chestnuts, add lard, stir-fry and place on a plate.

When it is taken out and drained, it is not noticeable at first sight, but after the sauce is added to thicken it, the color suddenly picks up.

Zhao Meng was worried about the situation here. After cooking a plate of vegetables, he hurried over to take a look.

Fu Yu was setting up the dishes, and Zhao Meng didn't come close to talk, for fear that Fu Yu would be affected.

To know that a dish is cooked well, the taste is very important, but the presentation effect is also very important.

With the pictures of dishes on the classic old-flavor recipes, Fu Yu undoubtedly saved a lot of time when it came to setting the dishes.

According to the shape of the classic old-flavor recipe, the pork slices should be stacked when placed on the plate, and the texture should be regular, which can better increase the three-dimensional effect and give people a visual impact.

This requires using chopsticks to carefully put all the ingredients together without being too loose to prevent the shape from being damaged when the waiter serves the food.

At this moment, Fu Yu's operation became the key to cooking the entire dish.

His hands must be very steady, and he must accurately find the perfect angle for each piece of food to be put together. When stacking, if the strength is too small, it will not get stuck, and if the strength is too much, it will easily cause the ingredients to deform.

Zhao Meng stood nearby and looked so excited that he didn't even dare to breathe!

He had never heard of this dish before, but he thought the name was unique and the recipe was even more complicated.

Under the mission requirements and Zhao Meng's observation, Fu Yu actually felt a kind of pressure.

He clearly felt that his fingers were very flexible, but the stability of his right hand was insufficient, and it was easy for deviations in force control!

It seems that we need to find ways to strengthen training in this area in the future.

10 seconds. 20 seconds.

Finally, Fu Yu took the last piece of pork and carefully stacked it on the top position, and slowly pressed against the gap!

Zhao Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

The final plating shape is completed!

However, just because the cooking is done, does not mean that the task has been completed.

The most important thing now depends on whether Director Zhao is satisfied with the dish after tasting it.

The cooked dishes were quickly brought to the front room by waiters.

Fu Yu quickly cooked the remaining two dishes, and the entire table in box 104 was completed.

We have done everything we can, and now we can only do our best and obey fate.

In order to rush to cook this table, Fu Yu had several orders on hand.

He looked through it carefully and quickly ordered Zhang Jinyu to prepare the dishes.

Pick up something you can cook and start working on it right away.

Zhao Meng saw that there was nothing going on on his side, so he began to concentrate on taking orders on his side.

For a moment, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The lychee meat was sent to box 104 by the waiter.

When An Qi and her manager saw the dishes on the table, their eyes lit up at first, and then their hearts finally dropped.

This lychee meat dish is so authentic!

Just looking at the shape, it looks exactly like the authentic way, and the taste must not be much different.

The manager was very discerning. After the waiter carefully placed the plate on the dining table, he quickly transferred the dish to Zhao Qinghua.

The economist greeted with a smile: "Director Zhao, please try and see how the lychee meat they cook is good!"

Zhao Qinghua was obviously taken aback: "Hey, this store actually has this dish?"

The economist hurriedly explained: "Originally, it didn't exist. I just communicated with their chef and asked him to help cook this dish. I didn't expect that it looked quite good when it was made. Please try it while it's hot. See Let’s see if the taste is authentic!”

Zhao Qinghua was really pleasantly surprised. He picked up a piece with his chopsticks and put it into his mouth with great interest.

The lychee meat is crispy but not greasy in the mouth, melts in your mouth, and has just the right sweet and sour taste. The best part is the presentation on the plate, which looks like a lychee and is beautifully presented.

This dish is indeed very authentic!

Zhao Qinghua took two bites before he found time to say, "You guys should try it, this dish is very authentic!"

Hearing this, the others quickly followed suit and took off their chopsticks.

I had just eaten a lot of delicious fish and shrimp and drank wine, and now I suddenly had a sweet and sour dish. Not to mention, it was really appetizing.

The economist smiled and praised: "Indeed, this lychee meat dish is quite delicious. Thanks to Director Zhao, I can taste such a unique dish today. Look, this dish is made with real lychees. It looks like it, it looks so similar!”

After Zhao Qinghua ate the dish he had been longing for, he felt much better instantly. When he heard these words again, he felt more comfortable and said with a smile: "Eat more if it tastes good. Come on, Xiao An, you can try it too, This dish is especially suitable for you ladies!”

The atmosphere in the box was harmonious for a while.

At the same time, in the back kitchen, Fu Yu was checking the preparation of the dishes that had been delivered, when an electronic alert suddenly sounded in his ears:

【Ding! NPC star An Qi’s series of tasks: cook a table of dishes that satisfy director Zhao Qinghua and help An Qi get a role contract. The current task progress is 30%. The first link of the chain of tasks has been completed, and you have received the reward: Sweet and sour balance skill (advanced)]

After hearing the system prompt, Fu Yu was a little surprised at first!

When the task was announced before, it was only said that after completing a series of tasks, one would receive a random reward. Unexpectedly, it turned out that one reward would be obtained for each completed task.

This is an unexpected surprise!

When he heard the content of the mission reward, his face became even more happy!

He secretly said: Good stuff!

This reward seems to be just an ordinary personal skill reward, but when he cooks any dishes in the future, he can accurately grasp the proportion of sweet and sour seasonings.

Fu Yu is very satisfied with this reward! What’s more, it’s high-end!

This means that Fu Yu's cooking operation for sweet and sour dishes is more precise and has the most perfect proportion control.

However, just as Fu Yu was happy, he suddenly realized something.

He always felt as if he had overlooked something crucial.

But the more I thought about it, the more I couldn't think of anything.

It wasn't until Fu Yu couldn't help but check the mission content again that he suddenly realized that he hadn't triggered the next mission yet.

This is a little strange.

Fu Yu clearly remembered that in the series of tasks he had received before, after completing one requirement, the next task would be automatically triggered.

But now it has not been triggered. What is the reason?

Thinking of this, he directly opened his task list.

[Hidden serial mission: the classic old taste that Zhao Qinghua really misses! The first link triggers Zhao Qinghua’s nostalgia (completed)

Tip: Zhao Qinghua has very deep feelings for the city where he once lived. Please observe carefully according to Zhao Qinghua's situation and cook classic old-style dishes that Zhao Qinghua really misses. 】

Fu Yu only reacted after reading the news.

The lychee meat he cooked just now was not enough to arouse all Zhao Qinghua's homesickness, and this dish was not the classic old taste that Zhao Qinghua really missed.

Moreover, the prompt clearly states that Zhao Qinghua needs to be observed carefully based on his situation.

Fu Yu suddenly frowned.

Based on Zhao Qinghua’s own situation, observe carefully?

How to observe?

Thinking of this, Fu Yu didn't even bother to check the food preparation situation, he concentrated on thinking.

Since Zhao Qinghua can say that he wants to eat lychee meat, it shows that he has great affection for the place where this dish originated.

When Fu Yu was referring to the classic old-flavor recipes before, he had noted that lychee meat is really a special traditional dish in Fuzhou, Fujian.

Fuzhou, Fujian (End of Chapter)

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