Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1030 Sweet and Sour Balance Skill

Fu Yu thought about his task and couldn't help but sigh: "I said I wanted to treat a guest, but I didn't know the other person's food preferences, so I asked me to recommend two dishes. I don't know if the guest will be satisfied."

Zhang Jinyu said at this time: "It's hard to say, after all, personal tastes are different."

Fu Yu was also worried about this problem. He just checked the task progress again and found that it was still 1%, with no signs of progress at all.

What if Director Zhao comes and is not satisfied with the food on the table?

At this time, Zhao Meng suddenly said: "If you are not satisfied, just add more vegetables! Food is dead, but people are alive. You can always think of a way."

When Fu Yu heard this, he realized the same thing. When Zhao Meng said this, he no longer had any worries.

After all, compared to him, the people who were more concerned about this banquet were Angel and her agent.

When Director Zhao comes, they will naturally take care of it.

What I can do now is cook every dish well.

The dishes on the order list are all ones he has cooked before. The ingredients are ready and he starts cooking immediately.

Zhao Meng took some time out of his busy schedule to come over to see Fu Yu's progress.

"Hey! These are all expensive dishes!" Zhao Meng stretched his head to look at the situation in the pot, and then looked at the kitchen counter.

This look really made him realize that he had some tricks up his sleeve.

"You have a fish head wrapped in a towel, aren't you going to eat the fish alive?" Zhao Meng was really surprised. This dish is really difficult.

Fu Yu said while immersing the fish body in boiling oil and frying it: "Yes, this is the dish. What they asked for is to recommend delicious seafood dishes. The most important thing is that they must be unique."

Zhao Meng smacked his tongue: "Eating fish alive is really unique. You can't even eat it anywhere else!"

Fu Yu was standing in front of the kitchen counter cooking, and Zhao Meng didn't leave in a hurry. He came closer and watched Fu Yu's operations without blinking.

This boy's cooking skills have obviously improved again.

Look at the operation of boiling and frying fish. The edge of the towel is not soaked in any oil. The control of this hand is simply amazing!

And this is not even the most shocking thing!

After the live fish was taken away, Zhao Meng noticed that what was stewed in the casserole on the stove was Buddha Jumping Over the Wall.

The most important thing is that there are actually two kinds of Buddha jumping over the wall in Chollima.

One is the high-end dishes on the menu for entertaining customers.

The other is a hidden dish, only used to entertain distinguished guests. Both the ingredients and cooking operations are far superior to the first one. There are dozens of ingredients. The stew has a unique meaty taste and a Maintain their own characteristics. It tastes soft and tender, with a rich meaty aroma, meaty but not greasy. All the ingredients are interpenetrated with each other, and the taste is full of flavor.

Zhao Meng took a look and couldn't help but sigh: "Being a star means you are rich. Just one dish can almost make up for my monthly salary."

At this time, the waiter came to report that the guests for the banquet in Box 104 had arrived, and asked the kitchen to serve the dishes as soon as possible.

Fu Yu always makes the most of his time when cooking. He puts several dishes on the pot at the same time, steaming them and stewing them. There is a maximum of ten minutes between the two dishes to ensure that customers will not wait for the CD and exhaust their patience.

Fu Yu focused on cooking. Time passed by and his whole body was immersed in an indescribable rhythm of operation.

Cooking and playing games have something in common.

It also gives people an adrenaline rush.

During the cooking operation, there will be a very passionate emotion spreading in the body.

It didn't take long for several main dishes to be cooked one after another, and the remaining dishes were easier to prepare.

The waiter had just returned from delivering the food and reported that the customer was having a meal there and did not raise any objections.

Fu Yu was immediately overjoyed. It seemed that the dishes on this table were cooked in line with Director Zhao's dietary preferences.

Fu Yu's anxious heart fell to the ground, and he began to cook the remaining dishes calmly.

Zhang Jinyu has already started preparing other dishes for ordering.

Just when the last remaining dish is ready to go.

Suddenly, the waiter hurried to the kitchen.

"Fu Chu, 104 customers requested additional dishes, and the dishes they ordered are not on our store's menu!"

Fu Yu was stunned. Before he could speak, the ordering clerk had already handed over his cell phone.

"This is the customer's phone number and he wishes to speak to you."

"Talk to me?" Fu Yu took out his mobile phone, entered the number, and asked, "What did they order?"

The waiter said: "The lychee meat is said to have been ordered by the guests at the banquet. I hope we can help cook it. The male customer was afraid that the kitchen would not cook it because it was not on the recipe, so he chased him out. Although I asked for your phone number, I didn’t give it to him, but he left his number in the hope that he could talk to you.”

The customers said so, so Fu Yu had no choice but to call.

The number belonged to An Qi's agent, and it rang several times before the call was answered.

As soon as Fu Yu said hello, he immediately said: "I'm really sorry to cause you trouble again. It's like this. The customers we hosted here tasted the special dishes in the store and thought they were delicious. But he suddenly wanted to eat lychee meat and said he hadn't eaten it for a long time.

I just want to add this dish. I just heard the waiter in your store say that this dish is not on the menu, so I was wondering if I could trouble you to help make one. "

After saying that, for fear of being rejected by Fu Yu, he hurriedly said: "As long as they are similar in spirit, it doesn't require anything special.

The customer just mentioned it casually, mainly because we want to satisfy him. "

Fu Yu understood as soon as he heard that this dish was probably not what Director Zhao wanted to eat on his own initiative, but An Qi's observation of others' actions and desire to please him, so he privately offered to add more dishes.

And their meaning was very clear. Since it was not a dish in the store, it would be fine as long as the chef could make roughly similar dishes.

The picture is not about the real delicious food, but about letting Director Zhao feel their sincerity.

Zhao Meng had just finished cooking a dish and was about to take a look at Fu Yu when he heard the ordering clerk coming to look for Fu Yu.

After understanding what happened, he said without thinking: "You can refuse this request. It's not even on the recipe. Who can cook it for him!"

Zhang Jinyu couldn't help but interrupt: "That's right, do you really think that the restaurant is owned by his family? You can cook whatever you want!"

They winked at Fu Yu from the side.

Fu Yu listened to Angel's manager's sincere request on the phone and shook his head, indicating that he couldn't refuse.

How could you say no?

This is related to whether the task can be completed successfully.

He didn't know how to get it before, but now that the mission requirements are given, if he doesn't seize the opportunity, the reward will be wasted!

Looking at Fu Yu's expression, Zhao Meng and Zhang Jinyu both thought that the customer's attitude was either overbearing or too sincere, making them unable to refuse.

Zhao Meng was about to step forward to help Fu Yu answer the phone, but declined the request for extra food.

Fu Yu had already said: "Okay, since your attitude is so sincere, and you also said that as long as you can roughly make this dish, it's not very demanding, I can help with the cooking."

The agent was immediately grateful and said a lot of kind words.

Fu Yu hung up the phone, and Zhao Meng couldn't help but said, "You are too soft-hearted. You can completely refuse this request."

Fu Yu couldn't say that he wanted to complete the task, so he said half-truth: "The customer said that they had a hard time inviting this customer. Do you know who is here? It's Zhao Qinghua, the one who took the photo." The movie is particularly famous!”

Zhao Meng and Zhang Jinyu were both surprised when they heard that Zhao Qinghua actually came to the restaurant to dine.

Fu Yu continued: "The person who called just now was An Qi's agent. He said that this opportunity is extremely rare. He begged me so much that I could help cook this dish. I am really embarrassed to refuse."

Zhao Meng asked: "What kind of dish are they going to add?"

Fu Yu said: "Lychee meat."

Zhao Meng was stunned: "Huh? What kind of dish is this? I've never heard of it."

Before Fu Yu could speak, Zhao Meng asked again: "You do want to help. Have you ever cooked this dish?"

Fu Yu shook his head: "I've only heard of it, but I've never done it."

Zhao Meng glared at him: "Then you dare to agree casually, what should you do now? How are you going to cook something you haven't done before?"

Zhang Jinyu also looked at Fu Yu, saying this was a bit too impulsive!

Just when Zhao Meng was thinking about how to deal with this matter, Fu Yu suddenly said: "There is nothing we can do now!"

Zhao Meng frowned and looked at him: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Jinyu also had the same expression. Is there any better alternative dish?

Fu Yu said: "He made it very clear on the phone just now that as long as I can help cook this dish, it doesn't have to be the same as authentic lychee meat.

That's easy. I've heard of this lychee meat. The taste is actually a bit similar to the cherry meat in our store, both sour and sweet.

I have seen pictures of this dish, which is nothing more than cherry meat with the addition of a knife. After cooking, the shape looks very much like lychee.

I think I can give it a try. Anyway, they said that as long as it can serve the food, it's okay if it's almost. "

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Meng frowned even more tightly.

The cooking methods of lychee meat and cherry meat are definitely slightly different, and customers’ promises are sometimes unreliable.

They really promised to help with the cooking. What if the customer is not satisfied after the food is served?

This happened too many times in the store.

What's more, the identity of the customer who came today is not simple. If something happens, how will a person like Fu Yu, who has neither wealth nor background, deal with it?

Thinking of this, Zhao Meng looked at Fu Yu: "Xiao Fu, you think of things too simply. If the dish fails and the dish is different from what the customer wants to taste, it will easily backfire.

I really have never heard of this dish, otherwise I could take the order for you. "

When Zhang Jinyu heard this, he couldn't help but sigh. He actually felt that this was unreliable.

Here in Bei'an, I have never heard of lychee meat!

Fu Yu was multitasking. He seemed to be listening intently to Zhao Meng's words, but in fact he was distracted and checked the classic old-flavor recipes.

Sure enough, there is a cooking method for lychee meat.

Fu Yu immediately breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it was on the dish, he could cook it.


The cooking of this dish is closely related to the completion of the task!

If he wants to do it, he must strive to be perfect.

After all, this is a series of tasks, with progress to follow.

He just agreed to take the order, and the progress bar turned to 3%, which shows that this dish is indeed related to the completion of the task.

At this time, Fu Yu took a brief look at the cooking operation of lychee meat, and suddenly discovered that this dish required a special skill, the sour-sweet balance skill.

The key to cooking this dish is the knife skills and the taste.

In the operation steps, there is a special note about adjusting the sweet and sour sauce. You need to have at least an intermediate level of sour and sweet balance skills in order to cook more authentic lychee meat.

Fu Yu glanced at the skill points, there were still 25 points left.

The sweet and sour balance skill is a personal skill and is often used in cooking. Direct exchange requires 4 skill points.

To upgrade to advanced level, another 7 skill points need to be deducted.

As a result, if he wanted to cook authentic and perfect lychee meat, he had to deduct 11 skill points.

Fu Yu suddenly became confused!

Deducting 11 points at once, and deducting points bit by bit, is really like cutting meat with a sharp knife. Although it is very neat, it still hurts!

Do you want to redeem it?

What if with my current level, the lychee meat cooked can satisfy Director Zhao?

Anyway, looking at the system's attitude, I will be able to learn all these cooking-related personal skills sooner or later.

Fu Yu listened to Zhao Meng's worries and took a deep breath.

This is a series of tasks, and the random rewards will definitely be more generous than usual.

And, if possible, he wants to be able to satisfy his customers' requests.

After all, he had promised to help, so naturally he had to do his best.

This is the responsibility of a chef and his own sense of responsibility.

Although I don’t know if there will be any other extension requirements after this dish is cooked, after all, the serial tasks should require continuous processing of problems to complete the task.

But since this request to add food drives the task progress bar, it means that after this request, there is definitely key information and clues to complete the task!

11 skill points!

In exchange for a high-level personal skill, plus a series of quest advancement requirements, it’s worth it!

"I can make this dish, so let me give it a try."

After saying that, Fu Yu specifically added: "And the customer just said on the phone that Director Zhao wanted to eat this dish. The waiter has already explained that this dish is not available in the store. We here are just helping with the cooking." , it doesn’t matter how it is done, the key is that An Qi wants to do her best.”

Just as Zhao Meng knew Fu Yu very well, Fu Yu also knew Zhao Meng's temper.

Sure enough, after he said this, Zhao Meng no longer insisted on rejecting the request for an additional order, but asked with concern: "Can you really make this dish?"

Fu Yu nodded: "I think I can do it!"

Zhao Meng looked at Fu Yu and suddenly felt that the scene in front of him seemed familiar. Then he remembered that time and time again, when encountering cooking difficulties, Fu Yu took the initiative to stand up and shoulder the heavy burden.

The most important thing is that it is completed very smoothly every time. (End of chapter)

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