Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1040 Never lie

Zhao Meng and Gu Yun had been fighting for half their lives, and they knew each other's nature very well.

As soon as Gu Yunwu's bad attitude showed up, Zhao Meng immediately stared at him with vigilance.

"Fu Yu, you can't accept this dish!"

As soon as Fu Yu heard this, he understood what Zhao Meng meant.

The customers in Box 104 have a special status, and they must find ways to satisfy the dishes they order. However, since it is a dish that is not on the menu, it is completely possible to persuade the customer to change it to other dishes.

Gu Yunwu made it clear that he wanted to use Fu Yu to plot against Zhao Meng. How could he be allowed to succeed so casually?

At this time, Gao Wenjing hurried to the kitchen.

"Old Zhao, Lao Gu, how's your cooking going? The boss came over and asked me to come here and tell you that this dish was ordered by Xie Ziyang, the boss of Haoshang Group, and you must cook it well.

Mr. Xie from the Hao Merchant Group came to our Bei'an to invest in the renovation of a shopping mall. I heard that he was planning to acquire all three major shopping malls: Hualian, Department Store and New Mart!

Isn’t our city preparing to evaluate attractive cities? If we can really get the support of the Haoshang Group, then this title is basically guaranteed! "

Bei'an's election as a charming city has been widely publicized since last year.

Regarding this matter, the people of the whole city are happy to see the results!

If a city can be selected as a nationally recognized charming city, it can play a very good role in promoting the humanities, appearance, and economic construction of the entire city.

The city we live in can become better and better, which is a good thing that everyone looks forward to!

Originally, Zhao Meng and others thought that 104 was entertaining city leaders, but now they heard that it was the group CEO who came to Bei'an Investment and Construction for a banquet, and their attitude immediately changed.

This is a big deal about whether you can run for Charming City!

Although they couldn't help much as chefs, they could still do their part for their city by allowing the group boss to enjoy his meal.

Thinking of this, the cooking on this table immediately rose to a higher level.

Zhao Meng also changed his previous stubborn temper and hesitated to take over the cooking of this single dish.

"Forget it, I'll take this extra dish. There is live river fish in the store. Although it doesn't use river water, most people can't tell the difference."

The most important point is that Zhao Meng also understands in his heart that the so-called live fish stewed in river water is what he eats.

Those who have actually tasted this taste are people from more than 20 years ago. At that time, the river water was not polluted and you could eat it directly after filtering it. This is not possible now.

He was also thinking about eating this dish. In fact, what he wanted was the environment and mood at that time. No matter how good the river fish was, without these two atmospheres, the taste would definitely be a lot different.

Seeing this, Fu Yu took the initiative to invite him: "Chef Zhao, if you want, I will cook this dish!"

Zhao Meng suddenly frowned: "Fu Yu?"

Fu Yu explained: "When I went to the capital to compete, I met the chef of Fucheng Chun Provincial City Store, and I asked him a lot about cooking methods for river fish."

What Fu Yu said was true. He did understand a lot of knowledge in this area at that time, but because of limited conditions, it was all verbal communication and no practice.

But there is no need to worry. After all, he has classic old-style recipes in his hand, and he can find cooking methods for any dish. Especially since he has systematically studied it in the teaching practice class, cooking a live fish stewed in river water should not be a problem.

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Meng suddenly looked surprised!

This. Can you still cook this dish?

But at this time, there is no time to question these.

It must be cooked immediately.

Moreover, Zhao Meng himself noticed that there was basically no problem with the dishes Fu Yu said he could cook.

This guy never lies!

Gu Yunwu was even more relieved when he heard that Fu Yu could make this dish.

As long as someone can make it, as he said before, this dish is not included in the store’s menu anyway, so it’s just a matter of your heart.

The front hall is still sending food orders one after another.

Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu were busy taking orders, and Fu Yu said to Zhang Jinyu: "Put it away and prepare the dishes!"

Zhang Jinyu hurriedly followed Fu Yu to the kitchen counter.

Zhang Jiaxin and Qi Shun, who had been listening to their conversation, couldn't help but look at each other, looking at each other.

"Is he okay with this again?"

"That's right! You can actually cook river water to stew live fish?"

If it were another person, everyone present would have to think about it.

But when it was Fu Yu's turn, they were just surprised, shook their heads, and each went about their business at hand.

What else can this kid not do?

At this moment, Fu Yu quickly looked through the classic old recipes and roughly wrote down the cooking method of stewed live fish in river water.

Then he listed the menu and gave it to Zhang Jinyu to prepare. While cooking other dishes that were ordered, he took advantage of this time to carefully go through the cooking details of this dish.

Authentic river stewed live fish, the focus is on the fish.

It is made from live fish that grow naturally in the Songhua River and is mixed with the water of the Songhua River. It fully retains the original natural taste. The stewed fish has fresh and tender meat and a pure fragrance. The fish soup is also full of umami and has a mellow taste. A rare delicacy gifted by nature.

After carefully reading the introduction and cooking method of this dish, Fu Yu finally understood the reason why Zhao Meng refused the order before.

In fact, the live fish of Songhua River have long been famous for their freshness and deliciousness.

Just because of seasonal restrictions, after the period after the opening of the river, fishing for live fish in the river basically stopped.

This makes it difficult for surrounding cities to purchase real live fish from the Songhua River.

Wanting to take a bite of fresh Songhua River fish has become a very luxurious thing.

Local people who are knowledgeable will rush to enjoy the river fish feast when the river opens, and after a month, they will start to eat other seafood.

But many outsiders don’t understand this. In order to taste the real live fish from the Songhua River, many people come all the way from other places to cities near the Songhua River to taste it.

However, because the river fish in this season is no longer so plump and the purchasing channels are limited, the price is generally higher.

In order to pursue profits, some restaurants on the riverside often purchase live fish from the reservoir from the market and put them in cages on the riverside to pretend to be live fish from the Songhua River and serve them on the table. Therefore, even when they go to the Songhua River, You may not be able to eat real live fish from the Songhua River.

Like many local restaurants in Bei'an, they purchase ordinary farmed fish and pass them off as river fish.

Anyone who can buy fish from the reservoir is a more conscientious store.

Zhang Jinyu quickly brought fresh fish over.

The fish was alive and kicking. When it was caught, it was knocked unconscious and was not taken care of at all.

Qianlima sells fresh seafood, genuine products at reasonable prices, and the shop has been established for a hundred years.

The river fish used are also authentically caught from the Songhua River. They are indeed not as fat as they were a month ago, but after careful selection, there is still a fish with a larger head, which looks very good.

Zhang Jinyu had always been obedient to Yu's orders, but he was really worried and couldn't help but ask: "Fu Chu, can you really stew this fish? Our store doesn't have river water."

Can the dish that Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu dare not take the order be so easy to cook?

He knew that Fu Yu was very good, but this dish took over. Is it really okay?

Fu Yu said: "Put the iron pot on the stand, turn on the fire and pour water, and get ready for cooking!"

Although Zhang Jinyu was obviously worried, after hearing Fu Yu's words, he still followed orders habitually.

Start preparations quickly!

Fu Yu had heard Zhao Meng talk about how he followed his master to the Songhua River to catch fish.

At that time, there were a lot of fish in the river. If you took a fishing boat to the center of the river and just opened the net to catch a handful, you could catch a lot of river fish.

After catching the live fish, they dig pits directly by the river to set up stoves and collect firewood to make fires.

The river water used is not scooped from nearby, but brought by fishing boats close to the main route.

The river water over there is much clearer than here.

There is no shortage of firewood on the riverside, so you can just pull it out and get a big armful. Add the firewood and light the fire. After a while, it burns fiercely, and a string of small white blisters rises up from the bottom of the pot along the edge of the pot.

The feeling of eagerly waiting for the pot to boil is something I can no longer experience now.

Zhao Meng felt quite nostalgic when he said this.

The leisurely life at that time has become a kind of thought after the busy work now.

Authentic river-water stewed live fish is pure river-water boiled fish. No oil is added, just add some salt for seasoning, and you will get a pot of fresh and mellow fish soup.

When it comes out of the pot, the stewed fish juice in the pot has turned milky white, and what is stewed in the pot is fresh and tender river fish.

When Fu Yu was cooking, he watched the river fish being turned up from the bottom of the pot, and then being pushed down by the boiling water.

The rich aroma of stewed fish spread in the damp and cold air in the back kitchen.

Fu Yu looked at the fish in the pot and took a deep breath.

Although the river fish stewed in river water smelled fragrant, but considering that only salt was added to the seasoning, I felt that the taste was probably quite bland.

However, since the customer requested to taste this dish, he probably ate it out of emotion.

The fish is tender and the soup is delicious.

However, achieving this perfect level of stewing will also test the chef's cooking skills.

Fu Yu was stewing fish in the pot, and Zhao Meng was putting the dishes on the stove. He took a moment to take a look at the situation here.

Zhao Meng looked at the fresh fish tumbling in the pot and frowned, because he found that when the fresh fish was stewed, it was neither scaled nor disemboweled, but the whole fish was washed and put directly into the pot. .

This river stewed live fish is indeed a very natural dish. In the past, conditions did not allow it. It was caught on the fishing boat and eaten simply. It was just washed and boiled, and salt and other seasonings were added at the end. .

Just peel off the skin when eating. The white fish meat is so delicious that it is very enjoyable to eat it in big mouthfuls.

But under normal circumstances, the fish will still be killed, washed and cooked.

At this time, Fu Yu's method was simply too restorative of the classic cooking method.

Even Zhao Meng was speechless for a moment when he saw it, not knowing what to say.

At this time, Fu Yu followed the steps of the classic old-flavor recipe very carefully and carefully cooked this dish.

Fish stew is a delicate job.

From the amount of water to the heat, it is very difficult to make it very precise.

Therefore, Fu Yu was very serious about the entire cooking process.

"The fish you cooked is really delicious!"

Gu Yunwu has also been paying attention to the situation here. When he saw Zhao Meng coming, he couldn't help but take a closer look.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Fu Yu is really good!

If the customer wants to eat live fish stewed in river water, he will just put the live fish into the pot without even scraping the fish scales.

Fu Yu also knew that this method was quite primitive, but the problem was that this was how it was marked on the classic old-flavor recipe, and he followed it exactly as it was.

Fu Yu couldn't say these words, so he was just about to talk it over casually. At this moment, he saw the fish's belly suddenly swelled, and it got bigger and bigger, like an inflated rubber ball.

Fu Yu took a closer look: It's broken, the fish is starting to become overcooked!

The hot soup was poured into the belly of the fish! ?

Thinking of this, Fu Yu hurriedly said: "Quick, Jinyu, pass me the chopsticks!"

Zhang Jinyu was startled. Before he could react, his body reflexively moved forward and quickly found the chopsticks and handed them to Fu Yu.

Fu Yu took it, held the chopsticks directly to catch the fish in the pot, then turned around and ordered: "Get a pointed chopstick, just one!"

"Give it to me! Get out of the way and don't block the light!"

Fu Yu held the fish in his right hand and suddenly pulled the whole fish out of the soup pot.

The next moment, he held the chopsticks in his left hand, quickly found the hole under the fish's belly, inserted the pointed chopsticks, and watched as a stream of soup spurted out.

Zhang Jinyu was dumbfounded!

This. This is okay!

Fu Yu's face lit up: "Casserole, just put it on the plate!"

The casserole was prepared a long time ago. Zhang Jinyu brought it forward, and Fu Yu directly placed the whole fish in it. Then he turned off the heat and poured the fish soup cooked in the pot into the casserole.

The whole operation was smooth and fast.

The fish meat has been stewed until it is soft and rotten. Even if the special characteristics of the universal chopsticks can ensure that the caught fish meat does not fall off or deform, the fish meat in other positions may fall off at any time.

When Fu Yu picked up the whole fish, he seemed calm and collected, but in fact his palms were sweating.

The whole process was extremely difficult.

Fortunately everything went well in the end.

At this time, Fu Yu recalled the label on the classic old-flavor recipe. When cooking, you must pay attention to the tenderness of the fish. This was what it meant.

Who would have thought that this hot soup can be poured into the belly of a fish? Isn’t that ridiculous!

Fu Yu had never cooked live fish directly into soup like this, so it was the first time he encountered this situation.

Fortunately, it was handled in a timely manner and did not affect the presentation of the dishes.

The fish was served, and Fu Yu was more careful when pouring the soup. The hot soup would wash up the fish, causing the fish head and tail to not reach the expected angle.

Fu Yu suddenly became more careful!

He slowly poured the soup along one side of the casserole, and then changed positions according to the angle of the fish's body to continue pouring the soup.

Zhang Jinyu watched the whole process with breathless concentration. It was so exciting.

It was obviously a very simple operation, but when Fu Yu treated it with such caution, it immediately became a particularly advanced and complicated action.

However, after all the soup in the pot was poured out, the fish head and tail just emerged from the surface of the soup.

As soon as this look came out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. (End of chapter)

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