Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1041 Arrangement of Vouchers for Free Job Change

After Zhao Meng saw the effect of the plating, he was immediately overjoyed. The fish stew was really beautiful.

To see how well the fish is stewed, first look at the color of the soup, and secondly look at the condition of the fish.

With Zhao Meng's many years of cooking experience, it can be seen at a glance that the stewing heat is just right.

Seeing this, Zhao Meng was pleasantly surprised!

Even more joyful than successfully completing a dish!

as if

My family feels like a child has just grown up.

Fu Yu poured the entire pot of fish soup into the casserole, with just enough water so that the tips of the fish head and tail reached the surface of the soup.

The whole process went surprisingly smoothly.

Fu Yu never expected that his pair of all-purpose chopsticks could actually pick up cooked whole fish!

The key is that the fish meat hangs tremblingly on the fish bones, and it doesn't fall off at all!

This is an incredible thing.

However, the sense of accomplishment in solving cooking problems with this small skill is far better than cooking a big meal!


Fu Yu smiled with satisfaction!

Before the smile could bloom on his face, Fu Yu suddenly discovered a very crucial problem.

He hasn't done the garnishing of the entire dish yet.

This dish is based on a classic old-flavor recipe, and is a picture display directly in the form of outdoor cooking.

The stewed fish is also put directly into the copper basin on the simple stone stove, without any decoration at all.

Fu Yu frowned as he stared at the beautifully textured casserole in front of him and the milky white fish soup inside.

How to decorate this plate?

Live fish stewed in river water is what you eat.

Ordinary carvings of fruits and vegetables obviously don’t match well.

Besides these, what other decorations are there?

Fu Yu quickly went through the various plate decorations he knew in his mind.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up!


You can improve the shape of a medicinal dish you have cooked before.

Use dried noodles to blow up a tree shape, but this time, he planned to make it look like a willow tree.

Rows of willow trees are planted along the embankment of the Songhua River. Zhao Meng has said before that when fishing fish are cooked on the shore, they often find a place shaded by willow trees to set up a simple stove.

The river breeze blows slowly, the willow branches are floating, and the smoke from the kitchen is curling up.

This is the artistic conception that Zhao Meng said.

The river water stews live fish. The river water is gone, but this artistic conception can be barely adhered to.

Fu Yu had always been a man of action. He turned around and ordered Zhang Jinyu to prepare the dishes, while he quickly heated a pot of hot oil.

As time passes, Fu Yu becomes more and more skilled at frying noodle trees. In order to better fit the shape of the willow tree, he also deliberately presses the noodles into the shape of drooping willow branches.

The willow leaves are directly stacked and trimmed from vegetable leaves, and then directly glued with syrup and attached to the fried noodles.

After all the shapes are completed, use the syrup as a base to fix the fried noodle tree on the edge of the casserole.

The quality of the entire dish immediately went up several levels!

In the steaming milky white fish soup, the whole river fish is hidden under the low hanging noodle tree, shadowy and delicate, like a perfect sculpture.

At this time, Fu Yu looked at the officially completed dishes and suddenly had an idea.

He should use the promotion reward he received for being promoted to level 23, a free job transfer certificate.

With the free job transfer certificate, you can start any job transfer task at will.

Fu Yu felt that he had a clear mind and thought that the profession of herbalist was very suitable for him.

You can always surprise yourself at critical moments!

Zhao Meng looked at the layout in front of him and was immediately amazed!

This is absolutely amazing!

He couldn't help but look at Fu Yu, who had a relaxed look on his face, and sighed inwardly, how come this kid's head is so long that he can always have so many fantastic ideas.

Who would have thought that dried noodles can also be directly used for plating?

If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't have thought of it.

Moreover, the noodles themselves are straight, but how can they be bent into such a curvature after being fried?

Gu Yunwu couldn't help but admired: "This plate is so beautiful! It looks like the green willows by the river!"

Fu Yu smiled: "It's time to serve."

Zhang Jinyu carefully carried the casserole and placed it on the serving table. This dish was really delicate. He was afraid that if he moved too much, the vegetable leaves on the noodle branches would fall off.

After placing the casserole, Zhang Jinyu breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the stewed fish in the river in front of him, his eyes full of admiration!


Fu Chu is mighty!

At this moment, the waiter came over.

When I saw the presentation of this dish, I was full of praise.

Without Zhang Jinyu's special instructions, the waiter had already picked up the casserole very carefully and walked very steadily step by step.

This table is finally completed.

Everyone in the kitchen let out a sigh of relief.

The food is cooked and delivered anyway, but I don’t know if the customer will be satisfied with the food.

At this time, everyone in box 104 was eating and chatting in a lively atmosphere.

The leader of the Municipal Propaganda Department personally accompanied Xie Ziyang, the boss of Haoshang Group, to dinner. During the dinner, they all talked about the plan to invest in three large shopping malls in Bei'an.

The financial staff sitting next to the leaders were watching their actions and were ready to get up at any time to add tea and water to the leaders, while praying constantly in their hearts.

The kitchen must work harder. The atmosphere is just right now. Xie Ziyang's intentions are clear. If he can leave a deeper impression on him, this investment project will definitely be signed.

If that's the case, Bei'an's chances of winning the city's declaration as a charming city will be much greater.

Not only him, but also several leaders present had placed all their expectations on this dish cooked by Qianlima's kitchen.

As soon as we sat down, we started talking about investment. Halfway through the meal, this topic was almost gone.

The leader sitting next to Xie Ziyang asked casually: "Mr. Xie's accent sounds like he's not from our area, right? How come he still knows about the dish of stewed live fish in river water?"

Hearing this, Xie Ziyang couldn't help but smile and said: "It's not true. When I was young, I came here with my family for a trip. When I was visiting the river, I happened to meet a fisherman and followed them. For one meal, what I ate at that time was this live fish stewed in river water.”

The leader nodded and said with a smile: "That's no wonder. I've lived in Bei'an for many years, and this dish has long been gone in restaurants. When I heard you mention it just now, it reminded me of the old days, when the riverside Several old restaurants here still have this dish, and the cooking is very authentic.”

Xie Ziyang has indeed not been to Bei'an for many years. This time he came to inspect it in person because he was interested in investing.

I had been busy with work before, and didn't bother to eat or drink. Now I understand everything I need to know, and I'm pretty much done with the business. Only then do I start to pay attention to the local customs and customs in Bei'an.

This Qianlima Hotel is a century-old restaurant. When he came here to travel, he came here to taste the special dishes after being introduced by the locals.

I didn't expect to have the opportunity to visit this store again this time.

Maybe it was because I ate the dishes I had tasted back then, and I was struck by the scene, and suddenly I remembered the stewed live fish I had eaten by the Songhua River at that time.

In my memory, the river fish tasted particularly delicious. In the cold spring breeze, I hid under the thick willow tree and watched the fishermen setting up stoves and cooking fish on the spot.

Drinking that milky white fish soup not only drives away the chill in the body, but also tastes delicious and has a pure aroma.

With Xie Ziyang's wealth, there are very few delicacies that can easily impress him.

But now when I think back to the taste I tasted back then, let alone, I really miss it.

He said sincerely: "The Chollima Hotel is also a century-old local restaurant. I wonder if the skills of their chefs are still as authentic as they were back then."

When the leader sitting next to him heard this, he hurriedly said: "Mr. Xie, you can rest assured that their cook is still an old man from before, and his skills are still there!"

When Xie Ziyang heard this, he couldn't help but become more and more excited.

While they were chatting, a waiter knocked on the door and came in!

The waiter was followed by the waiter, and they walked into the room one after the other.

The waiter announced the name of the dish with a smile: "Live fish stewed in river water is here!"

Upon hearing this, everyone present turned their heads and looked over, and saw a wide-rimmed casserole being placed on the dining table.

And after seeing the presentation of this dish clearly, almost everyone's eyes lit up!

The steaming milky white fish soup is hidden under the dense decorative weeping willows. The head and tail of the river fish entangled in the soup are intact, set off by the tender green willow leaves, which looks particularly artistic.

"Yo! This dish is very artistic! How did you make this willow tree? It looks just like the real thing!"

The people at the same table were a little further away, and at first glance, the decorated willow branches looked so lifelike.

The dishes were transferred to Xie Ziyang, and he couldn't help but stretched his head to take a closer look.

Upon closer inspection, you will find that the willows must have been fried. If it weren't for the slightly rough vegetable leaves stuck on them, this cluster of weeping willows would be like a plastic toy model.

I don’t know if it’s because the willow tree has such a strong impact on people, but when I look at the fish soup in the casserole, I feel an indescribable feeling of intimacy.

Xie Ziyang suddenly remembered the fisherman who entertained him back then. The man smiled and called him to eat together.

In the copper basin on the simple stove, fresh and tender river fish are boiled. The soup is also milky white. The wind blows and the wicker swings gently.

At that time, the willow leaves had just sprouted, and they looked so dotted.

Not to mention, the entire layout is quite realistic!

The leader greeted: "This dish is very good. Mr. Xie, please try it. How does it taste?"

Xie Ziyang smiled, nodded, took the lead in picking up a spoon and filled half a bowl of soup, and fished out another piece of fish.

The fish meat is very tender, the soup is very light, but the taste is quite rich.

I don’t know if it’s because I just ate a lot of heavy-flavored dishes, but drinking some light soup now makes my stomach feel particularly comfortable.

Xie Ziyang nodded with satisfaction: "The chef's skills are indeed good and his cooking is authentic. You should try it too!"

As he said that, he turned the table and everyone present started to taste it.

At the same time, a private car drove into the parking lot.

After the car stopped, Dong Juntian hurriedly got out of the car, pressing the lock and answering the phone: "How's it going? He's not gone yet, right?"

"I'll be at the store soon. It's in the parking lot. I still have three minutes!"

Dong Juntian trotted all the way to the hotel, where Gao Wenjing was already waiting at the door.

Seeing him coming, Gao Wenjing hurried forward to greet him: "Boss! You are here!"

Dong Juntian nodded and kept walking, asking as he walked: "What a coincidence! If they hadn't come here, I would have stayed there for another day."

Dong Juntian was having a wedding at a relative's house. He had just finished dinner and planned to stay for another day to liven things up. However, he received a call from the head of the Propaganda Department, asking him to arrange a private room in the store to receive investors.

Dong Juntian was not in the store, so he hurriedly called to arrange things, and then drove back in a hurry.

His relative's home was in another county, and it took nearly two hours to come back all the way.

After complaining casually, Dong Juntian asked: "Are they still eating?"

Gao Wenjing followed behind and walked forward. When he heard the question, he quickly said: "Eating!"

Dong Juntian asked with concern: "Is it going well?"

Gao Wenjing reported truthfully: "After they arrived, Chef Zhao and Chef Gu set up a table in the kitchen. After the dishes were served, a customer added a live fish stewed in river water for the chef to cook."

Dong Juntian was stunned: "Live fish stewed in river water? This dish is not available in the store? How does the kitchen handle it?"

Gao Wenjing explained: "In the end, Chef Fu took the order. The food has been cooked and brought to the table. I just saw that the customer had eaten it. He didn't say anything about whether it was good or bad. There should be no problem."

Dong Juntian breathed a sigh of relief. The dishes were all on the table, so he should have dealt with it.

He made a special trip to Box 104. He stood at the door and took a look. He saw that the people inside were eating and talking, so he quietly left.

Dong Juntian told Gao Wenjing to serve the customers well, and then turned to the kitchen.

Seeing the boss coming, Zhao Meng, Gu Yunwu and others greeted him one after another.

Dong Juntian responded with a smile and asked with concern: "I heard about the extra dishes in Box 104, and you guys are handling it very well."

After saying that, he looked at Fu Yu: "Especially Chef Fu, you took this extra dish?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Yes, it should be served after cooking."

Dong Juntian smiled: "That's good, thank you for your hard work. With the three of you in the kitchen, I feel so relieved!"

He praised a few words, then asked others to continue their work, and only went to Fu Yu's kitchen counter.

Dong Juntian said with a smile: "This stewed live fish in river water is not a dish on our store's menu. I'm sorry you actually made it."

Fu Yu said quickly: "It was mainly thanks to Chef Zhao's help and guidance. I just made it according to the normal stewed fish, but in order to make it more in line with the artistic conception, I specially added some decorations on the plate."

Dong Juntian looked at Fu Yu and praised: "Fu Chu, you did a good job. You are also very good. You can stand up and solve problems when encountering them. This alone is very good! You worked hard for today's things!"

Fu Yu: "This is what I should do."

Dong Juntian walked around the back kitchen and hurried back to the front hall.

He deliberately waited at the door of Box 104 and saw that the people inside were almost finished eating before going in and saying hello. (End of chapter)

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