Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1042 The third professional herbalist

Xie Ziyang was in a good mood after eating the old fish stew that he missed.

The distinguished guests entertained were satisfied with their meal, and the leaders of the Propaganda Department were also delighted.

When Dong Juntian came over, the atmosphere in the box was particularly lively and harmonious.

They are all people who are accustomed to drinking and drinking, and they are extremely skilled in interpersonal communication.

Dong Juntian did not enter the box empty-handed, but brought a bottle of home-brew wine that the store had specially reserved for entertaining distinguished guests.

He toasted to the leaders present, greeted them with a smile, and planned to leave.

At this time, Director Zou from the Propaganda Department suddenly stood up and accompanied Dong Juntian out of the box.

Minister Zou pulled Dong Juntian and asked curiously: "Boss Dong, which chef in your restaurant was in charge of the table just now?"

Dong Juntian hurriedly introduced: "It's the two chefs Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu, oh, by the way, and Fu Yu. He made the stewed live fish in river water."

When Minister Zou heard this, he was a little surprised: "Fu Chu? It turns out that this dish was made by him, so no wonder!"

Dong Juntian was stunned, Fu Yu is so famous?

Minister Zou looked at Dong Juntian and couldn't help but exclaim: "The chefs in your store are really skilled at cooking. They can even cook dishes that are not available in the store!"

When Minister Zou returned to the box, Dong Juntian looked at his back and made a decision. An additional 500 yuan commission for today's table would be awarded to Fu Yu alone.

Gao Wenjing looked at Dong Juntian and said, "Boss, how are you doing?"

Dong Juntian said with emotion: "Thanks to Fu Chu, the leaders are very satisfied with their food today."

Gao Wenjing had been in the front hall and didn't know what was going on in the kitchen. Hearing this, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Yao Shi used to be responsible for cooking the seats in Box 104. Now that Yao Shi has resigned, Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu are in charge of cooking.

Why is it that Fu Yu takes the lead this time?

This guy is really getting better and better!

Gao Wenjing sighed inwardly and said sincerely: "Chef Fu has always been quite good. I have always known that his cooking skills are very good."

Dong Juntian nodded: "Xiao Gao, you are also very good. Now the front office is supported by you alone. You usually work hard, but today this group of leaders entertained me very well."

"You have to worry more about things in the store from now on!"

When the waiter standing next to him heard this, he immediately turned to look at Gao Wenjing, his eyes twinkling.

Are you planning to promote Wen Jing to manager?

Jia Rundong used to be in charge, but since the accident last year, Jia Rundong has retreated to the office area. After the New Year, I heard that his salary has been reduced.

If this continues, given Jia Rundong's character, he probably won't be able to work for long.

If Gao Wenjing really becomes the manager, he will be promoted!

Gao Wenjing naturally noticed the promotion in Dong Juntian's words and was immediately overjoyed.

She hurriedly said: "This is what I should do, boss, don't worry, I will definitely manage the personnel in the front office well."

Dong Juntian nodded with satisfaction.

Yao Shi left his job for a while, but everything in the store remained the same.

The earth will continue to rotate even if no one is around it!

The kitchen was busy for another three hours.

When it was time to take a break in the afternoon, Fu Yu Zhang Luo, a worker, packed up the remaining ingredients and arranged the preparations for the afternoon.

Zhang Jiaxin was not idle either.

With the two of them here, Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu were able to rest for a while.

The two of them were not in a hurry to leave, and stood chatting against the food delivery table.

Zhao Meng pinched a handful of pork liver that had been burned by the greasy work in the morning, and gave a few pieces to Gu Yunwu: "I'm so busy at noon, it's really a bit overwhelming."

Gu Yunwu took a bite of the pork liver and frowned: "Who fried this? It's all so mushy! Are you complaining? I watched Fu Yu help you pick up several dishes, and I'm going to die from exhaustion!" "

In the past, when Yao Yihang was here, no matter what, someone would do all the work he was asked to do, and he was very reassuring.

It was really leisurely at that time.

It's better now. Qi Shun is as slippery as a loach. Zhang Jiaxin is honest and willing to work, but his skills are mediocre and he can't get rid of many dishes at all.

Over time, Gu Yunwu has now become the main force in cooking at his side. He has to do everything by himself and does not dare to let go of anything.

Things are really different now!

Zhao Meng grinned: "I told you, let you train Xiao Zhang well. I think he is quite good. When Fu Yu followed me, he was not as good as Xiao Zhang. Now he is not practicing Out.

Don't mention it, with him here, I really feel relieved, there is someone to help me with everything. "

Gu Yunwu couldn't help but said: "Yes, isn't it? Who can compare to your Fu Yu! I hear you talking about it every day, and if you don't know, I would think he is your biological son!"

Zhao Meng crunched his teeth on the pork liver: "Fu Yu is really awesome. He can bring out such an apprentice. I really want to teach him all the cooking skills I know. I hope he can do better." a little!

Let me tell you, Lao Gu, my current mentality is that as long as Fu Yu can make a difference, I will follow him! "

Gu Yunwu "tsk", but couldn't say a word in rebuttal.

After a long while, he said sincerely: "Don't talk about you, if I can deal with a kid like Fu Yu, for real, I will definitely be like you!"

Zhao Meng smiled proudly.

It is said that thirty years ago, you should respect your father and your son, and thirty years later, you should respect your son and your father.

He had only taken care of Fu Yu for two years, and now he was borrowing all his money from him.

The two chatted for a while, and after lunch was cooked, they got up and walked towards the dining room.

After eating, everyone else found a place to rest, and Fu Yu went back to the dormitory on the pretext of getting something.

After closing the door, Fu Yu sat by the bed and without wasting any more time, he directly used his free job transfer certificate.

When choosing a career, he did not hesitate to fill in the medicated diet.

After opening the job transfer certificate, Fu Yu skillfully brought up his personal attribute panel and found the Medicinal Diet job transfer title.

Sure enough, a red [? 】

[Master of Medicinal Diet: Medicinal Diet Transfer Title:

Occupation 1: Medicinal dishes: Occupational level: 50 points.

Occupation 2: Rice, flour, food and medicinal diet: Occupational level: 40 points.

Occupation 10: Medicinal soups and soups: Occupational level: 20 points.

Tip: For each additional skill you master, you will receive a corresponding career level score: +1 point for basic skills; +2 points for intermediate skills; +3 points for advanced skills; +4 points for master skills; and +5 points for perfect skills.

Tip: Only when the professional skill score reaches 50 points can you learn advanced medicinal food cooking operations.

Only when professional skills reach 100 points can you start the fourth career. 】

Is there a fourth career?

Fu Yu was extremely surprised!

It seems that the system is really planning to train him into an all-round chef.

Liu Yunong has been extremely busy these days, and she is overwhelmed with all kinds of entertainment and banquets.

She was quite happy at first. After all, she could only be considered a newcomer here in Bei'an and had not yet officially established a foothold.

Now that people from all walks of life can get close to me, this is the best thing.

It's just that no matter who is looking for her, Fu Yu will always be mentioned from time to time in and out of words.

Either they were asking about Fu Yu's medicinal diet, or they were asking about Fu Yu.

As a master, Liu Yunong felt proud from the bottom of her heart to be able to teach such an outstanding apprentice.

But in terms of human relations, all of them came to her, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

It's not jealousy or any other bad mood.

If she really wanted to elaborate, she still couldn't quite figure it out.

At noon, Liu Yunong simply cleaned the house and drove to the restaurant.

With Wang Yulong and Liu Zhangpeng in charge, the store is now completely on track, the business is very stable, and the management of personnel affairs is also in order.

Liu Yunong went to the store and made a brief inquiry, then went directly to the lounge.

As the owner of Shangshi Catering Company, she not only has the branch in Bei'an, but also several other stores that need to be supervised. She is usually very busy, with all kinds of big and small things waiting to be dealt with every day, and her time is very full.

Sitting in the lounge, calls kept coming to Liu Yunong to make a decision.

She was used to this kind of workload.

Today is the same as usual.

She had just finished talking on the phone with the old master of the main store when her cell phone rang again.

Liu Yunong picked it up and took a look, and was stunned!

It turned out to be a call from the leader of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

Liu Yunong quickly answered the phone.

The other party said warmly: "Boss Liu, the procedures you mentioned before can be completed here at any time."

Only then did Liu Yunong realize that she had just had dinner with the other party two days ago. At the dinner, she mentioned this matter, but the other party did not immediately agree. Unexpectedly, he turned around and contacted her proactively.

Liu Yunong hurriedly thanked you: "That's great. I'll have to set up a table someday. Thank you very much!"

The other party said with a smile: "We are all our own, you are welcome. My sister-in-law is custom-made medicated diet at your apprentice Fu Yu's place. I didn't know it before. Two days ago, a friend called me to try a medicated diet. I paid for it immediately. I’ve scheduled a customized treatment for next year.”

After hanging up the phone, Liu Yunong suddenly realized that no wonder he had been acting like a leader before, but today he suddenly went out of his way and took the initiative to help arrange things.

It turned out that he borrowed Fu Yu’s light.

I didn’t expect that my apprentice was so good that I, as a master, could now start to borrow all my money.

Thinking of this, Liu Yunong couldn't help but laugh.

In the evening, a chef from the food industry whom she knew before asked Liu Yunong to go out for dinner, and she didn't refuse.

This old chef was originally the chef of a time-honored restaurant in the provincial capital, and later went to the southern city to open his own restaurant. Now the shop has been passed down to his son, and he has returned to his hometown to take care of himself.

The old man is resting now. The key is that his son is very prosperous in the circle. He works as a chef in the Great Hall and cooks for national leaders.

Liu Yunong was very well-connected, and she guessed that she must also want to get to know Fu Yu.


The old man didn't say anything clearly. He just said that he happened to come to Bei'an to visit an old friend. He remembered that Liu Yunong was also here, and they happened to make an appointment to have a meal together.

The location was set at Bingxiangyuan in the south of Shinan City. This restaurant specializes in authentic pickled cabbage and white meat pot. Although it has not been in business for a long time, it quickly started operating because of its good taste and large quantities.

Since we were having a dinner date and it was a banquet hosted by our elders, we naturally couldn't go empty-handed.

Liu Yunong specially took two bottles of good wine from the store, and also carried a piece of Jinhua ham that was mailed from the main store, and waited to give it to the old man when he arrived at the hotel.

There is a lot of emphasis on giving gifts to elders nowadays.

It needs to be kept by the other party without any pressure, and it also needs to be something that can actually be used, and not something flashy or insincere.

There was a dinner party in the evening, and Liu Yunong called Fu Yu specifically to inform him that he didn't need to come over, and reported his itinerary to Liu Yuqing.

When the time came, he rushed over with the gift.

When they arrived at the place, the old man was very enthusiastic. Not only did he stand up to greet her, but he also specially asked her to order two dishes.

Also sitting at the same table was the old man's friend, and the three of them requested a small private room.

The old man is sixty-eight years old this year. His wife has passed away and he has not found her again. He lives alone in the provincial capital and usually has a nanny to take care of him.

There is no need to worry about leaving the family restaurant to my only son.

This old friend in Bei'an is not from the food circle. He used to be the vice chairman of an electrical machine factory and is now retired.

The old man introduced his old friend and Liu Yunong, and the two parties became acquainted.

In fact, Liu Yunong and the old man were not familiar with each other.

Although we had eaten together at the same table before, because there were so many people there, we really didn’t have much opportunity to communicate.

Now that we are sitting together again, we naturally want to exchange polite greetings.

Liu Yunong, who has always been good at dancing, smiled and praised: "You look really good, and your body is strong, right?"

The old man nodded: "It's good. I really don't have anything to worry about now. If I eat well and drink well every day, and take good care of myself, I will be making a contribution."

Liu Yunong also smiled, and flattered her sweetly: "You have retired with great success, and now you can start enjoying your blessings!"

The food was on the table, and after some polite greetings, the old man suddenly said: "Yunong, I heard that you are going to open a branch in the provincial capital? Then we will be close, and I will go to you then." Let’s try your specialties there.”

When Liu Yunong heard this, he was a little surprised.

My plans to open a store in the provincial capital are still in the process of selecting a location, and the news has not been announced to the public for the time being.

Where did the old man hear this news?

However, Liu Yunong would not show it directly if he murmured in his heart again, but responded with a smile: "Okay, no problem! If you want to try it, you can come to the store in Bei'an now. The chef in the store He is also a master craftsman sent from the main store, and his craftsmanship is very good.

If you want to eat, I can show you my skills when the time comes. You can order whatever you want. "

The old man smiled: "That's great! But I can't stay here in Bei'an for two days. I have to go back tomorrow. I'll come back when I have the chance, but we should still see each other in the provincial capital this year. Noodles?"

Liu Yunong was a little flattered. The old man's words clearly meant that he was preparing to have a long-term relationship with her.

This is a good thing that you can never ask for! (End of chapter)

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