Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1043 The elders are in charge

Facing the old man's invitation, Liu Yunong quickly smiled and nodded. She was very willing to do this kind of thing.

Especially since the old man now lives in a provincial capital, his connections and channels must be much better than his own, and he will definitely need to rely on him in the future.

After all, a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake!

She needed to expand her connections in the provincial capital, and now the opportunity came.

With the olive branch extended by the old man, Liu Yunong quickly took advantage of the situation and climbed up.

The two chatted for a while about the relatively good areas in the provincial capital and who they could deal with.

After the serious talk was over, the old man looked at Liu Yunong with a smile: "By the way, Yunong, I heard that you have accepted a disciple named Fu Yu, right?"

When Liu Yunong heard this, he nodded immediately and said with a smile: "Yes, have you heard about it too?"

The old man said: "Your apprentice seems to be quite young?"

Liu Yunong said politely: "Well, he is just twenty-four years old this year. He is a very diligent and talented young man."

Liu Yunong responded with her lips and made plans in her heart. She didn't know what the old man was thinking when he suddenly asked Fu Yu.

She has been in society for so many years, so she will definitely not talk nonsense.

After hearing this, the old man immediately said with a smile: "Well, Yunong, the fact that you can accept him as your disciple shows that this young man is still very good.

In fact, this is the case. My granddaughter Jingjing graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology this year. She majored in business management. In the future, I want her to take over the family restaurant with my son.

Now the customer base at the main store is very stable and the reputation is very good. We also plan to set up a catering company and open a chain store.

I'm thinking of asking her to apply for a job at the Chollima Hotel, to do an internship first, and then to become the current department manager in the future, so that our two families can help each other. "

Liu Yunong was a little confused!

Since you have a restaurant at home, why do you want to go to Chollima for an internship?

Liu Yuqing originally made a fuss about going to Qianlima for an internship, but she repeatedly tried to dissuade her!

How can you be more comfortable doing an internship outside than in your own home, and it is under your nose, so if anything happens, you can take better care of it.

Besides, if you apply for a job at Chollima, you don’t need to have any connections from her side, right?

She really hasn't had much dealings with Maxima.

This old man is deeply rooted in the provincial capital. He lived a serious life for decades. Even if he later went to open a store in other places, his relationship with his hometown must have been maintained. Otherwise, how could he retire and come back to live in retirement.

Besides, Jingjing is an undergraduate student who graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology. With such an academic qualification, it is probably not a big problem to get into Chollima.

This family wants money and connections, so how come they find her here to help them make connections?

And if you really want to learn the management of catering operations, you should work as an intern at her company, right?

Liu Yunong was really confused for a moment about what the old man meant.

"Your granddaughter's academic qualifications are not low. With such a degree, let alone a thousand-mile horse here in Bei'an, it shouldn't be a problem if she wants to apply for a management position in a big hotel.

Since she was studying in the provincial capital, why didn't she stay in the provincial capital after graduation? "

No matter how good Bei'an is, it is nothing more than a third-tier small city. It is definitely not as good as the provincial capital in terms of development prospects, living environment, and surrounding culture.

After finally finishing college, shouldn’t I move to a big city?

Why did you come to Bei'an to find a job?

It's really unbelievable.

When the old man heard this, he couldn't help laughing: "Actually, the reason why I want her to work in Qianlima is mainly to give her a chance to get acquainted with your apprentice Fu Yu.

This girl is studying business management, and she plans to run the family restaurant with her father in the future.

This year’s national chef competition, our hotel also sent a chef to participate. This girl happened to be on school vacation at the time, so she went to the capital with her father to watch the competition.

I just happened to see Fu Yu's performance in the game and thought that the young man was really outstanding and handsome. He made a very good impression. "

When the old man said this, he couldn't help laughing and said: "I don't want to open a branch in the provincial capital and let her manage and practice, and she can be with me when the time comes. I just thought that since the work is almost arranged here, it's just right. She's old enough to have a boyfriend as well.

I asked you to go out for dinner today mainly for this matter. I want you to help connect the two children so that they can have a chance to get to know each other. "

This is to bring his granddaughter and Fu Yu together!

Liu Yunong suddenly panicked!

It's not about finding a job. We can discuss helping each other, but a blind date?

What a joke!

This is equivalent to knocking on the door and digging into the corner of her house with a hoe in front of her!

Can you agree to this?

Absolutely impossible!

There is no room for negotiation at all!

My Xiaoqing’s boyfriend

Liu Yunong looked calm on the outside, but her heart was already in turmoil.

There is no need to discuss this matter at all, and she will definitely not agree to it.

No need to think about it!

During the next meal time, Liu Yunong's whole body became visibly tense. He was so focused on dealing with it cautiously that he even ignored the taste of the food in his mouth.

It's about Fu Yu, it's a matter of principle for my brother-in-law!

How could she help others poach her precious sister!

No need to talk.

Liu Yunong is very stable in this regard.

Thinking of this, Liu Yunong took a deep breath.

After finally staying up until the dinner was over, Liu Yunong left decisively after being polite.

When he got back to his car, Liu Yunong frowned, feeling increasingly stressed.

This little sister is looking for a boyfriend. If she is not good, she will not be able to do it. If she is good, people will miss her too much.

It seems that I have to have a good chat with Liu Yuqing when I have time. When two people fall in love, they need to strengthen their relationship.

The sweeter the relationship, the stronger it will be.

On the way to her home, she turned to a dessert shop that Liu Yuqing liked very much and bought some desserts and milk tea, thinking that the two sisters could have a good chat about this matter when she went back in the evening.

As soon as she bought something and returned to the car, her cell phone rang.

He was the chef of a restaurant he met when he went to the capital to participate in the national chef cooking competition.

"Chef Liu, how are you doing recently?"

Liu Yunong responded quickly: "Very good, how about you? How do you feel?"

The other party smiled and said: "I'm pretty good here, Chef Liu, I'm looking for you because I want to ask you about a private matter.

Your apprentice Fu Yu is a really nice young man. He is handsome and has a good personality. By the way, does this kid have a girlfriend? I have a good friend's daughter here who is so beautiful. I just want to connect the two children and get to know her! "

Liu Yunong felt relieved and said quickly: "Oh, this, Chef Wang, my apprentice Xiao Fu already has a girlfriend. The two of them have a very good relationship and have already discussed marriage."

The other party was very surprised: "Really? Isn't Xiao Fu only twenty-four years old? Has it been settled so early?"

Liu Yunong cursed, what happened to being twenty-four years old!

My sister is only twenty-three years old and she already wants to settle down!

With a smile on his face, he replied: "Yes, the two children are a perfect match. They just met their parents during the Chinese New Year. Both parties are very satisfied. Even the new house is ready!"

After chatting for a few more perfunctory words, Liu Yunong's face suddenly darkened after hanging up the phone!

No, I have to explain it to Liu Yuqing later, and I have to keep an eye on Fu Yu no matter what. If someone else gets in first, it will be unfair!

As she was speeding home, her phone rang again.

Liu Yunong's heart skipped a beat, but he was not the one who was thinking about Fu Yu again!

Fortunately, it was a call from the old master of the main store.

Liu Yunong couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: "Hey, Master Zhou!"

Master Zhou is the head chef of Shangshi Private Kitchen Restaurant. He is also the oldest chef and has the deepest relationship with Liu Yunong's family.

The Liu Yunong sisters have always regarded Master Zhou as their godfather. Now that Liu's father has passed away, Master Zhou consciously takes on the responsibility of godfather and cares for the sisters as if they were his own daughters.

Master Zhou asked with concern: "Have you gone home to rest? Where is Xiaoqing? Are you off work next time?"

Liu Yunong talked about his situation with Liu Yuqing.

Master Zhou couldn't help but mutter: "Hey, aren't there Lao Wang and Xiao Liu over there in Bei'an? Just leave it to them. Don't worry about it when you are young, and you are not afraid of growing old quickly! And Xiao Qing , haven’t we already contacted everything about the school? Why do you still have to work? Go home and study as soon as possible. It’s not like you don’t have the conditions at home and you have to endure all the hardships. There’s no need!”

A warm current surged through Liu Yunong's heart. Her father was gone, but fortunately Master Zhou was here, making her always feel that she still had a relative who cared about her.

Speaking of Liu Yuqing, she couldn't help complaining to Master Zhou: "Master Zhou, Xiaoqing, I originally planned to let her just leave her job in the next few days. It just so happened that everyone in the remedial class had signed up, so it was time to prepare for school.

But the current situation is special, and I am a little undecided!

You don't know that since Fu Yu participated in the National Chef Competition this time and won the International Medicinal Cooking Competition and became the best herbal chef this year, this guy is very popular now! "

Master Zhou was happy when he heard this: "This is a good thing! Now that he is famous, it is a critical moment to develop contacts."

Liu Yunong said: "The problem is that many people ask me about Xiao Fu's marriage problems and want to introduce him to a girlfriend!"

Master Zhou suddenly became alert: "What did you say?"

Liu Yunong said confidently: "Of course I am telling the truth. I already have a girlfriend. I have brought her home to meet my parents. The wedding room is ready and I am ready to get married at any time!"

Master Zhou said with satisfaction: "Yes, that's it!"

Liu Yunong was a little worried: "But the problem is, I heard their tone of voice clearly didn't give up, especially one of them, there is someone in the family who customizes medicinal diet from Xiao Fu! This is not really a marriage, what if they are determined to poach Corner, we are really defenseless here!"

Everyone at the main store knew that Liu Yuqing and Fu Yu were in love.

At the beginning, although I had never met him, when I heard that he was Liu Yunong’s personal disciple, I immediately felt more favorable towards him.

After all, we are one of our own, so we know everything!

Especially Liu Yunong himself has strict requirements and has never thought of accepting a disciple for so many years.

To be able to attract her attention and be willing to take him with him to teach him shows that Fu Yu is a very good person.

In addition, through Wang Yulong's side information, I know that the young man is young and handsome, has a good personality, is diligent and talented, and is a perfect match for Liu Yuqing's talented appearance.

Originally, the master craftsmen were very satisfied and happy to see the results.

I didn’t expect the young man to be really good!

At such a young age, he has won first place in the National Chef Competition, and also won the World Medicinal Cooking Competition, becoming the best herbalist this year!

This is simply amazing!

Such talents are among the best in the gourmet food circle, and there are probably many people who are watching eagerly, hoping to win them over to their own restaurants!

When Master Zhou heard this, he couldn't care less about what he was going to say!

This is an outstanding descendant of our own family, and we can't let others lose our wealth at any cost.

Liu Yunong also felt a lot of pressure and couldn't help but complain to Master Zhou about the profound backgrounds of the two people who contacted him.

If you can make the other party praise a beautiful and smart girl, it's definitely not that bad!

The two chatted over the phone and started planning.

Seeing that he had arrived at his community, Liu Yunong slowed down the car and was about to roll down the window when Master Zhou suddenly said: "Yunong, Xiaoqing has already been to Fu Yu's house anyway, and Fu's elders also like her very much. Want me He said, we have to make arrangements to formally meet with Fu Yu's family as soon as possible."

When Liu Yunong heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up!

"Yes, it's almost time!"

Master Zhou responded: "We've been together for half a year, right? Besides, you don't have any elders here. Although you are the elder sister, from Fu Yu's point of view, you can only be regarded as a junior. You should take the initiative because of emotion and reason. It’s a matter of politeness to visit Fu Yu’s parents!”

Liu Yunong nodded in agreement: "Indeed, what you said makes sense! I really have to talk to Fu Yu about this matter. My sister and he are going to the capital tomorrow, and we have to get there before they leave. , the two families sat together to meet and finalize the matter.

Even if it's just a verbal promise, it's still an agreement. "

Master Zhou immediately said: "Now that you have decided, let me tell you, don't delay this matter. The weather is about to get warmer. When these rainy days pass, find a time to have a good talk with Fu Yu.

It just so happens that I miss you and Xiaoqing very much. I will tell you what happened here later and go to Bei'an in person. Xiaoqing and Fu Yu have been together for so long, and I haven't had a chance to meet them yet!

When the time comes, call Fu Yu over and let's have a meal together and have a good chat about this matter.

This important matter of marriage is not like other matters. Xiaoqing's lifelong happiness must not be taken lightly.

At that time, I will meet Fu Yu first, and then also meet his parents. Our two families will sit together and finalize this matter. With me here, at least there is an elder sitting in charge, and I can help you decide some things. one time. "

Liu Yunong nodded: "Okay, this matter is up to you." (End of Chapter)

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