Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1044 I will be good to her

Before hanging up the phone, Master Zhou worriedly warned: "You should talk to Xiaoqing about this matter today, discuss it, and try to settle the matter as soon as possible. Otherwise, when both of you are gone next year, this matter I don’t know until when!”

Liu Yunong responded hurriedly: "Okay, I understand, don't worry, I will talk to Xiaoqing about this when I get home soon."

After parking the car, Liu Yunong carried her things upstairs while still thinking about how to mention this matter to Liu Yuqing.

After all, they were women and there were no elders around, so they were too proactive and seemed unreserved.

But judging from the situation, Fu Yu should prepare for the weather to be warmer, or for both of them to go to the capital and all arrangements are stable before bringing up the matter of getting married.

After all, the two of them are actually not that old when it comes to their age.

Even if it's two years later to talk about marriage, it's not too late.

Thinking of this, Liu Yunong couldn't help but feel a little confused. How could he put the meeting of the two families on the agenda in a tactful and value-for-money way?

Liu Yunong has always been thoughtful. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this matter needed to be handled with caution. She would have to think it over with Liu Yuqing and see how to discuss this matter with Fu Yu.

When he arrived at the door of his house, Liu Yunong deliberately opened the door without taking the key.

She bought desserts and milk tea, wanting to surprise Liu Yuqing, so she knocked on the door and put the gift in front of her, preparing to hold the things in front of Liu Yuqing as soon as the door opened to make her laugh.

As a result, after the door opened, Liu Yunong's hand carrying something was raised halfway. When he saw the person standing in the door, he was surprised and said: "Xiao Fu? Why are you here?"

Fu Yu greeted with a smile: "Master! Aren't you busy today? I got off work early, so I came over. I have something to tell you."

Liu Yunong nodded, unable to conceal his surprise, and responded on his face: "Really? Okay, let's go in first."

Fu Yu reached out to take the thing, took two steps back, and made way for the door.

While Liu Yunong was changing her shoes, she complained that she couldn't talk on the phone about anything, and even came over to the house secretly.

A man and a woman alone live together in the same room. What is this kid worried about? !

Liu Yuqing was busy making fruit tea in the kitchen when she heard the noise and hurried out to greet her.

"Sister! You're back!"

After shouting, Liu Yuqing hurriedly explained: "We just walked in, sister, Fu Yu said he had something to ask you, so I brought him back."

Liu Yunong nodded and walked to the living room. When he looked up, he saw a lot of things in large and small packages on the coffee table. The outer packaging looked very delicate, all written in Korean.

This time Fu Yu came to visit him for his life-long event, but he didn't dare to come empty-handed. He specially brought the gifts specially sent by Gao Xianxi and Han Junlai from South Korea, and selected high-end skin care products and nutritional products.

He knew that the Liu family was not short of money or these things.

Since you are giving it your best, just take more and it will look decent.

When Liu Yuqing saw the desserts and sweet tea brought back by Liu Yunong, she was immediately surprised and said: "Sister, you bought me a midnight snack! That's great, I haven't cut the fruit yet, so I don't have to do it this time."

The sisters are usually busy at work, and there is basically no fire at home.

Fu Yu suddenly came to visit today. Liu Yuqing was caught off guard and wanted to make fruit tea. However, when she opened the refrigerator, she found that all the fruits at home were almost eaten.

It's fine now. Her sister bought milk tea and desserts, which she can use to entertain Fu Yu.

When Liu Yunong saw this pile of things, his heart skipped a beat.

What is this for?

When Fu Yu first came back from South Korea, he had already given her a batch of gifts. In addition to the cosmetics she had originally made a list for Fu Yu to buy, there were also many other gifts.

Now there are a lot of big and small bags, and these gift boxes look much more exquisite.

Upon closer inspection, Fu Yu had obviously changed into formal attire, not his usual casual attire.

Such a look, plus a bunch of gifts.

This looks like a door-to-door marriage proposal?

Thinking of this, Liu Yunong suddenly became happy!

If it's true, then Fu Yu is so charming and lovable!

Liu Yunong pointed at the pile of things on the coffee table and greeted with a smile: "Xiao Fu, sit down quickly! Look at these, come if you want. We are all our own. With so much, we are the only two sisters here. , can’t be used up at all.”

Fu Yu said with a smile: "Master, in addition to skin care products, these also include nutritional products. I heard from Xiaoqing that there are a few old masters at the main store who usually act like their elders. In fact, I can also give them some. "

When Liu Yunong heard this, he felt very close to his heart!

Even the old masters at the main store who have never met before are thinking about it. What does this mean?

It shows that Fu Yu is really interested in Liu Yuqing!

Even if he is so kind to the people around him, he must not be so kind to Liu Yuqing.

Liu Yunong said with a smile: "Okay, we are all at home, and there are no outsiders, so what else do we call master? Just follow Xiaoqing and call me sister."

When Liu Yuqing heard this, she was immediately elated!

This made me change my mind, and I immediately felt that the relationship between myself and Fu Yu was one step closer!

Liu Yuqing said happily: "Yes, you can just call me sister, otherwise it won't look too harsh."

Liu Yunong was still smiling at first, but when she heard this, her smile almost stopped!

Look at this crooked elbow. We haven’t confirmed the relationship yet, but now we are so biased. If we really talk about marriage, let alone the elbow, I guess the whole person will be married!

The old saying is so true!

Otherwise, they all say that the girl who gets married is the water she throws away!

However, no matter how much he complained in his heart, he still smiled on his face. After all, Fu Yu was here and he couldn't lose face.

Fu Yu's eyes lit up when he heard Liu Yunong's words, and he quickly called: "Sister!"

Liu Yunong responded with a smile and said: "This place is close to your store. You can come and sit here when you have time. I have a lot of food at home. I always have someone here to deliver it, just the two of us. I can’t finish it, if there’s anything delicious I’ll ask you to come over and try it together.”

Fu Yu nodded immediately.

After some pleasantries.

Fu Yu took a deep breath and straightened his back unconsciously. He had been sitting for a long time and he hadn't even talked about the main topic yet!

He looked at Liu Yunong's expression and felt that the other person was in a very good mood at this time, which made him feel more courageous.

In fact, he had already thought about it carefully before coming. His relationship with Liu Yuqing was very stable, and he was sure that the other person was the person he wanted to spend his life with.

The two were about to go to the capital, and his parents were very worried.

On the one hand, Liu Yuqing is beautiful, has a good personality, and has a very good family background. Such an outstanding girl will be particularly popular no matter where she goes.

On the other hand, there are many outstanding young people in the capital. The more people you come into contact with, the more choices and temptations you will face.

Fu Yu is 24 years old this year. When he returns from further studies, he will be 25. Even if conditions permit, he may stay for one more year.

When you can really talk about marriage, you will probably be 26 years old.

Weddings are not something that can be accomplished overnight. Zhang Luo was able to get married quickly within a year. In the blink of an eye, he turned 27 and had a child in two years.

I simply can’t imagine what would happen if the two of them went to the capital and had no relationship constraints and stayed together for a year before breaking up.

Then the marriage may have to be postponed until when, and he will truly become an older leftover man!

Both Dad and Mom are very traditional people. Now that their son's career is becoming more and more stable, they hope that they can also relax emotionally.

If the two parties can formalize the marriage before going to the capital, there will be no changes in the future. At least there will be family members of both parties to help adjust the constraints.

Emotions are the most unstable things. Without some weight to support them, it is difficult to maintain them for a long time.

The old man has lived for most of his life and has seen this very clearly, and he does not want his children to take detours in the future.

Fu Yu was talked about a lot by his parents, so he couldn't help but start thinking about it.

In addition, since participating in the competition this time, he and Liu Yuqing have been together less and away more. Every time the two of them are together, he can clearly feel Liu Yuqing's dependence.

If you think about it carefully, maybe you should seriously consider starting a family and living together.

After all, you can't let the girl speak first about this kind of thing, right?

Fu Yu thought about it, and with the support and encouragement of his parents, he made up his mind that he should be more proactive in this regard and come to propose marriage!

Looking at Liu Yunong who was smiling.

Fu Yu took a deep breath and said seriously and respectfully: "Sister, actually I came here tonight because I have a very serious matter that I want to discuss with you."

Liu Yunong's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

It is said that women have a very powerful sixth sense. She now has a particularly strong feeling that she will probably realize her long-cherished wish soon.

I was looking forward to it, but when it came to this moment, as a parent, Liu Yunong was still a little nervous and excited.

Liu Yuqing was sitting next to her, concentrating on opening the dessert box and placing her favorite pastries on the plate. She could see that Fu Yu was a little nervous. Although she didn't know the reason, she still put her cup of milk tea very gently. Passed it to Fu Yu: "Try it, this is a new flavor, it is very delicious. You can chat slowly with my sister, and there are no outsiders."

Fu Yu nodded, took a few sips of milk tea.

It is said that sweets can play a very good role in soothing emotions. After taking two sips of warm milk tea, Fu Yu's mood relaxed a little.

He turned to Liu Yuqing and smiled, with warm love in his eyes.

Liu Yuqing handed another cup of milk tea with a straw to Liu Yunong. When Fu Yu looked at her affectionately just now, she pursed her lips and smiled happily and shyly.

Liu Yunong felt very happy when she saw the young couple couldn't hide their sweetness in front of him.

Fu Yu would suddenly come to visit today, and Liu Yunong was really happy.

She basically had an idea of ​​Fu Yu's purpose.

In this tacit atmosphere, Fu Yu looked at Liu Yunong and said very sincerely: "Sister! I came here tonight to discuss the matter between Xiaoqing and me."

Liu Yunong felt happy, and the smile on her face couldn't help but get a little thicker.

Liu Yuqing suddenly turned her head and looked at Fu Yu in surprise.

Fu Yu spoke slowly but very solemnly: "I'm a little nervous now and may be lacking in expression. Don't mind.

I actually have a lot of things that I have always wanted to say to you, but I just haven’t found the right opportunity.

You may also know the situation in my family. My parents used to be ordinary workers, but now they are retired at home.

I don’t have many relatives. I usually live at home and don’t have much to do. My parents are also very open-minded and their family is not particularly wealthy. However, both my parents have pensions. Self-sufficiency is not a problem and I don’t need too much. Take the trouble to manage.

In my own words, after graduating from the chef school, I entered Chollima as an intern on the recommendation of my teacher. Now I am a chef and I am also working part-time as a herbal banquet chef at a music restaurant. My current income is not bad.

I also bought a house here in Bei'an. The decoration of the new house is basically completed. I can just buy some household appliances and move in directly.

In fact, all I wanted to do before was work well and make more money. I really like the profession of chef and want to do well in this profession.

I have never had a formal girlfriend since I was a child. Xiaoqing was my first love. After I met her, I discovered that falling in love is such a beautiful thing.

I cherish this relationship very much and like Xiaoqing very much.

Sister, I just want to tell you that I am very serious about this relationship. Xiaoqing is really good, beautiful, gentle, and very considerate. The most important thing is that she is really good to me.

I often think that if I can marry her as my wife, then my life will be complete. I will definitely treat her well and make her live a happy and stable life!

However, I also know that there is actually a big gap between her and I in terms of family conditions and academic qualifications, so I have been working hard to improve myself and have the strength to be worthy of Xiaoqing. Give her happiness.

When I say this now, I don’t think that I have succeeded and am worthy of her.

I just want to express my opinion to you. Although Xiaoqing and I have not been together for a long time, we have actually been together for more than a year. I really understand her very well, know her preferences, and am willing to change myself for her.

Although I have won two very important trophies this year, I know that these are actually hard-won. I also understand that things are impermanent. If you want to live well, you need to work harder.

Although my family background is average and may not be as good as others, there are advantages to being born in an ordinary family. Children who grow up in such an environment are very optimistic, motivated, and love life very much.

I'm also very good at some housework. At least when I'm with Xiaoqing, the kitchen will definitely belong to me in the future so that she can eat delicious meals every time. She only needs to be able to get out of the hall.

Sister, I am saying this tonight because I want to apply to you. I hope to be with Xiaoqing on the premise of getting married. I promise you that I will treat her well and be with her wholeheartedly! "(End of chapter)

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