Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1045 This is too hasty

After Fu Yu finished speaking, he silently held Liu Yuqing's hand.

Liu Yuqing reached out to cover her mouth, her eyes instantly turning red.

She never expected that Fu Yu would suddenly come to propose marriage!

These sincere words deeply touched her heart. She was happy and excited. It was obviously a very happy thing, but her nose was sore and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

Liu Yuqing couldn't help but turned her head away and wiped her tears.

When she heard what Fu Yu said to her sister, she was moved and felt very distressed.

In fact, during the period when the two were in love, she had long discovered that although Fu Yu seemed to have a gentle personality and was easy to get along with, he was actually quite chauvinistic at heart.

When we are together, we always report good news but not bad news. If we have any troubles, we never mention them to her. We deal with them silently by ourselves.

He never talks about the hard work at work. When we get along every day, he always tries his best to make her happy.

But Liu Yuqing knew very well that it was not easy for Fu Yu to be where he is today. Everything was achieved through his own hard work.

She couldn't help but feel heartbroken when she heard Fu Yu mentioning his family, circumstances and experiences.

Just as Fu Yu had many words to promise to her sister, in fact, she also wanted to tell Fu Yu that she liked him very much and was willing to live with him for the rest of her life.

And she is not a particularly materialistic person. If the two of them are together, they will be happy if they live an ordinary life.

She didn't want Fu Yu to work so hard, and she was also capable of making money to provide a better life for the two of them.

She is even willing to give and support the other person!

But these words came to her lips, but she didn't say a word.

Listening to Fu Yu's assurances to her sister, although every word was very simple, in Liu Yuqing's ears, it was far better than all the sweet words.

Because she knew very well that what Fu Yu said was not just a verbal promise, but would be put into practical actions.

Fu Yu said that she was very kind to him, and that was because Fu Yu was also very kind to her.

Know and love all of your habits and preferences.

He would cook snacks for her during busy work breaks, often buy her all kinds of favorite milk teas and desserts, and know all her dietary preferences.

In the past, she just felt that being with Fu Yu was very satisfying, but now that she thought about it carefully, she later realized that Fu Yu understood her preferences very well in all the details of life.

Being able to be with such a person who is willing to pamper and love herself, Liu Yuqing suddenly has a very profound understanding that she is really very happy!

Liu Yunong took a deep breath. She looked directly at Fu Yu and saw the firm sincerity in Fu Yu's eyes.

Liu Yunong was also very touched. She had taken Fu Yu for such a long time and knew him well.

She knew in her heart that what Fu Yu said was from the bottom of his heart. He was very sincere and made her feel very close to him.

Parents just hope that their children can live a happy life, so that they can feel at ease.

In her heart, Liu Yuqing is her only relative in this world.

As long as Liu Yuqing can live happily and comfortably, she will feel very happy, even better than herself, which makes her feel satisfied.

Fu Yu's sincere attitude made Liu Yunong open her heart.

She looked at Fu Yu and said with the same sincerity: "Xiao Fu, you also know the situation of our sisters. All our direct relatives and elders have passed away. My only relative in this world is my sister, who is also in my life. The most important person.

I love my sister very much, so if you want to be with her, my only requirement is that you must treat her as your own baby as much as I love her, and love and protect her for the rest of your life.

I don’t know what other families’ attitudes and behaviors would be like when their parents are still alive.

Maybe you will say some extravagant words, such as entrusting your child to you. I will never say these words, because even if you really get married and live together in the future, my sister will always be the most cherished by me. people. "

Speaking of this, Liu Yunong was obviously a little emotional. He used the cover of drinking milk tea to wipe the moist corners of his eyes: "Of course, we have been together for such a long time, and you should know very well that I am not the unreasonable kind." people.

Tongues and teeth still collide, let alone the relationship between husband and wife. Life spans so long, how can there be no conflicts at all?

However, you can argue and make noises over some living habits and trivial matters. I don’t care about these. After all, there is an old saying, a small noise makes you happy!

However, you must not do anything to feel sorry for Xiaoqing or make Xiaoqing really sad. I will never let this go!

I also hope you won't do this! "

Liu Yunong said and sighed: "I am now the same age and may get married in the future. When I have a family of my own and have to take care of my career, I may not have as much energy to take care of you as I do now.

This is also something that can't be helped.

Xiaofu, we have been together for such a long time. I believe in your character and Xiaoqing’s vision.

Actually, when I saw you suddenly visiting me today, I had some guesses in my mind.

Regarding this matter, my attitude is very happy. You and Xiaoqing are together. If I had objected, I would not let you fall in love together like now.

You can finally come together, which is something I am very happy to see happen! "

At this time, Liu Yuqing was moved again when she listened to what her sister said. She didn't expect that her sister, with such a strong character, could say such sensational and touching words.

Maybe, if Fu Yu hadn't specifically proposed to her sister in front of her, she might never have heard her sister say such things in her life.

At this time, Liu Yunong continued: "Of course, I agree here only to represent my own opinion. In fact, as long as Xiaoqing is willing, I, as a sister, will definitely not object."

Liu Yuqing couldn't bear it anymore. She choked and said, "I do, sister, I want to be with Fu Yu!"

Fu Yu was immediately overjoyed, and hurriedly held Liu Yuqing's hand tightly, and said excitedly: "Sister, thank you!"

Liu Yunong was also very agitated. She wiped her tears with a tissue and calmed down her emotions before saying, "Xiao Fu, to be honest, I have actually known about the situation at your home for a long time.

I have never disliked you for being poor or from an ordinary family, and I don't care about that either.

Xiaoqing often comes back to talk to me about you. When chatting, she always cares about you from time to time, telling you this and that.

I am also in a relationship, so I naturally understand that Xiaoqing really likes you and values ​​your relationship very much.

In fact, with your current level, you are already doing very well. Your career has been on the rise, you can make money, and you are capable. "

Speaking of this, Liu Yunong felt inexplicably proud.

There is still a master-disciple relationship between her and Fu Yu. If Fu Yu is outstanding, she will feel sincerely proud.

It is precisely because of such complicated feelings that when Liu Yunong spoke, he unconsciously began to think about the other person from Fu Yu's perspective.

What Fu Yu just said was indeed very sincere, but it was precisely because of this that Liu Yunong couldn't help but feel sorry for his motivated and hard-working apprentice.

She couldn't help but said: "You are indeed very good now, but my sister also has something to say to you. Even if you are not doing well now, have no house, no savings, and even failed to start your career, as long as you are good to Xiaoqing , Xiaoqing likes you again, and I will promise you to be together!

In fact, my expectation for Xiaoqing has always been that she can find someone she likes and who also likes her.

It doesn't matter if I don't have money, or if I don't have a good job, as long as I'm a good person, willing to be with Xiaoqing, and can treat her well, these material aspects are not a problem at all for me.

If you don’t have a house, I can buy it for you.

If you don’t have a car, I can give it to you!

Even if you don't want to work, I can still support you.

I’m just a little sister, and I’m not married yet. I’ve earned so much money, who do you think I can leave it to?

Even if I get married in the future, all my property will be notarized in advance, and my sister and I will share it equally!

These are my voluntary guarantees for my sister’s future life! "

Fu Yu was particularly moved by Liu Yunong's words.

On the one hand, it is due to the deep feelings between the Liu sisters, on the other hand, it is Liu Yunong's careful care of herself.

In fact, he didn't expect things to go so smoothly today.

He had even made preparations long ago, such as notarizing pre-marital property, writing two people's names on the house photos, and other ideas, but it turned out that there was no need to mention these at all.

The matter has been discussed here. Liu Yunong secretly breathed a sigh of relief and began to seriously plan for the two of them.

She discussed with Fu Yu: "Xiao Fu, I'm actually very happy that you took the initiative to come to me and tell me this today.

You and Xiaoqing are indeed not very old now, but you will go to the capital next year. This trip will take at least one or two years. When the time comes to talk about marriage, you will be about the same age.

Since you have a stable relationship with each other and are willing to be together, I think this matter should be arranged so that we can formally meet with your parents here and have a good chat.

After all, this is a matter between two families, and many things need to be discussed and calculated. "

When Fu Yu heard this, his face immediately lit up and he nodded excitedly: "Okay, sister, I'll make arrangements as soon as possible. In fact, my parents have always hoped that we can make arrangements as soon as possible."

Liu Yunong smiled: "That's good, but after all, it is a lifelong matter for you, and the elders must meet formally.

There are some things that you two can't make the decision on, so we have to work it out carefully. "

Fu Yu nodded quickly.

When the matter comes to this point, it's almost done.

Liu Yunong glanced at the unpacked desserts and milk tea, and greeted with a smile: "Have you all had dinner? It's rare that you are so happy today. We should celebrate it. How about this? How about we go out for a barbecue at this time? ?”

Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing were both in a state of excitement and excitement. When they heard this suggestion, they both agreed very much.

The three of them cleaned up briefly and went to a side street to have a barbecue together.

I ordered two bottles of beer during the dinner.

Although the elders of the two families have not officially met yet, both parties know that this matter is basically a done deal.

When Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing get married in the future, the two families will officially become one family.

Liu Yunong and Fu Yu became even more intimate.

With such a relationship, Liu Yunong's attitude towards Fu Yu was obviously more cordial when eating barbecue.

She completely regarded him as her brother-in-law and as one of her family members.

She truthfully introduced her situation to Fu Yu, including the death of her parents and the relatives and friends currently walking around the house.

Several senior chefs from the main store also briefly explained to Fu Yu.

After eating a late-night snack, Fu Yu had a more intuitive understanding of Liu Yuqing's family situation.

After finishing the supper in a harmonious atmosphere, Fu Yu escorted the sisters back.

Watching them enter the house, turn on the balcony light, and then turn around and leave.

When Fu Yu returned to the dormitory, the first thing he did was to call his parents to announce the good news.

He recounted what happened tonight in detail.

After listening to the whole process, Father Fu and Mother Fu were shocked!

This is too impulsive and reckless!

Dad Fu couldn't help but said: "Son, what you did in this matter is not wrong, but it is a bit too hasty! When these two families want to get married, they have to be interviewed by their elders. How can you come to the door alone like you!"

Fu Ma was also dumbfounded: "What's the matter with you coming to the door yourself? At least you have to call me and your dad, and our family can talk to Xiaoqing and her sister face to face.

You say you! For such a big matter, you don’t even want to discuss it with me and your mother. We have been thinking about discussing this matter with you. "

Fu Yu laughed sheepishly.

At that time, it was all a matter of passion and energy.

After calming down and thinking about it afterwards, I realized that it was thanks to Liu Yunong's kindness that she was really kind to him that she didn't kick him out directly.

Fu Yu listened to a few words of education from his parents, and the family discussed the specific arrangements for the meeting on their mobile phones.

Liu Yunong has business here and is very busy at work, so he probably won't be able to leave easily.

He and Liu Yuqing only have one day off each week.

Especially for him, he was competing and making medicinal food, so asking for a long vacation is really too much.

So Father Fu and Mother Fu put their minds together and decided to do everything early rather than late, and simply decided to come to Bei'an next weekend.

At that time, Liu Yunong was asked to come out, and the two families sat together to discuss the matter.

The marriage event is finally on the agenda, which makes Fu Yu's family of three very excited!

After agreeing on a date to come over, we chatted for a long time before hanging up the phone without feeling satisfied. (End of chapter)

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