Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1048 As long as you cook, you will become stronger

Fu Yu talked to Yao Shi on the phone and knew that he would soon have a lot of regular customers, and he couldn't help but look forward to it!

Since being promoted to the position of chef, Fu Yu has received many job opportunities.

In addition to a lot of increase in experience points, corresponding task rewards were also obtained.

Looking at it this way, the chef position is simply a very good experience copy.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu was somewhat excited.

After this period of personal experience, Fu Yu finally understood the core elements of the system.

To put it bluntly, the more dishes you cook and the more customers you satisfy, the richer rewards you will get.

In other words, as long as you cook, you will become stronger!

After Fu Yu finished the phone call, he took a break from his busy schedule and looked through classic old recipes for a while.

After getting familiar with the cooking methods of the two dishes, I got up and went to check on the preparation of the dishes by the workers.

It was soon time for customers to enter the store for dinner, and Gu Yunwu also started working, while the workers were busy with their own tasks.

In fact, in the back kitchen, no matter which chef leads the team, there will be such a phenomenon under his hands.

No matter how busy the chefs are when cooking, the workers only need to be responsible for preparing the dishes and do not need to worry about other things at all.

Every little worker who first enters the kitchen starts from cutting meat and works his way up step by step.

Cutting blocks itself is a task that requires a lot of concentration. This means that no matter what cooking skills the chef shows when cooking, there is no opportunity for the workers to observe and learn.

They can only keep working with their heads down, occasionally looking up to take a rest. The chef is surrounded by helpers, so it is almost impossible to steal the chef's advice.

Chefs are often just used to working with the helpers who follow them. Sometimes they will give some casual advice. If they fall in love with each other or feel that the other person is really talented and diligent, they will also find opportunities to provide opportunities to practice their skills. .

As for the others, the chef didn't bother to care.

After all, those who are also working as part-time workers, have good qualifications, and have a pleasant look will be promoted and taken with them at the beginning.

The rest of them either lacked talent, were not diligent, or were not good at interpersonal communication, and failed to catch the eye of the chef.

When working in society, everything depends on your own hard work. It is definitely not like when you were in school, where your parents would scold you and rush to study.

Many of the workers who missed the promotion of chefs and could only work silently began to give up on themselves and still worked diligently every day, but the purpose was purely to earn wages.

After all, the salary package at the Maxima Hotel is still very good. With their current level, they may not be able to earn so much money after leaving here.

Of course, this is only part of it. Many people still try to find various opportunities to steal from others, or start to think of ways to express themselves.

The saying that diligence can make up for weakness is always a wise saying!

At this time, a food waiter came in and asked casually: "Why haven't the dishes for table 5 been served yet?"

Liu Junrong was a new chef who came to the store for internship a year ago. Because of his outstanding performance, he was taken by Zhao Meng.

This man is quite clever and quite talented in cooking.

But there is only one problem, he has the same problem as Sun Qingning, he is a bit lazy at heart.

When Zhao Meng was there, Liu Junrong was afraid and acted very diligently. Zhao Meng took the day off today, so he immediately relaxed.

When the waiter asked, Liu Junrong didn't even raise his eyelids and said casually, "I don't know. Chef Zhao is off today. If you need anything, please see Chef Fu!"

There's nothing wrong with that.

When Fu Yu saw this, he couldn't help but shook his head. At this time, Sun Weixing, the cook who was following Sun Qingning, was still more positive and asked quickly: "What's the table number? Is it number 5? I'll check the order list!"

In fact, most of the time, even if they are asked to help in the kitchen, the workers often regard themselves as handymen.

Because I don’t have the right to take charge, I never intervene in unilateral matters.

Only when they can actually cook independently will they realize that when they were working as cooks, they had many opportunities to observe and learn. These experiences are very important. However, when they actually started cooking, no one taught them. Because at this time, they are already experienced chefs.

This situation often leads to a result. When encountering an emergency, you are helpless and have no clue at all. You only regret that you did not carefully observe the chef's handling method.

Fu Yu didn't say anything about Liu Junrong's passiveness and sabotage. After all, most people came here like this.

Sun Qingning is now in a state of helping others to take orders. In another year or two, he will slowly be able to take charge independently.

Liu Junrong is working under Zhao Meng and will follow Sun Qingning's development path in the future.

At that time, Sun Weixing, a young worker who was an intern in the back kitchen at the same time as Liu Junrong, was arranged to work with Sun Qingning as a helper because of his hard work and hard work.

Now almost everyone has their own specific position.

The only person Fu Yu can control on his side is Zhang Jinyu. As for the temporary workers, they usually do the work of chopping and preparing vegetables.

Today, Zhao Meng took a day off and Liu Junrong had some free time. He continued to work, but he was obviously a little lazy. Occasionally, he would quietly check his mobile phone for a while when Sun Qingning was too busy to take care of himself.

Fu Yu saw it and didn't say anything at the time. When he started getting busy at noon, he directly ordered: "Jin Yu, and Sun Weixing, you two will follow me to the baking area later."

Sun Weixing was busy following Sun Qingning around, and when he heard this, he suddenly became happy.

However, Liu Junrong looked happy. Fortunately, he was not chosen to follow him. In his eyes, the smoky barbecue area was not as comfortable as Hong An's.

Sun Qingning is also a small worker himself, and he is usually quite polite to him. Even if he is to attack him, he will not boss him around too much.

In contrast, I stayed where I was, enjoying myself, waiting until the time came, and getting off work at the right time.

As soon as Zhao Meng took a break, he felt as if he was celebrating the New Year.

In fact, this is an opportunity.

Some people can catch it, while others just watch it slip away from their hands without even realizing it.

Fu Yu took them to the baking area, where Zhang Jinyu and Sun Weixing could learn a lot.

As for opportunistic workers like Liu Junrong, Fu Yu would not accuse him face to face or comment behind his back.

It's just that my impression of such a person is greatly reduced in my heart. If I have a similar job in the future, I won't think about this person.

Surprised, Sun Weixing turned to look at Fu Yu and nodded heavily.

He still admired this senior who graduated from the same school as him.

Although roasting does not seem to be relevant to Hong An’s cooking operations, it is still a skill after all!

In particular, Fu Yu is actually a very generous person. He often gives instructions to the workers who follow him during cooking operations.

This opportunity is so rare.

Zhang Jinyu responded as usual: "Okay, Fu Chu."

On the way to the baking area, Fu Yu casually chatted with Sun Weixing: "By the way, which teacher did you follow when you were in school?"

Sun Weixing, who is introverted, smiled shyly when he heard this: "Teacher Li Yufu, I majored in cooking in Hong'an, and he happened to be leading our class."

Fu Yu nodded: "Teacher Li is a very serious and responsible teacher."

Sun Weixing smiled again.

He has been an intern at Chollima's kitchen for half a year.

Normally someone like him would have become an old man a long time ago.

But Sun Weixing rarely retained his original intention and was very enthusiastic about his work.

But because he was not good at expressing himself at the beginning, he did not gain attention as easily as Liu Junrong at the same time.

But gold will shine sooner or later, and a diligent personality like this was quickly unearthed.

Fu Yu had a very good impression of Sun Weixing and said casually: "Chef Zhao has a day off today. You can follow me in the afternoon and do some hunting. Run between the red case and the baking area."

When Sun Weixing heard this, his face immediately beamed with joy: "Okay, thank you Fu Chu."

Fu Yu was busy in the baking area for a while, and suddenly a waiter came over to report: "Chef Fu, Hong An has three orders from your regular customers!"

Three servings of the same thing?

Fu Yu was stunned for a moment.

He turned around and ordered Zhang Jinyu: "Pack these baked items directly. There are two unfinished orders left. I will call Zhang Jiaxin to take over in a moment. When he comes, you can go back after handing over."

Zhang Jinyu nodded.

Fu Yu called Sun Weixing back to the kitchen.

Three orders from regular customers were all for small noodles.

Fu Yu was immediately overjoyed. This was so good. He came here just for him. There weren't many dishes on the table, so he could feel more relaxed when cooking.

Fu Yu smiled, quickly made a menu list, and said, "Weixing, send it over there and ask them to hurry up and prepare the dishes."

Sun Weixing hurriedly took it and trotted off to dispatch the work.

When work became busy, Fu Yu truly realized Zhao Meng's usual hard work!

Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu have always shared the work in the kitchen.

As a chef, Zhao Meng not only has to complete the orders within the established range, but also independently prepares the orders of regular customers. At the same time, he has to take into account the cooking of old soups, pickling of side dishes, and the working status of the workers in the kitchen. , delivering live content, handling various emergencies at any time, and responding to all customer dining requirements.

It is really difficult to quickly judge the order of several orders taken, the cooking order of all the dishes, and the time difference when the dishes are served within a few minutes, if you do not have enough strength and experience!

Throughout noon, Fu Yu's mind was running wildly.

He takes into account every aspect of the cooking.

Fu Yu is the chef. In addition to the normal ordering orders, Fu Yu also has several orders from regular customers.

As there are more tables, the variety of dishes that need to be cooked also increases.

If you want to quickly determine the order in which dishes are cooked, you really need to accurately grasp the cooking time of the dishes, and arrange the order in which they are served based on the taste of the dishes.

Fu Yu took the order form and mentally sorted it one by one.

Waiting for Sun Weixing to deliver the ingredients prepared by the workers, he immediately started cooking.

Fu Yu is very good at arranging dishes.

But today, three orders from regular customers suddenly came in at the same time. Even with Fu Yu's hand speed, the cooking speed was still a little slow.

Before he could completely arrange the dishes on the order list, the waiter came over to hand over the order again.

According to the order of rounds, Fu Yu should take over this order.

Fu Yu took a look and saw that it was a small banquet order, so he raised his head and asked Gu Yunwu if he could help take one. He was really busy here.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yunwu also came to order two orders from old customers today. He had enough manpower, but Zhang Jiaxin had just been transferred to the baking area, so he had to do the cooking himself for a while, which was really a bit overwhelming.

Sun Weixing felt anxious when he saw that Fu Yu had no choice but to ask for help but returned without success.

But cooking with a spoon is something that not everyone can master. Sun Qingning on their side was also busy cooking.

Zhang Jinyu stayed in the baking area waiting for the handover and has not returned yet.

It was less than a month since he took over all the oil-cutting and oil-cutting tasks.

Really powerless.

The new order was not put out. Fu Yu took a closer look at the dishes on it and frowned immediately.

He still has five orders on hand, two of which have already been served, and the remaining three dishes have not yet started cooking.

Together with this new one, there are four ordering orders directly in hand.

The customers have already taken their seats. If the kitchen is delayed in serving food, it will definitely affect the customer's dining mood.

Fu Yu thought for a moment, glanced at the empty kitchen table on Zhao Meng's side, and said decisively: "Hurry up and add the pot on Zhao Meng's side to make stew dishes!"

Zhang Jinyu didn't come back, so the worker who was sent here couldn't help but said: "Fu Chu, these stoves are firing at the same time. If we can't supervise them, will it waste time instead?"

This sentence attracted Liu Junrong's attention. He didn't say much, but the look he looked at Fu Yu was obviously more meaningful.

You must know that the kitchen counters equipped by Chollima have four stoves arranged side by side.

No matter how good a person is at cooking, supervising four stoves at the same time is already very tiring.

Hearing this, Fu Yu shook his head and said directly: "There are too many orders now. If you can't cook in time, the food will be delayed. This time is right at the beginning of the meal. Getting the food to the table in time is the key."

The boy wanted to say something else, but Sun Weixing nodded and said, "Okay, Chef Fu, I'll prepare it now."

Fu Yu directly listed all the dishes required for the new order, handed them to the waiter and said, "Hurry and prepare the dishes, I will start cooking soon."

Although Xiaogong didn't agree with Fu Yu's words, he still agreed and turned around to make arrangements.

After all, Fu Yu is a chef, and he is a small worker, so he must obey orders.

However, I always feel that this is not very reliable.

After all, no matter how powerful Fu Yu is, he only has two hands. Can he really have three heads and six arms?

In particular, Sun Qingning was also busy taking charge. Fu Yu transferred Sun Weixing to his side, and Liu Junrong consciously followed Sun Qingning.

Even if he or Sun Weixing is sent to keep an eye on the stove over there, it will take a lot of effort.

No matter how I thought about it, I felt that Fu Yu's decision was a bit too hasty. (End of chapter)

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