Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1050 It’s too scary

After Fu Yu finished making the order, he actually had a lot of ideas in his mind!

Changing the original ingredients of a dish at will is the most troublesome thing for chefs.

If the ingredients are replaced, certain changes will definitely be required in the cooking steps and seasoning ratios.

Before officially cooking, Fu Yu still felt that safety should be the priority.

When replacing ingredients in a dish, first of all, the taste should not change too much.

Although specific replacement ingredients and cooking dishes have been drawn up, Fu Yu still feels that he cannot make these empirical mistakes.

Fu Yu carefully listed the ingredients that needed to be prepared, smoothed out the cooking methods, and then looked at the plating designs of the gorgeous dishes in the special family banquet menu.

Special family banquet recipes pay more attention to the presentation effect of the dishes than the classic old-style recipes. The selection of decorative dishes, carved patterns, and placement are more intuitive and clear.

Fu Yu had studied seriously in the teaching practice class for a long time before. At that time, in addition to the dishes corresponding to the various skills arranged by the cooking system, he also had to perform exquisite plate preparation operations.

He performed as many different plating operations as he cooked at that time.

If you think about it carefully, it is precisely because of the seemingly endless learning in the teaching practice class that he has honed his current skillful operation and rich experience in cooking, right?

But at this time, what Fu Yu was weighing over and over again was how to plate the seafood master as the main course after replacing the ingredients.

The authentic seafood recipe of Chollima is based on crab, sea cucumber, abalone, conch, octopus and lobster as the main ingredients.

The price of this dish is 1288, mainly because the main ingredients are expensive seafood.

Fu Yu made substitutions for the ingredients for this dish, halving the number of crabs, banning sea cucumbers, abalone and lobsters, and replacing them.

The main ingredients are prawns, clams and gobies. These ingredients are easy to cook and very delicious seafood. When cooking, both the seasoning ratio and the heat need to be adjusted appropriately.

Fu Yu carefully designed the presentation of this dish based on the special family banquet recipes.

The crab is placed in the middle, surrounded by a circle of fat and tender prawns, and a circle of gobies and clams. In addition, four scallops, four oysters, and eight mussels are added as supplements. The gaps between the plates are stacked to create a high-rise three-dimensional shape.

The most eye-catching feature of the whole dish is a white dragon carved from radish.

Carving dragons from radish is the specialty of Li Shuli, the master of Chollima carving.

A large white radish is used. Although the carving is simple, the presentation effect is excellent. It is far more practical and looks more shocking than the finely carved dragon on the carrot.

During the afternoon break, Fu Yu could only think about the banquet for relatives.

He thought as he sketched out the specific cooking and plating operations.

Needless to say, I really gained something.

If you encounter such a situation again in the future, you will definitely be able to deal with it more skillfully and freely.

During the peak meal period in the evening, someone came from the front hall to inform that Su Hong's family members were here and were arranged in box 203.

Fu Yu then started taking orders for cooking.

With the ordering list planned in advance, both the preparation and cooking of the dishes went very smoothly.

Fu Yu finished cooking the last main dish, the seafood master, and carefully placed the decorative white dragon sent from the carving area on the dinner plate.

This dish, which originally seemed to be full of color, flavor and flavor, was immediately elevated to a higher level.

All the dishes on the order list were taken away.

Fu Yu thought for a while, then specially made a crispy yellow dish as a gift, and asked the waiter to bring it to the front hall.

The ingredients for this dish are simple, and the kitchen has plenty of eggs, so Fu Yu made extra-large dishes and served them to the table to impress the customers!

After a table of noodles is cooked, the afternoon rest time is basically over.

Fu Yu checked the waiter's food preparation.

Zhao Meng is away, so he is fully responsible here, and his workload has obviously doubled.

Fortunately, he is more experienced and can deal with it fairly easily.

At about half past six, Su Hong made a special trip to the kitchen to express her gratitude to Fu Yu in person.

Taking advantage of the employee discount, this table of dishes only cost 370 yuan in total.

But when the banquet was laid out, even if she saw it, it would cost at least a thousand yuan to taste it.

This meal made her feel particularly proud and satisfied.

Fu Yu said a few polite words, and after Su Hong left, he turned around and continued busy with the cooking at hand.

He was actually quite happy in his heart. On the one hand, he had made a personal relationship, and his relationship with Su Hong would be settled in the future.

On the other hand, the custom-made seats he put so much effort into have been satisfied and recognized by customers, which in itself gives him a great sense of accomplishment.

Working with Fu Yu to help cook all day long benefited the seconded workers and Sun Weixing a lot.

Fu Yu’s many cooking tips and operating methods are also refreshing.

Zhao Meng was on leave today, and Fu Yu was going to stay in the kitchen. He told Liu Yunong that he would not go to Shangshi Private Restaurant for the time being.

After getting off work at ten o'clock in the evening, he went directly back to the dormitory to rest.

After returning to the house, Fu Yu checked his attribute panel while changing his clothes.

Although no reward was obtained, the level progress bar has obviously moved forward.

Since becoming a chef, every time he takes an order and cooks a table independently, he will gain corresponding level experience.

Fu Yu was in a good mood and happily called his parents.

Ever since he told Liu Yunong about Liu Yunong's attitude, Fu Yu's parents have been in a very excited state.

On the phone, I chatted with Fu Yu about relatives and friends near and far at home, as if he was ready to hand over the wedding stamp at any time.

Influenced by his parents, Fu Yu couldn't help but imagine a sweet and happy life after marriage.

Suddenly, he felt that the sleepiness of a day's work disappeared without a trace, and he could work continuously all night long!

The family of three chatted on the phone happily for a long time. Fu's mother suddenly reminded Fu Yu to give him time to contact Lin Minghao.

Thinking about it carefully, Fu Yu has been busy with his own affairs since the end of the year. Apart from sending a message to Lin Minghao last month to inquire about the other party's situation, he has really not contacted him again.

It was a bit late now, so Fu Yu sent a message directly to his brother Lin Minghao, preparing to have a dinner date with him.

After the message was sent, Lin Minghao immediately called over.

After Fu Yu connected, he heard Lin Minghao say with a smile: "Brother, are you off work?"

Fu Yu also smiled: "Well, I just returned to the dormitory. I thought you should stop broadcasting live. I might as well send you a message."

Lin Minghao has been studying live broadcasting at Qiming E-Commerce Training School since he dropped out of school.

It's said to be learning, but it doesn't even have its own live broadcast room. It's usually all kinds of cultural classes and live broadcast speech coaching courses.

Fu Yu was busy with his own affairs during this period and did not think of having a good chat with Lin Minghao about his current situation.

Lin Minghao listened to Fu Yu's inquiry and said with a smile: "I'm doing well here, but I'm a little busy. After we contacted each other last time, I started hanging out with my classmates in the live broadcast room, watching the work of other anchors, and helping deliver exhibits. , or do some chores.

Our teacher said that after taking us to observe for a while, a formal live broadcast room will be opened for us. At that time, we will be screened based on popularity and live broadcast status. If there are outstanding personnel, we will be admitted to the live broadcast rooms of other big anchors. Be a guest or appear with the brand.”

When talking about his favorite career, Lin Minghao's tone was cheerful and he talked for a long time.

Fu Yu listened to Lin Minghao talking about his situation, hesitated for a moment, and did not say what Fu's mother told him to answer.

Lin Minghao has been unwilling to go home and continue studying in college.

Aunt Fu Yu and his wife were very worried, and hoped that Fu Yu could help and persuade them.

However, Fu Yu listened to Lin Minghao excitedly looking forward to his future life, and he knew very well that he could not interfere too much in Lin Minghao's life.

After all, everyone has their own plans and ideas for future development.

He himself is actually like this, so he can especially understand Lin Minghao.

Fu Yu believed that as an elder brother, the only thing he could do now was to reach out and help Lin Minghao as much as possible when he really needed help.

As for other things, it is better not to interfere too much.

After making the call, Fu Yu simply washed up and lay down on the bed to rest.

Tomorrow is another day to go to the music restaurant to make medicinal meals.

All in all, there are several customers who have customized their medicated diets and have reached the last stage, and have renewed their subscriptions later, and there are also customers who no longer need to customize their medicated diets due to various circumstances.

All the remaining vacancies have been booked.

At that time, I can earn another amount of money for customizing medicinal meals.

Fu Yu decided to cherish every opportunity to cook herbal meals and earn every sum of money.

During the day, Fu Yu was surprised when he heard Liu Yuqing say that his master was going to buy them a house in the capital, but he was actually very moved inside.

Liu Yunong is indeed very rich.

Not to mention her usual business activities, the daily turnover of several hotels owned by the company is a very astonishing figure. This does not include some hidden income, such as door-to-door services and private reservations. Category.

Fu Yu estimated that his master's net worth was probably even more astonishing than what he saw in front of him. After all, their family was an ancestral family of chefs, and the restaurant had been passed down for generations.

Liu Yunong is now expanding his ancestral industry step by step and opening up such a large business territory. This is no joke.

If it is an ordinary catering company, its income may only be the daily turnover of its restaurants, but Liu Yunong is a well-known female celebrity chef. She has invested in many food industry investments and can get a lot of money throughout the year just from dividends. .

It can only be said that Liu Yunong is relatively low-key. He usually drives a Cayenne and lives in a mid-range apartment building. He does not have a family business in all cities where he has branches.

Thinking of this matter, Fu Yu couldn't help but miss Liu Yuqing.

It's strange to say that the two of them had just met during the day, but now that they were separated, they couldn't help but miss each other.

Fu Yu looked at the time and tentatively sent a message.

After a while, Liu Yuqing dialed the phone.

The young couple's phone calls were always sweet. Fu Yu told Liu Yuqing about his work at night, and also talked about his parents' affairs.

Liu Yuqing also talked about what she saw while working at the front desk during the day, and also mentioned that she was planning to submit a resignation application in the near future.

Chollima has clear regulations that all resigning employees must submit their resignation applications half a month in advance, otherwise the last month's salary will be deducted.

This half month is a buffer period for the store to recruit new people.

Fu Yu quite agreed with Liu Yuqing's resignation. She had already signed up for the supplementary classes, but she must not delay her studies.

The two chatted passionately and couldn't bear to hang up the phone in the middle of the night.

Liu Yuqing's bedroom door was open, and she was chatting on the phone with Fu Yu openly.

Now is different from before. Ever since Fu Yu came to propose marriage, Liu Yunong looked completely happy to see things between the two of them come to fruition.

When a young couple is in the sweet stage of love, it is normal for them to talk on the phone and talk intimately.

If he didn't even make a phone call, Liu Yunong would really have to worry.

Moreover, the closer the relationship between Liu Yuqing and Fu Yu was, the happier Liu Yunong looked at it.

According to her idea, Liu Yuqing and Fu Yu are now preparing to get married.

After marriage, it’s time to prepare for pregnancy!

Liu Yunong returned home from the store in the evening. He first dealt with the company's affairs, and then contacted the person in charge of the new branch to discuss the location selection and recent inspections.

After finishing everything, I was on the phone with my boyfriend and doing skin care.

Recently, Liu Yunong has been very busy with various things, and Liu Yunong has to stay up until late at night before he can rest.

In fact, it had often happened like this before, and she felt that she was already used to this kind of routine.

As a result, I felt a little weak and mentally exhausted for some time.

After carefully removing her makeup, Liu Yunong was about to put on a facial mask when she heard Li Linlin ask with concern: "Yunong, did you stay up late again last night? You look a little haggard!"

Liu Yunong was stunned for a moment, then he got closer to the mirror and took a closer look at his face.

Looking closer, she realized that she did look a little haggard, and when she made expressions, the fine lines at the corners of her eyes and nasolabial folds were obviously heavy.

This realization made Liu Yunong a little frightened!

He has aged so obviously!

Look at these crow’s feet, and then look at these nasolabial folds, it’s so scary!

And even if she didn't mention it before, she didn't care. During this period, apart from staying up late on her own, she actually didn't sleep very well at night.

I wake up all night, and it's very difficult to fall back asleep when I wake up in the middle of the night.

I often toss and turn for a long time, but find it difficult to fall asleep.

Liu Yunong held her face and looked at the mirror carefully for a while, then suddenly said sadly: "Dalin, am I getting old?"

When Li Linlin heard this, he hurriedly said: "What's the matter? You look like you are 20 years old, but you do look a little haggard. Go to bed early tonight and you will be back to health tomorrow!" (End of Chapter)

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