Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1051 Fishing Bait

Li Linlin has always been attentive and eloquent, and he comforted Liu Yunong on the phone.

Liu Yunong was indeed in a better mood at that time, but when she hung up the phone, she inevitably felt a little self-pity.

I am only 36 years old, but I have already started to age!

Liu Yunong came out of the bathroom with this depressed and helpless mood.

I was planning to go back to the bedroom to rest when I heard Liu Yuqing's laughter.

When he got closer, he saw Liu Yuqing talking on the phone with Fu Yu with the bedroom door open.

The relationship between the two of them is really good. They always have endless things to talk about. They look very happy and sweet every day.

Liu Yunong was happy for her sister from the bottom of her heart.

Fu Yu is really outstanding, he is energetic and has a good personality.

Now his career is gradually starting to take off. Let’s not mention Chollima’s promotion for the moment. He is just making more and more prosperous medicinal diets and has already made a name for himself.

Ever since Fu Yu won this year's International Best Medicinal Diet, it has been rumored in the circle that there is a very high-level medicated diet expert in Bei'an.

The quota for customized medicated meals at the music restaurant has already been scheduled for next year. It can be seen that Fu Yu's medicated meals are really profitable and has gained customer satisfaction and recognition.

Thinking of this, Liu Yunong looked at Liu Yuqing who was lying on the bed chatting on the phone, and suddenly walked into the bedroom and said: "Xiaoqing, ask Xiaofu, if you can go to the music restaurant someday, if the time can be arranged, I would like to try it too Medicinal food.”

When Liu Yuqing heard this, she quickly raised her head and looked over: "Sister, do you want to take medicinal food?"

Liu Yunong nodded: "Well, I have been busy with work and staying up late every day. I feel that my complexion is not very good. I remember Xiao Fu said before that many female customers order medicinal meals from him, all for beauty and beauty. You ask Ask him if he can arrange it, and I’ll go take care of it too!”

With such good conditions in front of her, the wealth would not go to outsiders. She could feel more at ease by eating Fu Yu's custom-made medicinal diet.

As Liu Yunong spoke, she raised her hand to press the mask on her face.

At her age, her physical fitness begins to decline obviously. If she doesn't take care of herself now, it will be too late to make amends when she gets older.

Liu Yuqing suddenly became excited after hearing this, and she quickly conveyed Liu Yunong's meaning to Fu Yu.

Very good!

Her sister went to the music restaurant to customize herbal meals, and she would definitely be able to go with her.

Fu Yu has been cooking medicinal food for so long, but she has never tasted it once!

And if she had the chance, she would also like to have a good meal of medicinal food.

Liu Yunong did it for beauty and beauty, while Liu Yuqing was purely interested in the medicinal food cooked by Yu.

However, apart from tasting it, it would be even better if it can really whiten and skin care.

After all, no matter how old a woman is, her pursuit of beauty is deep in her bones.

In the entire food circle nowadays, who doesn’t know that Fu Yu is the most valuable and famous herbalist in Bei’an!

When Fu Yu heard that Liu Yunong wanted to customize herbal meals, she immediately said, "Okay, how about tomorrow? Ask my sister if she has time. I happen to be going to the music restaurant to make herbal meals tomorrow. If the time is right, you can ask my sister to go directly there tomorrow. That’s it.”

After Liu Yuqing conveyed it, Liu Yunong suddenly became happy.

This brother-in-law is so good!

When Liu Yuqing saw that her sister had made an appointment with Fu Yu to go to the music restaurant to eat medicinal food tomorrow, she didn't bother to chat anymore and said hurriedly: "Fu Yu, I won't tell you anymore. I'll contact Sister Jiang now. If she No problem, I’ll take the day off tomorrow too, and then I’ll go to the music restaurant with my sister!”

After saying that, he hung up the phone without waiting for Fu Yu to answer.

Liu Yuqing sent a message to Jiang Mo, thinking that if Jiang Mo didn't see it, she would call directly to talk about it tomorrow morning.

She and Jiang Mo have been getting along for such a long time, and their relationship is particularly harmonious. If you want to take a break for something like this, it's basically no problem.

Sure enough, as soon as she sent the message, Jiang Mo responded quickly and agreed to work with her.

Liu Yuqing sent a hug emoticon.

At this time, Liu Yunong suddenly said happily: "You said that Xiao Fu is a very good herbalist. Given such a good opportunity, I put on makeup and take various medicines to beautify my face every day. Isn't this stupid? ?

Master Zhou has been saying that medicine is three parts poisonous, and this dietary supplement must be safer and more effective than taking medicine.

Moreover, Fu Yu's medicated cooking skills have been recognized by world-class experts!

During the competition, everyone said that our country has a top-notch herbal dietitian. How many people came here to find Xiaofu to customize herbal diets, and they all had to rely on connections to queue up.

Just like that, I heard that many people have been postponed to next year. "

Speaking of this, Liu Yunong couldn't help but smile.

She reached out and patted Liu Yuqing's shoulder: "You don't know how proud I felt when I heard them talking about Fu Yu!

I am Fu Yu's master, and now I am his sister. With such a relationship, I can take any medicinal food whenever I want, right? "

The more he talked, the prouder Liu Yunong felt.

Compared to winning the award back then, being praised and praised by people in the circle is even more embarrassing.

Seeing her sister's happy face, Liu Yuqing felt so happy!

She hurriedly said: "Yes, that's right, sister, if you want to take medicated food in the future, just ask Fu Yu and ask him to make it for you! It's silly for us to guard such a good resource and not use it!"

Liu Yunong nodded in agreement: "That's right! Xiaoqing, come with me tomorrow and let Fu Yu take a look. If I can, I can also customize a medicated diet course for you!"

This woman starts to decline after the age of 25, so she must take care of herself in advance!

You see, Xiao Fu is so handsome, and his career is getting better and better now. Maybe many women will miss him in the future!

This man can resist aging much better than a woman!

You have to take good care of yourself, otherwise how can you use it as capital to keep Xiaofu in the future? "

Liu Yuqing looked at her sister's serious look and couldn't help but laugh or cry: "Okay, sister, I will ask Fu Yu to customize a course of treatment for me tomorrow."

The two sisters chatted about beauty and beauty for a while, and they became more and more excited!

Just as he was talking enthusiastically, Liu Yunong suddenly asked: "Hey, Xiaoqing, you said we ask Fu Yu to customize the medicinal diet, do you want to go through the process symbolically? After all, Fu Yu only works part-time at the music restaurant, let's go there For medicated meals, the ingredients and herbs he uses for cooking are all paid from the store over there, so it’s really unjustifiable not to pay.”

Liu Yuqing said with a smile: "Sister, you are going to take medicated food, how dare Fu Yu ask for money! Besides, don't they have a tasting process there? Let's go over and have a taste tomorrow. If you eat it, it will be good , you can definitely ask Fu Yu to cook medicinal food at your place.

Ingredients are available in stores, and medicinal materials are not impossible to buy. In our own homes, we don’t just eat whatever we want. We are all members of our own family anyway, so we don’t have to worry about it at all. "

Liu Yunong couldn't help but feel warm in her heart. After all, her sister should be closer to him.

Look, when she wanted to ask her boyfriend to cook, she not only didn’t stop him, but also helped with suggestions.

Liu Yunong looked at her sister with a loving expression. The more she looked at her, the happier she became, and the more she looked at her, the more relieved she became.

Otherwise, everyone would say that my daughter is a little cotton-padded jacket!

Her sister is wearing a down jacket, which keeps her warm and secure!

After Liu Yuqing finished speaking, she thought of something and suddenly asked: "By the way, sister, didn't you tell Master Zhou before that you wanted to buy a house for me and Fu Yu in the capital? Let me tell you, you should listen to Master Zhou. Just buy it in full!

Housing prices in the capital are so expensive, so it will take the two of us years and months to repay the loan?

Instead of paying so much interest back to the bank, we might as well save it ourselves and eat medicinal food!

With so much money, you can live until you are old, right? "

When Liu Yunong heard this, his heart suddenly tightened!

How come you save interest by buying a house in full?

To be more precise, you should take the money from me and buy you a house!

Is this a medicated diet?

It’s basically fishing bait!

Liu Yunong looked at his smiling sister and couldn't help but sigh.

Down jackets are indeed warm, but the problem is that they occasionally get wool!

This damn girl really forgot about her sister when she had a boyfriend!

My elbows almost reached Nantianmen!

The more Liu Yunong thought about it, the more uncomfortable it became.

Liu Yunong wanted to take medicated food, and Fu Yu's enthusiasm was immediately aroused.

Early the next morning, he rushed to the music restaurant in advance, trying to prepare the medicinal ingredients that needed to be cooked today so as not to delay Liu Yunong's meal.

After arriving, Fu Yu first said hello to Yao Shi.

Yao Shi originally didn't plan to go to the store today, but when he heard that Liu Yunong was coming, he quickly changed his schedule and decided to go to the store to greet him.

Although Liu Yunong is young, she has rich experience in catering business. Being able to make friends with her is something that no one can ask for.

Since Yao Shi met Liu Yunong through Fu Yu's relationship, he has always treated him as a distinguished guest.

Fu Yu has already customized medicinal recipes for the several customers he needs to receive today.

Both the ingredients and medicinal materials were properly prepared. After careful inspection, Fu Yu began to prepare the dishes with the workers.

Liu Yunong had agreed to come over at noon, so Fu Yu spent the morning focusing on cooking the medicinal meal.

Medicinal banquets are different from ordinary red table dishes. In addition to cooking, it is also necessary to carefully understand the customer's physical condition in the past few days and make changes to the ingredients of the medicated meals at any time.

Fu Yu had just communicated carefully with an old customer who customized herbal meals when he received news that Sister Liu Yunong had arrived at the store.

Fu Yu hurriedly said hello to the customer and hurried out.

As soon as he arrived in the front hall, he saw Yao Shi chatting animatedly with Liu Yunong.

Liu Yuqing stood nearby and looked at the decoration of the music restaurant.

Seeing Fu Yu coming over, Liu Yuqing's eyes suddenly lit up and she quickly waved her hand.

Fu Yu quickly stepped forward to greet him.

As a receptionist, Qu Jing greeted Fu Yu with a smile: "Fu Chu!"

Fu Yu introduced with a smile: "This is my sister. She came here today to take some medicinal food."

Qu Jing nodded and gave way: "The box is ready, you can go there at any time."

Yao Shi also smiled and said: "Yes, let's go, let's go to the box first."

While talking, he led everyone up to the second floor.

After entering the box and the group of people took their seats, Fu Yu turned around and asked: "Sister, what kind of conditioning do you want to do? Is it pure beauty, or some physical conditioning? Have you done anything recently? examine?"

Liu Yunong thought for a moment and shook her head: "I haven't really gone to the hospital for a check-up this year. I'm quite healthy. During last year's physical check-up, except for some abnormalities in the lower wave of the heart, everything else was fine. The same goes for the heart. Because I was working on opening a new store at that time, I stayed up late and couldn't get a good rest.

As for conditioning, I want to do beauty and skin care, as well as Qi and blood. I feel a little neurasthenic recently and can't sleep well at night. "

Fu Yu communicated with Liu Yunong in detail and quickly customized the dishes for the medicinal meal banquet.

Liu Yunong did not have any medical conditions, she just wanted to have beauty and skin care. Fu Yu was going to replenish her qi and blood and regulate her from the inside out.

Liu Yuqing, on the other hand, came here to taste the delicious food. Fu Yu also made two medicinal meals for her beauty, and also cooked a special roast duck from the music restaurant.

This is a dish that Liu Yuqing particularly likes to eat.

Although medicated food is indeed good for body conditioning, it is, after all, three-part poison. For someone like Liu Yuqing, who is of the right age and usually does not show any symptoms, taking medicated food is purely because she wants to try new flavors.

Fu Yu didn't plan to let Liu Yuqing actually customize the medicated diet and take it as a course of treatment.

However, we can occasionally make her some authentic therapeutic medicinal meals such as pig's trotter soup, which is good for the skin and good for the body and does not require the use of Chinese medicinal materials.

After Fu Yu confirmed the recipe for the medicated meal, he hurried back to the previous box to continue communicating with the previous customer about the recipe for the medicated meal next week.

After Fu Yu left, Yao Shi warmly ordered Qu Jing to bring the store's special fruit tea, and also asked the kitchen to bring some small desserts for Liu Yunong and sister to taste.

There were no more outsiders in the box, and Yao Shi suddenly said: "Chef Liu, your disciple is really very powerful now!"

He showed the newly customized medicated meal recipe in the store to Liu Yunong to look through: "This is the new recipe made in our store, look at it! It's all on the recently popular medicated meal meal."

Liu Yunong took it and looked through it carefully.

She usually has special ordering recipes in her own store and is very knowledgeable about this aspect.

As she was flipping through the pages, Yao Shi said proudly and proudly: "Actually, not only in Bei'an, but also across the country, the most outstanding young herbalist at present is Fu Yu. He does The medicated diet is the best and most powerful I have ever seen!

This year, I have set the price a bit low. After the treatment of this group of customers is completed and new treatments are received, I plan to mention this price starting from four courses of treatment, priced at 800,000.

These are the most immediate effects and are Xiaofu’s best bets for beauty and beauty conditioning. I estimate it will cost 1.2 million for four courses! "(End of chapter)

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