Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1052 Being envied by countless old men

Upon hearing Yao Shi's introduction, the two sisters were stunned.

"What kind of medicinal diet? Just 1.2 million!" Liu Yuqing couldn't help but ask.

While Yao Shi was talking, he took another medicated diet recipe book and said with a smile: "Beauty and beauty medicated diet recipe, look. These are all the treatment dishes that Xiao Fu has cooked before!"

Liu Yunong is an expert in cooking. After seeing the presentation of the banquet, his eyes immediately lit up.

Even Liu Yuqing, who was sitting next to her, had her eyes wide open.

This medicinal diet is really exquisite!

In particular, the pictures of each set of medicated meals are marked with the corresponding treatment symptoms in detail, and there are also very shocking comparison photos of customers before and after customizing the medicated meals.

It's really clear and intuitive.

Women have always had very high requirements for their bodies and appearance.

This has nothing to do with age.

Completely instinctive.

Looking at the introduction of the medicated diet menu on beauty, beauty, blood and weight loss, Liu Yunong clearly knew that this was just a promotional album, with the purpose of attracting customers to rush in and spend money.

But after reading two pages, she couldn't help but become more and more excited!

At her current age, both physical functions and physical fitness have obviously begun to decline!

It is a very good thing if you can improve your physique and improve your physical fitness by consuming medicinal foods, whether it is for appearance requirements or your living conditions.

Originally she just wanted to taste the medicated banquet first, but now she has completely developed the idea of ​​long-term customization.

When she was thinking about how to balance her need to travel around for a long time and her inability to settle down in Bei'an, and how to insist on taking medicinal diet under such circumstances, Liu Yuqing hugged her arm with excitement!

"Sister! You need to take this medicinal diet for a long time. You should consider opening a branch in the capital in the future!"

Liu Yuqing grew up with her sister and couldn't bear to be separated for a long time.

She was studying before, and her sister was busy with her career, so there was really nothing she could do.

Next year she will go to the capital with Fu Yu. If she feels good, she will probably settle there in the future.

In this case, if her sister can open a store in the capital, she can slowly move the main store here in the future, or bring a few old masters with her, and everyone can work and live there together.

Liu Yunong didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You are really good at planning! You have already started assigning jobs to me. Why didn't you say you would go to the capital to open a store?"

The two sisters were joking here, but Yao Shi's heart skipped a beat when he heard it!


Fu Yu will go to the capital next year, and whether he can come back in the future is another question.

With everyone gone, there must be no time to prepare the medicinal diet here.

By then, the stall here will be considered completely obsolete.

Although it is a pity, after all, the medicated diet industry is about to become fashionable.

If we can seize this opportunity and run it well, we may be able to be even more profitable than the restaurant in the future.

The smile on Yao Shi's face couldn't help but shrink a bit. It seems that he has to start planning in advance.

Fu Yu's medicated banquet was cooked very smoothly.

Liu Yunong has nothing wrong with her and is very healthy.

So he specially made several medicinal dishes made from pure ingredients, which were both delicious and good for the body.

The most important point is that he knows the taste preferences of the Liu sisters very well, and the dishes he cooks are all based on their preferences.

Especially when Liu Yunong was present, Fu Yu also showed off his skills in plate presentation.

Cook each medicinal dish exquisitely and beautifully.

Fu Yu is very skilled in cooking now and is much more proficient in handling various ingredients than before.

Moreover, when dealing with the details of cooking, some of Fu Yu's skills have made much progress and improvement compared to the original.

While Fu Yu was cooking, he suddenly thought of Han Junlai's medicated tea soup skills. What would happen if the tea soup could be used to change the taste and nutritional issues of dishes during cooking?

Thinking of this, Fu Yu decided to give it a try. Anyway, the master was here and could always give some advice on whether it would work or not.

If I could integrate Korean medicinal cooking methods with my own ideas, this idea would still be of great research value.

Fu Yu cooked the prepared ingredients one by one and was extra careful when making the tea soup.

This process is very delicate!

He was so busy and focused that the little worker beside him didn't dare to be idle for a second.

The cooking process is equally delicate.

The whole table of medicated meals took nearly two hours. As for the staple food, Fu Yu did not make traditional medicated pastries. After all, such a table of medicated dishes can only be eaten by two sisters, so it is enough without the staple food.

Fu Yu weighed it up and finally chose rose porridge.

It is made from white rice, roses, chicken soup, and honey. It has the effects of regulating menstruation, promoting blood circulation, preventing constipation, and making the skin smooth and elastic. It is one of the best natural beauty care products for women.

When honey is heated, nutrients such as proteins will be converted into proteases, which can cause rapid gastrointestinal peristalsis and reduce excessive absorption, helping to lose weight.

This porridge is really very targeted. It can effectively speed up metabolism and restore a slim figure.

Especially in line with Liu Yunong’s requirements.

After the medicinal meal was cooked and served, it immediately received unanimous praise.

Fu Yu also specifically talked to Liu Yunong about a lot of skin care and beauty matters. These were some of the traditional Chinese medicine conditioning knowledge he had learned from Li Zongming when he went to Korea before.

Liu Yunong didn't expect Fu Yu to be so professional in this area. After the conversation, she admired Fu Yu to the extreme.

On the way out of the music restaurant, Liu Yuqing glanced at Liu Yunong and Yao Shi who were walking in front and chatting animatedly, turned to face Yu and whispered to Yu: "Fu Yu, I think you are so happy!"

Fu Yu was stunned, looking at her cute smiling face, he couldn't help but hold her hand intimately: "How can I be happy?"

Liu Yuqing said with a smile: "Look, you are so good at making medicinal diets. You will definitely take care of my body in the future. By then, I will be young forever!"

When you were twenty, I looked as young and beautiful as I do now.

When you were thirty, I was still so good-looking.

When you are seventy or eighty years old, when other old men take a walk, they will be followed by little old ladies, but only you will be followed by a beautiful young girl!

How many old men must envy you! "

Being envied by countless old men?

One sentence made Fu Yu confused!

Are you sure this is something to envy?


This is indeed an idea of ​​great research value.

For example, the conditioning effects of certain medicinal foods.

At this moment, Fu Yu suddenly felt that it would be good to be a herbalist.

After seeing off the sisters, Fu Yu cooked medicinal meals for several of the customers he had made appointments with, while also finalizing the recipes for the next week.

Today I received several customers and cooked several tables of medicinal dishes.

It was already 9:30 pm when Fu Yu saw off the last customer.

After a tiring day, Fu Yu didn't feel physically or mentally exhausted as usual.

On the contrary, he was extremely motivated. Every time he finished cooking a table of medicinal dishes, he couldn't help but mentally calculate how much money he would receive.

After all, Fu Yu can't really rely entirely on his sister-in-law's funding to buy a house in the capital without paying a penny himself?

This year will be over soon, and I will go to the capital. In that place where land is at a premium, how can I stay there if I don’t save some money?

Fu Yu was inspired by working part-time at a music restaurant as a medicated caterer. He began to think about whether he should also develop a side job after he actually went to the capital.

When we returned to Chollima in the evening, it was already half past ten.

Since Zhao Meng got together with Dai Li, except for occasionally going to the dormitory to lie down for a while during lunch break, he basically never goes back.

He saw that Fu Yu usually lived in the dormitory and had to squeeze in with others to use the public bathroom, so he deliberately left the key to Fu Yu so that he could use it at any time.

Fu Yu tidied up the room briefly before carrying the dirty clothes to Zhao Meng's room.

After Maxima's renovation, the chef's room was also improved. Not only did it have a separate bathroom, but the washing machine was also replaced with a drum instead of the original old-fashioned parallel bars.

Fu Yu stuffed the dirty clothes into the washing machine, waited for the machine to start, and then took a simple shower.

After taking a shower, Fu Yu called home while waiting for the clothes to be washed.

The conversation on his side was warm and cozy, while Liu Yuqing and her sister were huddled in front of the dressing mirror, making facial masks in front of each other while chatting about their experience of tasting medicinal food today.

The medicated food was really delicious, with no taste of traditional Chinese medicine at all, but hearing the conditioning effects Fu Yu said made them feel excited and looking forward to it.

It is a woman's nature to love beauty, and now it feels so wonderful to have the key to beauty in her hand!

The next day was Saturday, the busiest day for business in the store, but because Zhao Meng and Fu Yu were both there, everything in the kitchen seemed to be in order, and it was actually more relaxed than the previous two days.

After the busy peak period at noon, Fu Yu only had the last two orders left. He weighed the dishes and cooked them, and quickly served them one after another.

When we were busy, the waiter came over to help pass the message.

"Fu Chef, Luo Rang, the chef of Sihai Banquet, is here. He said he came to see you specially and is waiting in the front hall."

When Fu Yu heard this, he was a little surprised.

He and Luo Rang really hadn't seen each other for a while.

Since he helped Luo Rang crack down on the zombie meat blacksmith shop last time, the two of them had a meal together.

But then he started to be busy with the competition. Apart from receiving a congratulatory message from Luo Rang for winning the prize and replying to two messages, he really never saw Luo Rang again.

Fu Yu agreed, quickly finished cooking the dishes on hand, and explained to Zhao Meng that the remaining two dishes would be temporarily taken over by Zhao Meng.

After all arrangements were made, he hurried to the front hall.

Luo Rang was standing at the front desk chatting with Liu Yuqing. There was also a family of three standing next to him, a young couple with a child who looked five or six years old.

After Fu Yu saw Luo Rang, he hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

"Luo Chu! Why did you come here suddenly?"

Luo Rang was chatting with Liu Yuqing when he heard the voice and turned his head. When he saw Fu Yu coming, he couldn't help but smile and greet him: "Fu Chu, long time no see!"

The young couple who came with him also turned around.

Only then did Fu Yu see that the young man turned out to be Luo Yong, Luo Rang's biological brother.

Fu Yu had met Luo Yong before when he was doing door-to-door service, and the Luo brothers had very similar facial features. As long as they stood together, outsiders would see them as a family.

Luo Rang smiled and stepped forward to hug Fu Yu, then turned around and introduced: "This is my brother Luo Yong, and my younger siblings. This guy is my eldest nephew Luo Jiahao."

Luo Yong took a step forward and shook hands with Fu Yu: "Fu Chu, we have met before!"

Fu Yu smiled and nodded: "Yes, I still remember it!"

Luo Rang said with a smile: "I brought them here for dinner today, and I also want you to help show it to my nephew."

Fu Yu was stunned: "What happened to your nephew?"

He asked, turning to look at Luo Jiahao standing next to him.

The little boy looks very cute and looks like he is in good spirits.

And he's a cook, why would he bring a child here to help him take a look?

Look at what!

Luo Rang thought he was very close to Fu Yu and said directly: "My nephew has been doing well before, but starting from the past two days, he suddenly stopped eating well. He said he had no appetite and didn't want to eat the things he loved before. Even after eating, my appetite is obviously much less than before!"

Fu Yu hurriedly asked: "Hey, are you sick? Didn't you take me to the hospital?"

Luo Rang said helplessly: "I went, and all the necessary examinations were done. In the end, the doctor said that there is nothing wrong with the child's body. It may be psychological."

Fu Yu glanced at Luo Jiahao with some surprise. The child looked very energetic, with clear eyes. He said he hadn't eaten well in two days, but he couldn't tell at all from his expression.

Luo Yong said anxiously: "My son drank half a cup of milk this morning, and then refused to eat anything. He also said he had a headache on the way to the kindergarten. His mother and I were very scared, so we hurriedly took him to the hospital. Look. The doctor still said there is nothing wrong. The child is still young. How can he do it if he refuses to eat? "

The child's mother couldn't help but said: "It's just that my son didn't eat much last night. If this continues, he will get sick from hunger even if he is not sick."

Luo Rang said: "There is really nothing wrong with the child's body and he refuses to eat. Aren't you good at making medicinal meals? I just thought about bringing my nephew over to have a taste."

After saying that, for fear that Fu Yu would refuse to answer, he hurriedly stepped forward and added in a low voice: "Don't worry, I know you usually make medicinal meals at Boss Yao's place. The key to this matter depends on what Boss Yao means. .

I’m bringing my nephew over today to try Chollima’s specialties. By the way, I want you to help me see if he can take medicated food in this condition?

If possible, I will ask Boss Yao to see if they can arrange a customized position for my nephew. "

It turned out that I wanted to get the child to take medicated food to regulate his appetite.

But the problem is that even if the child went to the hospital for examination, nothing could be found wrong.

The symptoms are not clear, so how can we just take medicinal foods casually? (End of chapter)

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