Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1053 The fist is hard

Although medicated diet is a dietary therapy, after all, some dishes will use Chinese medicinal materials when cooking.

But the saying that medicine is equal to three parts poison is not fabricated out of thin air.

Luo Jiahao is only five years old. How can such a young child dare to make medicinal meals for him casually?

Fu Yu expressed his concerns.

This made Luo Yong and his wife very anxious.

They were also in a hurry and sought medical treatment. There was really nothing they could do.

There is such a big baby in the family, and this child really has all the connections in the hospital.

I did all the possible tests and they all said there was nothing wrong with my health.

But what kind of mental illness can such a young child really suffer from?

In desperation, Luo Rang thought of Fu Yu. If it really didn't work, he should take some medicinal food first to make sure the child was not malnourished.

This is the time when your body is growing, so it would be a shame if you delayed it!

Unexpectedly, Fu Yu did not recommend taking medicated meals.

Even the last hope was shattered, and a pale feeling of powerlessness came to my heart.

Not to mention Luo Yong and his wife, even Luo Rang was anxious.

Luo Rang discussed with Fu Yu: "Fu Chu, we are all here, please help me. My nephew has been to all the hospitals where he can be seen. The diagnosis is that there is nothing wrong with his body, but he can't eat. This is definitely There’s still a problem!”

Luo Yong and his wife also looked at Fu Yu and agreed.

Fu Yu is the best herbalist selected in this year's world-class herbalist cooking competition. He is an international master!

Luo Yong said quickly: "Yes, Fu Chu, we don't want to cure the child's disease. At least we can give the child some nutrition."

Having said this, Fu Yu had no choice but to agree first. Regardless of whether he could cook medicinal meals in the end, at the very least, he would first find out what was going on with the child.

So he took Luo Rang and his party and asked Gao Wenjing to help arrange a box.

After sitting down, Fu Yu carefully chatted with Luo Yong and his wife about Luo Jiahao's situation.

After talking about it, I realized that although the Luo brothers are not very educated, Luo Yong’s wife is a highly educated person. Her current job is a university professor. The woman’s parents are even more knowledgeable and are a perfect example. A family of top academics.

Luo Yong's wife is an only child, and there is only one child in the family. Her grandmother's family attaches great importance to the child's education.

Even though Luo Jiahao is only 5 years old this year, in addition to kindergarten courses, he has also enrolled in five or six special learning classes. In addition to tutoring every day after school from Monday to Friday, he even has tutoring from morning to night on weekends. , children’s extracurricular life is very fulfilling, and there is basically no time for rest and fun.

Luo Jiahao is usually very obedient. He goes to kindergarten and cram school on time every day and performs very well.

As a result, just three days ago, the child suddenly said that his stomach hurt and he didn't want to get up!


Although Fu Yu doesn't know much about medical matters, the symptoms of stomachache are basically the more common bad stomach, gastrointestinal cold, constipation, and gastroenteritis!

But after going to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor said there was nothing wrong with the child.

After seeing a doctor in the hospital, Luo Jiahao said that his stomach was fine, but after returning home, he refused to eat. He only said that he felt uncomfortable and did not want to eat.

But when I asked him where he felt uncomfortable, he couldn't tell clearly.

In the end, the doctor diagnosed it as a mental illness. There was nothing wrong with my body and I was very healthy.

Such a young child will definitely not suffer from mental illness for no reason. Based on Luo Jiahao's actual situation, could it be that he is under too much pressure to study?

It is really unnecessary for a child who is only 5 years old to sign up for so many classes.

After talking like this, when Fu Yu looked at Luo Jiahao again, he couldn't help but feel sympathy.

Luo Yong and his wife actually reflected on it. When they went to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor also mentioned that there was nothing wrong with the child's body. It was most likely that the loss of appetite was caused by psychological stress.

After these two days of suffering, the couple somewhat regretted it.

After all, there is only one child in the family. Although I am very eager to hope that my child will succeed, my body is more important than my health.

Otherwise, no matter how good the study is, what's the use if the child's body collapses?

Fu Yu told Luo Rang his thoughts, and Luo Rang sighed.

He actually felt that his younger brother and his wife had too high expectations for their children, but the problem was that the younger brother and his sister were indeed highly educated, and almost everyone in the family was a top student.

The old Luo family's education level was not very good, so they thought it was right to listen to other people's advice on education.

Nachengxiang forced the child to be like this.

Luo Yong and his wife regretted it even more.

He said on the spot that as long as the child can take good care of his body, he will let nature take its course in terms of learning in the future and will no longer work hard to catch up to the starting line.

However, these are just speculations about Luo Jiahao's situation. After all, Fu Yu is not an expert in medicine.

Speaking of experts, Fu Yu thought of a person. He asked Luo Rang: "Didn't you take your children to a traditional Chinese medicine hospital to have a look?"

Luo Rang was stunned: "Traditional Chinese medicine hospital? There isn't one."

Fu Yu introduced: "I'm very familiar with the vice president of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. Let me help him first and see if there are any other treatment methods for your nephew's condition.

Traditional Chinese medicine is relatively professional in conditioning, and they can accurately diagnose symptoms. "

This is an ability that Fu Yu does not have.

After all, there are specialties in the art industry!

When Luo Rang heard that Fu Yu knew the deputy dean, his eyes suddenly lit up!

What is this called?

It's true that there is no place to look for after wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

Before, he relied on connections and only found people at the chief physician level, and he couldn't get in touch with people like the dean.

I didn’t expect Fu Yu to have such connections!

Fu Yu called Ren Yuchang directly in front of the Luo family.

Ren Yuchang answered the call quickly and greeted with a smile: "Fu Chu, why did you remember to call me?"

Fu Yu said in a warm tone: "Ren Yuan, how are you doing recently? I have something to trouble you about. My friend's child has something wrong with his health."

Fu Yu introduced Luo Jiahao's situation to Ren Yuchang in detail.

After listening to this, Ren Yuchang pondered for a while, then suddenly lowered his voice and said: "There is indeed nothing wrong with this child. Several physical examinations have been done well. I have also heard the diagnosis results. To say that it is a psychological problem, it is indeed a bit... But not much.

You don’t know that today’s children are not ordinary, they are very thoughtful, they are exposed to things relatively early, and they understand a wide range of things.

I think there is nothing wrong with this child. Rather than saying that he has a psychological problem, I suggest we observe it. Most likely, this child is pretending to be ill! "

Fu Yu was stunned!


He subconsciously glanced at Luo Jiahao, who was sitting next to him. The little guy's complexion was indeed good, otherwise he wouldn't have noticed anything wrong with him when they met him before.

But is he still pretending to be sick at the age of 5?

It is not convenient to ask Ren Yuchang directly.

Fu Yu responded: "So that's the case, then I know."

Ren Yuchang imparted his experience: "Let me tell you, even though this child is only 5 years old, he is already mentally mature! To deal with a child like him, coaxing is useless. If you really can't do it, you can scare him, otherwise, he will You’re so brave!”


Fu Yu thought, it would be a good idea.

This child is indeed very courageous. At such an old age, he dares to pretend to be sick and scare his parents!

After Fu Yu thanked Ren Yuchang, he couldn't help but take a deep breath when he hung up the phone.

He turned to Luo Rang and said seriously: "Dean Ren said, in the words of Chinese medicine, a serious illness is not obvious. You have gone to so many hospitals and done various examinations, but you have not been able to get it." Seeing something wrong means that the child is not without problems, on the contrary, his condition is very serious!"

When Luo Yong and his wife heard this, they were immediately frightened!

Luo Yong asked anxiously: "What does Ren Yuan say is wrong with my son?"

Fu Yu did not answer hastily, but turned to look at Luo Jiahao.

When the little guy listened to Fu Yu's words, he didn't have any big reaction, but his father suddenly asked loudly, and the anxious and worried mood clearly affected Luo Jiahao.

He was startled by his father's loud voice and turned to look at his parents, biting his lip unconsciously and moving his eyes in panic.

Luo Rang wanted to ask aloud, but before he could speak, Fu Yu kicked him under the table.

Fu Yu turned sideways slightly and winked at Luo Rang while Luo Jiahao wasn't paying attention.

Luo Rang was stunned for a moment and swallowed back the words that came to his mouth.

Fu Yu said deliberately: "Ren Yuan said that there should be a problem in his brain that causes loss of appetite. If he wants to be completely cured, surgery may be needed!"

As he spoke, he observed Luo Jiahao's reaction.

Luo Rang bumped his brother's arm, and the two brothers exchanged looks.

Luo Yong was stunned for a moment, then reacted quickly and quietly patted his wife's hand.

The three parents were silent and looked at Fu Yu quietly.

Fu Yu continued: "This operation uses a sharp knife to open the head. The doctor has to see if there is anything growing inside. If any abnormality is found, the brain needs to be taken out and incised!

Click! Just like we usually cut vegetables, it hurts when we lift and drop the knife!

Normally we feel a lot of pain when we fall, but cutting our head open is much more painful! "

At the end of Fu Yu's words, he suddenly emphasized: "And after the operation, the child can only stay in the hospital and live in a ward by himself. Except for doctors and nurses, no family members are allowed to visit, otherwise he will be infected after the operation! "

While Fu Yu was speaking, Luo Jiahao straightened his back instantly, looking at his parents cautiously, for fear that they would agree to the surgery, and biting his lip uneasily.

The look of guilt and fear made Fu Yu feel confident!

Ren Yuchang is indeed an old Chinese medicine practitioner who has practiced medicine for many years. Being able to become the vice president shows that his skills are really great!

After all, who would have thought that such a young child would pretend to be sick to avoid studying.

Luo Rang stretched out his hand without trace to hold down his sullen younger brother, turned around and said cooperatively: "In this case, Fu Chu, I have to ask you to help contact us. We will arrange for an operation at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital immediately. Let Ren The dean should do the surgery, otherwise I'm afraid that if someone else's technique is not good enough, and if the cut is crooked, my nephew will have a crooked neck by then!"

Fu Yu nodded, stood up and said, "Okay, no problem. I'll call Dean Ren now. Get ready to go!"

Luo Rang gestured to stand up.

At this time, Luo Jiahao suddenly stood up, turned around and threw himself into his mother's arms. He shouted in fear and uneasiness: "Mom, I don't feel uncomfortable anymore! I, I'm hungry, I want to eat! I don't want surgery, Don’t go to the hospital, don’t have surgery!!”

When Luo Yong and his wife saw this posture, how could they not know what was going on!

The two of them suddenly trembled with anger.

Don't talk about them, Luo Rang's fists were hardened when he saw this scene!

This little bastard!

How old are you, and you’ve learned to pretend to be sick!

In only three days, it cost nearly 10,000 yuan just for medical treatment and examination.

If he hadn't been held down by his elder brother, Luo Yong would have almost slapped him and called him over!

It would definitely not be good for Fu Yu to stay in this situation.

It is difficult for an upright official to handle household affairs, and it is even more difficult for outsiders to be present when disciplining children.

Luo asked his family to come all the way, but he couldn't let them leave empty-handed.

Fu Yu enthusiastically prepared a treat and took advantage of the opportunity of cooking to leave the box.

The matter was resolved and he felt very relaxed.

However, when he was about to leave the box, he accidentally looked back and happened to catch Luo Jiahao's eyes.

The little guy looked at him in a strange way.

Since he was going to treat a guest, he definitely couldn't be picky. When Fu Yu customized the banquet, he picked all the seasonal specialties in the store, which were guaranteed to be both delicious and tasty.

But although Luo Jiahao was indeed pretending to be sick, he really didn't eat well these days.

Since we want Luo Jiahao to eat more, we need to try our best to arrange some flavors suitable for children.

Guobao Pork, Egg Yolk Baked Pumpkin, Tomato Shrimp.

Others like the innovative salt-and-pepper shrimp tiger and the sea sausage, which is very delicious this season, have to be cooked.

In addition, Fu Yu also specially cooked two medicinal meals, without adding any Chinese medicinal materials, and they were purely dietary supplements.

Fu Yu has always been very generous to his friends, especially Luo Rang, who treated him very well. At this table, Fu Yu had eight dishes and one soup. In addition to seafood porridge, he also gave a special dish of mackerel stuffed dumplings and another one. The restaurant’s signature charcoal grilled eel.

Zhao Meng knew that Luo Rang and his family were coming to the store, and after Fu Yu finished cooking, he specially helped take the order, so that Fu Yu could free up his hands to have lunch with him.

The matter that had been worrying for three days was finally resolved. Although the Luo family was a little angry, they were lucky that the child was fine.

After what happened today, the mentality of Luo Yong and his wife has obviously changed.

While eating, he specially toasted a glass of wine to Fu Yu.

Luo Rang put his hand on Fu Yu's shoulder and said thank you several times.

The guests and hosts enjoy a meal together.

Only Luo Jiahao's food was very appetizing. It could be seen that he was really hungry after pretending to be sick in the past two days.

However, the child kept staring at Fu Yu while eating, and his expression and eyes still looked so strange.

After eating, Fu Yu personally sent the family out of the hotel.

Fu Yu didn't ask specifically about how the Luo family educated their children in the end.

However, he felt that Luo Jiahao might not want to come to Chollima to eat again. (End of chapter)

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