Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1054 The landscape turns in turn

After sending Luo Rang and his party away, Fu Yu sighed.

The child's helpless expression before leaving was really hilarious.

After having a nice lunch, Fu Yu went back to the kitchen and wondered if he should go to Shangshi Private Restaurant in the evening.

Since returning from South Korea this time, he has not been there again.

In addition to being busy with the love meal, Liu Yunong has been very busy recently. He even went out of town for two days recently.

The location of the new branch has basically been decided, and now is the critical stage where we need to clear up relationships and take care of everything.

Fu Yu thought that his sister-in-law didn't have time to take care of the store, so he, the brother-in-law, didn't need to go over and help support her.

Anyway, it will be my own business in the future, and I can also increase my sister-in-law's favorability by the way.

It was rare that the time for customers to dine at the restaurant was delayed by nearly half an hour in the evening. After the dishes were prepared in the kitchen, everyone could take a break.

Fu Yu was about to contact Liu Yunong when he took out his mobile phone and found that someone in his roommate group was @him like crazy.

When he opened the roommate group dialog box, he saw that Li Linfeng and several others were lining up to look for him.

Fu Yu looked amused and replied directly: [What's going on? 】

He waited for a while, but no one responded, so he simply called Li Linfeng directly.

Li Linfeng quickly answered the phone, and before Fu Yu could say anything, he took the lead and said cheerfully: "Fu Yu, I was just looking for you. Are you not busy with work?"

When Fu Yu heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "I just finished my work and I saw you guys in the group looking for me. What's going on?"

Li Linfeng hurriedly said: "Old Xiao Zhangluo said that it's rare that several of us in the dormitory are in Bei'an, and we want to have a meal together and have a good get-together."

Fu Yu was suddenly a little surprised: "Lao Xiao is back? Didn't he go to Yunnan?"

Li Linfeng said: "I just came back yesterday, and it just so happened that the Six Sons and the others hadn't left either. Lao Xiao had a good look, and everyone said they could participate."

Lao Xiao was Fu Yu's roommate when he was studying at the chef school. At that time, everyone in their dormitory got along well. They usually went to class and had meals together. After graduation, they officially went their separate ways.

Although everyone could not stay in Bei'an, the contact has never been broken.

In the group, each other usually talks about their own situations. Among the six people in the dormitory, only Fu Yu and Li Linfeng are in Bei'an. Others have gone to the south and other provinces, but everyone is working in the chef industry. Change jobs.

Among the few people, except Lao Xiao, who set up his own stall and started his own business, the others all worked in the kitchen of the restaurant.

Lao Xiao's full name is Zhang Xiao. Because the name Lao Zhang was too unpleasant, several people changed their name to Lao Xiao.

Zhang Xiao has an average appearance but a tall figure. He is usually keen on fitness. He is a typical person who looks thin when dressed but looks fat when undressed.

Because he is well aware of his own advantages, Zhang Xiao's circle of friends is basically full of his own fitness photos.

Several other people looked envious and would leave messages from time to time asking Lao Xiao to be gentle!

In addition to Lao Xiao, there is also a roommate named Zhang Bonan. After graduating from chef school, he went back to his hometown and ran a restaurant with his parents. Now his restaurant business is booming.

On the short video platform, Fu Yu once saw a video of a food blogger going to his store to check in.

Li Linfeng said: "We chatted in the group for a long time in the morning, but I didn't see you say anything. I guess you were busy."

Fu Yu responded: "I just saw the news in the group when I had some free time here."

Li Linfeng said: "Old Xiao is getting ready to go to the old Sichuan restaurant near our school. It's convenient for me. Just go out. You have to come here in advance. Everyone has an appointment to meet at 7 o'clock tonight. Can you come over at this time? Right? All of them are fine."

Fu Yu works the morning shift today, otherwise he plans to punch in and leave.

So he smiled and responded: "It's okay with me, see you in the evening."

Now that there were arrangements, Fu Yu directly talked about the class reunion when he called Liu Yunong.

Liu Yunong went out of town early this morning and was expected to return in two days.

I heard that Fu Yu couldn't go to Shangshi because of something, so he didn't say anything. He just asked more about Fu Yu's parents' daily preferences.

You should be planning to buy some meet-and-greet gifts in advance.

After getting off work in the evening, Fu Yu made the handover, clocked in and rushed directly to the appointed hotel.

I received a call from Li Linfeng on the way and learned that he had stayed at the school after class.

So Fu Yu specially asked the taxi to stop at the gate of the chef school, met Li Linfeng, and then went there together.

Several people in their dormitory had good drinkers. When they were studying, Zhang Bonan and Li Linfeng, who had the best conditions at home, would often buy alcohol secretly from outside.

After school in the evening, several people in the dormitory went to the training rooms of various majors together, packed snacks and secretly held a wine party with the door locked.

When Hu Zhihai drank, he had already developed his drinking capacity.

When Fu Yu and Li Linfeng rushed to the restaurant, Zhang Xiao and others had already arrived and were taking orders.

Seeing them coming, everyone suddenly burst into laughter.

Zhang Xiao stood up directly, gave each of them a hug, and greeted with a smile: "You are finally here, come on, sit down and chat!"

Since graduation, the few of them have never met together again. Although they usually tease each other in the group, it is better to meet in person after all.

Everyone was very happy at this party.

Zhang Xiao has always been careful and very particular about etiquette.

He came back from Yunnan and brought a gift to everyone present, including local Pu'er tea, Xuanwei ham, and flower cakes.

As soon as the things were put on the table, the sense of intimacy that I felt when I went to bed on vacation suddenly came over me.

It was like this at that time. Every time a few people in the dormitory went home for vacation and returned to school, they would bring everyone specialties from their hometown.

I used to think that this kind of ritual was quite common, after all, everyone was doing it.

But after I graduated and separated, I suddenly missed the feeling I had when I was studying.

When a few people first got together, they were still a little raw. After the gifts were distributed, the previous intimacy immediately returned to its original state.

After everyone sat down, they took turns ordering dishes.

This store was a place they frequented when they were in school, and they are very familiar with its specialties.

As for drinks, in addition to the beer ordered from the store, what I drank today was also home-brewed wine that Li Linfeng brought from home. It was very mellow and could not be bought outside.

When he was in school, Li Linfeng did it twice, but he always secretly filled it with mineral water bottles. A few people in the dormitory only drank a cap of one bottle, which was almost the bottom of the bottle.

Today I just picked up a big bottle.

Li Linfeng said very proudly: "This wine is very precious to my old man. I used to be afraid that he would get angry, so I didn't dare to take more. Now it's okay. He has high blood pressure and the doctor doesn't allow him to drink. This time, I gave it all to him." Brought here!"

In fact, Fu Yu and the others are not addicted to alcohol. They usually go to restaurants for a change of taste and to create a dinner party atmosphere.

But at this time, if I don’t drink some wine, I always feel like I’m missing something.

Zhang Xiao took the lead in raising a glass: "Brothers, how about a drink?"

Others cooperated and drank it all in one gulp.

While laughing, the atmosphere seemed to be back to the time when I was studying.

Thoughts came to mind, and several people couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Time flies so fast!

Fu Yu put down his wine glass and let Li Linfeng help him fill it up again. He turned to ask Zhang Xiao: "Old Xiao, I read the news in the group that you are not going to leave again this time? Are you planning to stay in Bei'an in the future? While developing?”

Zhang Xiao picked up a chopstick of boiled pork slices. It had been a long time since he tasted this taste. It was fragrant and spicy. Regardless of whether it was authentic or not, it was the most unforgettable taste in his memory.

After he ate the food, he said with a smile: "Yes, I won't leave. I actually came back quietly for more than a week a year ago. I was busy with work arrangements at the time, so I didn't have the nerve to contact you.

I heard at that time that you guys were doing quite well, but I was afraid that you would look down on me and stop playing with me. "

When the others heard this, they couldn't help laughing and teasing him: "Looking for a beating, you kid!"

Zhang Xiao laughed with everyone for a long time, and suddenly said: "Do you know about Kelaya in the north of the city? I will go to work there next week as a chef."


Fu Yu had actually heard of this restaurant. It was on the street from the museum. It was quite large and it was a restaurant that specialized in wedding banquets.

When I was working, I would occasionally hear people around me mention that I was going to attend a funeral and the hotel was set at Kelaya.

Others here also knew about this hotel and were quite surprised when they heard about it.

Li Linfeng put his hand on Zhang Xiao's shoulder: "You can do it, I know Ke Laiya! The business is booming, no worse than a music restaurant!"

If Music Restaurant is the most popular hotel for hosting various celebrations, then Kelaiya is the place that has the monopoly on all-day dining.

The two stores, one red and one white, cover almost the entire custom-made mat market!

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "It's not bad. Actually, it's mainly because of the relationship, and my brother's cooking skills are indeed not bad. I only got the job opportunity after passing several rounds of inspections."

Everyone immediately clamored to raise their glasses to one with Zhang Xiao.

After drinking this glass of wine, Zhang Xiao suddenly showed a proud look and said with a smile: "You are surprised by this? If I tell you something again, you will definitely have to ask me to raise a glass again!"

His words immediately aroused everyone's curiosity.

Zhang Xiao didn't rush to speak, but reached out and flicked Fu Yu's wine glass: "Do you believe it or not, I said, you have to take the initiative to toast me?"

Fu Yu was confused: "It has something to do with me? What is it?"

Zhang Xiao suddenly smiled: "Do you know who I am with now?"

Fu Yu shook his head.

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "Wu Hao! He is the one who really disgusted you when I was studying! Only when I went to Kelaya this time did I find out that he also works there!"

When Fu Yu heard about Wu Hao, he immediately recalled what happened when he was studying.

Rather than saying that Wu Hao was disgusted with him, it was better to say that Wu Hao inexplicably regarded him as an imaginary enemy.

No matter what happened, if Fu Yu said something to the east, he would definitely say something to the west. If there was any competition, he would definitely stay away from Fu Yu and target Fu Yu behind his back.

Zhang Xiao is a nice person, but his wine quality is poor. After drinking some wine, the conversation will begin.

He pulled Fu Yu and said, "I went to Kelaya, and then I found out that the owner of the hotel has a relationship with Jingxiangyuan. The store has a dedicated customer service, and he goes directly to Jingxiangyuan to sign orders every day when he goes to work.

With everything like this, how can we not monopolize the market?

In today's world, it's the red and white affairs that make the most money! "

As he spoke, he thought of something and sighed: "I applied for the job this time and was contacted for the position of chef. After passing the interview, I found out that Wu Hao is the chef. I will take up the post next Monday and will be his immediate boss. Yes, do you dare to believe it?"

Li Linfeng was stunned for a moment: "Go ahead, you're awesome. Our old Xiao is a figure everywhere! But how did that kid Wu Hao get around? I remember that he was also recommended by the school for internship, right?"

Zhang Xiao smiled: "What's the use of being recommended by the school? I really can't say sour grapes. To be honest, in our circle, if you can get the recommended place in the school, the most you can do is get it earlier than others. Here comes the stepping stone.

Specifically, after you knock on the door and get in, no one cares about your performance in school. You have to rely on your own ability to climb up!

What people value is personal cooking level and strength! "

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiao put his hand on Fu Yu's arm and said sincerely: "Look at Fu Yu, he also graduated from a chef school, but now he has become a celebrity in Bei'an. When I came back, I heard a lot about him!

After being out and about for so long, I actually see it quite clearly. If you want to be famous in the food circle, you must first learn to adapt to the environment!

Whether you start your own business or work in a restaurant, it's actually the same.

I started my own business before and actually made a little money, but I was really not used to the living habits and weather there.

Although my career there was already doing well, I decided to come back to develop my career.

This approach may seem a bit impulsive to you, but to me, I think it is particularly suitable for me.

Now that I have applied for a job as a chef at Cléartis, I have a stable job and income, and I can actually live quite comfortably! "

Hearing this, Li Linfeng asked with great interest: "I've heard a long time ago that the chefs at Kelaya don't just get commission based on the meal. Is this true?"

Zhang Xiao nodded: "Yes, our commission is not only based on the size and quantity of the seats, but the main commission is the grade of the seats.

Kelaya is engaged in banquets, and its business is not focused on catering. The first is marketing, the second is service, and the last is catering and cooking. "

Fu Yu nodded, it was true, the music restaurant also got commissions in this way, and said: "I work part-time at the music restaurant to make medicated meals, and the kitchen also gets commissions like Kelaya, but the front office and the kitchen there are tied. At the same time, there are dedicated personnel to communicate with customers about customized tables, and the kitchen can just take the order directly.

When I just went there, I was shocked when I saw the price of the seats!

For a table, 1888 is considered low-end. Prices basically start from 2888. The food is really good, but you know, with the ingredients listed, a wedding event will cost at least 20 tables. You guys Forget it! "(End of chapter)

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