Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1070 The opportunity has come

However, it was just as Yao Shi predicted.

Except for the two days when Fu Yu just applied for resignation, the kitchen side seemed a little anxious. As Zhao Meng began to lead Sun Qingning to take over the job, Gu Yunwu obviously focused on promoting Qi Shun and directly arranged for Zhang Jiaxin to take over the job independently.

In the kitchen, both the speed of taking orders and the efficiency of serving dishes have been significantly improved.

Fu Yu is now working as a monk every day and clocking the clock every day. He works as he usually does and still works now.

In the entire kitchen, the one who was most reluctant to part with Fu Yu and the one with the biggest gap was Zhang Jinyu.

After finally being able to stay with Fu Yu, he had the hope of becoming a chef, but before he could improve his cooking skills, Fu Yu suddenly piled up his food and left.

Zhang Jinyu didn't say anything, but felt very disappointed.

Seeing that the day of resigning was coming soon, Fu Yu deliberately chose a night shift and invited Zhao Meng, Sun Qingning and Zhang Jinyu to have a late-night snack.

The men have a good relationship with each other. They sit in front of a table of barbecue and shabu-shabu, clink glasses and take a few sips of beer. In the evening, listening to the noisy voices around them, they sit in the smoky hotel lobby and chat a few words. We can all talk.

Several people had discussed Fu Yu's resignation in private.

Knowing that Fu Yu was going to pursue his future after leaving Bei'an this time, others were more or less envious.

Sun Qingning is eloquent and quick to respond, and is particularly good at finding topics to warm up the conversation.

Now that he is familiar with Zhao Meng, he speaks more casually and naturally.

Fu Yu's resignation is already a certainty. Compared with Zhang Jinyu's worries about gains and losses, he almost set off firecrackers to celebrate.

In the past, I had always been suppressing Fu Yu, but I didn't expect that he would be able to thrive so quickly.

Zhao Meng has always been decisive in doing things. If he wants to train someone, he must be very dedicated and devoted to teaching.

In the past two days, Sun Qingning felt very clearly how much Zhao Meng valued him. This made him excited, but also a little nervous, for fear that he would not be able to seize this rare opportunity.

At the dinner table, Sun Qingning was obviously fawning over Zhao Meng, and his fawning attitude was almost unbearable.

One meal almost cost Zhao Meng a meal.

Sun Qingning coaxed Zhao Meng into chatting, choosing what the other party wanted to hear. From time to time, he would help pour a glass of wine and peel some garlic. He had a particularly eye-catching look and knew what was going on!

Being compared with him, Zhang Jinyu became more and more heavy-minded. He looked downcast and looked depressed, looking lifeless and hopeless.

Fu Yu glanced at Zhang Jinyu, put the shabu-shabu on a plate, and asked in a low voice: "After I left my job this time, Chef Zhao said that he planned to let you come over and be the assistant cook. You still don't know about this, right?"

Zhang Jinyu suddenly raised his head: "Really?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Well, Chef Zhao is going to train Qing Ning to take orders independently. You are a little bit weak here, so you can follow along first, and then try to cook a little bit. In fact, you are just a bit weak, and you are usually very diligent. You will follow Chef Zhao well in the future. Learn, you can’t make a difference!”

Zhang Jinyu didn't expect that Zhao Meng had already made arrangements. His heart that had been hanging around before fell to the ground a little, and he couldn't help but said: "Fu Chu, you are suddenly leaving your job. I really can't bear to leave you. I will follow you." I'm used to it, but now I have to change my duties unexpectedly, I feel a little nervous."

Fu Yu said: "Do the same thing with Chef Zhao. I was brought out by Chef Zhao back then. He has a high level of cooking skills and is very good at teaching people. If you humbly follow him and practice your skills, it won't take long. I'm sure Can successfully become a disciple."

Zhang Jinyu nodded vigorously.

He was sincerely prepared to work hard in this industry. He had been working conscientiously with Fu Yu before, not daring to be lazy at all. He just hoped to learn cooking skills as soon as possible, become a full-time employee smoothly, and work steadily in Qianlima.

What he wanted was this stable job with good pay.

Neither Zhang Jinyu nor Fu Yu were natives of Bei'an. Fu Yu had studied in Bei'an for two years and was familiar with the environment here.

Zhang Jinyu came to the big city to work alone. He had been working as a busboy in a small restaurant in the county and had no relatives or friends here.

The reason why the two got along so well at first was because they were both living away from home and living in the dormitory of the store. They were neighbors, and they could usually understand each other's loneliness and sympathy for each other as they were both at the end of the world.

When Fu Yu hadn't developed yet and was just working as an unknown person, the relationship between the two of them was okay.

Although they are not close friends, they usually get along well in both work and life.

Maybe men can look at each other, talk about fate, talk about aura.

Sometimes it's just a look or a few words, not status, but appreciation for each other's temperament.

Zhang Jinyu couldn't help but look at Fu Yu. He had a quiet and handsome profile on the bridge of his nose and lips. He was young and steady. He spoke in a measured manner and had opinions on things. He felt more and more reverence and closeness to this life in his heart.

Zhang Jinyu said sincerely: "I know, in fact, what I looked forward to most in the past was to learn skills from Chef Zhao."

Fu Yu smiled: "Work hard, and with your temperament, you will definitely do well in the future."

Zhang Jinyu smiled innocently, and the burden in his heart lightened a lot.

He had previously thought that he would be sent to serve as Sun Qingning's assistant. In that case, he would definitely not be able to get the chance to take charge in two years.

Now I can follow Zhao Meng, let alone being far away, and becoming a full-timer should be just around the corner.

Thinking of this, my whole body suddenly became excited.

After Qingming Festival, the business in the store obviously started to slow down.

During this period, seafood such as shrimps, tigers, clams, etc. have passed the hot sales period when they were first launched on the market, and customers have no sense of expectation after trying them.

Moreover, after April, it will be the May Day holiday, which is a time when studies are intense and work is busy.

There are fewer customers in the store, and the work in the kitchen has become relatively easier.

On Saturday morning, someone from the front hall suddenly came over to report that a customer was planning to book the lunch time tomorrow.

As soon as the news reached the kitchen, everyone was shocked!

Book the venue!

The entire noon period is all inclusive!

What kind of big shot is coming to dine?

There are a total of twenty-three tables in the Chollima Hall, and there are a total of thirteen private rooms on the first and second floors.

This is just in time to book seats for large events.

Fu Yu was also very surprised. He didn't expect that Qianli Ma would encounter such a thing.

However, when he saw the customer's order form and the note requirements on it, Fu Yu almost laughed out loud.

The customer made it clear that Fu Yu would take charge of the dishes at the table in Box 104.

Fu Yu recognized the dishes on the order list just by looking at them.

The third child is like that!

Fish-flavored shredded pork, sweet and sour pork ribs, lychee broth, and several other specialties in the store are all dishes that Fu Yu has cooked before and after.

This is the ultimate sprint mission. Once you complete it, you can successfully receive generous rewards!

Thinking of this, Fu Yu was full of energy for a while!

This was the first time that Chollima received such a booking order, and everyone in the store was very excited!

In addition to starting to prepare the dishes in advance, I also chatted and gossiped about the identity of the customers from time to time.

Judging from the customization of the banquet, it doesn't look like a birthday banquet or a wedding banquet, and Qianlima will not accept casual banquets.

So this is company team building?

With so many people renting out the entire hotel, how big would it be?

The customer specifically asked Fu Yu to cook the spoon.

Zhao Meng did not shy away from others. After taking the order, he turned to Fu Yu and asked, "Is this your old customer? Do you have any impressions?"

As long as the mission content is not mentioned, there is nothing else that needs to be concealed.

However, due to Zhao Qinghua's identity, Fu Yu approached Zhao Meng and truthfully told his guess in a voice that could only be heard between the two of them.

At this moment, Zhao Meng was shocked!

It was Zhao Qinghua who came to the restaurant for dinner?

Who is hosting the banquet?

It must be a crew member, right?


Maybe everyone who comes is a big star!

The customer didn't make any special request, he probably just wanted to arrange this dinner in a low-key manner.

However, the venue has already been reserved, and the store will definitely be closed to thank customers. No outsiders will disturb the meal, which ensures safety and concealment.

By the time the news gets out in the future, the party will be over long ago, and there is no fear of anyone finding out.

The entire store has begun to prepare to take orders for tomorrow's reservation.

The customer was so mysterious that it made everyone more and more curious and expectant, wanting to see who was coming.

As a result, when the customers actually arrived at noon the next day, everyone in the store was pleasantly surprised!

The mystery shopper went directly to Box 104. Only the waiter and the kitchen staff knew that it was the well-known director Zhao Qinghua and several well-known actors and actresses.

The other boxes were occupied by the crew, as well as school leaders and teacher representatives from the Sixth Primary School.

The hall was full of primary school students in school uniforms and head teachers of each class.

The students who came were from two classes that had occupied the classroom due to filming during this period. In addition to them, there were also students who were selected as temporary extras. These students who had participated in the performance were arranged in the box.

For a time, the whole restaurant was very lively, with the sounds of children laughing and playing, the sounds of waiters busy serving dishes and reciting the names of dishes among the crowd, and the scoldings of teachers managing children.

The kitchen is even more busy.

Although most of the semi-finished dishes such as cold dishes have been taken away, the remaining stir-fried and stewed dishes can only be served slowly one table at a time.

There is nothing we can do about this.

There are too few cooking utensils and kitchen staff at Qianlima, which is completely incomparable to the kitchens of music restaurants that can formally host large banquets.

Both the front office and the kitchen are very busy.

Only the three people at the front desk were laughing and teasing a pair of very cute twins.

The two children were in first grade this year, wore the same school uniform, and looked almost identical.

Tiptoeing on the table at the front desk, I wanted to drink two bottles of juice.

Liu Yuqing saw that the little brother and sister looked cute, so she happily chatted with them for a while, stuffing each of them with a bottle of drink and two extra toffees.

This busy schedule lasted from opening the store in the morning until around two o'clock in the afternoon, when all the customers left after finishing their meals.

Everyone in the kitchen was so tired that they had long since lost the excitement of gossip.

Obviously, when business is booming occasionally, they will also face such a situation where almost the whole store is full.

But because all the customers arrived at the store at the same time today, the feeling of being rushed to serve the food made everyone tense up and busy with the work at hand, almost without raising their heads or eyes.

For nearly three hours, no one even had time to breathe.

Now that all orders were finally completed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After taking some time off, Fu Yu had time to check his phone.

It turned out that Liu Yuqing sent him several messages in succession at noon, including three photos of a pair of twin primary school students.

The two children are fair and fair, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and they look very cute.

Focusing on these two primary school students, Liu Yuqing excitedly thought to Fu Yu that if they are together, one is very beautiful and the other is very handsome, and the children they will give birth to in the future will definitely be very good-looking.

After Fu Yu read this passage, his heart couldn't help but move.

Yes, they will definitely give birth to such a cute child in the future.

Thinking in his mind, Fu Yu couldn't help but smile.

Before the corners of his raised lips fell down, a waiter suddenly came over to report that the customers in box 104 wanted to meet the chef in charge.

When Fu Yu heard this, he immediately became happy!

The opportunity has come!

He had been thinking about how to find a way to go to the front hall.

If you want to get to know Zhao Qinghua, you have to meet him at least once, right?

As a result, before he could find an excuse to go out, Zhao Qinghua took the initiative to see him!

Fu Yu followed the waiter to box 104.

As soon as I walked in, I saw a table of people eating and chatting in a lively atmosphere.

The waiter introduced loudly: "This is the chef of our store, Fu Chu!"

Everyone present heard the sound and turned their heads to look over.

While Fu Yu was sizing them up, everyone was also sizing up the young chef in front of them.

The young man looks really energetic!

Standing there in this chef's uniform, it is no exaggeration to praise the jade tree in the wind.

Zhao Qinghua had met Fu Yu before in Liu Xiao Canteen. Now he took a closer look and nodded approvingly.

With his eyesight that has seen countless people, the young man's appearance is very outstanding, and he is pure and natural. At first glance, he has never had any cosmetic surgery.

However, his desire to meet the young chef today was not just a whim.

The last time he was in the school cafeteria, he looked at the movements and gestures of the chef in front of him when he was cooking. At that time, he felt that this person had a very good image and had great temperament.

If you encounter similar scenes in the future, you may be able to ask him to come over to provide demonstration guidance, or even play a temporary cameo role.

Of course, these are things for the future. Now he just wants to get to know this chef who is very good at his craftsmanship. It is best to have his contact information to facilitate future contact.

Fu Yu was immediately elated when he learned that Zhao Qinghua had called him here just to get to know him!

What is this called?

No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to find anything. It takes no effort at all to get there! (End of chapter)

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