Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1071 Obtaining generous rewards

Coming out of the box, Fu Yu was overjoyed when he heard the electronic sound ringing in his ears!

【Ding! Trigger the follow-up mission, get to know the well-known NPC director Zhao Qinghua, and expand your network of contacts. The mission has been completed and you will receive rewards: level +2, a cooking and side dish principle guide, 2 bottles of strengthening potions, and skill points +20]

Fu Yu was pleasantly surprised by being directly upgraded by 2 levels. He didn't expect that 20 skill points would be awarded directly!

This is 20 skill points!

If it is in normal times, how many tasks must be completed to obtain it?

Fu Yu was so happy!

Taking a closer look at the reward content, I found that it is clearly marked on it that because the chain task completion rate has reached 100%, the reward skill point +20!

This is great too!

However, what is this guide to the principles of cooking side dishes as a reward?

Garnishing principles?

Why can't you understand?

What are the rules for side dishes?

Compared to this guide, 2 bottles of strengthening potion are more clear at a glance!

The two potions drawn before were for increased sensitivity.

No idea what it will be this time.

Fu Yu directly chose to use it.

[Strengthening Potion: Increase IQ by 2%! 】

[Strengthening Potion: Increase IQ by 2%! 】

Fu Yu was immediately delighted. Two bottles of strengthening potions had improved his IQ by 4%!

What a good thing!

However, apart from strengthening potions, what Fu Yu is most looking forward to is the guide on cooking and side dish principles.

According to the system's rules for awarding tasks, rewards such as guides and recipes have always been very practical and can benefit him a lot!

For example, the original [Illustrated Manual of Ingredients and Cooking Methods] brought Fu Yu a qualitative leap in cooking operations!

Fu Yu carefully checked the attributes of the guide:

[Guide to the principles of cooking side dishes: According to the variety of dishes and their respective quality requirements, two or more main ingredients and auxiliary ingredients that have been processed by knife skills are combined through the matching of quantity, taste, color, and shape. The combination of ingredients makes it a complete dish. 】

Fu Yu looked at the system prompts and still felt a little confused.

Does this guide mean what he thinks?

If so, then this reward is really generous!

With this guide and the illustration of ingredients and cooking methods, Fu Yu felt a little unrealistic when he thought about the possibility.

After a busy afternoon, everyone in the kitchen didn't have a bite of lunch until 3:30.

After finishing the meal in a hurry, I have to start preparing the dishes for dinner.

This busy state lasted until after seven o'clock in the evening, and then it was considered to be back to the busy and orderly way before.

Fu Yu's orders have been smoothly connected. He is plating the dishes when the ordering staff hurried to the kitchen.

She first took a look at the situation in the back kitchen, looked around, and couldn't find Zhao Meng, so she ran straight to Fu Yu and said anxiously: "Fu Chu, here is an order from Yao Chu's old customer! I have already told the customer I explained the resignation of Chef Yao, but the customer said that he came from out of town and just wanted to eat this one bite in the store. We are taking orders normally, but one of the dishes ordered is a hidden dish. See if you can You can’t do it, no, I’ll go tell the customer again.”

After saying this, the ordering clerk explained specifically: "This old customer does come to the store to dine every year. When Chef Yao was here before, he even went to the front hall to entertain him."

Since he is an exclusive regular customer of Chef Yao, he must be treated well.

Fu Yu took the order form and carefully looked at the dishes ordered by the customer.

The small banquet noodles with six dishes, one soup and one staple food, mackerel dumplings and seafood soup are all very popular in the store. In addition, we also ordered the classic fish fillet in pot, spicy crayfish, and sweet and sour fish. specialties.

In addition to these, there is also a reservoir fish head, which is indeed a hidden dish.

This dish was passed down from the time of Mr. Dong. It is exquisitely made and the ingredients are carefully selected. It was a popular dish for a while back then.

But later, the store made an innovative dish, fish head in clear soup, using fat-headed fish from the river. They chose big, lively fish weighing four to five kilograms. After stewing, they were cooked directly in an oversized soup pot. When it is served on the table, it looks very elegant.

With the fish head in clear soup, the dish of fish head in the reservoir was gradually banned.

The fat fish head stew soup is also very delicious, but the fish head in the reservoir is cooked with Bei'an's local special three-scale scale. Although the fish head is much smaller, it is rich in brains, and the fish meat is plump. It is stewed slowly over low heat. The fish meat is as tender as tofu pudding, and many old customers who know how to eat still miss this bite.

So this dish became a hidden menu.

Normally, I don’t go out of my way to introduce it to customers. Customers who know that this dish is available don’t need to read the menu, they just report the name of the dish directly.

Fu Yu looked at the order form and frowned slightly.

He has never made this fish head dish from the reservoir.

After all, the only people who can order this hidden dish are the old customers of the store. Fu Yu only started taking orders officially this year and has not had the opportunity to contact these people yet.

Fu Yu was not intimidated by taking an order for a dish that he had never cooked before, but now he had to cook a dish that Chollima already had and that the customers were very familiar with, so it was a bit difficult.

Zhao Meng came back at this time, and Fu Yu hurriedly asked: "Chef Zhao, have you made this reservoir fish head before?"

Zhao Meng was stunned when he heard this: "Reservoir fish head? Does anyone else order this dish? I can't cook it. Chef Yao took over in the past."

With that said, he raised his voice and asked: "Lao Gu! Have you ever made a fish head in a reservoir?"

Gu Yunwu was busy instructing Zhang Jiaxin to cook. He replied casually without raising his head: "I haven't done it before! Only Chef Yao can cook this dish!"

Zhao Meng responded, turned to Yu and said, "You can't withdraw the dish. No one orders the fish head in the reservoir all year round. Now that Chef Yao has resigned, no one can make this dish."

The orderer hurriedly said: "Chef Zhao, this is Chef Yao's old customer. When he came to the store to dine before, he seemed to have a good relationship with Chef Yao. I told him about Chef Yao's resignation. He told him that If you want to take a bite, just let the chef watch and cook."

When Zhao Meng heard this, he nodded: "If you say this, it will be easy to handle. Xiao Fu, just watch and cook. This fish head in clear soup was originally modified based on the cooking method of fish head in the reservoir. It is just three steps. Lin changed into a fat-headed fish.

If you don't want to take it, I'll do it.

But, it's best for you to take the order. I'm still a little bit less skilled at stewing. "

Zhao Meng was telling the truth. His cooking skills were indeed good, but they were limited to stir-frying. Gu Yunwu was definitely better at stewing.

Fu Yu's cooking skills have improved now. He is almost an all-rounder and is very good at cooking in all aspects.

Zhao Meng really felt that instead of cooking this dish himself, it would be better to leave it to Fu Yu to cook it, which would make it better.

Fu Yu laughed when he heard this: "Okay, although I have never cooked reservoir fish heads, I have cooked clear water fish heads before. This dish is not delicious no matter how I cook it."

When the ordering clerk heard that Fu Yu was willing to take the order, he didn't stay long and hurried back to the front hall.

Fu Yu turned around and told Zhang Jinyu to prepare the dishes, and said: "Get a bigger three-scale fish, I will make the fish head!"

Zhang Jinyu responded and left.

Taking advantage of the time to prepare the dishes, Fu Yu quickly looked through the classic recipes.

Seeing this, I was immediately dumbfounded.

There is no recipe for this Reservoir Fish Head dish at all. The only dish with a similar name is Reservoir Fish Head King.

The names of the dishes differ by one word, but the cooking methods are completely different.

The fish head in Qianlima Reservoir is boiled fish with original taste.

The Reservoir Fish Head King uses extra-large bighead carp heads, plus authentic chopped chili peppers, plus yellow chili peppers, red chili peppers, Liuyang tempeh and other ingredients, steamed over high heat, and is famous for its spicy and delicious taste.

There is absolutely no possibility of learning from the cooking method of this dish.

Unexpectedly, Chollima’s fish head from the reservoir is actually a dish created by Mr. Dong.

Zhang Jinyu came over with the packed Sandaolin. When Fu Yu took over the inspection, he was surprised to find that a virtual cooking scene appeared in front of him!

Fu Yu looked at the picture and was shocked!

Because he was surprised to find that this picture was the side dish he thought of cooking the reservoir fish head at this moment!

He could clearly see how much the three-daulin weighed in his hand, the exact position to cut off the fish head, how heavy the fish head was, what side dishes should be used when cooking the fish head, and each type of fish head. How many side dishes to use

At this time, all the cooking ingredients for the entire dish appeared on Fu Yu's virtual cooking screen.

At this time, the workers began to prepare the dishes and send them over one after another.

Some of the side dishes happened to correspond to the four-dimensional pictures, and some did not match. Fu Yu quickly made a judgment and decided to prepare the side dishes according to the virtual cooking screen.

Zhang Jinyu received the order. Although he was surprised by Fu Yu's temporary change of heart, he had been with Fu Yu for a long time and unknowingly developed the habit of obeying Yu's orders.

I hurried over to the waiter and asked for the preparation of new side dishes. As for those that had been processed but were no longer needed, I went to the kitchen counters and asked around. If there were any that could be used, I would quickly share them out, and the rest would be sent back to the reserve. Vegetable area.

After everything was done, when Zhang Jinyu returned to Fu Yu, he saw that Fu Yu had already started cooking the fish heads in the reservoir.

After Fu Yu made his judgment just now, he already realized that the virtual cooking scene that suddenly appeared should be a simulation of the cooking operation that he formed in his mind by referring to the cooking method of Qingshui fish head.

When cooking begins, every time Fu Yu performs an operation, the various side dishes on the virtual screen will be quickly adjusted and changed.

Fu Yu could actually see the knotted position of the green onions, the thickness and quantity of the ginger slices, the quality of the selected coriander, and the quantity of each seasoning!

So detailed!

Looking at the virtual cooking screen, Fu Yu suddenly became excited.

This reward is awesome!

Being able to accurately determine the side dishes used in a dish. For a chef, can there be any stronger skill than this?

No cooking skill at this moment is more powerful than this virtual cooking scene!

So cool!

This is absolutely divine!

Thinking of this, Fu Yu was a little excited.

This passive skill can be regarded as the strongest point that I currently have.

No wonder the previous series of tasks followed one another, lasting so long and cooking several tables of dishes before finally completing the ultimate task.

Now it seems that it is entirely because the mission rewards are so generous!

At this time, Zhang Jinyu asked: "Fu Chu, what should I use for this dish?"

Fu Yu turned to Zhao Meng and shouted: "Chef Zhao, what kind of tableware did Chef Yao use when cooking fish heads in the reservoir?"

Zhao Meng said while shaking the spoon: "It's the big-eared casserole with a gold-plated circle around the edge!"

Fu Yu understood it as soon as he heard it, and turned to Zhang Jinyu: "Big belly casserole with gold rim."

They were asking and answering questions like this. Sun Qingning was caught in the middle and listened briefly. He couldn't help but curiously asked: "Cook Zhao, it seems that only our store can make this fish head in the reservoir, right? I have never heard of such a dish here. Where’s the food?”

Even though Zhao Meng doesn't know how to cook this dish, he still knows the origin of this dish very clearly.

He kept stir-frying in his hands and said casually: "This reservoir fish head dish was originally created by Mr. Dong. I heard them chatting at that time and said that when the shop was not opened, Mr. Dong was cooking at a stall. Business.

In the beginning, there was a stall set up next to the reservoir. At that time, many reservoir workers caught the three Daolin, either as bonuses or as a way to entertain guests as food and drinks.

These three Daolin are too fat, the meat is enough to eat, but the fish head is not easy to stew, so I just cut it off and throw it away.

Mr. Dong felt it was a pity when he looked at it, so he picked up the fish head and put it in the pot. It was originally used to make the original soup. Later, after two or three years of repeated exploration, the taste of the simmered fish head became more and more delicious, and the soup was as thick as Milk, fragrant.

Since then, the dish of reservoir fish head has been born. "

As he said that, Zhao Meng thought of something and couldn't help but sigh: "If I have to say that the person I admire the most over the years is Chef Yao, not to mention his amazing craftsmanship, he also has a really clever mind!

It is said that after he worked as a chef in the store, he further explored and summarized this dish, and finally cooked the improved clear water fish head directly. At that time, this dish was really popular, and it was almost a must-order at every table! "

This is very true. Even now, the dish Qingshui Fish Head is still very popular with customers.

Fu Yu was multitasking, frying fish heads and listening to the two of them chatting.

The Sandaolin used by Qianlima has always been purchased from the city's reservoir. These are genuine fish raised at the foot of Sifeng Mountain in pure, clear and pollution-free water. All live fish caught weigh about three kilograms each, and the meat is particularly tender. Delicious.

Just remove the scales and gills of the fish, remove the internal organs, wash and chop off the head, fry the head until brown, take it out and put it in a casserole.

Add water, add other side dishes and accessories, simmer over fire, the taste will definitely be amazing!

Fu Yu followed the recipe of Qingshui Fish Head to cook the Reservoir Fish Head dish. Except for the slight changes in the side dishes, there were no special changes in other aspects.

However, he looked at the stewed fish head. When it came out of the pot, the taste was definitely the same! (End of chapter)

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