Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1072 This can also be judged

From taking the order to officially cooking, Fu Yu did not ask anyone else. He relied on the virtual cooking screen to operate step by step in a busy and orderly manner.

Soon, put the fried fish head into a casserole, add water, skim off the floating oil, add eight kinds of seasonings, and simmer over a slow fire.

Fu Yu completed the entire cooking process himself. He was cooking according to the images in the virtual cooking screen.

Zhang Jinyu stood nearby, watching Fu Yu calmly and quickly cooking dishes that he had never touched before, his eyes were filled with admiration and envy for a moment!

To be able to make accurate cooking decisions in such a short time is such a keen and precise cooking judgment!

When cooking, Fu Yu must ensure that all side dishes are controlled and cut according to the virtual cooking screen.

Fu Yu took a look at the stewing of the fish in the casserole, and suddenly said to Zhang Jinyu on the side: "The fish head will be stewed for 50 minutes! You go and bring over the processed crayfish, and I will cook it right away."

Zhang Jinyu glanced at Fu Yu in admiration. Can he determine the cooking time with just one look?

Fu Yu continued cooking, and while stewing the fish head, he cooked other dishes for the banquet.

After 8:30 pm, the work pace of almost everyone in the kitchen has slowed down significantly.

Once the peak dining period is over, all that's left is taking orders sporadically, and some dishes that have already been served and need to continue cooking.

At this time, Zhao Meng completely relaxed and took the time to come over and take a look at Fu Yu's cooking situation.

When I saw the fish head stewed in the pot, I immediately nodded in approval!

The fish head is quite decent.

Not to mention the taste, the fish head is stewed at a very good temperature, the soup is milky white, the fish head meat is well cooked, and the fish meat at the fracture is white and rosy. You can tell that the meat is extremely tender.

Zhao Meng praised: "This fish head stew is good, it's very good!"

Fu Yu laughed as soon as he heard this, and remembered what happened before, and said casually: "It was also with your encouragement. When I first came to the kitchen, you asked me to make clear water fish heads, and the house was full of them. A fishy smell."

Zhao Meng also remembered it and said with a smile: "That's because you added too much water when you stewed the fish head."

Fu Yule said: "At that time, I mainly didn't like frying fish heads. When frying, the oil would collapse everywhere. After cooking, I had to clean the stove for a long time. That time, I was afraid that the oil would be splashed too hard, so I I deliberately shortened the frying time, but later I was afraid that it would not be cooked enough, so I added more water, thinking that I could cook it for a longer time."

Only then did Zhao Meng realize Fu Yu's little thoughts at the time, and couldn't help but laugh: "You kid! You are so careless! I really didn't see what you were doing at the time."

Fu Yu was stewing the fish head, and suddenly added too much water, completely covering the fish head, and the volume was about three times the size of the fish head.

After simmering for 15 minutes, the fishy smell not only disappeared after 10 minutes, but became stronger and stronger. I increased the heat, but it still didn't adjust, and the fishy smell remained.

Zhao Meng smelled the smell and got angry, but after training, he finally helped to get rid of the matter.

When they talked about what happened back then, the two couldn't help but look at each other and smile. They didn't say anything, but they felt the same in their hearts. Time passed so fast.

In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed.

Now watching Fu Yu make stewed fish head, Zhao Meng felt much more at ease and no longer worried as before.

Compared with stewing the whole fish, stewing the fish head is more difficult.

When cooking, you need to accurately judge whether the degree of cooking of the fish bones matches the fish meat, whether the fish brain is intact and cannot be boiled. When the customer tastes it, the smooth taste that enters the heart must be completely preserved.

This is very difficult for a chef!

It is necessary to accurately operate and judge the cooking time of the fish head, and accurately make corresponding cooking operations based on the shape of the fish meat and fish soup.

Cooking seems simple, but it is difficult to do.


Looking at the milky white fish soup churning in the pot, Zhao Meng nodded in admiration. Fathead fish is always used to stew fish heads because of its large size, thick fish bones and resistance to stewing.

Sandaolin is much smaller, the fish bones are thin, and the fish meat is not so porcelain. If you want to stew the fish head soup to be fresh and tender, it must be simmered for a certain period of time, which will test the chef's skill in controlling the heat.

Now that the whole pot of soup is stewed just right, Fu Yu is really getting better and better.

The fish head soup was simmering on the stove. Fu Yu adjusted the heat and ignored it. He methodically cooked the remaining dishes.

The other two orders on hand were being cooked one after another, and the two new dishes of the small banquet noodles had been served one after another.

Seeing that the fish soup was almost done, Fu Yu turned to Zhang Jinyu and said, "Bring over the casserole with the soup. The fish head soup is ready, and it's time to put it on the plate!"

Zhao Meng was stunned: "Do you want to pour out this fish head soup? Let's serve it directly!"

Zhang Jinyu also approached Fu Yu based on his reputation.

Fu Yu nodded: "Well, this casserole is too unsightly. Besides, didn't Chef Yao always use the casserole with wide ears and gold rims? The fish head has already been stewed. It can be served directly after being scooped out and plated. .

Now the fish meat is at its most tender and the brains are still intact. Be careful when serving, the brains should not fall apart! "

Zhao Meng and Zhang Jinyu were both stunned!

Can the fish's brain be scattered? Can this be judged?

At this time, Gu Yunwu had finished the work at hand and had nothing to do. He remembered what Zhao Meng had asked him just now, so he wandered over and wanted to give some advice.

He glanced at the situation in the casserole, nodded and said: "Yes, Xiao Fu is right, the fish head is indeed stewed just right now, the fish brain should not be scattered, and the fish skin around the fish bones is still intact. Serve it whole now, otherwise it will be overcooked.”

Zhao Meng and Zhang Jinyu looked at each other.

Is this too powerful for stewing?

How much understanding of the entire operating skills is needed to make such an accurate judgment.

Zhao Meng looked at Fu Yu with some surprise.

This guy is getting weirder and weirder.

This kind of empirical judgment in cooking operations, especially the grasp of the amount of ingredients and the degree of cooking, can only be slowly understood and gradually understood through repeated practical operations.

No matter how talented you are, this is a step-by-step process, and you must accumulate cooking experience step by step!

How can one achieve such a level of cultivation in just a few decades?

Gu Yunwu has been studying it for many years, so it's not surprising that he has such strength now, but Fu Yu has only been exposed to red case cooking for a few years?

Even though Zhao Meng was already used to being stimulated, he still couldn't help but whisper: "Pervert!"

That's right!

To be precise, cooking is a skill that is accumulated bit by bit through repeated attempts.

During the entire cooking process, the operation must be precise. If there is a problem in any step of the operation, it will affect the taste of the ingredients, the presentation of the plate, and even the performance of the entire dish.

The stable and precise state Fu Yu is showing now is such a demonstration of skill mastery!

It is incredible to everyone that a dish that has never been cooked before can be made with very skillful techniques.

But Fu Yu completed it easily.

The next step was to serve the soup and put it on the plate. Fu Yu didn't let Zhang Jinyu get started. He used an all-purpose spatula and all-purpose chopsticks to carefully move the stewed fish heads into the wide-eared casserole for serving.

At first glance, the soup is milky in color, the fish head is in complete shape, and the fish meat is white and red inside, as tender as tofu pudding.

Fu Yu grabbed a handful of coriander seemingly at random, picked it twice and placed it on the side of the fish head. Suddenly the whole dish came alive and looked very appetizing.

Zhang Jinyu’s attention was entirely focused on the fish head, and he secretly sighed in his heart: It’s so awesome! The fish head has been stewed for such a long time, and it still doesn’t fall apart when it’s placed on the plate!

Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu looked at the cluster of green coriander in unison.

The coriander is placed so delicately. It is placed on top of the fish head, but none of the leaves touch the fish soup.

The coriander leaves are very thin and the fish soup is boiling hot. Once soaked in the soup, the leaves will immediately change color and lose their original green color.

Fu Yu's seemingly random movements actually paid attention to all the details of the operation.

Zhao Meng looked at this handful of coriander and had to sigh with emotion. Fu Yu is so good now. If he goes to the capital in a while, he will be like a dragon entering the sea?

The plate arrangement was quickly completed, and the waiter came to take the casserole away.

After finishing cooking this dish, Fu Yu still had a stir-fry on hand and a dish being steamed on the stove waiting to be served.

He just finished cooking the stir-fry in a leisurely manner and called the waiter to take it away.

The waiter who was responsible for serving food hurried to the back kitchen.

"Chef Fu, the customers in Box 106 said they want to meet the chef in charge!"

Box 106, isn’t it Yao Shi’s old customer?

Fu Yu hurriedly asked: "Did the customer tell me why he wanted to see me?"

The waiter nodded: "As I said, as soon as he tasted the dish, he asked the chef in charge if it was brought by Chef Yao. The cooking tastes very similar. I want to meet you."

This is true. Fu Yu really learned a lot about his cooking techniques from Yao Shi.

However, what makes Fu Yu most happy is that customers gave good reviews to the reservoir fish head he cooked, saying that the taste was very similar to Yao Shi's.

Fu Yu glanced at the work in hand, turned around and explained to Zhang Jinyu, and then followed the waiter to the front hall.

When they entered the private room, they saw a middle-aged couple sitting in the private room. They had eaten half of the food on the table and ordered a bottle of mid-range wine in the store.

The waiter routinely leads the way and makes introductions.

When the customer saw Fu Yu, his expression was obviously very surprised at first sight, but then he greeted warmly: "Hello, Chef Fu, this table of dishes is so delicious, I'm curious, I just wanted to meet you."

While the male customer was talking, he stood up and shook hands with Fu Yu.

Because of Yao Shi's relationship, Fu Yu was very polite to male customers. After hearing the compliment, he hurriedly said humbly: "It's not a coincidence that you are here. Chef Yao resigned some time ago. I heard them say that you are a regular customer of Chef Yao. I came to the store specifically to want to eat the dishes he cooked, so I took the order rashly. You just have to eat well, my cooking skills are definitely not as good as those of Chef Yao."

The male customer was happy when he heard this and said with a smile: "It's pretty good, especially the fish head from the reservoir is very authentic. If it weren't for the different presentation, the taste wouldn't be much different. I guess, It has a heavy taste. When Chef Yao makes this dish, he usually adds some pepper, which makes it easier for me to eat.

The dish you made is also very delicious. It tastes very delicious. After I tasted it, I felt that it is actually quite delicious to eat like this. "

Fu Yu had a good impression of the male customer. He spoke very cheerfully, so he warmly said: "If you enjoy the meal, you can come here to dine in the future."

The male customer smiled: "That's for sure. In fact, I want to see you. Mainly I want to ask, do you know where Chef Yao has gone? I have a good temper with him, and I also like to eat his cooking. It has only been a while. If he didn’t come, he would have resigned.”

Fu Yu hurriedly said: "Oh, Chef Yao went to the music restaurant, over there on Liu Xiao Side Street. He opened the restaurant himself and is always in the store."

The male customer was immediately surprised: "Oh, is that so? No wonder Hao Haohao suddenly quit. He is indeed capable!"

As he said that, the male customer smiled and said: "When I have time, I have to go there to try it. I have been there twice before, both for dinner. I think the environment is quite good."

The two of them were talking when suddenly someone poked his head in from outside. When he saw Fu Yu, he immediately shouted in surprise: "Fu Chu! It's really you! I just passed by and saw a man in a chef's uniform in the house, and I looked curiously. Two eyes, I didn’t expect to meet you!”

Fu Yu turned around and saw a middle-aged woman who looked about forty years old, looking at him with surprise.

This person was quite unfamiliar. Fu Yu thought about it carefully and determined that he didn't know him, so he nodded politely: "Hello!"

The female customer didn't care at all about Fu Yu's slightly unfamiliar attitude, and introduced herself very warmly: "My surname is Liu, and I am a good friend of Wang Nuan. Wang Nuan has been customizing herbal medicine at your place, and the effect is particularly good. I I wanted to make a reservation this year, but I didn’t get a spot.”

Fu Yu knew it when it came to Wang Nuan.

Wang Nuan has been customizing medicinal meals at the music restaurant, and it turns out he is her friend.

Fu Yu hurriedly said: "Oh, it turns out you are a friend of Director Wang. Hello, nice to meet you!"

The female customer said a few words of politeness, and then talked about what she was most concerned about. She asked curiously: "Fu Chu, I heard that you resigned here? You don't do the medicinal diet at the music restaurant anymore?"

Fu Yu explained: "It is true that we have resigned here, but the music restaurant is only temporarily suspended for a period of time."

The female customer suddenly became anxious: "Why? I also want to queue up customized medicinal meals!"

Fu Yu said with a smile: "I am going to the capital for further study next month. I have already made arrangements. I should be able to come back if I have the opportunity in the future."

"So I'm going to study!" The female customer was obviously relieved, and she talked to Fu Yu for a few more words before leaving.

Fu Yu didn't stay in the private room for too long. After chatting with the male customer for a few words, he also went back to the kitchen.

The male customer watched Fu Yu leave. Before he could look back, he heard his wife whisper: "Hey, something happened to this Qianlima, right? Why have all the chefs resigned?"

The male customer shook his head: "Probably not. Chef Yao went out to work on his own. Chef Fu probably planned to follow him, saying he was going to further his studies. Who knows, it's better to just use a name."

The two gossiped for a while, then quickly paid and left. (End of chapter)

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