Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1073 A table of confinement meal

Compared with Yao Shi's resignation, which went viral in a small circle in Bei'an for a while, Fu Yu's side has quieted down a lot.

On the one hand, he did not publicize it to the outside world and was still taking orders step by step every day.

On the other hand, the store has restrictions on the number of people underneath, and it is forbidden to mention these things to the outside world.

The high turnover of kitchen staff in restaurants is not a good thing, as it will make customers feel that the quality of the dishes is not guaranteed.

In particular, Chollima has always promoted ordering by regular customers, and now it has lost one chef after another in a short period of time. If word really gets out, the impact will really not be good.

However, after all, there is no airtight wall.

The music restaurant suddenly stopped taking custom orders for medicated meals, which immediately caused quite a stir in the food circle.

Later, Chollima was more or less affected.

Occasionally, there are even customers who specifically inquire about the chef in the store when ordering food.

Dong Juntian had no choice but to convene a meeting immediately and ask the store managers to go back and pay attention to restraining the people under them. Such public opinion must be taken seriously!

And everyone in the store must be informed that this type of information must never be spread outside.

After all, Chollima has always been known as a century-old restaurant. As a result, the chefs in the kitchen are all newcomers, and the reputation is almost gone.

At this time, there were only two days before Fu Yu officially resigned.

Liu Yuqing happily shopped at home every day, sorting out the gifts for her parents and mom, as well as various supplies that she planned to take to the capital.

Instead, Fu Yu gradually became leisurely, and the work at hand was handed over one after another. Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu arranged the ordering of regular customers by themselves.

Zhang Jinyu also moved under Zhao Meng's hands and began to do miscellaneous tasks.

The regular customers here in the store took orders, and Fu Yu took all the orders he could.

However, for this door-to-door service job, he was asked to do it by name. Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu thought together that they should let Fu Yu do it.

Zhao Meng is very casual about these things. It doesn't matter if he takes two more orders or two less orders.

Gu Yunwu sincerely felt that Fu Yu was very understanding of the world.

He is about to leave his job. He can give up orders from old customers in advance. This guy is very good at being a good person.

If the other party has done a good job, he must show some expression on his part.

It's just a door-to-door service job, so it's not a bad idea to let him go out as a favor.

Fu Yu carefully looked at the order list for door-to-door service. There were twenty dishes and two soups. He ordered five seafood noodles and five seafood porridge as staple dishes.

It's a big banquet, it should be a family dinner event.

The address is at Longhai Building on Center Street of the department store.

This family really pays attention to health, and they all order dishes with a light taste.

Apart from steaming and boiling, there is not even a single stir-fry dish that is too oily.

When taking the car to the customer's house, Zhang Jinyu was very excited and gossiped: "The conditions of the customer's house are absolutely the same. I have heard before that these rich people pay special attention to health and will not eat anything that is too salty or spicy."

Sun Wei smiled and chatted: "That's for sure. Being able to live in Longhai Building is definitely not an ordinary person!"

The two chatted enthusiastically all the way, and asked Fu Yu from time to time. The atmosphere was very harmonious.

Fu Yu was noncommittal about this. He didn't care about the condition of the customer's home, as long as the kitchen utensils were complete and would not affect cooking.

Seeing Zhang Jinyu's happy face, he couldn't help but smile.

Ever since Zhao Meng officially transferred Zhang Jinyu to help in the kitchen two days ago, this boy has become extremely beautiful. He has swept away his previous depression and is particularly motivated every day.

Today, Fu Yu also specially greeted Zhao Meng and brought Zhang Jinyu out for door-to-door service.

The two have been partners for half a year and get along very well. Now that Fu Yu is leaving, I just want to take care of him once in a while.

Zhang Jinyu was very happy. He knew in his heart that Fu Yu was willing to take him with him and follow Zhao Meng from now on. Such an easy job would not be his turn.

So Fa Yu couldn't help but feel more grateful.

When I arrived at the customer's house and entered the door, I realized that the protagonist of today's meal was a pregnant woman.

No wonder all the dishes ordered are light.

However, the customer's home is indeed in very good condition. The house is decorated in a high-end style, the kitchen is particularly spacious, and there is a nanny at home.

I heard that their store sent a chef and a handyman here, and the customer's family specially gave the nanny a day off.

Today is the day when the mother is discharged from the hospital after giving birth, and the whole family is here.

In addition to the parents from both families, sisters and brothers from home also came.

There are a dozen or so people in the spacious rooms of the customer's home!

Fu Yu was wearing a clean chef's uniform. He was restrained and reserved when they first met. He nodded and said hello to the customers and their families. He was very dignified and steady.

The living room is very spacious, with a row of people sitting on the sofa. From time to time, the sound of children laughing can be heard from the open door inside. There is a pot of kumquats full of flowers on the wall leading to the kitchen.

The customer who ordered the meal was the pregnant woman’s husband, whose surname was Zhang.

His wife stayed in the hospital for a long time after giving birth and was discharged today. The two families gathered together and prepared to celebrate.

"Chef, are you okay with this dish? We can't eat spicy and spicy dishes. The lighter the better." An aunt who looked about sixty years old asked with great concern.

"Yes, I just asked Xiao Wang to weigh and prepare a table of dishes. She has just given birth to a baby and still has to breastfeed. She has to eat food with taboos. Otherwise, what will the child eat?"

"That's right, chef, please help us take another look. Is this dish okay?"

Mr. Zhang couldn't listen anymore and said aloud: "I have eaten this dish before. It is very light, no problem!"

Mrs. Zhang was immediately displeased: "No matter how light the food is in a restaurant, the seasonings are heavy! You can't just eat everything during breastfeeding! I said don't listen to her. If you don't agree, why are you suffering from postpartum depression?" I am doing this for her own good and for the sake of the children!"

The old lady from the in-laws also echoed: "It is true that my daughter has been too willful since she was a child. At this time, she can do anything according to her temper. She also wants to eat seafood and horses. When she is past the lactation period, love Who is stopping her from eating anything?"

When it comes to the health of mother and child, the two old ladies have very consistent opinions.

The mother is still in the lactation period, which is the most precious time. As a result, she has to want to eat Chollima's seafood dishes.

Mr. Zhang hurriedly said for his wife: "She suffered so much when giving birth and had to avoid food for so long during pregnancy. Now that she has finally given birth, she just wants to eat this. If she wants to eat, let her eat. The dishes we ordered are very delicious." It’s light and you cook it at home, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

Mrs. Zhang frowned: "Who is pregnant but not like this? I suffered a lot when I gave birth to you, but this period of confinement is so critical, how can I eat randomly? She had severe morning sickness when she was pregnant with the child. That's why I couldn't eat.

We are all mothers. No matter how hard we eat, we have to force ourselves to eat for the sake of our children! "

The mother had a very hard pregnancy. During the pregnancy, she suffered from severe morning sickness. She couldn't eat anything and her stomach was damaged.

Now that she has given birth and is facing breastfeeding again, she has no appetite and can't eat anything.

My family was extremely anxious. When I was in the hospital, I had just given birth and asked for something light to eat, so my milk supply was extremely low.

Now that I was finally discharged from the hospital and could resume a normal diet, the two parents tried their best to consider various recipes to stimulate lactation, but the mother couldn't eat them at all.

If you don’t eat, how can you feed your child?

The mother was so tortured by these soups and water and was really upset by being talked about, so she suddenly remembered the Chollima seafood she had eaten before.

Anyway, these lactation-inducing recipes now include a lot of seafood, and she doesn't like to eat the ones made by the nanny at home. She might as well order two Chollima dishes to try, which can at least give her a change of taste.

Mr. Zhang felt sorry for his wife and was worried that the child would have no milk to drink. Without much hesitation, he ordered the door-to-door service of Chef Chollima.

He had dined at the restaurant with his friends before, and someone recommended the chef named Fu. He was said to be the champion of the city's chef competition and his cooking skills were very good.

Everything was going smoothly at first, but unexpectedly the chef came to visit, and the elders in the family began to worry and regret again.

As a mother-in-law, she loves her daughter, but she loves her grandson even more. She is opposed to inviting the restaurant chef back to cook, but there are some things that are not convenient for her to say.

Mrs. Zhang scolded her own son, but she lost a lot of worries.

In front of her in-laws and outsiders, Mrs. Zhang suppressed her anger and complained dissatisfiedly: "Zhang Wen, let me tell you, this mother cannot eat randomly at all. If she breastfeeds again, it will be over!"

Zhang Wen listened, but did not let go: "Anyway, the chef is here, and the money spent cannot be refunded. My wife only ate half a pack of biscuits today, nothing at all. Your eldest grandson was so hungry that he cried. Is that okay? I don’t know if he will nurse again. Anyway, if this continues, your eldest grandson may just stop breastfeeding.”

Mrs. Zhang: "I just commissioned someone to get a new wild crucian carp. If it is stewed into soup, it will nourish the body and produce more milk. You must disagree. Where can I get such a good thing in this season? !?"

The mother and son started quarreling on the spot, talking to each other.

The in-laws hurriedly persuaded Mr. Zhang to help his son speak, but his wife scolded him.

It was quite a bit of a jitters.

Fu Yu's eyes were opened. He spent more than ten minutes at Zhang's house. He didn't even enter the kitchen door and just stood there watching the family argue.

The family knew that the pregnant woman's father had a good temper, so he glanced at Fu Yu and quietly led them to the kitchen.

The old man was kind-hearted and apologized to Fu Yu apologetically: "Sorry, I made you laugh. The main reason is that my daughter has just given birth and has no appetite for food. Seeing that there is not enough milk, the child is crying from hunger. The adults in the family We were so anxious that we got a little more angry."

Fu Yu nodded in understanding, but should we still do this?

The old man couldn't make up his mind. He was the father of a pregnant woman, but it was difficult for him to say a lot of things.

I had to apologize and said, "Let's wait a moment and see what they say."

Come on!

I got up early and rushed to the late market.

They came here in a hurry, but all the time was spent waiting.

In the living room, the discussion had been going on for a full ten minutes.

There is still no good way to get the best of both worlds!

The chef has arrived. Should we cook this dish or not?

According to the restaurant's method, if this dish is eaten, will it affect the mother's milk?

Concern leads to chaos.

Things are not going well for the mother, and the whole family is worried and angry.

a long time!

Zhang Wen glanced in the direction of the bedroom and said: "The chef has been invited, so let him cook. Anyway, we are eating seafood. Mom, for the crucian carp you got, let the chef help add some vegetables and adjust the taste. , can my wife drink some of it?

If you don't think it's good for other seafood, substitute it too.

When the time comes, discuss it with the chef and let him cook it according to your wishes. At the worst, we can pay more.

That's it, head office, right? "

The chef at the Maxima Hotel must be much better at cooking than the nanny at home.

Although I couldn't directly follow the recipe in the store, it still improved the taste.

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Wen felt that this arrangement was quite acceptable.

When the elders heard this, they also thought it was a good idea, so they went to the kitchen together to discuss changing the recipe with Fu Yu.

Fu Yu chatted with the pregnant woman's father for a while and gained some understanding of the family's situation.

After listening to what they said, he then suggested: "Actually, if you are a pregnant woman, I would suggest not eating grouper. This fish is indeed expensive and the meat is delicious, but the mercury content is too high, which will affect the health of the mother. The quality of milk is very detrimental to the baby's brain development.

There is also soft-shell turtle, which is indeed quite nourishing, but it is cold in nature, and fatty and greasy food is generally difficult to digest. It may cause gastrointestinal discomfort to pregnant women after eating it.

I just heard from the old gentleman that the mother at home had just been discharged from the hospital, and her spleen and stomach were weak at this time, so she couldn't eat this food.

Fresh crucian carp can be used to make soup, but in fact, crucian carp is also a seafood with low mercury content, so you should not eat it more than six times a month!

No matter how good something is, it must be in moderation. "

These words immediately stunned both families!

The two old ladies were stunned for a moment, and then looked surprised at the same time.

"So you know how to cook?"

Fu Yu nodded: "I usually make some medicinal meals."

Medicinal food?

The two old ladies looked at each other.

Zhang Wen asked directly: "Does Qianlima still have medicinal food?"

Fu Yu explained: "Oh, I have been responsible for cooking the medicinal food banquets at the music restaurant."

Zhang Wen was obviously a little surprised: "Isn't the Music Restaurant a hotel for banquets? Why, can we take medicinal food for weddings now?"

This is indeed a bit unprofessional.

But in the minds of ordinary people, this medicated diet must be prescribed by a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner or prepared by a professional medicated diet restaurant.

The music restaurant is also very famous in this city, and it is a place that specializes in large-scale banquets.

Can a place like this that specializes in running water mats make reliable medicated meals?

Seeing that the customer's family clearly didn't trust him, Zhang Jinyu became anxious before Fu Yu said anything.

He couldn't help but interrupt: "Our chef, Fu, is a specially hired consultant from the National Medicinal Diet Research Association, and we just won the title of Best Medicinal Diet Chef of the Year in the International Medicinal Diet Competition this year!"

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