Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1074 I’m going to show off my unique skills today

In today's society, what we pay attention to is that words are unfounded and seeing is believing.

Who would believe a thousand words?

You said you are a special consultant to the National Medicinal Diet Research Association. Do you have a file?

What do you use to prove that you are the best herbalist of the year in the world?

If you keep talking up and down, will anyone believe you? !

Therefore, after Zhang Jinyu said this, Fu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, not expecting the customer and his family to take it seriously.

The suggestions he made before were just out of good intentions. Seeing the family struggling with the newborn baby, he helped give some suggestions to avoid some dietary risks.

Therefore, Fu Yu did not expect that Zhang Jinyu would tell all his honors.

Fu Yu looked at Zhang Jinyu. The boy's face turned red because he was filled with righteous indignation, and he looked like he was resolutely defending himself.

Fu Yu's heart warmed up, and he understood that Zhang Jinyu was angry that the customer's family didn't believe in his medicinal cooking skills.

After Zhang Jinyu said this, the customer and his family were dumbfounded.

Are you kidding me?

The Maxima Hotel is nothing more than a time-honored restaurant in the small town of Bei'an. With such a powerful person, he is not only a national-level special consultant, but also the most powerful herbalist in the world. Why doesn't he run the herbal diet industry and still stay in such a small restaurant? Local job?

This is obviously bragging!

As soon as Zhang Jinyu saw their expressions, he knew that they did not believe what he said. He became really anxious and couldn't help but add to these customers who had not yet figured out the situation: "If you don't believe it, you can check it online. Our chef Fu is a trending celebrity!"

Zhang Jinyu's defense of Fu Yu is really heartfelt. He now particularly admires Fu Yu and regards Fu Yu as his idol and goal.

I really hate that someone underestimated Fu Yu!

The customer's family really didn't believe this.

But Zhang Wen was stunned when he saw that Zhang Jinyu didn't seem to be joking, and that what he said was well-founded: "Fu Chu, are you really a professional herbalist?"

Fu Yu actually had no idea that Zhang Jinyu would stand up to defend himself at such a time.

Zhang Jinyu squinted his eyes, showed a rather proud look, and mouthed: "Anyway, what I said is the truth!"

The expression was like that of a child who has done something good and made a contribution, very happy.

Fu Yu looked at Zhang Jinyu, his eyes intertwined, and his heart felt warm.

Zhang Jinyu hasn't finished his words yet: "Of course he is a professional, and Chef Fu will go to the capital next month to participate in the food area of ​​the International Science and Technology Expo. You are lucky. You can customize the order for door-to-door service today, but usually Two days later, Chef Fu would have already left."

After Zhang Jinyu finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and opened the previously collected videos.

The above is the hot search content about Fu Yu's participation in the International Medicinal Food Cooking Exchange Conference this time and winning the title of Best Herbalist of the Year during the competition.

Zhang Jinyu has carefully preserved almost all of Fu Yu's online cooking videos.

Zhang Jinyu has read this hot search introduction more than ten times.

Whenever you are tired from work and feel sleepy, you can secretly open it and take a look, which can especially boost your mood.

The phone is turned to maximum volume and full screen mode.

Suddenly, the article closest to me saw the title of the hot search news, which was ranked fifth at the time.

When the screen turned, it was the official blog of a certain national media reporting on the winning of this competition.

The longest pause was the scene of Fu Yu standing on the podium.

Fu Yu is so handsome, even if he stands in the crowd, he is very eye-catching, not to mention that on the podium at this time, he is standing in the C position, almost the moment people see the picture, they will pay attention at first glance He is the one who has arrived!

Zhang Jinyu said: "This is the news when Chef Fu won the award this year! He is the champion in the international competition!

The representatives sent by our country are all chief medicinal masters! "

After hearing Zhang Jinyu's words, Zhang Wen couldn't help but read it carefully.

Mrs. Zhang, who was standing next to her, also put her head in to watch the video together.

After reading it, the mother and son were stunned.

Does this chef really know how to cook medicinal food?

And the level is so great!

Zhang Wen's mother-in-law took the phone and watched the video again, and then her eyes widened. This chef really knows how to cook medicinal foods?

Very good!

At this moment, the sound of a baby crying suddenly came from the bedroom.

The family suddenly panicked.

The two old ladies were even more distressed.

Mrs. Zhang hurriedly urged: "Fu Chu, you are so professional in making medicinal diets, do you also know about dietary supplements? Why don't you customize the dishes for this table? You can make them in any way, as long as they can be eaten by my daughter-in-law. Go in, as long as you can have milk to feed the baby!"

Zhang Wen also followed up and said: "Yes, Fu Chu, you can watch the dishes being cooked. You can arrange them however you want. We promise that we will have no objection! If you need any ingredients, I will be responsible for purchasing them. If we don't have enough money, we can add more!"

Fu Yu had no objection to this request, and it did waste a lot of time.

It would save a lot of trouble if he could really arrange the table as he pleased.

Moreover, Fu Yu was quite concerned about cooking dishes for the mother.

It's not a moral heart like benevolence, but he has always had this belief as a chef. Letting customers eat well and have a satisfying meal is what he really pursues and strives for.

Fu Yu nodded and told Zhang Jinyu: "Start preparing the cooking! I will list the dishes for the banquet first, and then see if there is anything that needs to be purchased in terms of food preparation."

Zhang Jinyu quickly agreed and turned around to unpack all the items he had brought and put them away.

At this time, a burst of system electronic prompts suddenly sounded in Fu Yu's ears:

【Ding! NPC customer Zhang Wen’s task: cook a table of medicinal dishes that his wife will love to eat. Reward for completing the task: random (the higher the customer’s love, the richer the reward)]

Fu Yu was a little surprised when he heard the system prompts!

Yo, the content has been upgraded!

How to determine the quality of rewards based on how much customers like the table?

Looks like I'm going to show off my skills today.

Fu Yu immediately cheered up and prepared the table for tonight's medicinal meal.

However, before that, Fu Yu turned around and left the kitchen and went to the living room to make a request to Zhang Wen.

Since it is a customized medicated diet, it needs to be done on a routine basis and first understand the mother's dietary preferences.

In this regard, Fu Yu is still very professional. With permission, Fu Yu met with the mother, carefully communicated with her about her situation, and put forward some cooking suggestions of her own.

After the two parties talked carefully, Fu Yu carefully customized the medicinal meal banquet.

Since the people dining are not only the mother, but also other people in the family.

So after discussion, Fu Yu ordered twenty dishes and two soups. The staple food was five seafood noodles and five seafood porridge.

However, three of the dishes and two soups were replaced with medicinal cooking.

Fu Yu is still very serious about customizing medicinal dishes!

After all, the food given to the mother is no joke. If she doesn't eat well, it will really cause the mother to regurgitate. The impact on the baby's health will be very serious and cannot be ignored at all.

Fu Yu has made meals for pregnant women before, but his personal taste is different. Now he has to not only ensure the taste, but also promote milk secretion and provide beneficial conditioning for the mother's body.

One meal couldn't have any obvious effect. After thinking about it, Fu Yu made a list of foods suitable for mothers to eat during the confinement period.

It doesn't matter whether he does these things or not, after all, what the customer pays for is just a table.

But in the past two years that Fu Yu has been a chef, under the subtle influence of Zhao Meng, he has also begun to develop the habit of perfection and careful consideration in everything.

Since the dishes are all customized by himself, Fu Yu tries his best to select dishes based on the ingredients he brings as well as those that the customers already have at home.

Because she was a pregnant woman, Fu Yu followed the idea that the safer and more conservative the better when customizing herbal meals. She avoided all dishes that would use Chinese herbal medicines and directly arranged authentic therapeutic cooking.

Customers and their families come to the kitchen door from time to time to take a look, and their anticipation is getting higher and higher~

Having the next generation in the family is really a sweet and worrying thing for them.

Everyone is looking forward to it!

I hope Fu Yu is as good at medicinal cooking as they say!

Fu Yu showed the recipe for customizing the entire table to the customer and his family.

Except for a few changed dishes on the menu, the rest are the ones they ordered in advance.

As for the three dishes and two soups that were replaced, it was okay just by looking at the names of the dishes.

After all, they are all laymen, and some of the nutritional ingredients that pregnant women need to supplement are those that have been mentioned recently on the Internet or from people around them.

Mrs. Zhang saw that the menu included crucian carp, black-bone chicken, pork liver and fish maw, and she immediately felt at ease. These are the best ingredients to eat during the confinement period!

This young chef is very good!

No matter how good your cooking is, at least you are very discerning in the selection of ingredients.

The old lady in law is also very satisfied. She specially asked her relatives to buy this kelp all the way from the seaside. It is not processed at all, it is pure natural, absolutely safe and nutritious.

The customer had no objection, so Fu Yu went back to the kitchen to cook with peace of mind.

The two medicinal soups Fu Yu chose were kelp and pork ribs soup and abalone and fish maw stewed with black-bone chicken soup.

When simmering these two soups, as long as the heat and amount of water are properly controlled, they are authentic confinement meals that are delicious no matter how you stew them.

It is very beneficial to the mother's body and can also promote the production of milk.

He had just carefully communicated with the mother, who found out that she didn't like soup, and her usual dietary preferences were mainly stir-fried and stir-fried.

Since becoming pregnant, I have drastically changed my eating habits for the sake of my child's health.

Later on, I suffered from severe morning sickness, which led to my diet choices becoming lighter and lighter. I also vomited and injured my esophagus, and had to eat liquid food for nearly two months.

After such a painful experience, the mother hated the soup and basically found it difficult to swallow.

Knowing this, Fu Yu cooked the soup normally, but he focused on the dish of crucian carp stuffed with tofu.

Crucian carp is delicious, the meat is tender and tender, and it couldn't be more delicious.

But this kind of fish has a very big disadvantage. The spines are extremely dense, and almost all of them are small spines.

Fu Yu glanced at the customer's bucket full of fresh crucian carp, and without any politeness, directly ordered Zhang Jinyu to catch ten large ones for soup.

The crucian carp soup is stewed into a milky white color, to the point where the fish meat and fish bones are almost separated.

Fu Yu personally picked off the tender meat without spines on both sides of the crucian carp bone one by one, and discarded the rest.

The tofu is then carved into a neat cylindrical shape, so small that the customer can put the whole thing into his mouth.

He hollowed out the whole tofu and shaped it into a bowl, then filled it with boneless crucian carp meat and fish soup, and sealed it with a piece of carrot carved into a blooming rose.

It doesn’t need to be much, as long as the mother can eat two pieces of tofu stuffed crucian carp, it is equivalent to drinking two large mouthfuls of crucian carp soup.

This dish is very creative in design, but extremely difficult to cook.

How to hollow out the soft and tender tofu cubes and then pour the crucian carp and soup into them to ensure that the tofu cubes can stand stably is not something that can be done easily.

Zhang Jinyu followed and helped with the cooking. She hadn't seen what Fu Yu planned to do before.

After watching the tofu cubes being cut, Fu Yu carefully used chopsticks to hold up one of the pieces, and then used a thin-handled spoon to hollow out the pieces bit by bit.

Suddenly, Zhang Jinyu’s expression changed!

Will this work?

The tofu itself is already so soft and tender that it will definitely break apart after being hollowed out.

Zhang Jinyu stared at Fu Yu.

It wasn't just him who was tugging at a heart.

Even Fu Yu himself was a little nervous and apprehensive.

This step is indeed very difficult to operate, even if he has advanced blocking skills and universal chopsticks as assistance.

But in fact, he has no idea now!

The more nervous you are, the more careful you are.

Fu Yu concentrated on the operation.

Zhang Jinyu even held his breath, fearing that his breathing would disturb Fu Yu.

Poke the spoon into the tofu cubes and slowly hollow out the tofu cubes little by little.

Fu Yu's hands were very steady, and his operation speed seemed slow, but in fact it was very neat.

A piece of tofu was successfully dug out!

Fu Yu took a deep breath.

At this time, the difficulty really starts to increase.

Zhang Jinyu was so nervous at this moment that he couldn't help but tremble!

He was closer and could see more clearly, so he understood very well how difficult Fu Yu's operation was at this time!

At this time, Fu Yu relied on the feeling of digging just now and used a little clever force.

Keep digging out the tofu core!

He didn't dare to be careless in this process!

Finally, Fu Yu dug out the last small piece of tofu!

Fu Yu didn't dare to relax. The hollow tofu block was trembling and leaning on the all-purpose chopsticks, and it might collapse and break at any time.

Fu Yu said to Zhang Jinyu without moving at all: "Jinyu, move the small bowl with the crucian carp meat to my hand, and put the small basin with the soup over too!"

Zhang Jinyu nodded quickly!

After all the bowls and basins were placed at hand, Fu Yu held the chopsticks in one hand to fix the hollow tofu cubes, and used a spoon to carefully pour the fish meat and fish soup into the tofu cubes with the other hand.

Fu Yu's fingertips holding the spoon turned pale because he was too nervous. (End of chapter)

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