Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1094 Perfect Reproduction

For the fried fish sauce dish, the most critical operation when cooking is to fry the small fish.

Normally cooked dry-fried small fish need to be coated in flour after marinating and then fried in hot oil.

But making this dish is completely different.

The fresh fish is cleaned up, neither marinated nor breaded, and placed directly into the pan while the oil is hot.

The whole small fish curled up quickly, the fins and tail became crispy, the skin was golden, but the meat was half-rare.

After taking it out and controlling the oil, it will be medium-rare at this time and will not soften in a short period of time.

Yang Ming, who was in charge of the oil control operation, was shocked when he saw clearly the state of the fish after frying!

Peng Zebang's eyes widened: "It's not blurry at all!"

Yang Ming was also a little surprised. This guy is really good at frying!

Fried small fish, especially when it is not breaded in flour, controlling the degree of frying is an operation that tests the chef's skills.

Whether it is the control of the heat or the precise grasp of time, both are indispensable.

Yang Ming knew that Fu Yu was very good at this, but he didn't expect that his level was so high.

That's right, Fu Yulu's skills are very convincing!

It seems simple, but in fact, any chef with some skill will know how difficult it is to operate.

It can be said that the more basic the operation, the more you can see the cooking skills and level of a chef.

This step of frying the small fish is very critical in the cooking process of the entire dish.

A whole plate of small fish is fried, all the fins and tails are intact, the fish are all golden and look extremely crispy!

The cooking continues!

At this moment, let alone Yang Ming who was completely relieved, even Peng Zebang did not dare to underestimate Fu Yu.

If nothing else, just this plate of small fish, which is deep-fried without being coated in flour, is enough to show Fu Yu’s cooking prowess!

Yang Ming was more and more surprised as he watched Fu Yu operate. For the first time, he realized deeply that maybe he had underestimated this young man!

Even though he knew that the other party was the champion of this year's national chef competition and was a very powerful character.

However, due to the subtle influence of Li Dongxu, I also felt that Fu Yu could win the championship. It was probably because the main purpose of today's competition was to encourage the discovery of outstanding newcomers in the food circle, so many famous master chefs basically did not participate.

Now it seems that imagining this kind of behavior out of thin air is really bad!

In the end, everything must be seen to be believed!

Yang Ming looked at Fu Yu and thought that when Li Dongxu came back from this time off, he would definitely help Jian Yan and let Fu Yu officially join their activity group!

Fu Yu changed another pot and started making fried sauce.

Chop green onions, mince ginger, and slice garlic.

Heat the oil in the pot, add chopped green onion, minced ginger, garlic slices, and dried chili pepper and saute until fragrant.

Then add the special soybean sauce from my hometown and stir-fry over low heat to bring out the aroma of the sauce.

The most critical two-step operation of the fried fish sauce dish is to fry the fish and stir-fry the sauce.

It is not easy to stir-fry the sauce to get the aroma without burning it, and with just the right heat.

The heat should be just right, and the amount of miso and the proportion of small fish should also be controlled correctly.

If there is more sauce and less fish, the taste will be very poor.

More fish, less sauce, and not enough flavor.

When frying the bean paste, you must not only control the color of the bean paste, but also control the heat so that the bean paste can be stir-fried just enough to bring out the fragrance without sticking to the pan and causing a mushy taste.

This requires the chef to use experience to control the heat and frying techniques.

If Yang Ming and Peng Zebang were amazed by the frying operation just now, then Fu Yu perfectly explained what the strongest basic skills are when it comes to stir-frying sauce!

After stir-frying the sauce, immediately add water and then add the small fish.

The amounts of soybean paste and small fish are all predetermined. All Fu Yu has to do is to accurately control the amount of water.

But when they thought about it carefully, Yang Ming and Peng Zebang fell silent when they saw Fu Yu's seemingly casual action of adding water.

When doing this kind of stewing operation, the control of water volume is very critical.

How to add water accurately and quickly to complete this important operation is extremely demanding for cooks!

In addition to experience, you need to have steady hands and a very precise grasp of the amount of ingredients.

After adding water to the pot, add the small fish, then add light soy sauce, sugar, and thirteen incense, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer until the flavors are infused.

The next step is to shake the wok from time to time to prevent the sauce from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

When Fu Yu shakes, he has his own rhythm and intensity. Because there is no lid on the pot, when he shakes the pot, the small fish mixed in the miso will make a complete turn directly on the bottom of the pot with the shaking. This is very unique. All the aesthetic operations were captured by Yang Ming.

Fu Yu has his own operating skills when shaking the pot. Whether it is the strength of the wrist, the amplitude of the shaking of the pot, or the degree of heating of the ingredients in the pot, they are all controlled in a very perfect state.

While he was cooking, Yang Ming and Peng Zebang stood nearby and watched.

Fortunately, the cooking time of this dish is not long, otherwise it will be too late to take a spoon now with the backlog of ordering orders.

Fu Yu shook the wok at a constant speed. When there was a little soup left after cooking, he used high heat to reduce the juice.

The famous fish feast dish, fried fish sauce, is ready.

Fu Yu made elaborate arrangements out of habit.

Even if it is just fish sauce, leave a regular area on the edge of the plate, and place small fish in good shape regularly on the sauce surface.

It was not obvious when it was stewing before, but now that it is plated, you will find that the whole pot of small fish has not been damaged at all. It looks like it was when it was put into the pot, and it still looks intact when it is served on the plate.

The last dish of the entire table was finally carried to the front hall.

Yang Ming was relieved and quickly cooked the remaining dishes.

Fu Yu, on the other hand, listened to the electronic notification sound ringing in his ears, his eyebrows widening completely.

【Ding! NPC Yang Ming's mission: to help complete the ordering of this table of regular customers and gain Yang Ming's favorability. The mission has been completed, and you have received the reward: Fish Soup (Advanced)]

After listening carefully to the reward content, Fu Yu couldn't help but get excited.

Holy shit!

Make fish soup!

Am I about to enter the field of soup making?

Thinking of this, Fu Yu suddenly felt happy.

Because whether it is a red table or a medicated meal, the proportion of soup when cooking is still very large.

Making soup is undoubtedly a rare skill for chefs.

Soup is an indispensable dish on the dinner table. Even with a simple meal, people are accustomed to pairing it with soup.

And for those who love soup, it has become a key dish on the dinner table.

Although my hometown doesn't have high requirements for the quality of soup, people will order whether it's the cheap egg tomato soup or the various expensive high-end seafood soups.

And he already had a set of detailed soup cooking explanation mission rewards on hand, plus the skill of making fish soup. Combining the two, he thought that cooking in this area should be easy to grasp.

Because of this unexpected and very practical reward, Fu Yu was in a particularly good mood throughout the afternoon.

Yang Ming saw this and sighed more and more in his heart, saying that real people don't show their faces.

Fu Yu usually helps with the cooking under him. Apart from being very careful and diligent, he really doesn't seem to have any great abilities.

If he hadn't encountered such a problem today and Fu Yu kindly helped solve it, he wouldn't have shown his face.

Yang Ming missed Fu Yu more and more, and began to sincerely accept this new group member.

Early the next morning, as soon as Li Dongxu arrived in the kitchen, Yang Ming pulled him and told him in detail what happened yesterday.

Yang Ming was particularly emotional: "Chef Li, can you think of it? The fried fish sauce he made is exactly the same as yours!"

Li Dongxu said: "That's impossible. Fried fish sauce is my specialty. Outsiders have never seen it. How can they master my cooking skills?"

Yang Ming said: "Really, even if there are some differences in the details of the operation, his cooking skills are so authentic. If he hadn't been here yesterday, I really wouldn't have known how to deal with it.

It's so difficult to make fried fish sauce. The only ones in our kitchen who can make this dish are you and Chef Xu. People like me don't dare to challenge it, and the taste won't be good. "

Yang Ming analyzed: "Let's not mention whether his cooking skills are exactly the same as yours. First of all, he can make this dish. After the customers eat it, they don't find any faults. You can just say whether he is good or not?"

Li Dongxu thought about it in his mind, well, if you can cook this dish well, that would be really awesome.

Yang Ming and Li Dongxu remonstrated: "Fu Chu must have a lot of background! He can have such a cooking level at such a young age. Who did he study under? At what age did he start learning to cook? I heard that the Maxima Hotel is also a century-old restaurant. It seems like a place where crouching tigers, hidden dragons are hiding!”

Li Dongxu was a kind person and shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter what his background is or who his master is! Don't talk about this like those cleaning ladies."

Yang Ming had a plan in his mind: "Chef Li, you are not really going to invite a famous chef back, are you? You have a very close relationship with our boss. You can directly bring such a person into our group. You are really capable." .”

Li Dongxu frowned and waved his hand: "Okay, where did all this nonsense come from? Let's get to work!!"

Of course, Li Dongxu didn't say anything, but he listened to Yang Ming's words in his heart.

Fu Yulu's move not only won Yang Ming's favor, but also made Li Dongxu appreciate him even more.

While preparing the dishes in the morning, Li Dongxu specially asked Fu Yu to pickle the side dishes.

The two of them were busy replenishing all the side dishes together.

Li Dongxu suddenly turned to look at Fu Yu and asked, "Xiao Fu, how are you adapting to the kitchen during this time?"

In fact, Li Dongxu has always had this concern.

Fu Yu is indeed excellent, but when he first comes to a new working environment, no matter how good he is, he still needs a process of adaptation.

There are many elites here in the flagship store, who have been trained and brought here from the main store, as well as outstanding talents selected from other stores.

We have worked together for many years, and we understand each other very well and have a tacit understanding.

Li Dongxu had some concerns from the beginning. He was worried that Fu Yu's arrival would break the current calm and harmonious working atmosphere, which would be detrimental to the team's integration.

So he specially asked Fu Yu to follow Yang Ming. On the one hand, Yang Ming had a good personality and had a good impression of Fu Yu. On the other hand, following Yang Ming made it easier for Fu Yu to get in touch with other workers. Get familiar with it for a while and get used to it.

This arrangement is indeed very thorough, but it is also very challenging.

Fu Yu is an outstanding talent invited by the boss Liu Yongping for further training. He has just won the national chef competition championship and has a halo of his own.

Under normal circumstances, such a person would definitely receive preferential treatment when he came to the kitchen.

But now he is assigned to do odd jobs next to the chef, which lasts for half a month.

After observing for such a long time, Li Dongxu not only did not see a trace of impatience on Fu Yu's face, but found that this young man was familiar with the working environment and behaved very down-to-earth and diligent. He did not look like the unruly young man who had achieved success at all. Look!

Moreover, Fu Yu's personality is indeed very good. In a short period of time, he has become familiar with several people under him. Whenever Fu Yu is mentioned in private, everyone will praise him.

Li Dongxu was very satisfied with Fu Yu's performance. This was actually his original purpose. He hoped that Fu Yu could settle down and learn to cook well.

Li Dongxu's impression of Fu Yu was getting better and better. After listening to Yang Ming's words, he changed his mind even more. The more he looked at Fu Yu, the more he liked him. The more he looked at Fu Yu, the more he felt that the young man was indeed a good talent.

Fu Yu suddenly heard Li Dongxu ask him this, and he was very happy in his heart.

After all, it’s time to attend a science and technology exhibition food event, but Li Dongxu has not made any arrangements yet. We should talk about this matter now, right?

Thinking of this, Fu Yu hurriedly said: "It's good. I feel that there is still a big gap between it and Bei'an. Whether it's the work process of the kitchen or the cooking operations and techniques, they are all worth learning and learning from!

Moreover, almost all the customers here come from all over the country, and their demands for food are also relatively high. "

Li Dongxu nodded: "Yes, that's true."

After agreeing with it, Li Dongxu looked at Fu Yu and asked seriously: "Now you are basically familiar with the work process in the kitchen, and you have spent such a long time with the members of the team.

Are you confident that you will go to the food exhibition with your group this time?

Not only cooking and cooking together, but also taking orders independently, receiving customers independently, being independently responsible for solving some emergencies, etc."

Fu Yu was overjoyed!

Are you finally out of the internship period?

I have to say that the number of customers here is indeed greater than that of Chollima, and the most important thing is the type of dishes and the customer's requirements for ordering notes, which are much stronger than those of Chollima.

It is precisely because of this that Fu Yu cherishes this rare opportunity for further study.

He said decisively: "Have confidence!"

Li Dongxu nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, after get off work tonight, you and others will pack up the things you need to take away, and we will go to the event venue tomorrow to make arrangements. If you have any questions, just come to me at any time. For the specific work content, please come to I’ll make arrangements when the time comes!”

Fu Yu was immediately pleasantly surprised!

Can you go to the event so soon?

Fu Yu grinned, feeling very excited. It was time to show off his real skills! (End of chapter)

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