Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1093 The opportunity has come

With Fu Yu's status at this time, it is very inappropriate behavior to come forward rashly.

If he wants to successfully complete the task and gain favorability points, Fu Yu has accumulated a very rich experience through such a long period of personal experience.

At this time, we should not rush to take advantage of the situation, let alone exploit every opportunity. Instead, we need to give the most appropriate reminder at the right time.

Peng Zebang waited for Yang Ming to speak and stood aside without making a sound.

Yang Ming read the order form and frowned: "I can cook these dishes, but this fried fish sauce dish can only be made by Chef Li, and I can't make it."

Several chefs at Fucheng Chun's kitchen can make fried fish sauce, but although this dish seems to be made the same way, the taste of the cooked dishes is similar.

After all, every chef has different cooking methods and habits. It is very difficult to achieve the same shape and taste of the dishes produced.

And fried fish sauce can more easily reflect the chef's personal characteristics than other dishes.

When making the same dish, due to different habits, even if the operation steps are exactly the same, as long as there is a slight difference in the use of ingredients and ingredients, the taste will be completely different.

The customers who dine at the restaurant are regular customers of Li Dongxu, so what they want to eat must be the dishes cooked by Li Dongxu.

Let’s not talk about whether the fried fish sauce dish can be cooked well. Yang Ming thinks that it is impossible to just make it taste exactly the same.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming was a little undecided for a while.

After all, the front office has already explained to the customer that Chef Li is off today and the fried fish sauce tastes wrong, so there should be no problem.

He can make several other dishes, but for this fried fish sauce, he can ask several other chefs for help.

Thinking in his mind, Yang Ming raised his head and glanced at the other chefs.

This time is the peak period for customers to dine in the store, and everyone is busy with what they are doing.

Who should I look for?

Yang Ming couldn't help but look at Xu Yuyang, who was nearest.

Xu Yuyang has a very good relationship with Li Dongxu, so it should be no problem to ask him for help.

At this time, Peng Zebang suddenly said: "Chef Yang, there is only one dish that I can't cook. Can you ask the front office if the customer can change the dish?"

One sentence immediately woke Yang Ming up.


The customer ordered this table of dishes, so changing just one dish shouldn't have much impact.

This is possible.

Yang Ming raised his voice and said to the waiter who answered the phone: "Can you ask the front desk if the fried fish sauce can be changed into a different dish? Everything else can be made, but this dish tastes different from others! "

After the waiter sent the message, he quickly reported: "Chef Yang, the customer has said that he wants to eat this fried fish sauce. If you don't change the dishes, the kitchen can make it here. It won't be a problem if it tastes almost the same."

With this guarantee, it will be easier to handle.

Yang Ming decided to take the order.

The cooking of other dishes was not a problem for him, so he listed the menu and gave it to Peng Zebang.

Taking advantage of the time of preparing food, Yang Ming hurried over to ask Xu Yuyang for help.

Xu Yuyang agreed immediately. He just wanted to make a fried fish sauce. Although it was not his specialty, it was not a difficult dish to make.

In fact, Liu Yongping and Li Dongxu are the most authentic chefs in the kitchen making this fried fish sauce.

The fish sauce made by these two people actually tastes somewhat different if you taste it carefully.

But except for gourmets, ordinary diners cannot taste the difference at all.

The fried fish sauce made by Xu Yuyang can only be regarded as ordinary, but it is still no problem to serve customers' orders normally.

Since receiving the order, Fu Yu has been around Yang Ming, paying attention to the progress of the situation at any time.

When it comes to your own mission, you really don’t dare to be careless at all!

Because they are the most commonly ordered special dishes in the store, Yang Ming has cooked a lot and is very good at it.

The dishes were carried away one by one by the waiters.

As he watched the dishes on this banquet being interspersed with other orders, the cooking was completed.

Yang Ming couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

It's finally done.

He rearranged the order list on hand and saw that he was busy, so he asked Peng Zebang to go over and take another order.

When Peng Zebang came back, he didn't bother to hand over the order and first asked: "Chef Yang, why do I see that Chef Xu is not here? Where has he gone?"

Yang Ming turned his head in surprise, only to find that Xu Yuyang had left at some point. The kitchen table was empty, and only the kitchen helper Guo Jianfu was busy tidying up.

Yang Ming hurried over and asked, "Xiao Guo, where is Chef Xu?"

Guo Jianfu was busy filling in the condiments. Hearing this, he hurriedly said: "Oh, he has friends who are dining in the store and went to the front hall."

Yang Ming was stunned: "Then, did he cook fried fish sauce just now?"

Guo Jianfu glanced at the kitchen counter: "I haven't done it yet. I just took an order from an old customer. I'm not done yet. I have to talk about the fried fish sauce last."

When Yang Ming heard this, he immediately became anxious and asked: "How long has Chef Xu been gone? Did you say how long it will take to come back?"

Guo Jianfu said: "I just left a while ago. It seems that I am an old friend I haven't seen for a long time. I guess I can't have a drink with you?"

Yang Ming jumped into action immediately!

How can that be done!

All the dishes on his side have been served. Fried fish paste is originally a salty dish and must be eaten with the staple food.

It should have been served in the middle.

Now I'm at the end of the line and it's not even cooked yet.

If we had waited until Xu Yuyang came back to make it, the customers would have finished eating it long ago.

Yang Ming made a quick decision and couldn't wait any longer.

He quickly turned to the other two chefs for help.

As a result, no one else was able to move their hands when asking this question.

Now is the peak period for customers to dine, and everyone has several orders in their hands.

The kitchen counters are all occupied, and the orders I take over are all based on my actual situation. The cooking order of all dishes has been arranged long ago. If one more dish is added, the rhythm will be completely messed up.

When looking for someone to help with cooking like this, you definitely have to say hello in advance.

Otherwise, even if you are helping, you will definitely have to do the work you are doing first, and then you can help when you have time.

Yang Ming never expected that something that was originally foolproof would turn out like this.

"No matter, let's prepare the food first!"

"Zebang, go get the fried fish sauce ingredients prepared by Chef Xu!"

After Yang Ming finished his instructions, he quickly put aside the cooking operation at hand.

Fortunately, he just took a new order, which only delayed the cooking time of one dish, and he was still busy.

At this moment, all you need is to cook the fried fish paste dish right away.

The dish of fried fish sauce is very local. When I was in my hometown, I always used small river fish for cooking just in time for the opening of the river.

Small fish has soft bones and few spines, making it the best choice for making fried fish sauce.

There is no river here in the capital, so all the fish used are purchased at aquatic products stores. There are pure river fish purchased from other places, farmed fish, and frozen river fish.

Due to geographical restrictions, many dishes will have some substitutions in the selection of ingredients.

For example, when making this fried fish sauce, Fucheng Chun uses small crucian carp of about three to four centimeters, which is fresh and tender.

When making it, the authentic miso from my hometown is added, and the dishes made are special and unique.


The specific steps are all there, but there is still a problem.

Yang Ming really couldn't grasp the proportion of small fish and miso.

If you have more of this stuff, it will taste salty, if you have less of it, it won’t taste that way!

Moreover, there is a lot of care when frying this small fish.

Yang Ming studied with Li Dongxu twice, but failed to succeed.

Either it was salty, or the fish was not loose enough and tasted lumpy and tasteless.

Coupled with Li Dongxu's violent temper, Yang Ming almost shut himself down when he was yelled at.

I never deliberately learned this dish again.

The main thing is that although there are occasionally people ordering food, as long as Li Dongxu is around, the table will basically be handed over to him.

Even if he is away, several other chefs will take over.

There has never been a time like today when Yang Ming was given it directly.

What a coincidence!

I had to attend an event, and the store gave everyone three days off.

And just in time when Li Dongxu was taking a rest, an old customer came to order food.

And Xu Yuyang, who has always been easy to talk to, suddenly had a friend come to the store.

Such a series of coincidences really made Yang Ming's temples beat.

Now he can only bite the bullet and take charge.

But how to do it specifically and whether it can be done well, he really has no idea!

Peng Zebang suddenly said: "How about waiting for Chef Xu, it won't take long."

Now is the peak period for customers to enter the store. Xu Yuyang still has a lot of ordering orders in his hand. He just goes to the front hall to say hello, and he must be back as soon as he goes, so it won't take too long.

Peng Zebang is the old man on Li Dongxu's side.

He had been doing the job of chopping holes before, but because of his hard work and outstanding performance, he was promoted to work as a cook with Yang Ming.

Now he has started to do the oiling work for the second time, and from time to time he also has the opportunity to follow in the cooking and plating.

Peng Zebang is well aware of Yang Ming's cooking ability and also knows everything about the kitchen staff.

If this fried fish sauce had been made by several other chefs, there would definitely be nothing wrong with it.

However, for Yang Ming, this is really a very difficult dish to cook!

Li Dongxu had said before when he was coaching that Yang Ming was somewhat lacking in the cooking operations of ingredients and needed to practice more.

Yang Ming shook his head: "No, it's too late. The only thing missing from the whole table is the fried fish sauce! I'll give it a try. The customer also said that he just wants to have this bite. It doesn't matter if it tastes a little bit different."

When Yang Ming was preparing to cook, Fu Yu frowned!

If Yang Ming really wants to take charge, how can he get the reward for this mission?

Fu Yu suddenly said: "Chef Yang, is there anything special about making fried fish sauce in your store? I also made it when I was in Chollima, but I used cucumber fish, which was on the market at Kaijiang. Cucumber sweetfish for sale.

If I just changed the type of river fish, I should be able to make this dish, but I don’t know if there is any big difference between your place and my hometown! "

As soon as these words came out, Yang Ming immediately turned his head and looked over: "Can you make fried fish sauce?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Yes, isn't this a specialty fish dish from my hometown?"

Yang Ming couldn't help being stunned!

Yes, why did you forget this?

Fu Yu came from his hometown, and Chollima is a century-old seafood restaurant.

The anchovy dish is a home-cooked specialty in my hometown, and is usually cooked in restaurants. Unlike here in the capital, where it is eaten fresh, it is usually tasted as a local specialty.

Fu Yu continued: "I don't know how it is made here. The way I know it is to fry the small fish first, then stir-fry the sauce, and finally simmer it to reduce the juice. The fried fish sauce is fragrant and fish-shaped. It doesn’t fall apart, the meat is thick and the spines are soft, and the small spines are crispy, so you can chew it directly.”

After Fu Yu finished speaking, Peng Zebang looked at Yang Ming subconsciously. This sounds quite similar to what he said!

However, although Fu Yu's words were decent, he had never seen Fu Yu's cooking skills with his own eyes. At least Peng Zebang was still skeptical at this time!

Fu Yu can cook dishes that Yang Ming doesn't even dare to cook?

After hearing Fu Yu's description, Yang Ming was immediately surprised: "You can really cook this dish! Okay, it sounds very professional. This dish is also a specialty in Chollima, right?"

Fu Yu couldn't say that he had just checked out the classic old-flavor recipe, so he made nonsense: "Well, it's a special dish, and there are usually a lot of people ordering it. I used to take orders in the store, how about I make this dish?" do it."

Yang Ming hesitated for a moment and nodded slowly: "Okay, then you can try it!"

Peng Zebang was shocked when he heard that Yang Ming trusted Fu Yu so much.

Let Fu Yu cook this dish?

You’re not even familiar with the dishes in the store yet, so you just start cooking?

Is it really possible?

Fu Yu got Yang Ming's permission and didn't waste any more time.

According to his usual cooking habits, he first stepped forward to check the food preparation situation, and then asked: "Chef Yang, where should I cook?"

Yang Ming quickly gave up his position: "You can use this stove."

Fu Yu was not polite, looked at the placement of the seasonings, and started cooking directly.

The small crucian carp is deep-fried. Because it needs to be simmered in soybean paste, it is not coated in batter. It is directly fried in the pan for a while. When the fish skin becomes golden, it is quickly picked up.

Yang Ming suddenly asked: "Do you want to help cook?"

Fu Yu nodded. Not only did he need help in the kitchen, but he also needed someone to do the fishing and cooking. The crucian carp was too small and there were too many of them. If there was no one to help, he would have to use universal chopsticks.

Frying small fish is not difficult for Yu. As long as he controls the heat and oil temperature, he has to be quick and fish out the fried fish at the most appropriate time to control the oil. This is the most critical operation. It was successfully completed.

To make fried fish sauce, as long as you fry the small fish, the other steps are basically not difficult.

When Yang Ming heard Fu Yu's words, he didn't care. He stared at Fu Yu cooking while doing whatever he was told.

When Fu Yu told him to control the oil, Yang Ming hurried forward and fished out all the fried fish.

As soon as the little crucian carp came out of the frying pan, Yang Ming could tell that the heat was just right!

The fried fish is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with the most beautiful golden color! (End of chapter)

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