Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1096 The customer vomited after eating

After dinner, Xu Yuyang rushed back to the hotel to continue working.

Li Dongxu led the team back to the Science and Technology Exhibition Activity Center. While contacting buyers to replenish and purchase ingredients, he used the existing ingredients and seasonings on hand to pickle side dishes and stew soup.

Throughout the afternoon, all work was carried out in preparation for the official order receipt tomorrow.

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening when all the preparations were completed.

The cooking space provided at the event site is quite spacious. The completely open large glass display cabinet allows customers to directly see all the cooking operations in the back kitchen while waiting for their meal.

Because of this, the activity center has very high hygiene requirements for the gourmet cooking team. In addition to ensuring the freshness and quality of the ingredients, all kitchen staff have very strict standards in terms of personal hygiene and cleanliness of work clothes.

The store has customized two sets of brand new work clothes for all staff.

Fu Yu came later, and his work clothes were also made on the fly. When he got it, he saw that it was a style exclusive to the chef in charge of the store.

Yang Ming also saw it, and he turned to look at Li Dongxu.

Li Dongxu was busy distributing work clothes to others.

It seemed that Chef Li had made up his mind early on to promote Fu Yu to be the chef.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming turned to Yu and said, "Go back and have a good rest at night. You will officially start working tomorrow. If you don't understand anything, just ask me. Try not to act impulsively."

This exhibition is a large-scale international event. Customers who come to order and dine are from all countries and all types of people may meet. It is easy for differences in taste to occur when dining.

Yang Ming had participated in many such activities before and knew very well how likely it was to encounter emergencies.

If this kind of situation is not handled well and complaints are made, it will have a very serious impact on the reputation of the store.

Yang Ming thought that Fu Yu was a newcomer and it was his first time to participate in an event with the group, so he reminded him specifically.

Fu Yu nodded. He naturally knew the stakes.

"Don't worry, Chef Yang, I will work hard and not cause you any trouble!"

When Yang Ming heard this, he immediately shook his head: "No, no, no, you don't want to work hard, you want to win steadily. If you encounter any problems when taking orders tomorrow, just come to me directly."

Fu Yu nodded and agreed.

It was already very late. After everyone packed up their things and checked that everything was correct, they locked the stall door and went home to rest.

After Fu Yu simply washed up, he routinely reported to his family that they were safe.

Knowing that he would officially participate in the event tomorrow, Liu Yuqing only asked about today's work situation with concern, and urged him to rest early.

Fu Yu also attached great importance to his official appearance tomorrow. After making the phone call, he went to bed directly.

I rushed to the event exhibition area early the next morning.

After a brief assignment of work, everyone in the kitchen quickly got into the intense work.

Li Dongxu also specially appointed a helper cook for Fu Yu, Yang Zhichao.

Yang Zhichao is twenty-five years old this year, one year older than Fu Yu. He has a round face and round eyes. He can't find a bad face or a good face. He is short and fat and speaks with a hometown accent.

Originally he was working as a cook next to Li Dongxu, and he had just been promoted less than three months ago. This time he participated in the event and was temporarily assigned to Fu Yu as his assistant.

Li Dongxu promoted another young worker to train beside him.

Although Li Dongxu didn't say it explicitly, Yang Zhichao knew in his heart that Yang Ming would probably be promoted, and Peng Zebang might take over Yang Ming's position by then.

And he was the person Li Dongxu planned to arrange to be Peng Zebang's assistant cook.

Yang Zhichao belongs to the typical type of person who is very talented. On the surface, he seems to be laughing and joking, but he doesn't have any serious intentions. In fact, he sees everything and knows it well.

Otherwise, he would not be favored by Li Dongxu and trained as a chef.

In addition to his good personality, he is also good in cooking talent. He is indeed down-to-earth and hard-working. He is a very good person.

Yang Zhichao knew that before Peng Zebang was officially promoted as the chef, he could only work under Fu Yu.

So he behaved very kindly and enthusiastically, and obeyed Fu Yu's instructions. In addition, he also truthfully told Fu Yu about some personal situations and work habits of the team members.

This also saves Fu Yu a lot of trouble in work adjustment.

Fu Yu has a very good impression of Yang Zhichao.

When the two of them worked together to prepare the dishes, Fu Yu was particularly satisfied with Yang Zhichao's eye-catching and obedient attitude.

Throughout the morning, everyone in the kitchen was busy preparing dishes.

There is no fixed limit on the dining time for the people arranged in the activity center. As long as there is demand, you can come to the food center to order at any time.

However, it is an international science and technology expo after all, and there are many various activities on site. The attendees are all leaders in the field. The purpose of participating in the event is to showcase the results of their company's research and development, attract sponsorship, and attract talents. Dining is important to them. It is not particularly important to say that it is just a form of communication.

So it wasn't until nearly eleven o'clock in the morning that people began to come to the food area to eat.

But most people focus on the specialty snack stalls at the entrance.

A stall like Fucheng Chun, which only takes orders from the table, has not received any customers for a while.

However, at half past eleven, when all the activities in the exhibition area took a break, everyone present flocked to the food area.

At this time, Fucheng Chun stall also received a large wave of customers ordering food.

The exhibition will issue meal tickets to participants, some with large denominations and some with small denominations. However, all the difference in meal tickets will be paid on the side dishes or drinks. The staff at the stall will not accept payment. No change.

As for the fees, they will be settled by the activity center for each stall after the event is over.

Because there are government subsidies, the settlement has always been very generous, and every stall participating in the event can make a small profit.

In addition, you can also use the dining experience occasionally mentioned by outstanding players in interviews to gain a wave of attention in the media and promote your store's special dishes in disguise.

Therefore, large-scale exhibitions and sales events like this are still very popular in the food circle, and ordinary small restaurants are not qualified to participate at all.

Fuchengchun was accompanied by four waitresses, two of whom were responsible for collecting meal tickets and taking orders from customers, and two who were responsible for delivering dishes to the table.

There is also a white chef who is responsible for cooking the staple food at the stall with his helper.

The hygiene in the kitchen is the responsibility of the workers. Tableware and other items are distributed uniformly in the food area. Even just a spoon has the logo of the science and technology event printed on it.

When customers leave by themselves after their meal, dedicated cleaning staff will come with a dining cart to recycle the tableware and clean the table.

After all the tableware is cleaned and disinfected, it will be returned to each food stall.

Li Dongxu said he would let Fu Yu take charge, but he has not yet let him take orders independently.

The main reason is that Fu Yu arrived at the store for too short a time and did not have time to familiarize himself with the cooking operations of all the dishes in the store.

Although he observed some of the best-selling dishes, he never had the chance to eat them.

When customers started to order, Fu Yu could only take the orders with Yang Ming.

Yang Ming picked up the relatively simple and easy-to-operate dishes on the order list and handed them to Fu Yu, while he did the rest himself.

This working mode is a bit like Fu Yu's time at Chollima, where he followed Zhao Meng to take orders. After experiencing such cooking operations, he slowly began to take orders independently.

It just requires a process of adaptation and familiarity.

Fu Yu accepted this arrangement quickly. As long as it was a dish thrown over by Yang Ming, he could immediately take over and cook it quickly.

This busy time arrived at about one o'clock in the afternoon.

A female customer came to the stall with a boy who looked to be about eighteen or nineteen years old to order food.

The two of us ordered three dishes, one soup and one staple food.

It's a small banquet order.

"Fu Chef, we have to take this order. Chef Li has three orders in his hand, and Chef Yang has gone to the bathroom."

Yang Zhichao, who had been standing beside him silently, reminded in a low voice.

Fu Yu heard the sound and looked around.


There is really no one!

Is it finally my turn to take action?

Thinking of this, Fu Yu quickly took the order and took a look at the dishes ordered by the customer.

Braised flower loach in soy sauce, traditional old-fashioned squirrel fish, shredded black fish meat mixed with shredded ginger, and crucian carp tofu soup.

Hong An took over three dishes and one soup, all of which are special dishes of Fucheng Chun's restaurant. Usually, the order quantity is large.

Although Fu Yu has never had a spoon, he has recently watched Yang Ming cook, and he is familiar with the methods of these dishes.

Especially the first two dishes are also available at Chollima Hotel. However, there are slight differences in taste and presentation between the two restaurants, but the overall cooking operations are similar.

Fu Yu habitually made a list and asked Yang Zhichao to prepare the dishes.

Yang Zhichao took the order and did not leave in a hurry, but said specifically: "Fu Chef, this crucian carp and tofu soup is the specialty of our store. If you have skills in cooking, you'd better leave it to Chef Yang."

Fu Yu couldn't help but look up at Yang Zhichao.

This fat man who looks a bit silly is actually quite considerate.

Fu Yu nodded: "Okay, let's prepare the dishes first. I'll tell Chef Yang when he comes back later."

Yang Zhichao responded and hurried over to find a waiter to prepare food.

Fu Yu stared at his back for a while.

It is said that people should not be judged by their appearance. His first impression of Yang Zhichao was that he was quite kind, but now he seemed to be a well-rounded person.

But it's better this way. You have a good eye and work carefully. You don't need to worry about helping the cook, and you can save a lot of time and energy.

Fu Yu was very satisfied.

The prepared dishes were quickly delivered, and Fu Yu quickly weighed the cooking order of several dishes.

First braise the flower loach, then turn to make shredded black fish mixed with shredded ginger. This dish is simple to make. As long as you have good knife skills and master the precise proportion of seasonings, it can be cooked very quickly.

Fu Yu carefully arranged the dishes and handed them to Yang Zhichao to pass on to the food table.

He went back to cooking traditional old-fashioned squirrel fish with great care.

The fish here was cutting with a flower knife, and Yang Ming came back from the bathroom.

After working in the chef's profession for a long time, there will always be many occupational diseases, such as tenosynovitis and varicose veins, which are basic diseases.

Yang Ming's gastrointestinal condition is not very good. One reason is that he eats irregularly, and the other reason is that he drinks too little water.

After drinking too much water, I like to run to the toilet. However, during the peak period of customer dining, the kitchen is really inaccessible, and the pot rack is inseparable from the stove.

Yang Ming endured the numbness in his legs and returned to the stall. As soon as he walked to the kitchen table, he saw Fu Yu cutting fish.

"Hmm? Got a new order?"

In the previous order, he did not give Fu Yu the dishes to cook carp.

Fu Yu stopped, turned around and said, "I just received an order for small banquet noodles. I saw that the dishes were ready, so I took the order."

Yang Ming nodded, reached for the order form and took a closer look at the dishes on it. The dishes were okay, but this soup

"Okay, you can take the food. I'll make the crucian carp and tofu soup."

After saying that, he specially explained: "Our store has a secret to cooking this soup. You haven't learned it yet. If you can be busy later, you can come over and watch while I make it."

Fu Yu nodded, and just when he was about to answer, the waiter responsible for passing the dishes hurried into the stall.

Just as she was about to speak to Fu Yu, she caught sight of Yang Ming and quickly turned around and said, "Chef Yang, the customer vomited the dish that was served just now!"

Yang Ming was stunned: "What? Which dish?"

The waiter said: "It's just shredded black fish mixed with shredded ginger. Chef Fu just cooked it and brought it to the table. The customer vomited after taking one bite!"

Yang Ming's expression suddenly changed, and he turned to look at Fu Yu: "How do you cook this dish? Can you make customers vomit after eating it?"

Fu Yu was also surprised!

They just started cooking and taking orders today. All the ingredients and seasonings are brand new, and the cooking operations are quite satisfactory. There is no random innovation or cheating.

Make sure the dishes taste very authentic, how can you still make customers vomit after eating them so well?

However, this is not the time to defend.

Fu Yu quickly put down what he was doing and said to the waiter: "How is the customer doing now? Let me go over and take a look!"

After saying that, he did not leave immediately, but turned to look at Yang Ming, waiting for him to make a decision.

There is no way, he is not able to handle emergencies on his own in his current situation.

No matter how impatient Fu Yu was, he had to wait for Yang Ming's instructions before taking action.

Yang Ming said decisively: "Let's go and take a look first! Listen to me in everything for a while, don't be impulsive!"

Fu Yu is the head chef and must show up to deal with it. After all, they are an open cooking environment, and every move in the kitchen can be clearly seen by customers in the dining area.

When they arrived at the dining area, they saw a mother and son sitting at the dining table. The mother looked anxious and was holding a wet wipe ready to hand to her son.

The young man's face was ugly, and he leaned back on the chair with his head frowning.

He just took a bite of food and felt nauseated and vomited.

Fortunately, he had the hand wipes given during the meal on hand, and he spat directly into the wipes without staining his body.

The mother looked concerned and asked: "How are you feeling? Do you still want to vomit? The waiter brought the bag over!"

The young man waved his hands, looking very disgusted and uncomfortable. (End of chapter)

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