Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1097 A false alarm

Fu Yu saw this scene when he followed Yang Ming to the dining area.

The boy's condition looked so bad. Even though he knew that the ingredients and cooking should be fine, Fu Yu couldn't help but feel worried.

Wouldn't it really eat people up?

The waiter came forward first to introduce the customer.

When I heard that the chef in charge had come over, my mother immediately complained angrily: "How did you cook this dish? Are the ingredients not fresh? My son vomited after just one bite!"

After Liu Li finished speaking, her eyes suddenly turned red.

"My son came here today to participate in a technology exhibition and sales event. He still has works to display. Now that it has happened like this, what should I do? Who will be responsible!"

Liu Li couldn't help but choked up when she finished speaking.

She was really scared when she looked at her son's appearance!

The boy was in very bad condition, his face was pale, and he was retching from time to time.

Liu Li was completely panicked. She originally accompanied her children to the Science and Technology Expo to participate in the work display. What a proud and glorious thing, but before she even got on stage, she became like this!

If you are unable to perform on stage and miss this event, you will not only lose the opportunity to showcase yourself, but also the bonus points for further studies, generous bonuses, certificates issued by the school and the government, and even the reputation of many people in the technology circle. Opportunity to appear in front of experts!

Thinking of this, Liu Li was almost going crazy!

Liu Li is not from the capital, but works in the capital with her husband.

Liu Li sells bedding in the mall, and her husband does measurements at the construction site.

After seven or eight years of hard work, I finally saved up money, moved from a cheap basement to an old community and rented a small house, but at least it had windows facing the sun.

The child had been staying in his hometown and was taken care of by his grandparents.

The couple lived frugally and worked hard to save money while dividing the money they earned in half. They mailed it back to their hometown on time every month to support their elderly and children.

Such family situations are common in their hometowns. The capital costs a lot, but there are many opportunities to make money. They save more. The money sent home can make the living conditions of the elderly and children better.

They were quite willing at first, but as the years go by, they gradually find that their children are no longer close to them. Even if they go back to their hometown every year with great difficulty, their children no longer seem surprised and even become more and more strange to them.

This made Liu Li and his wife very depressed and very self-blame.

During that time, there were frequent discussions on the Internet about left-behind children, and these cases stung the hearts of the couple.

Therefore, Liu Li and his wife thoroughly reviewed their arrangements for their children.

After thinking about it, I think that if I continue like this, I will definitely lose the love of my children. In the future, my children will not be close to me when I grow old.

And the education level in my hometown is indeed not good.

So the two gritted their teeth and spent more than double the rent to move to a new house. They also took their children from their hometown and took them with them personally.

Even if you work harder and live more frugally, you can't let your children completely separate from you.

To put it bluntly, as a parent, you not only want your children to be well, but also want your children to be close to you. After all, raising children to provide for old age is a deeply ingrained concept.

Fortunately, their efforts were not in vain. Their children became closer and closer to them, and they were really up to their game. Their academic performance was particularly good. This year, they even won the opportunity to participate in an international science and technology exhibition.

This thing is really something to be proud of. It was a large-scale event on an international scale. What a rare opportunity to stand out!

If I can really pass this event and get a place in the school, I might be exempted from going back to my hometown to take the college entrance examination.

For families like them who cannot settle down in the capital, their children are not eligible to take the college entrance examination there. They have to go back to their hometown to attend high school for a year before they can take the unified college entrance examination.

If this year is delayed, the impact on children's learning will be great.

However, I came to participate in the event with high hopes, thinking that I would perform on stage in the afternoon, and I took the meal ticket to have a big meal. As a result, the child only tasted two bites of the food and suddenly became nauseated and vomited!

This shocked Liu Li!

Her first reaction was to ask the waiter for an explanation!

How is this dish made?

It can make people sick and vomit, so what is going on?

The food is rotten?


Used smelly meat and rotten seafood? !

Liu Li yelled at the waiter, and she was so anxious that she almost cried!

She got married early, and even though her children were in high school, she was only in her thirties. She couldn't calm down at all when things happened, and she was in a panic. In addition to blaming everyone and everyone, complaining about the food at the food stall, she also regretted that she shouldn't have thought about it. Use your meal ticket to eat a good meal and take advantage of it.

Especially since this meal ticket is a competition subsidy given by the child's school.

If I had known better, I would have bought something else to eat. What kind of river fish feast would I try?

At this moment, the waiter and the chef hurried over.

"How did you cook this dish! I want to file a complaint against you!"

"My son has vomited after eating. He will have to participate in a demonstration event soon. How can he get on stage!"

Yang Ming took a step forward and said to Liu Li: "Don't worry, if there is a problem with the dishes, we will definitely take full responsibility!"

After saying that, he moved closer to check the boy's condition.

The boy no longer retched, his eyes were red due to nausea, but now his whole body was obviously starting to calm down.

Yang Ming asked: "How do you feel now? Do you need to call an ambulance?"

The young man waved his hands, and when he spoke, his voice was a little hoarse: "No, no need, I just don't eat well and feel a little nauseous."

When Liu Li heard this, she immediately became even more angry. She cried and accused: "We came here specially to taste the dishes of Kaijiang Banquet, but we only tasted two dishes and the child vomited."

After hearing Liu Li's words, Fu Yu keenly captured a few key words.

A total of two dishes were served, and the boy tasted both before he vomited.

Could it be that there are some ingredients that you are not used to?

After all, these two dishes that are already on the table are the specialty of the store and are usually very popular with customers.

And because we opened a store in the capital, the taste of many dishes has been adjusted. While trying to ensure the authentic taste, we also strive to cater to the dining preferences of local people.

After all, the soil and water support one person, and the people in the capital must have slightly different food preferences.

Yang Ming naturally thought of what Fu Yu thought of.

He hurried forward, glanced at the dishes on the table, and then reached out to taste the dishes from two plates.

As soon as I ate it, my heart suddenly dropped to the ground.

There is no problem with the taste, it tastes very authentic and the taste is very satisfying.

The most important thing is that the ingredients taste very fresh and there is no strange smell.

However, there is nothing wrong with this dish, but the boy was so stunned that he vomited after eating it. This should be a personal matter.

You can't get used to this bite, or you may be allergic to a certain ingredient.

These are possible.

Yang Ming asked tentatively: "Does this dish not suit your taste?"

The young man remained silent.

Liu Li became anxious when she heard this: "What nonsense? If you eat well, will you feel sick and vomited?!"

Fu Yu followed closely and took a bite from each dish. He took the spoon himself and the ingredients were all checked and there was nothing wrong with them.

Now that I'm eating it, there's really nothing wrong with it.

Fu Yu couldn't help but frown!

These two dishes are more popular in terms of taste and ingredients. How can you not get used to them?

And if you have allergies or ingredients that you don’t usually eat, you can usually add a note when ordering, or even tell the waiter, and the chef will pay special attention to it.


There are no special requirements for the dishes that customers order.

It shows that customers don’t pay attention to this aspect at all.

But judging from the boy's condition, it seems that he is completely intolerable to the taste of the dishes or a certain ingredient, or is even allergic.

This situation certainly manifests itself in daily life.

Even if the child doesn't notice it, doesn't it mean that the parents don't notice it either?

Liu Li was acting up and arguing with Yang Ming at the top of her lungs.

There were people starting to poke their heads around and watch.

If the commotion continues like this, the security personnel at the event site will come over.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu took two steps forward, got close to the boy, took a closer look, turned to the noisy Liu Li and said, "Madam, your son's condition should be food allergies.

Our store just came to participate in the event today. All the ingredients and tableware are newly purchased, and the seafood is still being raised in the pool.

I cooked these two dishes myself. You just ate them and probably only tasted one or two of them as soon as they came out of the pot. If the ingredients were really not fresh, you would definitely be able to taste them right away.

If you can't taste it, you won't have an attack as soon as you swallow it.

Think about it, is this true?

The child's condition doesn't look right. If it's really a food allergy, we'd better call 120 first, or we'll send a car to take you to the hospital for a check-up.

Don't really delay your child's condition. "

When Liu Li heard Fu Yu's words, she retorted at first. After hearing this, she immediately became a little scared.

Seeing this, Fu Yu couldn't help but said: "Some allergy symptoms are quite serious. I have seen people suffer from heart failure due to eating allergic ingredients. The child is still young. It seems that this is not the case. Is it the first time?

Haven't you noticed it before?

If we know the food that caused the allergy or the symptoms after the onset, we can also see whether to call 120 immediately or go to the hospital for treatment on our own. "

Liu Li was already panicking, but when she heard what Fu Yu said, she was dumbfounded.

She subconsciously looked at her son sitting next to her.

The young man had obviously calmed down a bit at this time.

The waitress was very enthusiastic and helped to pour a glass of warm water. The boy took a few sips from the cup, and the nauseating feeling was reduced a lot.

Yang Ming had just been sharply criticized by Liu Li. Now he was getting angry just looking at this woman. He was also worried that the security personnel at the event would be attracted, so he could only try to control his temper and try to communicate with her properly.

Now that he heard Fu Yu's words, he immediately grasped the key point and asked: "That's right! This dish is still hot when you eat it. It should have just been served. It's okay for you to eat it. The child vomited after just one bite. This is definitely not a problem with the food.

Does your child have any allergies? Or is there something in this dish that he won’t eat? Has this happened before? "

Liu Li was about to answer, but suddenly realized that she didn't know what to say!

It wasn't until this moment that she suddenly realized that she knew nothing about her child's dietary preferences!

As a mother, she couldn't even answer such a basic question!

As a mother, she knew nothing about the child's health, what the child liked to eat and what he didn't like to eat, what the child had experienced and what he had encountered.

Thinking back carefully, although they brought their children to live with them in the capital, they were usually busy with work. Apart from giving money every day and doing laundry, they really had no free time to pay more attention to their children's food and drink.

The main reason is that she is too busy. She arrives at work at the mall at 7:30 every day. The house she rents is far away and she has to leave at 6 in the morning. She only gets two days off per month. She prefers to work at the artificial site until the end of one project. , it’s good to have two days off.

The child eats three meals a day with her own money, and has never eaten a meal cooked by her.

Thinking of this, Liu Li's original hysterical attitude suddenly turned into self-blame and guilt.

With red eyes, she looked at her son beside her.

At this moment, she was filled with a sense of debt to her son.

Are you really a qualified mother?

Did you do the right thing when you brought your son over from your hometown?

Thinking of this, Liu Li burst into tears.

She turned to look at her son and asked with a choked voice: "Son, why are you feeling so uncomfortable? Are you not used to the taste of this dish, or are you allergic to something?"

At this time, Fu Yu had already quickly gone through all the ingredients that would be used in cooking these two dishes in his mind.

There are not many ingredients that are likely to cause allergies.

Yang Ming asked kindly: "Why don't you go to the hospital for a check-up?"

Liu Li was still worried about the event display before, but now she was filled with guilt for her son and said without thinking: "Okay, I'll take him to the hospital for a checkup first!"

Hearing that he was going to the hospital, the boy couldn't sit still anymore and hurriedly said: "No need to go to the hospital, I'm fine."

Liu Li became anxious when she heard this: "I've already vomited, how can I say it's okay?"

The young man said nonchalantly: "I, I just can't eat ginger, I can't stand the taste, and I feel sick when I eat it.

Maybe I didn't have time to eat in the morning. I just ate a piece of ginger on an empty stomach and vomited without holding it back. "

Liu Li asked in surprise: "You can't eat ginger?"

The young man nodded: "Well, I don't like the strange smell of ginger, so I don't usually eat it."

Liu Li couldn't help complaining: "I can't eat it. Why didn't you say just now?"

The young man explained awkwardly: "It took a lot of effort for you to have a meal with me. I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

Liu Li: "."

When Fu Yu and Yang Ming heard this, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

Are you nauseous and vomiting because you can't get used to ginger?

That shouldn't be a big problem.

It seems to be a false alarm! (End of chapter)

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