Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1098 The soup cannot be changed

When Liu Li heard her son's words, she was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes suddenly became hazy.

She quickly turned around, hugged her son into her arms, and choked: "You silly child! No matter what, you can't wrong yourself! You make your mother feel so uncomfortable. It's not right for me either. I usually talk to your dad. I only care about working to make money and don’t care enough about you.”

Later, I was so sad that I couldn't even speak clearly.

The boy's eyes were also red, but he still managed to stretch out his hand and pat his mother's back: "Mom, it's not your fault, it's all my fault. I just wanted to have dinner with you and spend time with you. I didn't think so. If this happens, I will definitely not be brave next time."

Liu Li felt even more distressed when she heard that her son was so sensible.

After the boy comforted her for a few words, seeing his mother so sad, he started crying too.

Fu Yu couldn't help but sigh and asked: "Since you can't eat ginger, then this dish should be withdrawn. I don't know what time your afternoon activities will be. If it's late, I can change the dish for you. How about cooking the rest of the dishes without ginger?"

Liu Li cried hard. The excitement caused by fear and self-blame slowly calmed down a little. She took the tissue handed by the waiter and wiped her face.

She really wasn't in the mood to eat right now, and after her mood swings, she had no appetite at all.

Fu Yu suggested again: "The child didn't eat in the morning, and now he has just vomited. It will definitely be uncomfortable with an empty stomach. I will hurry up and cook. If you are not in a hurry, you should finish eating before leaving?"

After hearing this, Liu Li nodded.

If she were on her own, she could eat this meal or not.

But the child has an empty stomach and has just finished vomiting. How can his body bear it?

She was temporarily transferred to work with her colleagues today. She went to the store in the morning to help prepare the goods. After finishing everything, she made an appointment with her son to meet directly at the entrance of the Convention and Exhibition Center. She didn't even know that her son hadn't even eaten in the morning.

They say that eating people is short-tongued.

Liu Ligang made a hysterical fuss, but now she realizes that the whole thing has nothing to do with the food stall.

Reason came back, and I suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

She said apologetically: "Okay, I'll trouble you. I was too impulsive just now. I'm really sorry. I just saw my son vomiting suddenly and I was too impatient. Don't mind me! I'm sorry, really, I didn't mean it. of!"

As she said this, she solemnly apologized to Yang Ming.

The customer's attitude improved, and Yang Ming hurriedly responded: "It's okay, I understand. Then just wait a moment, we'll hurry up and cook and serve the food as soon as possible."

After that, he took Fu Yu back to the stall.

Seeing tears still hanging on his mother's face, the boy handed over a tissue and whispered: "Mom, I'm fine, really! Don't be sad.

I understand how hard it is for you and your dad, but you don’t have to be like this. I just really cherish being able to have dinner with you today. "

Liu Li sobbed twice more, and then said in a choked voice: "Silly boy, mom is not sad, mom feels sorry for you!

Mom made a mistake before. She only wanted to make more money so that you could live a better life, but she forgot to accompany you.

Mom loves you very much. I will definitely spend more time with you in the future. "

The boy immediately reached out and hugged his mother, and said with a smile in his eyes: "Mom, when I grow up, I will be able to earn money to support you and dad, so that you will no longer have to work so hard."

Liu Li looked at this sensible child, couldn't help but take a deep breath, and hugged her son tightly: "Okay, then mom will cook for you at home every day and stay with you."

When Fu Yu walked back, he happened to hear the conversation between mother and son and couldn't help but sigh.

This is the tragedy of beating workers!

If you want to provide your children with a better living environment, you have to sacrifice time with them.

The way mother and son hugged each other and cried just now deeply touched Fu Yu's heartstrings.

He remembered that he had gone to Bei'an to study with his parents.

It was the same scene at the school gate when his parents pulled him reluctantly but had no way to stay.

It was rare for mother and son to have a meal outside, so Fu Yu thought of making a table for them.

Such a sensible child and such a hard-working mother deserve a delicious meal.

In the kitchen behind the stall.

Peng Zebang and Yang Zhichao gathered around, one of them followed the instructions to prepare the dishes, and at the same time asked about the progress of the matter.

Fu Yu briefly talked to Yang Zhichao, and Yang Zhichao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the dishes would be changed.

What happened in the dining area just now, they were in the stall. Although they couldn't hear clearly, they could see that the customers were obviously very excited.

Now that the matter is solved, a lot of trouble can be saved.

The activity center has particularly high requirements for service management. If things get really noisy, it will have a huge impact on the reputation of the store.

Fu Yu stood in front of the kitchen counter and sorted out the recipes first.

The shredded black fish mixed with shredded ginger and old-fashioned squirrel fish that was just served has already made the customer vomit.

These two dishes have to be replaced.

The braised flower loach in sauce that is being cooked in the pot can be kept. Although ginger slices are used when cooking, the flower loach itself has a strong flavor. In addition, it is braised in sauce. After cooking, the taste of ginger is basically covered. , can't taste it at all.

I originally planned to make the remaining crucian carp and tofu soup when Yang Ming came back. On the one hand, I could watch Yang Ming show off his cooking skills, and on the other hand, Fu Yu had just started cooking, and everyone around him had warned him before he cooked it rashly. not too good.

It's just right now, no food was wasted.

But I'm afraid this soup needs to be changed.

When the crucian carp and tofu soup is cooked, the ginger slices are mixed into the soup and simmered together. You can definitely taste a little ginger flavor in the end.

A young man who hates ginger so much might not be able to accept it.

If you want to make soup, you have to switch to a soup that does not use ginger.

Fu Yu thought about it for a moment, then turned to Yang Ming and said, "Chef Yang, I'll take this order. If the customer can't eat ginger, then replace the shredded black fish meat with shredded ginger and the traditional old-fashioned squirrel fish with other dishes.

The crucian carp and tofu soup should not be cooked, so I thought of replacing it with dace fish soup. The dace I bought this morning was quite fresh, so it was suitable for making soup. "

As soon as these words came out, the kitchen suddenly became quiet!

Peng Zebang and others looked at Fu Yu in surprise!

Dace stew?

In comparison, crucian carp tofu soup tastes more delicious, right?

Yang Ming on the side suddenly changed his expression when he heard Fu Yu's words. Without any hesitation, he refused directly: "The soup cannot be changed!"

The customer just doesn't eat ginger. When stewing the soup, you don't need to put the ginger slices. The fish soup may not be as delicious as the regular stew, but the taste is not much different.

The female customer's behavior just now made Yang Ming feel frightened.

The soup was originally ordered by the customer, so it is safer to cook it as is.

If the soup is not to the taste, the customers may turn against you.

When Fu Yu heard this, he suddenly became anxious: "But, Chef Yang, that kid..."

Before Fu Yu finished speaking, Yang Ming interrupted directly: "I understand what you mean, but do you know why the cooking methods of dace in the store are mainly steaming, pan-frying and kneading balls?

Because the dace fish is very fishy and cannot be covered with ginger, the fish soup is not easy to stew, and customers may not like to drink it.

Now that the customer's mood has just stabilized, let's cook conservatively! "

Yang Ming righteously rejected Fu Yu's proposal.

Fu Yu hurriedly explained: "No, Chef Yang, I understand what you mean, but there is a way to make dace fish soup without using ginger to remove the fishy smell!

If ginger is not added to the crucian carp soup, the taste of the fish itself will not be covered after cooking. The beany smell plus the fishy smell will be mixed together, which will definitely affect the taste!

The child had just finished vomiting, and now he was not feeling sick anymore. I was afraid that he would not be able to drink the soup. Since I promised to change the dishes, I think it should be based on the customer's personal situation.

What’s the point of cooking if it’s just to play it safe?

We come here to participate in the event just to promote the dishes in the store and give customers a very good dining experience. Otherwise, what is the point of participating in this event? "

Yang Ming frowned and stared at Fu Yu: "At least we can ensure that customers can leave smoothly after eating normally! Can you guarantee that the dace fish soup you cook will satisfy customers?"

Fu Yu's mind flashed: "I can!"

Peng Zebang and Yang Zhichao were stunned as they listened.

Yang Ming also took a deep breath and turned to look at the mother and son in the dining area outside. The two no longer hugged each other and cried, but turned their heads and talked.

He had also heard the conversation between mother and son just now, and he must have sympathy, but the female customer's unyielding attitude still made him hesitate.

When the two people were arguing just now, they were so emotional that they didn't deliberately lower their voices.

Li Dongxu had been busy taking orders before. When the incident happened, he heard the news but couldn't take action.

He called Peng Zebang to inquire about the situation.

Peng Zebang said it clearly.

After hearing this, Li Dongxu was so frightened that his blood pressure soared!

"What? The customer vomited after eating? No, no, no, I have to take a look right away!"

Li Dongxu's movements of the spoon were out of rhythm!

He was almost scared to death by Fu Yu!

Tell me about you. Just after you were qualified to serve, you made customers vomit!

What kind of dish is this?

With normal cooking, no matter how unpalatable it is, it won’t make customers so sick, right?

Li Dongxu felt panicked.

However, the ingredients for the pot of food in his hand had just started to stir-fry, and Yang Ming and Fu Yu were not around, so he did not dare to hand it over to others for cooking.

Li Dongxu shook the spoon and told Peng Zebang: "Go and keep an eye on it. If anything happens in the dining area, come over and tell me right away!"

After Peng Zebang left, Lin Shen, who was helping the chef, couldn't help but said: "Chef Li, our ingredients are all newly purchased today. Where is Fu Chu's cooking skills? It shouldn't be a problem with the dishes."

Li Dongxu said helplessly: "I know it too, but the customer just ate the food he cooked and then vomited!"

Lin Shen was speechless!

After a while, Peng Zebang happened to find a waiter to prepare dishes, and stopped by to report: "Chef Li, the customer is fine. It's because he can't eat the ginger flavor himself, and he didn't say hello. Now that we've finished communicating, we decided to change the dishes.

But Chef Fu and Chef Yang are currently quarreling about changing the soup."

Li Dongxu listened to Peng Zebang's words and quickly took out the fried ingredients from the pot and put them on the plate.

After hearing what Peng Zebang said, I was stunned!

Lin Shenshi has been working as a cook under Li Dongxu for nearly a year and knows Li Dongxu's character very well.

Seeing Li Dongxu's face turn dark, he hurriedly picked up the used wok and moved aside while washing the pot.

Li Dongxu's kitchen counter was located near the innermost side, and there was a sideboard separated from Yang Ming and Fu Yu's kitchen counters. He looked up and saw Fu Yu and Yang Ming standing at the stall door talking.

"Xiao Peng, you go prepare the food first, and I'll go take a look."

After saying that, he quickly walked around the sideboard and walked towards Yang Ming and Fu Yu!

On this side, Lin Shenshi asked curiously: "Hey, this soup doesn't need ginger to remove the smell. Is it not fishy?"

Peng Zebang shook his head: "Chef Fu said there is a way to remove the fishy smell without using ginger."

Lin Shen suddenly became interested: "Really? What method?"

Peng Zebang shrugged: "I don't know, Chef Fu didn't say, I have to prepare the dishes!"

After saying that, Peng Zebang went to the food preparation area.

Lin Shenshi was washing the pot with his hands and turned his head to stare at Fu Yu, always paying attention to the movement.

It was such a short walk from his kitchen counter to the stall door. Li Dong didn't show it on his face, but he was actually feeling anxious and panicked!

He is the team leader of this event. No matter what happens, he will be responsible for it in the end!

And Fu Yu's qualification for taking charge today was his final approval!

At that time, he only considered that Fu Yu's cooking skills were not good, but he ignored the man's ability to deal with things.

You must know that the possibility of unexpected events is much higher when participating in such activities than when working in a store!

The chef does not just sit in the stall and cook. He also needs to adapt to various situations and solve them satisfactorily.

At that time, he observed that Fu Yu was good at cooking and had a gentle personality. Even if such a person made a mistake, it would not be a big problem and he should be able to cover it up.


At this time, Li Dongxu suddenly regretted it!

He felt that he was a little too impulsive, so he shouldn't have let Fu Yu take charge too early!

Now that I think about it carefully, I feel that this step I took was too reckless and unsafe!

It's all Fu Yu's fault. He performed too well in the kitchen before.

Whether it was Yang Ming's strong recommendation or his own observation, he felt that this boy was indeed outstanding, which inspired him to cherish talents.

Thinking of this, Li Dongxu's face turned completely dark!

Fu Yu was in a hurry to speak. At this time, he realized that he was a little too impulsive. He took a deep breath and said to Yang Ming: "Sorry, Chef Yang, I was a little excited just now."

Yang Ming shook his head: "It's okay, it's all for work, I understand!"

He usually followed Li Dongxu, not to mention being scolded, reprimanded, annoyed, and kicked.

That scene can shock people!

Just as Fu Yu said, customers cannot eat ginger, so they must find a way to remove this ingredient when cooking. (End of chapter)

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